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《2020-2021学年广东省汕尾市九年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年广东省汕尾市九年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020.2021学年广东省汕尾市九年级(上)期末英语试卷E-book is short for electronic book.It is usually read on personal computers.Some mobile phones can also be used to(l) e-books.Earlier e-books were written for a small group of readers and were about only(2) subjects.With the (3) of the internet, knowledge and answers to

2、 a lot of questions mainly come from c-books.This is why the e-book business is increasing (4).E-books have many advantages.First, they save time.We dont need to go to a bookstore to buy books., we can find the topic we want to know about on the Internet, and then we can quickly get many e-books on

3、similar topics.Second, e-books save money.Some e-books cost a little money, and there are millions of e-books on the Internet (6) we can get for free.Third, more trees (7) because e-books dont need to be printed on papcr.Fourth, e-books make reading more convenient. Wc can carry a whole library of h

4、undreds of books wi(h(8) in a small computer or any e-book reader (电子阅读器)without worrying about (heir weight.But c-books have certain disadvantagcs.Thcy need a personal computer or (9) c-book reader and the information can be lost if its file format (文件格式)is not supported or changed in the readers c

5、omputer. However, c-books provide us (10) a new way of rcading.That is good.1.A. readB. readingC. be readingD. being read2.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little3.A. developB. developedC. developingD. development4.A. quickB. quickerC. quicklyD. more quickly5.A. BesidesB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Otherwise6

6、.A. whichB. whatC. whereD. when7.A. saveB. savedC. are savedD. are saving8.A. usB. ourC. oursD. ourselves9.A. aB. anC. (heD./10.A. asB. toC. forD. withOnce upon a time, there was a king who was known for his justice (公平)and kindncss.In his kingdom, no one vvas(l D.His people loved him and were (12)

7、of him.One day, the king decided to(13) a palace on the riverbank.He asked his minister to start the work.After a few months, the palace was ready.But the minister (14) a hut(棚屋)just a few steps away from the palace gate. What is this hut doing here? the minister shouted and (15)does it belong to? S

8、ir. it belongs to an old woman.She has been living here(16) a long time. replied a worker.The minister walked up to the hut and spoke to the (17). I want to buy your hut.I will pay any amount.he 果阅读器的电脑不支持或改变文件格式,信息就会丢失。A, B:不定冠词;C定冠词;D零冠词; 结合句意”一个电子书阅读器,所以需要填入不定冠词,单词e-book的第一个音素是元音音素, 故选B。(10)介词辨析。

9、句意:然而,电子书为我们提供了一种新的阅读方式。四个介词意思分别是:A作为:B对于;C为了; D和一起;此时动词provide的用法是:provide sb.with sth.意思是为某人提供某物”。故选D。本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了电子书的特点以及它的优缺点。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确句意,结合排除 法逐一-选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。112().【答案】A、C B、D、D、C、D、B、C、A【解析】(I)考查形容词辨析。句意:在他的王国里,没有人不快乐。A.不高兴的,B.兴奋的, C.高兴的,D.友好的,根据:there was a ki

10、ng who was known for his justice (公平)and kindness.(有一个国王,他以公正和仁慈而闻名。)可知在他的王国里,没有人不快乐。故选A。(2)考查形容词辨析。句意:他的人民热爱他,并为他感到骄傲。A.确定,B.疲惫的,C.骄傲的, D.害怕的,根据:His people loved him,(他的人民热爱他,)可知,并为他感到骄傲。故选C。(3)考查动词辨析。句意:一天,国王决定在河岸上建一座宫殿。A.找到,B.构建,C.离开,D. 乞讨,根据:After a few months, (he palace was ready.(几个月后,宫殿已经准备好

11、了。)可知, 是国王决定在河岸上建一座宫殿。故选B。(4)考查动词辨析。句意:但是大臣在离宫殿大门几步远的地方发现了一间小屋。A.制造B.采 取C.放置D.发现,根据:What is this hut doing here?(这个小屋在这里做什么?)可知,是发现 了小屋。故选D。(5)考查代词辨析。句意:它属于谁? A.哪个,B.何时,C.为什么,D.谁,根据:Sir, it belongs to an old woman.(先生,它属于一个老女人。)可知,问的是它属于谁。故选D。(6)考查介词辨析。句意:她已经在这里住了很长时间了。A.在里,B.作为,C.为了,D.自从, 根据:a long

