2019七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3Section B Self-Check1.1. ForFor manymany students,itstudents,it isis easeasy y toto getget toto school.school. 对于许多学生而言对于许多学生而言, ,去学校很容易。去学校很容易。It is +形容词+不定式,是固定句式,意思是“做某事怎么样”; 这是一个动词不定式作主语的句型,但不写在句首,用 it 代替。不定式前可加 for.短语,作不定式的主语。如:Its very important for us to study English well. 对我们来说

2、,学好英语很重要。It is difficult to finish the work today. 今天完成工作太困难了。2.2. ThereThere isis a a veryvery bigbig riverriver betweenbetween theirtheir schoolschool andand thethe village.village. 他们的学校与村庄之他们的学校与村庄之间有一条大河。间有一条大河。between.and 意思是“在之间”。多指两者之间,也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此之间清楚的独立个体关系。如:The Yalu River is between C

3、hina and Korea. 鸭绿江介于中朝两国之间。3.3. OneOne 11-year-old11-year-old boy,Liangliang,crossesboy,Liangliang,crosses thethe riverriver everyevery schoolschool day.day. ButBut hehe isis notnot afraid.afraid. 亮亮亮亮, ,一个一个 1111 岁的男孩岁的男孩, ,周一至周五每天过河周一至周五每天过河, ,但他并不害怕。但他并不害怕。(1)11-year-old 是复合形容词,其构成形式是:“数词+名词+形容词

4、”,中间加连字符。名词必须用单数形式。只能用作定语。注意前面的冠词要依据数字的首字母音素确定。如:He has a one-year-old son. 他有一个一岁的儿子。(one 是以辅音因素/w/开头,因此冠词用 a。)The winner is an eight-year-old girl. 获奖者是一位 8 岁的小姑娘。(eight 是以元音因素/ei/开头,因此冠词用 an。)(2)cross 是动词,意思是“跨过,穿过”。如:He is afraid to cross the bridge. 他害怕过那座桥。(3)school day 意思是“上学的日子”,也可以说 weekday

5、,多指星期一至星期五,与 weekend 形成互补。类似表达还有:work day 工作日。如:The old friends met and talked about their school days.老朋友会面,谈起了他们在学校度过的时光。(4)afraid 是形容词,意思是“怕,害怕”,多用作表语。如:【拓展】afraid 不能修饰名词,通常与 be 动词连用,构成系表结构,常用结构有 be afraid of doing sth.和 be afraid to do sth.,两者含义大致相同,意为“害怕(做) ”、“不敢(做) 2”。如:Im afraid to tell(of te

6、lling) her. 我不敢告诉她。She is afraid to go(of going) out alone late at night. 她很怕深夜独自外出。4.4. I I lovelove toto playplay withwith mymy classmates.classmates. 我喜欢跟同学们一起玩。我喜欢跟同学们一起玩。(1)love 意思是“喜欢,热爱”。如:He loves his mother.他爱他的母亲。He loves playing football very much.他非常喜爱踢足球。辨析: like,love 与 enjoylike 喜欢,喜欢朋

7、友、同事或者某件东西、某事,但是比 love 的程度要浅。like 的反义词dislike 如:I like fish and vegetables very much. 我非常喜欢吃鱼和蔬菜。love 指“深情的爱”,常用于祖国、亲友或异性等方面,如:Love me,love my dog.(谚)爱屋及乌。We love each other. We want to spend our lives together. 我们彼此相爱。我们希望共度一生。enjoy vt.享受的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱 主要强调从中得到了乐趣。如:Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera

8、. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。All over the world,men and women,boys and girls enjoy sports. 全世界的男女老少都喜爱运动。 (2)play with 意思是“跟玩,玩耍”。如:Can you play with a yo-yo? 你会玩悠悠球吗?5.5. ItIt isis reallyreally theirtheir dreamdream toto haha veve a a bridge.bridge. 有一座桥真是他们的梦想。有一座桥真是他们的梦想。(1)It 是形式主语,真正主语为不定式短语 to have a brid

