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《浙江省宁波市三年(2020-2022)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编-11选词填空&多任务混合阅读.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省宁波市三年(2020-2022)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编-11选词填空&多任务混合阅读.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省宁波市三年(2020-2022)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编11选词填空&多任务混合阅读一、选词填空1. (2021宁波)Read and write.选词填空,有两个多余的单词。worried August evening bought good cold hotHello, r m Oliver. Last Saturday was (1) 1st. The weather was windy and cloudy. I was busy. I did my homework in the morning. I didn,t feel (2) , because the homewo

2、rk was so easy for me. Then I went shopping with my mother. We (3) some food. In the afternoon, I visited my grandfather. He had a (4) .He slept in bed.I did lots of housework for him.I was tired in the (5) . Did you have a busy and happy weekend?2. (2020兰溪市)读短文,选词填空。 jumping, grapes, comes, How, ca

3、ntA fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Now he (1) near a wall. The wall is very high. The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine (2) on the wall. He smiles and says, (3) nice the grapes are! I want to eat therm The fox is (4) . He jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He (5) get the

4、grapes. The fox says.,/I must go now. I don,t like those grapes. They are green.They are not good to eat. 3. (2020镇海区)Look and write.(选词填空)lives often school hospital plane youngerBill is my new pen pal. He (1) in England. His father is a businessman. He goes to the different countries by (2) His mo

5、ther is a nurse. She works in a (3) Usually she goes to work by car. Bill has a little sister, Cindy. She is nine years old. She,s two years (4) than Bill. Cindy goes to school with her mother. They have dinner at 6: 30pm. After dinner they (5) watch TV or play games together.4. (2021江北区)根据短文内容,从方框中

6、选择适当的单词填空,只填序号。A.drivers B. safe C.street D. quickly E. specialZebra crossings can help people keep (1) . Now we are doing something (2) . That is give way at the zebra crossing. It asks (3) to stop when they see people walking through crossings. With this rule, people will be safer when crossing th

7、e (4). But第1页共11页A.rice B. carrots C.cheese D. mutton E.beefF. apples G. wheat H.onions I. pears J.yoghurtGrainVegetablesFruitsMeatMilkAGBHFIDECJ任务二:根据短文内容选择最正确答案。(1) What is the poem about? BA.Sports and health.B. Food and health.C. Plants and animals.(2) There are B food groups.A.fourfiveB. six(3)

8、 Which one is NOT a right answer? ABeef comes from plants.A. Food can come from animals.B. Food gives us energy.任务三:回答以下问题。(4) Whats your favourite food? Why? My favourite food is vegetables and fruit. Because they are healthy.【解答】任务一:A. rice 米饭,B. carrots 胡萝卜,C. cheese 奶酪,D. mutton 羊肉,E. beef 牛肉,F.

9、 apples 苹果,G. wheat 小麦,H. onions 洋葱,I. pears 梨 J. yoghurt 酸奶。第10页共11页由表格信息可知,米饭和小麦属于谷物;洋葱和胡萝卜属于蔬菜;苹果和梨属于水果;奶酪和酸奶属于牛奶;牛肉和羊肉属于肉类。故答案为:GrainVegetablesFruitsMeatMilkAGBHFIDE| CJ |任务二:(1) A运动与健康,B食物与健康,C植物和动物。由标题The Way to be Healthy健康之道可知文章 的主题与健康有关,由表格信息可知谈论的是食物方面,所以文章主题是食物与健康。应选:Bo(2) A四,B五,C六。由There

10、are five food groups.(有五种食物。)可知有五种食物。应选:B。(3) A牛肉来自植物。B食物可以来自动物。C食物给我们能量。由Food can come from animals.(食 物可以来自动物。)Chicken comes from animals.(鸡来自动物。)Food gives us energy.(食物给我 们能量。)可知食物可以来自动物,也可以给我们能量,但是文章没有提及牛肉来自植物,根据鸡肉来 自动物可以推断牛肉也来自动物。应选:Ao任务三:我最喜欢的食物是水果和蔬菜,因为它们是健康的。故答案为:My favourite food is vegeta