12、 time (很长时间)时间段,for+一段时间,故选C。(7)考查名词辨析。句意:大臣走到小屋前,和老太太说话。A.工人,B.国王,C.年轻女,子 D.老太太,根据:Sir, il belongs lo an old woman.(先生,它属于一个老女人。)可知,是和老太 太说话。故选D。(8)考查动词辨析。句意:对不起,先生。我不能接受你的提议。A.给予,B.接受,C.收到,D. 拒绝,根据:I lived in it with my late husband and I want to die in it,(我和我已故的丈夫住在里面, 我想死在里面,)可知,是不能接受提议。故选B。(9)

13、考查名词辨析。句意:大臣试图告诉她,她的小屋会破坏新宫殿的美丽。A.价格,B.品牌, C.美丽,D.方向,根据:destroy (破坏)可知,是破坏新宫殿的美丽。故选C。(10)考查动词辨析。句意:但是老妇人拒绝卖掉她的小屋。A.出售,B.购买,C.移动,D.维修, 根据:I want to buy your hut.I will pay any amount.(我想买下你的小屋。我会支付任何金额。)可 知,大臣想买,老太太拒绝卖。故选A。本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位国王在河畔建立宫殿,一位老妇人的木屋在宫殿附近,大臣觉得 宫殿旁边一间小木屋与宫营殷不协调,于是试图说服住在里面的老妇人把小木屋

14、卖给国王,却遭 到老妇人的拒绝,善德的国王允许老妇人留下这个小屋。故事告诉我们:我们认为丑陋的东西对 别人而言可能万分珍贵。根据短文大意和语境选择合适的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意思通顺, 语法正确,结构完整,注意单词的适当形式。2125.【答案】C、B、C、D、B【解析】细节理解题。(1)根据 Author: Sherry Sanders 方框下 Sherry Sanders was bom in 1981 in New York.(Sherry Sanders 1981 年出生于纽约。)和 Her most popular books arc Ask Sherry,

15、What Teenagers Arc Thinking About, and Amanda and Her Friends.(她最受欢迎的书是问雪莉、青少年在想什么和阿里达和 她的朋友。)可知,文中提到了 Sherry Sanders的出生年份(可推出年龄)、出生地(可推出国 籍)和她的作品,没有提到她的第一本书。故选C。(2)根据 Author: Sherry Sanders 方框下 Goodbye, Grandpa BanyanSis her new book, which came out in May, 2021.(再见了,榕树爷爷)可知,再见了,榕树爷爷是她的最 新作品。2021年5

16、月出版。故选B。(3)根据最后一个方框 The oldest tree at Jefferson Junior High School gets sick and is dying.(杰佛 逊初中最古老的一棵树生病了,快死了。)和 Sadly, Jim, Amanda, and (he students and teachers at Jefferson Junior High School have to say goodbye to Grandpa Banyan.(遗憾的是,Sadly, Jim,杰佛 逊初中的学生和老师不得不向榕树爷爷道别。)可知,榕树爷爷是一棵病了的老树。故选C。(4)

17、根据最后一个方框 They write a letter to CAA Newspaper about saving (heir favorite tree at school.Dr.Davis, a tree doctor, reads the letter and comes to help.(他们给 CAA 报社写 了 一封关于 在学校里拯救他们最喜欢的树的信。树木医生达维斯博士读了这封信并前来帮助。)和Soon, help and money come.However, nothing works.Sadly, Jim, Amanda, and the students and tea

18、chers at Jefferson Junior High School have to say goodbye to Grandpa Banyan.(很快,帮助和金钱就来了。然而,一切 都不起作用。遗憾的是,Sadly, Jim和杰佛逊初中的学生和老师不得不向榕树爷爷道别。)可知, 事件发生的顺序是:a.两个学生给CAA报纸写了一封信;d.Davis博士来帮忙;b.帮助和金钱都有 了,但都没用;c.学生们不得不向垂死的树告别;即a-d-b-c。故选D。(5)根据最后一个方框 Soon, help and money come. However, nothing works.Sadly, J

19、im, Amanda, and the students and teachers at Jefferson Junior High School have to say goodbye to Grandpa Banyan.(很快,帮助和金钱就来了。然而,一切都不起作用。遗憾的是,Sadly, Jim和杰佛逊初中的学 生和老师不得不向榕树爷爷道别。)可知,没有什么能帮助拯救这棵生病的树,B项正确。故选Bo本文是一篇读书报告,报告中介绍了再见了,榕树爷爷这本书的作者、主要角色和故事梗概。 通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细核对,选 择符合原文原意的答案,

