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《高二英语题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语题.pdf(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 一.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给得四个选项中(、B、C 与),选出最佳选项。e ollowing re fou forms about mecn、How t us th medicne is very imrtant、Nvr ta y by mistk、)Tae t ediine wih ater,followe y o tabe very eight hours,as reqird、F urth nht tim nd eay mornng,tak tw tablet at dtme、Do not tke mr than six tablets n 24 ous、For Chile s

2、i twele ears d,g to you doctor or advce、Rece dosage if nervosnes,rstlesess or seplnss takes pace、2)Eac pill of the ediine take te times eery a fr fourteen yars ld、A usual,a pill 60 a、m、,beor rkfat,on before 100 d ne efor sleep、Not fo chidren under six years old ad old perns wih ear atck、3)T mdic or

3、a pers ith a fve、Once o pils a da befor lee o dult、ot tak the mecin wihout fver、Ha fo Chidren under 12 year old、Childrn with a high fever,go to see a dctor、)The mdcine taken e m a day,oc fie lls fr aut with a cold、Haf of the pills for childen 10 yas o、Take the ecn befoe brakfast,luh,upper o before e

4、ep、1.Obvusy a kind of medicin ant e poper or _,juging f m h nfomtion、A、chlden oer telve year d B、som od peron feer C、som old persons with heart ttack D、ethr aduts nr heat ata 2.Wh a eon as a col,he ad better _、A、hav bout more than forten pls a dy 、hae twice a day C、hae four tmes a dy 、av nine pills

5、a day 3.How ny ind f edicine re used or e cidrn yers ol?A、All of hem.、Thre ind of edicin、C、w ind of edin、D、Almst not ay mdci、B ome esers im ht peoples persnaltis ca be classiie b their lod typs、If ou hav oo te O,you are a ledr、he you see soehing you want,you srive o aciev your ol、You are psiate,al,a

6、n self-cnfiet,nd yo e ften a renseter、our ntis or projets and goa spread t ohers who happy ollo our ld、Wen you want sohn,you ma be rutlss bout gtng it or lin ho ur ation afct hes、Another bld tye,A,is a soa,“people”pron、u like peoe an wor ell wi hm、Yu are sesitive,patent,passio te,nd afectiont、Yo are

7、 a god eacekeepe ecue you ant evrybody to be app、In a tam iuain,ou reole conlits an ee tis on a sooth course、Sotime typ As ar subborn nd fid different to rlax、They may also find it uortable to d thins alone、Pople wth type B lod a sualy diduaists h like o do tings n teir own、You may be cretive nd ada

8、ptle,and yo usully say eactl wht you mean、Ao you can adapt to situatio,you y n choose to do s becu of your strn independent strak、ou ay refr wring on our wn to eig pt f a eam、h final blood typ is ty AB、If you v AB lod,yo ar a ntral etetaner、You draw pepl to our beause of your charm ad esygong nature

9、、As r usual cm nd ntrolled,tactfu an f、On h dwside,thug,hey ma tak too long to make deios、Ad hy my pocraiate,putting of tass unil the ast mnte、4、Peopl ith type O ill do th folowng hngs excep_、A、rct a board、burn the ights il C、be considerate D、self-iete、Wih of the ollowing s o the fere of yp A?A、Sbor

10、n、Snitve、C、Resrd、D、Pen、6、Te best profsion for ype AB is _、A、sicia B、Peacekeper C、Act D、Spkesma C Ameica growing oer、Fift-eih yes ao,ly out of every 10 eople in the United Stats were r oler、To day,10 out of evy 10 mrcns re ver 65、The aging of te popltion wil affct Amercn society in mny wayedcin,medin

11、e,nd bsines、Quy,t ging f Ameia has made u a very different socetyne in w pople hve a quie diffen idea of wha kind of behavi is suitabl at variou,ages、A erson s ge lnger tes you anything abou hishe soci osition,marrage o elth、Thers no longer articuar ye n hi one gos o shol or goe to ork or gets marri

12、ed or tarts a family、The oi clck tht ket us on me and td us we to go to chool,ge a job,or stop rkng isnt as to a it used to e、It doen suri us o her of a 29-yar ld univrsit prsident or a 5-ya-old gradmoher,or a 70 year-old man who a bee a fater for t ist tim、Public dea are angi、Many eoe s,“I a much y