11、bles and fruit. Because they are healthy.at the same time, it is polite to cross the road (5) .5. (2022宁波)根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空,只填序号。A. famous B. on C. fifth D. have E. alsoThe Dragon Boat Festival is (1) called Duanwu Festival. Its on the (2) day of the fifth lunar (农历)month. People often (3) dragon

12、 boat races and eat zongzi(4) that day. The festival is celebrated (庆祝) in memory of (2已念) Qu Yuan. Heis a (5) poet in China. The Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!二、多任务混合阅读(2020年无此题型)6. (2022宁波)阅读理解。Gu Ailing is a great Chinese athlete (运发动).She is tall and pretty. She was bom (出 生)in Americ

13、a in 2003. But in 2019, she became a Chinese national (中国公民).Gu Ailing,s mother is Chinese. So when she was a child, she often came to China with her mother.She loves China. She loves Chinese food. She can A. (e, k, a, p, s) Chinese very well.Gu Ailing has many B. (s, o, b, i, b, h, e): skiing (滑雪),

14、running, playing the piano and so on. But she likes skiing best. She started to learn skiing when she was three years old. As an athlete, she is hard - working She is good at all kinds of skiing. She did great jobs in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics (北京冬奥会).Gu Ailing is clever. As a student, she is har

15、d - working, too. She will be a university student in Stanford (斯坦福) this summer. Stanford is one of the famous universities in the world. How cool!Gu Ailing is the pride of China!I love her so much!She is my idol!(1)任务一:根据提示填单词,使句子完整。A.第2页共11页(2)根据短文内容,选择最正确答案。Whats the meaning of idol? A.老师B.偶像c.教

16、练一 Whats Gu Ailing like?A.She is tall and pretty.B.She is clever and hard - working.B. She is tall, pretty, clever and hard - working.What is Stanford? A. A famous university.B.A famous athlete.C.A famous teacher.(3)根据短文,回答以下问题.Which sport does Gu Ailing like best? When did she start to learn it?7.

17、(2021邺州区)根据短文内容,完成以下任务。The Way to Be HealthyThere is an old saying.“You are what you eat. We all need to eat food.Where does food come from?Food can come from plants.Noodles come from plants.Cake comes from plants.Bananas come from plants.Food can come from animals.Chicken comes from animals.Milk co

18、mes from animals.There is an old saying.“You are what you eat. We all need to eat food.Where does food come from?Food can come from plants.Noodles come from plants.Cake comes from plants.Bananas come from plants.Food can come from animals.Chicken comes from animals.Milk comes from animals.There are

19、five food groups.Grain (谷物)is food, like wheat (小麦) and rice.Vegetables are food, like onions andcarrots.Fruits are food, like apples and pears.Meat is food, like mutton and beef.Milk includes (包括)cheese (奶酪)andyoghurt (酸奶).Food gives us energy (能量).Food makes us move (移动).第3页共11页Eggs come from anim

20、als.We need to eat healthy food.We need to eat five food groups every day!任务一:将以下食物填入合适的食物分类中。A.rice B.carrots C.cheese D. mutton E.beefF. apples G. wheat H.onions I. pears J.yoghurtGrainVegetablesFruitsMeatMilkJ AG |1|_任务二:根据短文内容选择最正确答案。(1) What is the poem about? A.Sports and health.B.Food and hea

21、lth.C.Plants and animals.(2) There are food groups.A. fourB. fiveC. six(3) Which one is NOT a right answer? A, Beef comes from plants.B, Food can come from animals,C.Food gives us energy.任务三:回答以下问题。(4) Whats your favourite food? Why? 第4页共11页参考答案与试题解析1. (2021宁波)Read and write.选词填空,有两个多余的单词。 worried A

22、ugust evening bought good cold hotHello, r m Oliver. Last Saturday was (1) August 1st. The weather was windy and cloudy. I was busy. I did my homework in the morning. I didn,t feel (2) worried , because the homework was so easy for me. Then I went shopping with my mother. We (3) bought some food.In