20、完成后再次阅读并检查。2630.【答案】C、D、C、A、C解析(1)细节理解题。根据 After more (han 30 years of development,the company has now beaten Apple and become the worlds second-largest maker of smartphones behind Koreas Samsung.lt has also become the worlds largest supplier (供应商)of 5 G.(经过 30 多年的发 展,该公司现已击败苹果,成为仅次于韩国三星的全球第二大智能手机制造

21、商。它还成为全球最 大的5 G供应商。)可知,三星是世界上最大的智能手机制造商。故选C。(2)细节理解题。根据 Bin recently, Huawei faced some difflculties.The U.S.govermnent ordered a ban (禁令)on its sales in America.American officials said Huawei gave information that il collected to (he Chinese government (但最近,华为遇到了一些困难。美国政府下令禁止其在美国的销售。美国官员表示, 华为将收集到的

22、信息提供给了中国政府。)可知,美国政府下令禁止华为是因为他们认为华为为 中国政府收集信息。故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据We have never received such a request from the Chinese government and we have never tried to get int o other systems to collect information. Ren Zhengfei,Huaweis founder and president said.This ban from the U.S.would have little effect on o

23、ur company.Hu awei has enough ability to deal with the problems. Ren added.(华为创始人兼总裁任正非表示:我 们从未收到中国政府的此类请求,也从未试图进入其他系统收集信息。”任补充道:”美国的这项 禁令对我们公司几乎没有影响。华为有足够的能力处理这些问题。”)可知,从任正非的话中,我 们可以了解到华为可以解决他们面临的问题。故选Co(4)句子猜测题。根据 In an interview several years ago,Ren Zhengfei said, I started Huawei with only 4, 0

24、00 yuan at the beginning,but now it has become a $ 100 billion company. (在几年前的一次采访中,任正非表示,我 一开始只花了 4000元就创办了华为,但现在它已经成为一家价值1000亿美元的公司。这段经历 并不像你想象的那样浪漫)可知,第4段中带下划线的句子的意思是”华为的发展经历很艰难”。故选Ao(5)细节推断题。根据 Facing the ban of the USA,Huawei is growing.Huaweis smartphone sales around the world rose 5() percent

25、 compared to a year carli er in the first three months of 2019.However, sales from both Samsung and Apple dcclincd.So far, Huawei has grown into the worlds largest telecommunications equipment (电信设备)supplier, selling in 170 countries.lt may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near fu

26、ture.(面对美 国的禁令,华为正在增长。2019年前三个月,华为在全球的智能手机销量比去年同期增长了 50%。 然而,三星和苹果的销量都下降了。到目前为止,华为己经成长为全球最大的电信设备供应商, 在170个国家销售。它可能会在不久的将来击败三星成为最大的智能手机制造商将来。)可知, 作者对华为未来的态度是“充满希望的。故选C。本文讲述了虽然华为面对美国的禁令,但华为正在增长。2019年前三个月,华为在全球的智能手 机销量比去年同期增长了 50%。然而,三星和苹果的销量都下降了。到目前为止,华为已经成长 为全球最大的电信设备供应商,在170个国家销售。它可能会在不久的将来击败三星成为最大的

27、 智能手机制造商将来。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细核对,选 择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。31 .【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】G【小题3】D【小题4】B【小题5】F【解析】细节推理题。(1)根据 Mr.Liang, a math teacher, is going to take his summer holidays.He would like to go somewhere warm and sunny, where he can swim in the sea. and he enjoys sports and dancin

28、g.(梁先生是一名数 学老师,他打算放暑假。他想去一个温暖阳光的地方,在那里他可以在海里游泳,他喜欢运动和 跳舞。)可知说的是游泳和跳舞,结合选项,应说金沙岛七天假期,金色的沙滩和深蓝色的大海。 帆船和其他些水上运动,以及随着当地音乐跳舞。故选C。(2) 根据 ChenHui, a college student, wants to travel with very little money, and would like to get to know the country by working with the local people for four weeks.(陈辉是一名大学生,他

29、想花很少 的钱去旅行,并希望通过与当地人一起工作四个星期来了解这个国家。)可知说的是花钱很少, 结合选项,应说在贵州的一个农场工作一到三个月,如果你准备好和农民一起工作。房间、食物 和旅行都是免费的,你只需支付交通费用。故选G,|艮据 Mr.Zhang, a young and busy manager, needs a holiday to relax at some beautiful seaside.He likes good wine and shopping.(张先生是一位年轻而忙碌的经理,他需要在美丽的海边度假放松。 他喜欢美酒和购物。)可知说的是度假和购物,结合选项,应说夏季在三

