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1、高二英语试卷第 1 页 共 9 页滨城高中联盟滨城高中联盟 2023-20242023-2024 学年度上学期高二学年度上学期高二 1010 月份考试月份考试英语试卷英语试卷命题人:大连市第二十高中命题人:大连市第二十高中 王玲玲王玲玲校对人:大连市第二十高中校对人:大连市第二十高中 管娟管娟第一部分听力第一部分听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例

2、:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是 C。1.When will the man visit Mrs.Brown?A.On Tuesday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.2.How often does the man swim?A.Once a week.B.Three times a week.C.Four times a week.3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Asong.B.Aclub.C.Acrowd.4.What does the

3、woman mean?A.The boy can play football now.B.The boy should finish his homework first.C.The boy has already finished his homework5.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a train station.B.On a bus.C.In a taxi.第二节(共第二节(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 22.5 分)分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从

4、题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.What are the speakers appreciating?A.Their clothes.B.Their photos.C.Their new boats.7.Why did the woman buy the dress?A.It was cheap.B.It was beautiful.C.It was in good quality.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、

5、9 题。8.Where does the man want to go?A.Agift shopB.Abarbershop.C.Alaundry.9.What might the woman be?A.Ashop assistant.B.Ahairdresser.C.Ahotel employee听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Neighbors.C.Old schoolmates.高二英语试卷第 2 页 共 9 页11.Where d

6、oes the man work now?A.At a university.B.At a travel agency.C.At a trading company.12.What does the woman think of her job?A.Relaxing.B.Interesting.C.Disappointing.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.What does the man want the woman to do for him?A.Ask for leave.B.Offer some advice.C.Contact his friends.14.Wh

7、y does the man consider going to Central University?A.Its in his hometown.B.Its study term is short.C.It has few requirements.15.What does the man have to do if he goes to Central University?A.Change his major.B.Abandon all his credits.C.Take extra courses.16.What will the man do next?A.Search for m

8、ore information.B.Move back to his hometown.C.Call his parents for some help.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.What can we know about the speakers last trip?A.It lasted for a year.B.It was a relaxing trip.C.It was around the world.18.Which is the hardest trip the speaker has ever had?A.Ajourney around the

9、world.B.A50,000-mile journey around the Pacific Ocean.C.Acar journey from the North Pole to the South Pole.19.How are the speakers programs about long trips?A.Strange.B.Inspiring.C.Ordinary.20.What does the speaker probably plan to do?A.Go on traveling.B.Become a poet.C.Do more writing.第二部分阅读理解第二部分阅

10、读理解(共两节,满分共两节,满分 50 分分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe Levine study found that non-obese individuals move around two hours more each daythan their obese counterparts,burning an additional 300-350 calories.This means that evensmall activities like walking across

11、 the room to change channels can contribute to your overallhealth and fitness.Its time to embrace your inner domestic athlete.Here are some tips to maximize your non-exercise fitness routine:Alphabetize your bookshelves:Rearranging your bookshelves can be a weight-trainingsession in disguise.Hardcov

12、er books can weigh over a kilogram,so think of them as your biglifts,and the lighter paperbacks as your warm-up.Start with the lighter weights and graduallywork your way up.Vacuum(真空吸尘真空吸尘)neglected areas:Vacuuming involves continuous movement aroundyour home,lifting and moving objects to get rid of

13、 dust.Set a timer on your phone and use theAMRAP protocol(As Many Reps As Possible).Lift as many rugs and shift as many chairs and高二英语试卷第 3 页 共 9 页tables as you can within a two-minute period,followed by a 30-second rest.This should getyour heart rate up.Dismiss the wearables from your wardrobe:Clea

14、r out your wardrobe of items that youno longer wear.Bag them up and take them to a charity shop.Each bag you carry representsfive lifts and folds.Carrying the bag downstairs and to the shop engages your stabilizingmuscles.Pick wild fruit:Take a brisk walk to a location with wild fruit,and bring a co

15、mpanion.Set an 11-minute timer and make it a competition to increase the intensity.This calorie-burningworkout is perfect for fruit thats either high or low on branches.21.According to the Levine study,what was the key difference between the non-obese groupand their obese counterparts?A.Non-obese in

16、dividuals burned fewer calories.B.Non-obese individuals moved around more and burned more calories.C.Non-obese individuals spent more time watching TV.D.Non-obese individuals had a slower heart rate.22.In which activity is theAMRAP protocol mentioned in the passage used?A.Alphabetizing bookshelvesB.