23、the afternoon, I visited my grandfather. He had a (4) cold , He slept in bed. I did lots of housework for him. I was tired in the (5) evening .Did you have a busy and happy weekend?【解答】(1) Augusto考查名词。根据空后的 1st可知,此处应填月份,August八月,符合题意。故 答案为:Augusto(2) worriedo 考查形容词。根据后半句because the homework was so e

24、asy for me可知,此处指 我不感到担忧,feel后接形容词,worried担忧的,符合题意。故答案为:worried。(3) boughto考查动词。结合前一句可知他们是去购物,此处指买了一些食物,应用动词的过去式, buy (买)的过去式为bought。故答案为:boughto(4) coldo考查名词。结合下一句祖父睡在床上推测此处指祖父生病了,have a cold感冒,是固定 搭配。故答案为:coldo(5) eveningo考查名词。in the evening在晚上,是固定搭配。故答案为:eveningo2. (2020兰溪市)读短文,选词填空。jumping, grape

25、s, comes, How, can,tA fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Now he (1) comes near a wall. The wall is very high. The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine (2) grapes on the wall. He smiles and says, (3) How nice the grapes are! I want to eat them. The fox is (4) jumping . He jumps and jumps

26、, but the wall is too high. He (5) cant get the grapes. The fox says. I must go now. I don,t like those grapes. They are green.They are not good to eat.”【解答】(1) comeso考查动词。句意为:现在他墙附近。横线处应为动词,文中句子时态为一般现 在时,主语he为第三人称单数,动词应为三单形式,comes来为come的三单形式,符合。故填:comeso(2) grapeso考查名词。fine好的为形容词,修饰名词,grapes葡萄为名词,符

27、合。故填:grapeso(3) Howo考查感叹句。How+形容词+主语+谓语,为感叹句的主要结构,nice好的为形容词。故填: Howo(4) jumpingo考查动词的现在分词。be动词+动词的现在分词为现在进行时的主要结构,jumping为第5页共11页jump的现在分词,符合。故填:jumpingo(5) can,to考查情态动词。句意为:他 摘到葡萄。cant不能,代入句意符合。故填:cant。3. (2020镇海区)Look and write.(选词填空)lives often school hospital plane youngerBill is my new pen pal

28、. He (1) lives in England. His father is a businessman. He goes to the different countries by (2) plane . His mother is a nurse. She works in a (3) hospital . Usually she goes to work by car. Bill has a little sister, Cindy. She is nine years old. She* s two years (4) younger than Bill. Cindy goes t

29、o school with her mother. They have dinner at 6: 30pm. After dinner they (5) often watch TV or play games together.【解答】此题考查选词填空.(1) lives.根据句意可知live in sp住在某地,是固定搭配,符合句意,故答案为:lives.(2) plane.根据句意可知by plane坐飞机,是固定搭配,符合句意,故答案为:plane.(3) hospital.根据句意可知Bi根的妈妈是一名护士,在医院hospital工作,故答案为:hospital.(4) younge

30、r.根据句意可知Cindy是我的小妹妹,比我小两岁,更年轻younger,故答案为:younger. (5) often.根据句意可知晚饭后他们经常看电视,often经常,故答案为:often.4. (2021江北区)根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空,只填序号。A.drivers B. safe C.street D.quickly E. specialZebra crossings can help people keep (1) B . Now we are doing something (2) E .That is give way at the zebra crossing.

31、 It asks (3) A to stop when they see people walking through crossings. With this rule, people will be safer when crossing the (4) C . But at the same time, it is polite to cross the road (5) D .【解答】(1) Bo考查形容词。keep safe保持安全。应选:B。(2) Eo考查形容词。不定代词something放形容词之前。special专门的。应选:E。(3) Ao考查名词。ask somebody

32、 to do something要求某人做某事。drivers司机,职业名词,符合 题意。应选:Ao(4) Co考查名词。cross the street穿过街道。应选:C。(5) Do考查副词。副词quickly修饰动词cross放之后。cross the road quickly快速穿过。应选: Do5. (2022宁波)根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空,只填序号。(1) famous B. on C. fifth D. have E. alsoThe Dragon Boat Festival is (1) E called Duanwu Festival. It,s on the