30、亚海边的度假公寓。但 附近有商店和餐馆。故选D。(3) 根据 Mr. Lee and his wife, who have recently retired, want to see places of cultural and historic interest.(李先生和他的妻子最近退休了,他们想参观文化和历史名胜。)可知说的是参观文化和 历史名胜,结合选项,应说舒适的长途汽车游览了中国东部的五个城市.正常假期之外的六天, 看看当地文化。故选B。(4) 根据 Liu Xia, a nurse in a hospital in Guangzhou hopes to spend her 21

31、st birthday in the north and skaieon real ice.(广州一家医院的护士刘霞希望在北方度过她的21岁生日,在真正的冰上滑冰。) 可知说的是滑冰,结合选项,应说在满月酒店度假一周。美丽的公寓,可以看到哈尔滨的太阳湖。 你可以去滑冰,滑雪和其他冬季运动。故选F。(1)梁先生是一名数学老师,他打算放暑假。他想去一个温暖阳光的地方,在那里他可以在海里 游泳,他喜欢运动和跳舞。一一金沙岛七天假期,金色的沙滩和深蓝色的大海。帆船和其他一些 水上运动,以及随着当地音乐跳舞。(2)陈辉是一名大学生,他想花很少的钱去旅行,并希望通过与当地人一起工作四个星期来了解 这个国家

32、。一一在贵州的一个农场工作一到三个月,如果你准备好和农民一起工作。房间、食物 和旅行都是免费的,你只需支付交通费用。(3)张先生是一位年轻而忙碌的经理,他需要在美丽的海边度假放松。他喜欢美酒和购物。一一 夏季在三亚海边的度假公寓。但附近有商店和餐馆。(4)李先生和他的妻子最近退休了,他们想参观文化和历史名胜。一一舒适的长途汽车游览了中 国东部的五个城市。正常假期之外的六天,看看当地文化。(5)广州一家医院的护士刘霞希望在北方度过她的21岁生日,在真正的冰上滑冰。一一在满月 酒店度假一周。美丽的公寓,可以看到哈尔滨的太阳湖。你可以去滑冰,滑雪和其他冬季运动。 做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关

33、语句进行仔细分析,保证上下文意思通顺,结合选项选 出正确答案。32 .【答案】【小题1】developed【小题 2 countries【小题 3 attention【小题4 an【小题5 since【小题6】studying【小题7】is【小题8 after【小题9】before 【小题10 role【解析】(1)考查动词。句意:正如我们所知,中国近年来发展迅速。根据quickly these years 可知,中国近年来发展迅速,develop“发展”,根据has和句意,可知时态为现在完成时,has后跟 develop 的过去分词 developed( 故填 developedo(2)考查

34、名词。句意:它已经成为世界上最重要的国家之一。根据前文讲述中国发展迅速,可知, 成为世界上最重要的国家之一,country国家,oneof+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数最.的 之一”,故用country的复数形式countries。故填countries。(3)考查名词。句意:外国人更关注这个古老的东方国家-中国。payaltenlionto意为”关注、 故填 attention o(4)考查冠词。句意:海伦是一名交换生,自从两年前就来到了中国。根据句意可知这里泛指海 伦是一名交换生,exchange为元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an。故填an。(5)考查介词。句意:海伦是一名交换生,自从

35、两年前就来到了中国。根据句意,可知为since” 自从,since后的时间为表示过去的时间点,主句为现在完成时。故填since。(6)考查动词。句意:她现在正在中国的一所大学学习。根据in a university可知她现在正在中 国的一所大学学习,study学习,根据now和is,可知时态为现在进行时,is后跟siudy的现在分 词 studyingo 故填 studying0(7)考查be动词。句意:我认为在中国找工作比在我的国家更容易。根据题干,可知这里缺少 系动词,根据Ihink可知时态为一般现在时,finding jobs为从句里面的主语,为动名词作主语,故 谓语动词为单数,故用is

36、。故填is。(8)考查连词。句意:我完成学业后会在这里工作。根据句子,可知这里为after”在之后”。故 填 after。(9)考查副词。句意:巨大的变化比以前大得多。根据句意,可知这里为before”以前“,表示巨 大的变化比以前大得多。故填before。(10)考查名词。句意:中国在世界上扮演着重要的角色。play an important role意为”扮演重要的 角色。故填role。本文讲述了中国近年来发展迅速,并在世界上扮演着重要的角色。根据所给信息填空,考生注意先通读全文,根据所给的信息,结合词组固定搭配和语境,填出适 当的单词。33 .答案【小题 1 At least 2 kil