13、ouger than y mothr o my father was at y g、”o one sy“At your age”ny mor、Weve stopped ooing wh srprise at ole people wh at in ythul ays、.It can be learnt f the txt at th agg of the populai i Aerica _、A、has mde peole fel youger B、hs ce peoples ocal postio C、hs changed peoles nderaning of age D、hs owe o

14、 he country soci velopen.Te undlined word“oe”rfers t _、A、a ocie 、Amei C、a lac 、pouation 9.“Act our age”eans peope hould _、A、b actie when y are o B、o the rght tng t te igh ge C、sw repect f their paents yug or old D、ak moe hsicl eerie sutable to hir age 0.If a 5 year ol ma ees general manager of i fir

15、m,the write of th text woul mos probbly consider it _、A、noml B、wnderul C、uneleabl D、unreaonae 二完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给得四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Its hard beig an troau son、16_,eveyoy expcts o t b spcia r_17_,an Im jut an ava stuet,a I avrage,too,hen _18_asketball,football,soccer,and basebll、I ten woder_ my faher ee

16、 ad a son ie m、I mean he so_20_and so d at everythn、S I sd to dream abut oig some hin ectaulr to_21_ my fate ad make him_2_ me、n ne cas,m teacher_3_ a Fathes Day esay conts or us ad the winners esay wul be rea i ront o all te pents and tdents、Ater sho wlke oe,_24_y fater,who I would write abu in y e

17、ssa、He st wth me in he_25_ whn I was a little kid nd ha a nightmare、He_26_e wi a ne pupp t m eigh bthday py、He sat and tried o_27_th t me wen andp Bob dd、To me,h wasnt a r-mous strout,jut my ad、I wrote bout all these_28_ n my es、One f ou eighbs aid,“I_29_ youl win t cntest,avid、Youre th nly one i to

18、 who cd ie about beg he on of a astnat、”_30_ I adn hn anoe the ssa,no I amos hope I oldnt w、I dnt ant o wn jus_31_ my faher as n srout、I won he secod rz、hen fiihd readig my eay,e_32_pplauded、I sw y father bowng his noe、I went ack to my seat、Dd noddd t me,_ s troat,a u his han n my houlr、“Son,th is t

19、he_mom f my life,”he sad、t was the proudest oment f my li,too、Mybe Ill nve e a rat ero win a Nob Prize,bu us en,it was_3_just to b my fahers son、A、man B、say 、know D、elie 1、srag 、onest C、perc D、fomal 18、A、efers to 、relates wth C、talks bout D、es o 1、wy、how C、hether D、whn 2、A、ormal 、fy 、spcial D、uiu 21

20、、A、shoc 、inluene、attat D、ipress 22、pou of B、inereed in C、satisfd wh D、hmd f 2、A、eted B、annunced C、aied D、wrnd 24、A、ari about 、worrng but 、hikng auD、lann aout 5、slence 、tt 、horor D、a 26、A、plas 、asoishd C、supportd、encuagd 27、dscie B、explan 、elare D、r 28、A、exriens B、nciens 、els D、emories 29、A、ish 、guss

21、 C、e D、promise 30、A、smil B、noded 、otd D、rged 31、ecase B、if 、whi D、a 32、A、prts B、audiees C、stent D、teachers 33、A、cleaned B、blewC、clre D、oend 34、A、best 、rdest C、inest D、greats 35、A、naural B、hnorble、imprtant D、nogh 三七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后得选项中选出能填入空白处得最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。On olidays our ikely to eat d ovret betwe

22、family atherigs,ofce prtes nd lebating wi frie、1 Here ar sme tps to he you njoy holday food witout pletely chngig your dit:1、Swh to sall pltes、Not onl do smaller dshes fll up faste,ut te same ze helpig looks lik me food whe its on sma dis、12 B whatever t size f you pate,its most iprnt to meber to ke

23、p it blaced:half for eetables,uater for rains and a qrte for lean meat、2、Maure ut snks You faore oiy movie is o、ake mnte o chec te nutritin label d measure u a serv to keep caloes i chck、ae n opulr an of butere mcroav popcn for example、13 But t ba ontins 2、eings、Eat t whe thing on u on,ad yul ave ea

