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1、会计学1whom引导的定语从句引导的定语从句n n1.The teacher that1.The teacher that lives in the lives in the center of the city center of the city staystayeded in in LondonLondon for some timefor some time last year.last year.n n2.Can you see the house 2.Can you see the house that is full that is full of smokeof smoke?n

2、 n3.Do you know the woman 3.Do you know the woman that that always stood here just nowalways stood here just now?n n4.Her hair is longer than 4.Her hair is longer than any other any other membermembers s/the other member the other members s in in her family.her family.n n5.That map of China is 5.Tha

3、t map of China is rightright over over the blackboard.the blackboard.第1页/共17页n nShe said She said that she was proud to be a cleanerthat she was proud to be a cleaner.n n7.Did you use to 7.Did you use to bebe late for school?late for school?n n8.My brother has just got/been used to 8.My brother has

4、just got/been used to workingworking in the factory.in the factory.第2页/共17页n定语从句定语从句 Attributive clause with Attributive clause with(which/whowhich/who)第3页/共17页n nModule 7Module 7我们学了由我们学了由我们学了由我们学了由that that 引导的定语从句,本模块我们学习引导的定语从句,本模块我们学习引导的定语从句,本模块我们学习引导的定语从句,本模块我们学习由由由由whowho和和和和whichwhich引导的定语从句

5、。引导的定语从句。引导的定语从句。引导的定语从句。n n在定语从句中,如果先行词是物,引导词可用在定语从句中,如果先行词是物,引导词可用在定语从句中,如果先行词是物,引导词可用在定语从句中,如果先行词是物,引导词可用which/thatwhich/that。n nEgEg:刚开走的那列火车是开往上海的。:刚开走的那列火车是开往上海的。:刚开走的那列火车是开往上海的。:刚开走的那列火车是开往上海的。n nTheThe traintrain which/thatwhich/that has just left has just left is for Shanghai.is for Shangha

6、i.n n墙上的那幅画是墙上的那幅画是墙上的那幅画是墙上的那幅画是JohnJohn画的。画的。画的。画的。n nThe The picturepicture which/thatwhich/that is on the wall is on the wall is drawn by John.is drawn by John.第4页/共17页n n足球是受大多数男孩喜欢的游戏。足球是受大多数男孩喜欢的游戏。n nFootball is a game which/that is liked by most boys.n n这台正在使用的计算机是北京制造的。这台正在使用的计算机是北京制造的。n n

7、The computer which/that is being used is made in Beijing.n n他在工作的那间公司是他在工作的那间公司是1870开办的。开办的。n nThe company which/that he is working in was opened in 1870.第5页/共17页n n2.who 2.who 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句引导的定语从句引导的定语从句n n在定语从句中,先行词是人,引导词可用在定语从句中,先行词是人,引导词可用在定语从句中,先行词是人,引导词可用在定语从句中,先行词是人,引导词可用whowho或或或或 thatthat。

8、n n你认识教我们数学的李老师吗?你认识教我们数学的李老师吗?你认识教我们数学的李老师吗?你认识教我们数学的李老师吗?n nDo you knowDo you know Teacher LiTeacher Li who/thatwho/that teaches us math?teaches us math?n n正在操场上踢足球的学生是正在操场上踢足球的学生是正在操场上踢足球的学生是正在操场上踢足球的学生是3 3班的。班的。班的。班的。n nThe The studentsstudents who/thatwho/that are playing football on the playgr

9、ound are playing football on the playground are are from Class Three.from Class Three.第6页/共17页n n昨天我帮了一个迷路的老人。昨天我帮了一个迷路的老人。昨天我帮了一个迷路的老人。昨天我帮了一个迷路的老人。n nYesterday I helped an oldYesterday I helped an old man man who/thatwho/that lost his way.lost his way.n n3.who 3.who 在从句中作在从句中作在从句中作在从句中作主语主语主语主语或或或

10、或宾语宾语宾语宾语,whomwhom在从句中作宾语,常可省略在从句中作宾语,常可省略在从句中作宾语,常可省略在从句中作宾语,常可省略。n n注:在现代语法规则简化为,在大多数情况下,两者都可用注:在现代语法规则简化为,在大多数情况下,两者都可用注:在现代语法规则简化为,在大多数情况下,两者都可用注:在现代语法规则简化为,在大多数情况下,两者都可用who.who.n n刚才你遇见的那个人是我的朋友。刚才你遇见的那个人是我的朋友。刚才你遇见的那个人是我的朋友。刚才你遇见的那个人是我的朋友。n nTheThe manman who/whomwho/whom you met just now you

11、met just now is my friend.is my friend.n nThe manThe man you met just nowyou met just now is my friend.is my friend.第7页/共17页n n刘老师是你在公共汽车上谈论的那个人。刘老师是你在公共汽车上谈论的那个人。刘老师是你在公共汽车上谈论的那个人。刘老师是你在公共汽车上谈论的那个人。n nMr Liu isMr Liu is the personthe person who/whomwho/whom you talked you talked aboutabout on the b

12、uson the bus.n nMr Liu isMr Liu is the personthe person you talked about on the bus.you talked about on the bus.n n这就是你刚才找的那个作家。这就是你刚才找的那个作家。这就是你刚才找的那个作家。这就是你刚才找的那个作家。n nThis is This is the writerthe writer who/whomwho/whom you looked for just you looked for just nownow.n nThis is the writerThis is

13、the writer you looked for just nowyou looked for just now.第8页/共17页n n总结:总结:that指人时,相当于指人时,相当于who或或whom。指物时,相当于指物时,相当于which.n n在定语从句中,引导词在定语从句中,引导词that/who/whom在在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。n n我们在博物馆看到的每一样东西都很有趣。我们在博物馆看到的每一样东西都很有趣。n nEverything(that)we saw in the museum is very interesting.n

