高二英语高二英语暑假Unit 2 Part 2高二英语暑假教材阅读技巧推断题综合(教师版).pdf

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1、Unit 2 XXXX1 1 Part Three Reading comprehension 目标层级图 掌握阅读理解推断题综合相关内容 LV.6 综合 LV.5掌握阅读理解推断题的类型细节、目的、观点、态度等推断LV.6掌握阅读理解推断题综合解题技巧高二英语暑假教材2 Unit 2 XXXX3 3 课中讲解 阅读理解推断题综合 1.推断题定义和考查类型 推断题是考查学生透过文章表面的文字信息进行分析、综合、归纳等逻辑推理的能力,此类题型难度较大,涉及面广。常见的推断类型有细节型推断、写作目的推断,观点态度、文章出处、体裁、人物性格、作者身份、目标读者、写作手法、续写推断等。推断题常用提问词

2、有:infer,imply,indicate,suggest,conclude 等。2.一般解题步骤 1)找到关键词。常见的关键词包含专有名词、数字、人名、地名、大写等,优先找名词、其次动词,形容词或副词,可以寻找多个关键词或短语。2)回原文定位。依据题干中提取的关键词,回原文定位,一般先读关键词的当句,其次上句和下句,一般正确答案就在这三句当中。3)对比选项确定答案。根据原文中答案句对比选项,找出意思或表达相同的选项,即同义替换了的表达。3.正确选项特征:1)原文的同义替换;2)常具有概括性和深刻性;3)常含不肯定的语气词和委婉语气词,如 may 等,以显示推理的相对性。4.错误选项特征 1

3、)原文细节:选项照抄原文,个别词语不同,没有进行推断。2)过度推断:选项以有限的信息做无限的联想,并非基于原文事实的逻辑推理。3)偷换概念:选项中的一些词语都换成一些相似的词语,但实质语义并不相同。4)张冠李戴:选项中所描述的对象和动作不匹配。5)无中生有:选项描述的内容文中并未提及。一、细节推断 细节推断指对文中的细节内容进行观点或结论的推断,可能是单一细节,也可能是篇章细节,但与细节题不同之处在于细节推断主要是推出某种结论和观点,解题方法类似细节题。细节推断的常见提问方式如下:高二英语暑假教材4 1)The fact that customers make an apology after

4、 stepping into the shop indicates that _.2)What can we infer from the third paragraph?3)What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boys house?【典型例题讲解 1】Denmarks long support for wind-energy technology and its policies made in support of wind energy have proven this approa

5、ch can work to decarbonize the economy,even on a bigger scale.At the end of 2019,lawmakers in Denmark set a new goal:increasing the percentage of electricity sourced from renewable power to 100%.Q:Q:What is indicated in the last paragraph?A.A hopeful future of the green economy.B.The urgent need to

6、develop wind energy worldwide.C.A long way to go to full dependence on clean energy.D.Wind energys leading role as a form of renewable power.【典型例题讲解 2】Well into the 21st century,we continue to work the same long hours as 20th century labourers,using up ever more of Earths supply to produce more good

7、s that we must keep working to buy,use and replace in a seemingly endless cycle of hard work and consumption.Its time to pause and consider better ways to live like shifting from fossil-fueled lifestyles with which our consumer-based workweeks are connected.Q:Q:What can we infer from the third parag

8、raph?A.Longer working hours means better consumption ability.B.The 21st century sees the longest working hours in history.C.Pausing our way of living can change the present workweek.D.The cycle of hard work and consumption should be changed.【典型例题讲解 3】We see few customers in Leas Antiquarian Booksell

9、ers,less than half-dozen a day on average.There is a flurry(紧张)of activity in September when the students come to buy copies of the new years set texts;another in May when they bring them back after the exams.At other times of the year we can go days without seeing a client.More commonly visitors to

10、 the shop are people who,having heard about us from a friend of a friend,and finding themselves near Cambridge,have made a roundabout way.They have expectation on their faces as they step into the shop,and not infrequently apologize for disturbing us.They are nice people,as quiet and as friendly as

11、the books themselves.But mostly it is just Father,me and the books.How do they make ends meet?You might think,if you saw how few customers come and go.But you see,the shop is,in financial terms,just a sideline.The proper business takes place elsewhere.We make our living on the basis of perhaps half

12、a dozen deals a year.This is how it works:Father knows all the worlds great collectors.and he knows the worlds great collections.If you were to watch him at the auctions(拍卖会)or book fairs that he attends frequently,you would notice how often he is approached by quietly spoken.quietly dressed individ

13、uals,who draw him aside for a quiet word.Their eyes are anything but quiet.Does he know of.they ask him,and Has he ever heard whetherA book will be mentioned.Father answers vaguely.It doesnt do to build up hope.These things usually lead nowhere.But on the other hand.if he were to hear anything.And i