24、e 425 clories、3.Slit enre(主菜)、May restaurnts serve fa ore foo han on person nd i sinl meal、1 Or pack hf your entree to s soon s ts serd、Or choos small-sie opto,f vailble、So eing when you feel satsfied、ou dot hve to el too fl,o frce yorsf t cln your plate,before puttig own yu fr、1 We oe satisfie,av t

25、he rst for lftover、A、Share a min ish wth a fried、I important r y to e or on holidays、C、Et slowy an pay attentin t lings of hnger、Stuis ow we tend o pu on a few unds hs ti of year、E、njoy n entre sowly by yoursef、F、So youl be liely t serve yoursef es、G、ne seving is about 4 up ppped wh 170 clors、四语法填空

26、阅读下列短文,在空白处填入适当得词(一个单词),或括号内单词得正确形式。The Royl Sedih Ady of Scieces nnouncd on Octoer 6 36 Chinee scnit G n(alo knon as hrle K、Kao),a forgn aamicin of hinese Academy of Sciencs wo th 200 obe Prze in Physics fr groundrekg aievements (nc)the transmission of liht n fbers fr oial mniaio、Prf、Go 3(rcognz)in

27、atia a th Father of er Optic mniation、is credtd o rst 3 (ubli)roposig the possblity o practcal telemuniction 4 (u)fbers、His wo povded te mpetu(推动力)fr serious reserch and 41 (deelop)throghout t worl on las fib wavegies r unictions、4 (bar)in haa in 1933,Gao mved to Hong Kong in 1949 wt hs amil、btaind

28、s Bce f ience egee issued b the Univeit of Loon ad ten pusud esearc 43 rceived his Ph、D gre n elctica engineerng issue by h peral lle Lonon in 165、e erved 44 te vie peent the Chinse niersity f Hong Kng fr 197 o 1996、In 1996,he wa electe foreign academician at 45 8th caemicia onfeec o hinse ademy o S

29、iens、五短文改错 文中共有处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词得增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加得词。删除:把多余得词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错得词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后得词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均限一词。2、只允许修改处,多者(从第 1处起)不计分。May have your ttenton,please?I ave an anocement ak、h Suden Un is going o hod a arty in Satrdy venin,Aust 15,t wele my rends fro the Unie

30、d at、The prty ill b ho in the oof gaen of th ai Buildin、t ill begi at 7:0、Tere wl hae music,ancing,sngng,gaes nd exchange of gift、Everybdy may brn a sal gift on this rpose、emebr to rap t up,sgn your name and wite a few wor o go wis、Dnt foret:7:30,aturay venin,ro gadn,Mai Bilding、Ther is sure t be lo

31、t f fu、Everybdy i weled、1.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“ot for hidre under six yrs ld nd old pros ith hert atack、”可知第二种药物明显不适合六岁以下得孩子。故选 C。2A【解析】推理判断题。根据短文最后一段“Th meiie takn tre tim a day,once fve pill fo at with a cold、”可知这种感冒药一天共吃 15 片。故选 A。3.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据短文第二段“hdren sx to twelve ys old,go to yu doctor for vic

32、、”第三段“Not or lrn nder six yer old”第四段“Half for Chilren udr 12 yas ld、”第五段“a of he pills f children 10 year old、”可知前两种药物不适合 6 岁以下得孩子,后两种药物则没有明确说明适合六岁以下得孩子,故选。【备注】本文就是四种药物得使用说明。4.【解析】推理判断题。根据短文第一段“If you e lood typ O,u r a leaer、When u se soethng ou wan,you strive to achiee yor ga、ou r pasiate,loya,an

33、d sel-confdn,a ou often trendetter、”描述,可知 O 型血得人就是天生得领导者,会努力实现自己得目标,热情,忠诚,自信,经常会就是一个潮流得引导者。故选 C。5.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“nother bod type,,i a socil,“peo”perso、ike peoe and wor ell th te、ou ar sensiie,patient,passionate,ad affeinte、Sometime tpe A re stbborn”可知 A 型血得人,敏感,有耐心,富有同情心与有情义。有时候也有点固执。故选C。6.C 【解析】推

34、理判断题。根据短文第二段“I yo have AB blod,you natural entertaier、”可知型血得人就是天生得表演者,因此最适合她们得职业就是演员。故选C。【备注】这篇短文主要说明了血型与性格得关系。.【解析】推理判断题。根据短文第一段“Qiely,the grying of Amrc has made us a ver difrent soctyone in which peple ave a qute iferent idea of wht ind of behavio s suile at variou ages、”与第二段“Pubic idas e chagng、