14、n我们旅途坐的车很大。我们旅途坐的车很大。n nThe car(that)we travelled in is very big 第9页/共17页知识点总结知识点总结n n下列情况一般只用下列情况一般只用下列情况一般只用下列情况一般只用that that 引导定语从句:引导定语从句:引导定语从句:引导定语从句:n n1 1)当先行词为)当先行词为)当先行词为)当先行词为everything,anything,nothing,all,none,few,littleeverything,anything,nothing,all,none,few,little等等等等词,或当先行词被词,或当先行词被

15、词,或当先行词被词,或当先行词被every,any,all,some,no,little,few,much every,any,all,some,no,little,few,much 等词修等词修等词修等词修饰时。饰时。饰时。饰时。n nEg.Eg.他所说的一切都是真的。他所说的一切都是真的。他所说的一切都是真的。他所说的一切都是真的。n nEverythingEverything thatthat he had said was true.he had said was true.n n2.2.当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。当先行词被序数词或形容

16、词最高级修饰时。当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。n n在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。n nThe first placeThe first place thatthat they visited in London was the Big Ben.they visited in London was the Big Ben.第10页/共17页n n她或许是我所教过的学生中学习最勤奋的。她或许是我所教过的学生中学习最勤奋的。她或许是我所教过的学生中学习最勤奋的。她或许是我所教过

17、的学生中学习最勤奋的。n nShe was probablyShe was probably the hardest working student the hardest working student thatthat I have ever taught.I have ever taught.n n3).3).当先行词被当先行词被当先行词被当先行词被the very,the onlythe very,the only修饰时。修饰时。修饰时。修饰时。n n这正是我要买的语法书。这正是我要买的语法书。这正是我要买的语法书。这正是我要买的语法书。n nThis is This is the v

18、ery grammar book thatthe very grammar book that I want to buy.I want to buy.n n4).4).当先行词为当先行词为当先行词为当先行词为who,which who,which 等疑问代词时。等疑问代词时。等疑问代词时。等疑问代词时。n n站在门口的那个人是谁?站在门口的那个人是谁?站在门口的那个人是谁?站在门口的那个人是谁?n nWho is the man Who is the man thatthat is standing by the gate?is standing by the gate?第11页/共17页n

19、 n5.当先行词为人与事物或动物时。当先行词为人与事物或动物时。n n掉入河里的司机和车都还没有掉入河里的司机和车都还没有找到。找到。n nThe driver and his car that fell into the river have not yet been discovered.n n6.关系代词定语从句中作表语。关系代词定语从句中作表语。n n她再也不是过去那个甜美的女她再也不是过去那个甜美的女孩了。孩了。n nShe is no longer the sweet girl that she used to be.第12页/共17页n n注意:注意:注意:注意:n n1.1.当

20、关系代词作主语,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上须和先行词一当关系代词作主语,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上须和先行词一当关系代词作主语,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上须和先行词一当关系代词作主语,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上须和先行词一致。致。致。致。n n戴眼镜的那位老人是我的奶奶。戴眼镜的那位老人是我的奶奶。戴眼镜的那位老人是我的奶奶。戴眼镜的那位老人是我的奶奶。n nThe old woman whoThe old woman who is is wearing a pair of glasses is my grandma.wearing a pair of glasses is my grandm

21、a.n n2.2.作介词宾语时,介词不能放在作介词宾语时,介词不能放在作介词宾语时,介词不能放在作介词宾语时,介词不能放在that that 前面,只能放在前面,只能放在前面,只能放在前面,只能放在which which 前面。前面。前面。前面。n n他曾经住过的房子是个会议室。他曾经住过的房子是个会议室。他曾经住过的房子是个会议室。他曾经住过的房子是个会议室。n nThe houseThe house which/thatwhich/that he once lived in is a meeting room.=The househe once lived in is a meeting

22、room.=The house in in whichwhich he once lived is a meeting room.he once lived is a meeting room.第13页/共17页 n n3.3.如果一个句子有两个定语从句,其中一句的引如果一个句子有两个定语从句,其中一句的引如果一个句子有两个定语从句,其中一句的引如果一个句子有两个定语从句,其中一句的引导词是导词是导词是导词是that that,另一个宜用,另一个宜用,另一个宜用,另一个宜用which(which(物)或物)或物)或物)或whowho(人)(人)(人)(人)n n我给你看看我在一本书读到的有一名

23、美国作家写的卡通故我给你看看我在一本书读到的有一名美国作家写的卡通故我给你看看我在一本书读到的有一名美国作家写的卡通故我给你看看我在一本书读到的有一名美国作家写的卡通故事。事。事。事。n nLet me show you the cartoon story Let me show you the cartoon story that that I read in a book I read in a book which which was written by an American writer.was written by an American writer.n n你昨晚看见的那个人是

24、教我们数学教的很好的老师你昨晚看见的那个人是教我们数学教的很好的老师你昨晚看见的那个人是教我们数学教的很好的老师你昨晚看见的那个人是教我们数学教的很好的老师n nThe man The man that that you met last night is our maths teacheryou met last night is our maths teacher who who teaches very well.teaches very well.第14页/共17页n n选择填空:选择填空:1.Suchmachines_areusedinourworkshoparemadeinChina.A.whichB.whoseC.as A2.Isthistheschool_youvisitedtheotherday?A.thatB.whereC.who A3.Theboy_youspoketoisanaughtyboy.A.whichB.whoseC.whom C4.Thetrain_hewastravelingonwaslate.A.whatB.whereC.whichC第15页/共17页第16页/共17页


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