17、Vacuuming neglected areasC.Picking wild fruitD.Carrying bags to charity shops23.How does picking wild fruit contribute to a calorie-burning workout?A.It involves walking slowly to the fruit location.B.It requires constant small rests.C.Its perfect for fruit thats neither high nor low on branches.D.I

18、t encourages an intense picking competition to increase activity.BAnicka Quins insightful article,“When Music Is Medicine”in the June issue trulyresonated with me.Ive undergone three years of CT and MRI scans,and thankfully,theyve allbeen successful experiences.During one of my MRI sessions,it was s

19、uggested that I bring aCD to play while inside the scanner.I chose my favorite soothing music,and it made the entireprocess remarkably more calming and bearable.My most profound encounter with the healing power of music,however,was witnessingits impact on my late mother-in-law,who suffered from Alzh

20、eimers disease.At a care home inher nineties,she seemed lost and confused during Christmas festivities,unable to grasp thecarol sheet in her hands.Yet,as soon as the music began to play,a remarkable transformationoccurred.She sang every word to every verse with a smile on her face,as if transported

21、to adifferent time when the memories were still fresh.It is well-established that music possesses therapeutic qualities that extend far beyondmedical procedures.Even in good health,the benefits of music are abundant.Playing andlistening to music can enhance our overall well-being in various ways.For

22、 instance,itpromotes regular breathing,as we take longer breaths to sustain extended notes and phrases.Italso encourages good posture,particularly when we stand in concert mode,which can improveour physical health.高二英语试卷第 4 页 共 9 页Im a proud member of the Mendip Male Voice Choir,where we gather once

23、 a week toraise our voices in harmony.Beyond our weekly meetings,we also practice diligently at home,striving to achieve the perfect blend of voices.In addition to the joy of making music together,the friendship and fun shared among choirmembers are invaluable.Our gatherings extend beyond the rehear

24、sal room,often involvingenjoyable social activities that strengthen our bonds and contribute to our general health andwell-being.So,if youre looking for a meaningful way to enhance your life and make a positiveimpact on the lives of others,consider joining a choir.Whether youre passionate about musi

25、cor simply seeking a supportive and joyful community,there is sure to be a choir near you readyto welcome you with open arms.24.What can we infer from paragragh 1?A.The author doesnt like the article.B.The author isnt in a good health condition.C.Medical examinations are not smooth to the author.D.A

26、CD player is not allowed inside the scanner.25.Why the late mother-in-law is mentioned in paragraph 2?A.To make a comparison with the author.B.To emphasize her fading memory in her nineties.C.To prove the healing power of music.D.To describe the worse situation in the care house.26.According to the

27、article,how can music benefit our physical health?A.By promoting regular breathing and good posture.B.By speeding up heart rate and metabolism.C.By increasing stress and anxiety levels.D.By causing muscle tension and discomfort.27.What is the best title for the passage?A.Music brings friendshipB.Soc

28、ial activities are enjoyableC.Music is healingD.Community is supportiveCWith an oversized body,the humpback whale(座头鲸)is not designed for speed.Yet themarine mammal,which can reach lengths of 50 feet,is known for its impressively long travelsbetween warm-water breeding grounds in the winter and cold

29、-water feeding grounds during thesummer.“Humpbacks have proved to make the longest documented migration of any mammal,”says marine mammal research biologist John Calambokidis,who has studied the whales since1986.Although humpbacks were once hunted to near extinction,their population has increasedsin

30、ce achieving federal endangered species status.They are found in oceans all over the world.The Northern Hemisphere populations reside in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North PacificOcean.The southern group spends its time feeding off the coast of Antarctica.During the高二英语试卷第 5 页 共 9 页winter,both g

31、roups head to warmer waters for breeding and raising their young.According to Calambokidis,there is some scientific debate about why humpback whalesmigrate so far.It might be because the giant creatures,and their vulnerable newborn babies,need warmer waters to reduce energy loss during the winter.Th

32、eres also the possibility that humpback whales migrate as a strategy to escape predationby killer whales.Calambokidis says that humpback whales are able to defend themselvesagainst killer whale attacks easier if they are in shallow,warm waters rather than deepercold-water ocean regions.During their

33、migrations,humpback whales seldom eat.They live off body fat accumulatedbefore embarking on their journey.Calambokidis says that its hard to tell if humpbacks fattenup as a way of preparing for their travels or because they somehow know that prey will be lessabundant in the near future.How the humpb