37、ometers.小题 2 Because physical education test scores are now worth more on the senior highschool entrance examination.【小题 3 Exercise indoors.【小题 4 Their parents.【小题 5 More than 10 minutes.【解析】细节理解题。(1)根据 But Gao Yuqi, a 14-year-old boy from Anhuigot up at 7 a.rn.to run at least 2 kilometers every day

38、 during the holiday.(但来自安徽的 14 岁男孩高玉 奇在假期每天早上7点起床,至少跑2公里。)可知,高玉奇在假期里每天至少跑2公里。故答 案为:At least 2 kilometers.根据Many schools across the country ask students to exercise during the winter holiday .The reason is that ph ysical education test scores are now worth more on the senior high school entrance exam

39、ination (中考).(全国许多学校都要求学生在寒假期间锻炼身体。原因是体育考试分数现在在高考中价值更高。) 可知,学生们被要求在寒假锻炼是因为体育考试分数现在在高考中更有价值。故答案为:Because physical education test scores are now worth more on the senior high school entrance examination.(3)根据正因为如此,高的学校合肥市陶崇湖中学现在要求学生在晴天跑步,如果天气不好,就 在室内锻炼。(Because of this, Gaos school, Hefei Taochonghu M

40、iddle School, now asks students to run on sunny days and exercise indoors if the weather is bad.)可知,学生们要求在恶劣天气下在室内 锻炼。故答案为:Exercise indoors.(4)根据 Their parents will sign off (签字)on their plans after they finish exercising.(他们的父母 会在他们完成锻炼后在他们的计划上签字。)可知,学生做完运动后,他们的父母会在计划上签 字。故答案为:Their parents.(5)根据 L

41、uo Zikun a 12-year-old student at the Golden Apple School in Chengdu,fell in love with exercise during the holiday.He skipped rope for more than 10 minutes every day. (12 岁的罗子坤是成都金苹果学校的一名学生,他在假期爱上了锻炼。他每天跳绳超过10分钟。)可 知,罗子坤假期每天跳绳超过10分钟。故答案为:More than 10 minutes.本文讲述了全国许多学校都要求学生在寒假期间锻炼身体。原因是体育考试分数现在在高考中

42、价 值更高。首先,对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意;其次,细读题材,各个击破;再次,细细阅 读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。34 .【答案】I heard that there might be some changes about the physical examination.Its said that basketball, volleyball and soccer will be added to the test.高分句型一】Here arc my opinions.(点题) First of all, I totally agr

43、ee with the changes.Nowadays, more and more students al school just ask for grades but forget the importance of health.高分句型二Then they become weak in sports, dont know how to play balls. Actually, some of them nearly get into studying machincs.So the physical examination will force them to play baske

44、tball, soccer or any olherballs.(我观点以及理由)At the same time, I have a suggestion.! advise the government to carry on (he plan sternly to make sure it can improve students poor physical situations.(呼吁)【解析】【高分句型一】Its said that basketball, volleyball and soccer will be added to the篮球、排球和足球将被加入考试。Its said

45、 that据说【高分句型二】Nowadays more and more students at school just ask for grades but forget the importance of health.现在, 越来越多的学生在学校只要求成绩,而忘记了健康的重要性。more and more越来越多。比较级+and+比较级,表示越来越能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。said.*I am sorry, sir.I cannot (18) your offer.I lived in it

46、 with my late husband and I want to die in it, the old lady said.The minister tried to tell her that her hut would destroy lhe( 19) of (he new palace.But (he old woman refused to(2Q) her hut.Thc matter was then taken to the king.The king thought fbr a while, and then said, Let the old lady have her

47、hut where it is.lt will only add to the beauty of the new palace.11.A. unhappyB. excitedC. pleasedD. friendly12.A. sureB. tiredC. proudD. afraid13.A. findB. buildC. leaveD. bum14.A. madeB. tookC. placedD. found15.A. whichB. whenC. whyD. whom16.A. inB. asC. forD. since17.A. workerB. kingC. young woma

48、nD. old lady18.A. giveB. acceptC. receiveD. refuse19.A. priceB. brandC. beautyD. direction20.A. sellB. buyC. moveD. repairHeres a book report written by Richard for his English class.BOOK REPORTDaily Student ReportName: Richard Nelson Title: Goodbye.Grandpa Banyan!Author: Sherry SandersSherry Sanders was born in 1981 in New York.She has written over 3() books.Most of her books are about teenagers


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