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《江苏高二英语综合试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏高二英语综合试卷.pdf(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 1 高 二 英 语 综 合 试 卷 二 第 1 卷(选择题三部分共 85 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the woman looking for?A Handbags B Womens shoes C Flowers

2、 2.What is the woman probably going to do?A Visit a college B Buy some tickets C Get some money 3.What does the woman mean?A The ring is not hers.B She doesnt have gold rings.C She lost her silver ring.4.Where did the woman return from?A San Francisco B Atlanta C Los Angeles 5.What does the woman gi

3、ve to the man?A.A handbook B Some medicine C Some postgraduate work 第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。6.When did the speakers meet?A Last Monday B Last Friday

4、C Last Saturday 7.Where did they meet?A.At a ball B At a birthday party C At an outing 8.What does the man mean?A.He will work overtime.B.He will come to the party.C.His birthday is next Monday.第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。2 9.What are the speakers talking about?A.Watching a boxing match B Watching a hockey g

5、ame C Where to have dinner 10.Why should they get there a little earlier?A They can get better seats.B They can watch the warm-up.C They can avoid a traffic jam.11.When will they get there?A.At 5:15 B At 5:45 C At 5:50 听第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。12.How many people are waiting in the queue?A.About fifty B

6、At least a hundred C Hundreds of them 13.What does the woman want for lunch?A Fried rice B Pizza C A sandwich 14.How much money does the woman give the man?A$2.00 B$3.00 C$5.00 听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。15.How far did the woman walk every day during the trip?A 10 kilometers B 15kilometers C 20 kilometers

7、 16.What problem did the woman have to face?A.She didnt have any modern equipment.B.The air was too thin for her to breathe.C.There wasnt enough food.17.What did the woman enjoy most about the trip?A Clean air B Delicious food C Beautiful sunshine 听第 10 段材料,回答第 1820 题。18.In which month is Earth Day

8、celebrated?A March B April C May 19.Which of the following is an example of recycling?A Try to use less water B A plastic bag can be used many times.C Waste water can be used in another way.20.Why does the speaker say the Earth Day should be every day?A.People want to play in clean parks every day.B

9、.People should take care of the planet every day.C.People like to read the newspaper every day.3 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.My teacher asked me to copy _ article _ second time.A an;the B an;a C the;a D the;the 22.You sh

10、ouldnt take the books out of the library without the _ of the assistant.A encouragement B approval C explanation D management 23.When I try to understand _ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes.A why it does B what is it C wh

11、at it is D why it is 24.Miss Amelia left a deep impression on us while working in our school.She _ greet us with a smile whenever she met us.A must B should C would D could 25.It is like him to say what he thinks,_ other peoples feelings.A contrary to B regardless of C in response to D in terms of 2

12、6.-Wow!It is already six.I think it is time for dinner.-_.Continue tomorrow.A Well,lets call it a day.B Take your time C Thats all right D With pleasure.27.-Why are you _ your things?-Well,the fact is,Ive decided to leave.A picking up B packing up C putting up D taking up 28._,I can see that those t

13、errible events shaped me into the person I am now.A Having looked back B Looking back C Being looking back D To be looking back 29.-Have you been to the United States?-Yes,only once.I _ there only for seven days.A have stayed B was staying C stayed D had stayed 30.Is there any possibility _ the litt

14、le girl can be the champion in the London Olympics?A that B which C if D whether 31.As a writer,I like _ when people send me pictures of their lovely children reading my books.A this B that C one D it 4 32.In my opinion,parents and teachers are supposed to set an example of good behavior to children

15、_ they are role models to them.A although B even if C unless D as 33.No one believe his reasons for being late that he was caught in a traffic jam,_made him embarrassed.A it B which C that D why 34.-Tom is upset.I wish I _ him the disappointing news.-I told you not to,but you wouldnt listen.A didnt

16、tell B hadnt told C havent told D wouldnt tell 35.Maybe he really should do more exercises from now on._ I hope that he could get over soon.A Somehow B Somewhat C Anyway D Anywhere 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。People often fall ill because of m