35、”可知人口老龄化已经改变了人们对于年龄得认知。故选 C。8A【解析】推理判断题。根据短文第一段“he grying of Amic has made s a very ffere sciee in which ol have qite diferent ea”可知这里得 one 就是前文“a vy diferen oiet”得同位语,也就就是说 oe 指得就就是“a ery diferent ociety”,故选。.B【解析】词义猜测题。根据短文最后一段“Mny opl sy,I a uch o hn moher or m athr was at my ag、N one asAt your a

36、ge ay ore、”指得就是做您这个年龄应该做得事情。故选 B。0.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据短文第二段“It doesn srris us to hear o 9 er-ol univest prsident o a 5 year old ganmother,r 70 ea-od man wh ha bee a fathe for he it ime、ic ieas are changin、”可知人们对于年龄得瞧法已经有了很大得变化,对于题目中得事情会感觉很正常。故选 A。【备注】这篇短文主要谈到了美国得老龄社会问题,随着进入老龄社会,人们对于年龄得一些认知也发生了变化。.D【解析】前一

37、句提到了假期中您可能会在家庭聚会,办公室聚会与朋友得庆祝当中大吃特吃得问题。选项 D 说得就是,研究表明我们很容易在一年中得这个时候增加几磅得体重。句中“ts time”指得就是就就是“On hodays”,根据逻辑关系可知为最佳答案。12.F【解析】前一句说得就是,小盘子不仅装满得更快,而且瞧起来装得更多。因此您实际上吃到得东西更少。故选 F。1.G【解析】根据后两句分析可知,252、5=7,可知此处指得就是,一份大约就是 170 卡路里。故选。14.A 【解析】前一句说得就是,饭店上得菜超出您得需要。根据后一句,或者菜一上来就将它得一般打包。可知此处指得就是想法不吃完这份菜。选项 A“与您

38、得一个朋友分享这盘菜”与后一句表达意思一致。15.C【解析】前一句指得就是,您不必吃得太饱,或者强迫自己把盘子里得菜吃完。根据后一句,当您觉得满意时,就把其余得留作剩菜。可知此处指得就是,吃慢点,注意您得饥饿感。故选C。【备注】这篇短文主要讲述了为了保持身体健康,饮食上应该注意得几个问题。16【解析】前一句说得就是,作为一个宇航员得儿子真难。可知本句指得就是,我知道,每个人都盼望着您与众不同,十全十美。now 知道。故选 A。17.C【解析】根据上一题分析,可知此处指得就是完美得意思,rfe完美得。故选 C。18.D【解析】句意:并且当谈到篮球,橄榄球,足球与棒球时,我也就是普通得。refr

39、o 涉及,适用于;relat wih 使相关,使符合;talk bout 谈论;e t想起,谈到,总计。tal一般以人为主体。when it es to 当谈到,提到,涉及到,故选。19.B 【解析】句意:总就是想,我得父亲怎么会有我这样一个儿子。在引导宾语从句时,wy 从原因上强调为什么会这样。how 从方式强调为什么会这样。根据后一句描述,可知此处只就是方式上得问题,故选。20.C【解析】根据短文第一句可知父亲就是一个宇航员,根据后半句“so good at evethng”可知她应该就是特殊得,speca特殊得。故选 C。21.D【解析】根据前文“ong smeig spectacr”可

40、知此处指得就是做一些惊人得壮举来给父亲留下一个好印象得意思。ires 给予某人深刻得印象。故选 D。2A【解析】根据前半句描述,可知此处指得就是,让父亲为了我感到骄傲。prou of 为感到骄傲。故选 A。23B【解析】根据下文“a ath Day say contest”可知我得老师宣布了一个有关父亲节得写作比赛。report 报告;anounce 宣布;claim 声称;arn 警告。故选。24.C【解析】结合语境可知此处指得就是,我在回家得路上,一边走一边想自己得父亲。thin aot 考虑,思考。故选 C。2D【解析】根据下文“and had a nihmae”可知此处指得就是,当我就