14、f he doesnt already have it,he makes a note of the persons address in a Unit 2 XXXX5 5 little green notebook.Then nothing happens for quite some time.But later-a few months or many months.there is no knowing-at another auction or book fair,seeing a certain other person.he will inquire,very hesitantl

15、y,whetherand again the book is mentioned.More often than not,it ends there.But sometimes,following the conversations,there may be an exchange of letters.Father spends a great deal of time composing letters.In French,German,Italian,even occasionally Latin.Nine times out often the answer is a polite t

16、wo-1ine refusal.But sometimes-half a dozen times a year-the reply is the beginning of a journey.A journey in which Father collects a book here,and delivers it there.He is rarely gone for more than forty.eight hours.Six times a year.This is our livelihood.The shop itself makes next to no money.It is

17、a place to write and receive letters.A place to while away the hours waiting for the next international bookfair.I dont pretend reality is the same for everyone-the shop is the very heart of the affair.It is a store of books.a place of safety for all the volumes,once so lovingly written,mat at prese

18、nt no one seems to want.Q:Q:The fact that customers make an apology after stepping into the shop indicates that _.A.they have put the booksellers to some trouble B.they are such nice and friendly people C.the bookshop has few customers and is very quiet D.they come to the bookshop with no intention

19、of buying books Q:Q:What can we infer from the passage?A.The bookshop has been running in the red.B.The bookshop is a good place for the author to kill time.C.The author and his father have a deep affection for the bookshop.D.The authors father possesses ample collections that others need.【过关检测】(一)I

20、nstead of having fun,some people now go in great numbers to remote strawberry farms or Icelandic fjords(峡湾)to take photos to impress their friends on social media.In China,Douyin,launched in 2016,has 230m monthly active users.Unlike users of Instagram,who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by pe

21、ople they follow,Douyins fans commonly use the app to watch hot-trending videos posted by users they do not know under categories such as“food”and“scenic spots”.Q:Q:What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?A.Icelandic fjords are the most famous travel destination on social media

22、.B.Strawberry farms are highly recommended on social media.C.The purpose of travelling has been changed by social media.D.Social media make it possible for users to have fun in remote areas.(二)You probably know who Marie Curie was,but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson.Of the outstanding ladies

23、 listed below,who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?高二英语暑假教材6 Jane AddamJane Addams(1860s(1860-1935)1935)Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank.Addams helped the poor and worked for peace.She encouraged a sense of community(社区)by cre

24、ating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need.In 1931,Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.Rachel Carson(1907Rachel Carson(1907-1964)1964)If it werent for Rachel Carson,the environmental movement might not exist today.Her popular 1962 book Sile

25、nt Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the worlds lakes and oceans.Sandra Day OConnor(1930Sandra Day OConnor(1930-present)present)When Sandra Day OConnor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School,in 1952,she could not fin

26、d work at a law firm because she was a woman.She became an Arizona state senator(参议员)and,in 1981,the first woman to join the U.S.Supreme Court.OConnor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.Rosa Parks(1913Rosa Parks(1913-2005)2005)On December 1,1955,in Mo

27、ntgomery,Alabama,Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger.Her simple act landed Parks in prison.But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott.It lasted for more than a year,and kicked off the civil-rights movement.“The only tired I was,was tired of giving in,”said Parks.Q

28、:Q:What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text?A.They are highly educated B.They are truly creative C.They are pioneers D.They are peace-lovers When my three boys were young,our summer vacation consisted of driving the nine hours to my parents place in Maine,where I grew up.While we love

29、d those visits,the truth is we couldnt afford to go anywhere else.My husband,David,and I had finally saved up enough to buy our first home.Wed even made an agreement:We wouldnt spend more than$100 without consulting each other.On one of those holidays,I took the boys to the local library,where a sil

30、ent auction(拍卖)was underway.I was attracted by one item:Shot nearby,on the rocky coast,the photo was naturalistic,capturing the characteristic of the young subjects and the beauty of my home state.Up for bid:a session with the photographer.In a hurry,I wrote down my name on the signup sheet,half sur

31、e that my offer of$500 would be topped.It wasnt.And though I felt bad about breaking my agreement with David,I was happy with my bid won.The morning of the shoot,we put the kids into the car and drove to a favorite beach.The photographer,already standing in the parking lot with a camera around her n

32、eck,started snapping pictures the minute they got out of their car seats.She gently tried to persuade the boys forward,leading them to gather around a rock pool.When the contact sheet arrived,I knew it had been worth the money.In the photos each boys personality shone clearly.More than a dozen years