17、e.36 ,they can hardly blame me;it is largely their own 37.A tired person may get 38,especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air.A sudden change in 39 is another factor.In hot summer,people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home.They will catch a cold easily.My latest victim

18、is an energetic student.After school,he played football hard for two hours.Though 40 ,he still went to the cinema.Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately.I seized this golden chance to 41 him.He reacted,trying to 42 me,but I was already 43 deep in his throat.He kept sneezing(打喷嚏)and

19、 his nose was running.44 he put on some warm clothes,it didnt work,for there were too many of us.Besides,his sore throat kept 45 him,and he developed a cough to force me and my family out,but 46.The next day he couldnt go to 47 .He had lost his appetite and was not as 48 as before.His mother made hi

20、m orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C,which would help his 49 For two days he was 50 by his mother.As he rested more,his defense strengthened and I began to feel the 51 .I knew I had to 52 him before long.But I am not the one who gives up easily,and I made every effort to fight back.53 ,

21、it was my turn to feel 54 now,for his defense system was starting an all-out attack against me.I became 55 and finally my time was over.Do you know what I am?5 36.A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Then 37.A.business B.responsibility C.excuse D.fault 38.A.punished B.blamed C.caught D.killed 39.A.temp

22、erature B.season C.place D.condition 40.A.excited B.hurt C.late D.tired 41.A.injure B.bother C.attack D.destroy 42.A.get on with B.get rid of C.put up with D.take hold of 43.A.reproducing B.waiting C.hiding D.disappearing 44.A.Since B.Once C.Whether D.Although 45.A.reminding B.upsetting C.comforting

23、 D.influencing 46.A.escaped B.succeeded C.regretted D.failed 47.A.bed B.work C.school D.hospital 48.A.peaceful B.afraid C.active D.happy 49.A.recovery B.development C.study D.affected 50.A.protected B.nursed C.scolded D.affected 51.A.loss B.operation C.pressure D.movement 52.A.leave B.catch C.forget

24、 D.beat 53.A.Uncertainly B.Unsuccessfully C.Unusually D.Unfortunately 54.A.painful B.disappointed C.nervous D.ashamed 55.A.bigger B.weaker C.smaller D.stronger 第三部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A In Canada and the United States,there is a new grou

25、p of children called“satellite kids”,who live in one place but whose parents live in another place.Asians are immigrating(移民)to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before.Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the West.

26、In Asia,especially in China,Japan,and Korea,it is difficult to go to university.Students must first pass the strict national examination.However,in Canada and the United States,it is easy to go to university,and anyone who wants to go can go.As a result,Asian parents decide to leave their countries

27、so that their children can go to university.The problem is that when Asians arrive,they discover that finding a job and making money 6 are more difficult in the West than in the East.Also,they find that they are very lonely,and that they miss their homes.Because of these two reasons,most Asian paren

28、ts decide to go back to work while their children study in the West.Therefore,these children become“satellite kids”,and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a“satellite kid”.Canadians and Americans are discovering the“satellite kid”problem.Because these children do not speak English

29、 and because their parents are not there to take care of them,they are often absent from school.To be a“satellite kid”means to grow up in a country where you know you are different and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak English well.Also,it means to grow up lonely,because your pa

30、rents are elsewhere.What these“satellite kids”will probably say to their parents is that its better to have parents around than to have a university education.56.Some Asian parents send their kids abroad because _.A.they hope their children may easily find a job there B.the kids may not be accepted

31、by universities in their own countries C.all foreign universities are better than the ones in their own countries D.the kids want to improve their English and make foreign friends 57.“Satellite kids”refer to Asian kids _.A.without parents B.living abroad alone C.without university education D.speaki

32、ng no English 58.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Parents want a better education for their kids.B.Parents feel lonely and miss their family.C.Canadians and Americans begin to notice the“satellite kids”problem.D.Kids in foreign countries alone are badly in need of care from family.B You know A

33、ustralia is a big country,but you may not know how easy it is to get around.The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon are just there,waiting to be reached and explored.Following are the different ways you can explore our vast country.Getting around Australia Air Flyi