41、是个小孩子得时候,她与我一起坐在黑暗当中,并且我做了一个噩梦。ark 黑暗。故选。26.A【解析】根据下文“wi a new ppp”可知此处指得就是,她用一条新得小狗来逗我开心。please 使高兴。故选。2.B【解析】根据后半句,可知此处指得就是她尽力向我解释死亡得事情。故选 B。28【解析】根据上一段描述,可知我把所有这些记忆都写在了文章当中。emoies 记忆。故选 D。29C【解析】根据后一句描述,可知邻居打赌说我在比赛中会赢。bt 打赌,确信。故选 C。30.D【解析】根据前一句,可知面对邻居得话,我耸耸肩表示自己没有让任何人瞧过这篇文章。sie 微笑;no点头;oub怀疑;shr

42、ug 耸肩表示。故选 D。3.【解析】句意:我不想只就是因为我就是一个宇航员得儿子而获胜。bee 因为。故选A。3.【解析】根据短文描述,可知台下除了学生以外,还有老师与家长。故此处指得就是这些观众鼓起掌来。adnce 观众。故选 B。3.C【解析】根据前文“I saw m athr blwng his nose、”可知父亲清了清嗓子,把手放在我得肩膀上对我说。cler 清除,清洁。故选 C。3.B【解析】bet 最好得;prouet 最骄傲得;fnest 最好得;greatest 最棒得。结合语境可知此处指得就是这就是父亲最骄傲得时刻。故选 B。35.D【解析】根据短文第一段描述,可知此处意

43、思就是:我可能成为不了一个大英雄,或者赢得诺贝尔奖,但就是在那一刻,我足够成为父亲得儿子。noh 足够得。故选 D。【备注】这篇短文作者主要记述了自己与父亲间得一个故事。3.that 【解析】此处所填单词引导宾语从句,且从句中意思完整,引导词不作句子成分,故引导词用tha。37.concernig【解析】此处指得就是光在光纤中得传播得成就。ncern 就是 achiveent 得主动动作,故用现在分词作定语,填 cocrig。38.is recgnized【解析】句意:高坤被国际上认为就是“光纤通讯之父”。主语就是动作对象,故用被动语态,填s recognied。39.pblily【解析】公开

44、地提出,此处用副词修饰动词roposg 提出,故填 publicl公开得。40.usng【解析】此处指得就是“使用光纤进行实际通信得可能性”。此处 use 就是“te osibility pacical teluicatos”得主动动作,故用现在分词做定语。41.devlopm【解析】此处用名词与前文“eriu researc”作为or 得并列宾语,故填eelpment。42.Brn【解析】此处 bear 与主语 Go 就是动宾关系,故用过去分词做伴随状语,意思就是出生于上海。应填 Brn。43.and【解析】pusued 与 rceivd 就是顺接关系,故用并列连词 ad。4as【解析】此处

45、指得就是,她在 1987 到 1996 年担当香港中文大学得副校长。erve as 担当。故填 as。4the【解析】英语序数词作定语时,前面一般要加定冠词 the。【备注】这篇短文主要介绍了著明华裔科学家高坤得生平事迹与科学成就。短文改错 Ma I hve yo atetion,pleae?I hav an anuncemet a、The Sdet Unin s going to hl a prty in Satuday vening,uust 15,t on wle m frinds fo the Uted tates、Th prty will e od in the oof ren r

46、held of the a Builing、t will begin a 7:30、Thr wil have usic,dning,singing,be as and exchane of git、Eyody may bring a small it on ts purpoe、exchnging git for Reember t rap i up,sign your name an wrte a w words of o ish、wish on forgt:7:30,Satrdy eveig,roo garden,Mi uil、hee s sur t be a lot f fun、Evyod

47、y i weld、le【解析】1、该句子用得就是 h s to do 而不就是 hav b do,在ke 前加 to。2、指某一天得上下午时用介词 on 而不用 in。3、此处得ieds 应就是讲话一方得朋友,就是复数概念,将 my 改为 our。4、根据句意,此处就是将来被动,应将 hold 改为e。5、表示从在得有用 there e 不就是hr have,应将 have 改为 b。6、此处得 exhane 与 dancig,singn,就是并列关系,应将 exhge 改为 exchanging。7、此处得 gt 就是大家交换,就是复数,应将ift 改为 gifts。8、根据句意,此处就是为了这一目得,应就是 for this purpose;而 pre“故意”。9、此处得 wis应就是复数概念,所以将 wis改为ishes。10、Wele 一次即可作动词,又可作形容词,所以,应将 wed 改为 wle


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