33、 later,the portrait(肖像画)is a touchstone for me,a key to understanding who my children are.The photograph is a piece of art and a piece of our family history,worth every penny.Q:Q:What can be inferred from the passage?A.The contact sheet was not entirely unexpected.B.The couple might have quarreled a

34、 great deal.C.The couple thought they could take better photos.D.The picture was greatly cherished by the author.Unit 2 XXXX7 7 笔记区 二、写作目的推断 写作目的推断指的是对于段落、篇章、举例的写作目的进行推断。常见的设问方式如下:1)In paragraph 2,examples are given to show that _.2)The author mentions businesses in the paragraph in order to _.3)Wha

35、t is the authors purpose in writing the passage?4)What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 5?1.段落目的 【典型例题讲解 1】What if we had the power to control time,instead of moving from the past to the present to the future?What if we could jump,loop and travel through time in a machine?What if we co

36、uld go wherever and whenever we pleased?This ability would allow us to witness historic wonders,change decisions and see people from the past.We could right wrongs and stop wars from starting.Q:Q:What is the authors purpose of writing the first paragraph?A.To show time and space are connected.B.To s

37、how peoples interest in time travel.C.To draw readers attention to time travel.D.To make people believe time travel is possible.【典型例题讲解 2】When a running event is longer than 26.2 miles,it is called an ultramarathon.There are two kinds of ultramarathons.In the first kind of ultramarathon,runners have

38、 to cover a specific distance50 miles,for example.In the second kind of ultramarathon,runners have a limited amount of time,such as 24 hours,to cover as much distance as they can.Some ultramarathons are run as loops around a track or course.Others are run on trails through forests,deserts,or mountai

39、ns.Many ultramarathons that are run on trails include natural obstacles that a runner will have to overcome,such as rocky paths or bad weather.Ultramarathons are run all over the world,even on Antarctica.The most famous race across Antarctica is called The Last Desert Race.Runners pay over$14,000 to

40、 compete in this race.Besides,they must also buy special equipment to protect themselves against the extreme cold.Q:Q:What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?A.To provide basic information about ultramarathons.B.To help people train to run an ultramarathon.C.To compare ultramarathons to regu

41、lar marathons.D.To share his or her personal experience with ultramarathons.【典型例题讲解 3】高二英语暑假教材8 2.篇章目的 【典型例题讲解 1】Every September,as summer ends and the first day of school approaches,I spend a lot of time thinking about darkness.Perhaps other teachers would say the same,jokingly.But I teach a high s

42、chool course on trauma(创伤)literature,and my students belong to a generation described as the most spoiled(宠坏的),stressed and easily hurt in history.So the question of darkness is often on my mind.In 2016,Collins Dictionary included“snowflake generation”among its Words of the Year,describing young adu

43、lts of the 2010s as a group“less resilient(适应的)and more likely to feel upset than previous generations.”But after twelve years of teaching this course,which covers some of the most emotionally difficult texts in contemporary literature-narratives(讲述)of war,slavery and so on.Im pretty sure the commen

44、t on my young students is wrong.In particular,I dont buy the narrative that this generation lacks the resilience necessary for difficult literature.For years,Ive watched my students circle tirelessly around some difficult questions that puzzle us.Instead of hiding from that world,they try to change

45、it in a way that will allow them to control it successfully.This is why every September,I ask my students to read the most difficult books I can find.I dont do this to hurt them.Literature is practice.And I want my students,through these difficult books,to practice living.I want them to practice rec

46、ognizing historical gaps and to bridge them.“But this too is true:stories can save us,”writes Tim OBrien in The Things They Carried.I believe and stick to that idea,year after year,on the first day of school.Not because these stories will save my students.But because Im hoping my students will grow

47、up and save the rest of us.Q:Q:What is the purpose of this text?A.To comment on the new generation again B.To recommend some trauma literature C.To introduce some teaching experiences D.To seek some advice from the public 【典型例题讲解 2】Lord Robert Winston was sitting on a train,when he found himself bec

48、oming steadily angry.Winston is normally a fairly amiable man.What was driving him slowly insane was the particular behavior of another passenger.Ignoring the child with her,the woman had picked up her phone and begun what would become a very loud conversation filled with boring facts.Winston did tr

49、y to ignore it,but there is something fundamentally un-ignorable about a loud,one-sided conversation.It was then that Lord Winston made a mistake.He began to tweet about the woman.He took photos of her and sent them out to his more than 40,000 followers.When the train had finally arrived at its dest

50、ination,Winston quickly ran off.He had had enough of what he described as her“rudeness.”But the woman faced an unusual surprise.The press had picked up on Winstons tweets.They were waiting for her on the platform.When they excitedly showed her Winstons messages,the womans face fell,She also suddenly


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