9、ge。如:Its a very good idea to go swimming in summer.在夏天去游泳是一个非常好的主意。Its a good idea to recite the English words in the morning. 早晨背英语单词倒是个不错的办法。(2)dream 这里用作名词,意思是“梦,梦想”。如:His dream of being a doctor has come true. 他当医生的愿望实现了。I remembered my grandfather in my dream last night. 昨晚我梦见了我的外祖父。3【拓展】dream

10、还可以作动词;dream of 意思是“梦想”。如:He would not dream of becoming a doctor. 他做梦也没想到要当大夫。 6.6. CanCan theirtheir dreamdream comecome true?true? 他们的梦想能实现吗他们的梦想能实现吗? ?(1)come true 意思是“实现,成真”。如:Our wish for better times has come true. 我们要过好日子的愿望已实现。【拓展】come 构成的短语还有:come back 回来;come down 下来;come in 进来,进入;come on

11、 加油,走吧;come out 出来;come out of 从出来;come up 上来;come from 来自。 7.7. TheThe busbus rideride isis nevernever boringboring becausebecause I I alwaysalways talktalk toto mymy classmates.classmates. 乘校车的途中从乘校车的途中从不乏味因为我总是与同学说话。不乏味因为我总是与同学说话。(1)boring 意思是“无聊的,乏味的”,多用于说明事物的特质。如:It was boring to sit there with

12、out anything to do. 无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。表示人物的品质不用 boring,而用 bored。如:boring 是指事物让人感到无聊、无趣、枯燥,指事物本身无趣,主语是物。如:She finds it boring to stay at home. 她觉得待在家中很无聊。bored 是指人感到无聊、无趣、枯燥,是指使人感到厌烦,主语是人。如:I never get bored reading and rereading this book.这本书我看了多少遍都不觉得腻烦。 (2)talk to 意思是“对讲话,找谈话”。如:Im going to talk to Da

13、ddy about it right now. 我现在就去跟爸爸谈谈这件事。辨析: talk to,talk with,talk about,talk oftalk to 作“对讲”解,有时指上级对下级,含有“训话”的意味;而 talk with 则表示“同讲话”。试比较:The teacher is talking to his students. 老师正在对学生们讲话。The teacher is talking with his students. 老师正跟学生们聊天。talk about“谈论”,后接谈话的内容,宾语可以是人,也可以是物。如:What are you talking a

14、bout ? 你们在谈论什么?Lets not talk about it now. 咱们别谈这事了。talk of“谈到、谈及”,与 talk about 同义,只是 talk of 仅指“浅谈表面现象(如作者、书名等)”如:We often talk of you. 我们常谈到你。4例 1 (2012湖南湘潭)It is polite _ a gift when you visit somebody for the first time.A. take B.king C. to take【解析】 本题考查非谓语动词的用法。考查主系表结构后加动词不定式,it 是形式主语,后面的不定式是真正的

15、主语。【答案】 C。例 2 The accident happened _ 7 p.m. _ 9 p.m.A. from;to B. between;to C. from;and D. between;and【解析】 本题考查的是介词的用法。事故的发生是一瞬间的,不应该是连续性的,“between. and”表示在之间。句意:这个事故发生在晚上 7 点至 9 点之间。故选 D。【答案】 D。例 3 A _ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C.

16、three years old【解析】 固定知识点。a three-year-old girl 意为“一个三岁的女孩”,“three-year-old”为 adj.,意为“三岁的”。【答案】 A。例 4 Cao Wenxuans new book has just _. Lets go and buy one.A. come over B. come downC. come on D. come out【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。come over“顺便来访”;come down“下来”;come on“加油”;come out“出版”。根据句意“新书已经出版了”,所以选 D。【答案】 D。例 5 The theme of the Youth Olympics in Nanjing is “Talk _ the world,and share our dreams.”A. with B. at C. over D. from【解析】 考查介词的用法。talk with 为固定词组,意为“与交谈”。故选 A。【答案】 A。5


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