34、ng is the best way to cover large distances in a short time.You can spend more time on the Australias cant-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle.Moreover,competition among airlines makes great flying fees available for you.7 Drive Australia has a vast network of well-maintained roads and some of th

35、e most beautiful touring routes in the world.You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports,central city locations,suburbs and attractions.Bus Bus travel in Australia is comfortable,easy and economical.Buses generally have air conditioning,reading lights,adjustable seats and v

36、ideos.Services are frequent,affordable and efficient.Rail Train travel is the cheapest and gives you an insight into Australias size and variety,all from the comfort of your carriage.Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities and regional centers.Ferry(轮渡)The Spirit of Tasm

37、ania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly.Extra services are running during summer rush hours.Sea-link ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo Island several times a day.Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities.Walk With easy-on-the-feel pedestr

38、ian(步行的)streets,walking is a great way to get around our cities.Besides all of above,you can also experience some of the longest paths in the world in Central Australiaimpressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.59.The underlined word“untouched”in Par

39、agraph 1 means _.A.secure B.special C.natural D.man-made 60.What can we learn from the passage?A.More travelers make the flying fees among airlines higher than before B.You can easily rent a car to explore its most beautiful touring routes C.Taking a bus tour is the most comfortable,economical and e

40、fficient way D.Train services can offer you more comfort than any other means of transport 61.Ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania runs _.A.only at night hours B.only during rush hours C.several times a day D.only in summer 8 62.From the passage,we know that _.A.pedestrian walking is a great

41、 way to travel between cities B.traveling in Central Australia takes a long time C.Central Australia has the worlds longest railway line D.you have to walk over a thousand kilometers in Australia C I have super powers,a girl named Megan whispers to her doctor in a recent TV show.Thats her explanatio

42、n for how shes able to stand painful cuts and being hit with a base-ball bat-all without feeling any pain.Across the world about a few hundred people suffer from one of many disorders(紊乱)that make them completely unable to feel pain from the time they are born.Now a new form of this disorder has bee

43、n recognized among people from northernPakistan,and scientists have tracked down the changed gene responsible for the condition.Their study could help researchers gain a better understanding of how pain works and mayhelp them develop new medicine that may reduce pain with fewer side effects.Research

44、ers discovered the latest version of the disorder when they found a youngstreet performer in Pakistan,sticking knives through his arms.Then they found six otherpeople from three families in the same area who also had the disease.These people were able to feel hot and cold,sense pressure,and could te

45、ll sharp objectstouching their skin from blunt ones.They were all believed to be of only averageintelligence.But none of them felt any pain.Surprisingly,the families were unrelated,but all of the sufferers had changes to the same gene.The changed gene causes a protein(蛋白质)to form part of a channel t

46、hat is undoubtedly important for human sense of pain.Early childhood can be awful for people without feeling any pain.They can bite endlesslyon their tongues and fingers during teething,stick their fingers in their eyes,or suffer majorinjuries without noticing.The six people studied for the Nature p

47、aper all had injuries totheir lips or tongues from biting themselves when they were young.63.The study of feeling no pain might lead to _.A.our feeling pity for the patients B.our helping the patients to recover C.our removing pains in a better way D.our curing illnesses more effectively 64.If one i

48、s born painless,his parents probably _.A.have a normal sense of pain B.have a weak sense of pain C.keep a strong sense of pain D.lack a natural sense of pain 9 65.It can be inferred from the passage that its for children who feel no pain.A.lucky B.natural C.bitter D.dangerous 66.The proper title for

49、 the passage is Feeling No Pain:_.A.Cause of the Gene Disorder Still Unknown B.New Disorder Found Throughout the World C.Way of Dealing with It Studied in Pakistan D.New Form of Rare Gene Disorder Discovered D In cities with rent control,the city government sets the maximum rent that a landlord(房东)c

50、an charge for an apartment.Supporters of rent control argue that it protects people who are living in apartments.Their rent cannot increase;therefore,they are not in danger of losing their homes.However,the critics say that after a long time,rent control may have negative effects.Landlords know that


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