34、ack whales know where to travel during their migrations still has scientistsstumped.“I am not sure anyone has a clear answer to this other than assumption,”Calambokidis says.28.In what way are the humpback whales special?A.They have proved to make the farthest recorded migration of any mammal.B.They

35、 are meant to have the most powerful ability to swim fast.C.They are able to defend themselves easier in deeper cold-water ocean regions.D.They feed on killer whales on their entire journey of migration.29.Why has the population of the humpback whales improved?A.Because they have migrated to warmer

36、waters.B.Because they have fatten up along the migration journey.C.Because they have been protected by the government.D.Because they can travel 24 hours a day without resting.30.What does the underlined word“vulnerable”in paragraph 4 mean?A.incredibleB.availableC.weakD.ideal31.According to the last

37、paragraph,scientists answer to the direction of the humpback whalesmigration is _.A.definiteB.doubtfulC.ashamedD.unclearDPuppies are often trained with treats-but maybe they dont have to be.Pups may be able tolearn by mimicking(模仿)peoples actions.Some past studies have hinted at dogsability to learn

38、 by observing humans,says ClaudiaFugazza.She studies animal behavior at Etvs Lorand University in Budapest,Hungary.Butpast experiments used food to reward dogs when they mimicked people.So,they didnt revealwhether dogs were natural copycats.And theres even less known about puppies.Fugazza and her te

39、am tested whether puppies and other young animals might imitatepeople.They rounded up 42 puppies,39 kittens and 8 young wolves.All of these animals livedwith human families.In each test,the researchers showed an animal an object.Once they gotthe animals attention,a researcher modeled an action-touch

40、ing an object with either their nose高二英语试卷第 6 页 共 9 页or hand.Then,the scientists watched whether the animal copied the human.“It often took a while to get the attention of kittens and young wolves”,Fugazza says,butthe dog puppies were basically immediately looking at the human even before we started

41、 to calltheir attention.”After showing the actions,cats rarely replicated what humans did.Wolvessometimes copied,but the dogs were much more reliable.The team shared its findings inScientific Reports.Dogs and cats have both been bred to live with humans a process known asdomestication,“they should h

42、ave the same tendency to match human actions,”Fugazza says.But cats dont.That suggests the importance of another aspect of the animalshistory:how theybehave in groups.Cats evolved from solitary hunters.Once they cozied up to humans,cats helped people getrid of mice,but they didnt work with humans.Do

43、gs evolved from wolves.Wolves worktogether,hunting in packs.And once dogs started hanging around humans,they worked withpeople.Those relationships might have provided the motivation for dogs to imitate humans.32.What was the main focus of Claudia Fugazzas research mentioned in the article?A.Testing

44、if cats and dogs can mimic human actionsB.Investigating the domestication process of cats and dogsC.Studying the hunting behaviors of wolvesD.Analyzing the intelligence of puppies and kittens33.Which animal in the study showed the highest tendency to copy human actions?A.CatsB.WolvesC.PuppiesD.Kitte

45、ns34.What process may explain their tendency to mimic human actions?A.The process of domesticationB.The process of natural selectionC.The process of genetic mutationD.The process of habitat adaptation35.According to the article,why do dogs have a greater tendency to imitate humans comparedto cats?A.

46、Dogs are inherently smarter than cats.B.Dogs evolved from wolves and worked with people.C.Cats are more independent and less interested in humans.D.Dogs and cats have the same tendency to imitate humans.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(选项中有两项为多余选项)。The school curriculum i

47、s designed to teach students a wide range of subjects to preparethem for life outside of school.Unfortunately,there will be a certain subject that you dislike.36Think about why you dont like this particular subject.Sit down and ask yourself why youdont enjoy this particular subject.Is it because you

48、 dont understand a particular concept?37Or are you just bored with the class?When youre able to identify why you dont like asubject,you can take steps to correct the issue.Speak to your instructors about your feelings.38Ask them if they can provide resources that can help you get engaged with the高二英

49、语试卷第 7 页 共 9 页subject.Your teachers may even be able to demonstrate learning the subject is not as difficult asyou think,which can help greatly boost your confidence.39While the school curriculum is designed to teach a broad variety of subjects,every subjectyou learn matters in some way.Ask a friend

50、,a relative,or even a teacher why they enjoy thesubject or how it applies to real-world situations.Their answers may help you to change yourattitude to the class.When we identify the value of a subject,we are more likely to devote timeto learning the subject and its concepts.Identify transferable(可转


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