33、 (2) C day of 第6页共11页the fifth lunar (农历)month. People often (3) D dragon boat races and eat zongzi (4)B that day. The festival is celebrated (庆祝) in memory of (2己念) Qu Yuan. He is a (5)A poet in China. The Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!【解答】(1) Eo考查副词。观察句子可知,这里有两个名称,句意:龙舟节也叫端午节。also也,放 在句

34、子中,符合题意。应选:Eo(2) Co考查序数词。结合常识可知,端午节在每年的五月初五,the后面用序数词,fifth第五,符 合题意。应选:Co(3) Do考查动词。空处缺少动词作谓语,端午节人们要赛龙舟,吃粽子,have dragon boat races 赛龙舟,主语为People,复数形式,谓语动词用原形have。应选:D。(4) Bo考查介词。that day那天,为具体的一天,前面搭配介词on。应选:B。(5) Ao考查形容词。空处缺少形容词修饰poet (诗人),屈原是著名的诗人,famous著名的,符合题 意。应选:Ao6. (2022宁波)阅读理解。Gu Ailing is

35、a great Chinese athlete (运发动).She is tall and pretty. She was bom (出 生) in America in 2003. But in 2019, she became a Chinese national (中国公民).Gu Ailing,s mother is Chinese. So when she was a child, she often came to China with her mother. She loves China. She loves Chinese food. She can A. speak (e,

36、 k, a, p, s) Chinese very well.Gu Ailing has many B. hobbies (s, o, b, i, b, h, e): skiing (滑雪),running, playing the piano and so on. But she likes skiing best. She started to learn skiing when she was three years old. As an athlete, she is hard - working She is good at ail kinds of skiing. She did

37、great jobs in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics (北京冬奥会).Gu Ailing is clever. As a student, she is hard - working, too. She will be a university student in Stanford (斯坦福) this summer. Stanford is one of the famous universities in the world. How cool!第7页共11页 Gu Ailing is the pride of China!I love her so mu

38、ch!She is my idol!(l)任务一:根据提示填单词,使句子完整。A. speakhobbies(2)根据短文内容,选择最正确答案。Whats the meaning of idol”? BA.老师B.偶像c.教练一Whats Gu Ailing like?一 CA. She is tall and pretty.B.She is clever and hard - working.B. She is tall, pretty, clever and hard - working.What is Stanford”? AA famous university.A. A famous

39、 athlete.C.A famous teacher.(3)根据短文,回答以下问题.Which sport does Gu Ailing like best? When did she start to learn it?She likes skiing best.She started to learn skiing when she was three years old.【解答】(1)A.根据所给字母及单词Chinese,判断这里是单词speak,表示讲;说,后面常跟表示语言的单词。 speak Chinese讲中文。故答案为:speakoB.由后面列举的滑雪、跑步、弹琴,可知句子想要

40、表达的意思是谷爱凌有很多爱好。hobby爱好,是可 数名词。many后面跟可数名词复数。根据所给字母,填写单词hobbies,是名词hobby的复数。故答案 为:hobbieso(2) A 老师,B 偶像,C 教练。由 Gu Ailing is the pride of China! I love her so much!(谷爱凌是中 国的骄傲!我很爱她!)可知我很喜欢谷爱凌,所以她是我的偶像,老师和教练不太符合。应选:BoA又高又漂亮。B又聪明又勤奋。C她个子高,漂亮,聪明和勤奋。由She is tall and pretty.(她 第8页共11页又高又漂亮。)R Gu Ailing is

41、clever. As a student, she is hard - working, too.(谷爱凌很聪明。作为一名学生,她也很努力。)可知谷爱凌又高又漂亮,聪明还努力。应选:CoA 一所著名的大学。B 一位著名的运发动。C 一位著名的老师。由Stanford is one of the famous universities in the world.(斯坦福大学是世界上著名的大学之一。)可知斯坦福是一所著名的大学。 应选:Ao(3) 由 But she likes skiing best.She started to learn skiing when she was three y

42、ears old.(但是她最喜欢滑雪。她三岁时开始学滑雪。)可知她最喜欢滑雪。她三岁时开始学滑雪。故答案为:She likes skiing best.She started to learn skiing when she was three years old.7. (2021嘟州区)根据短文内容,完成以下任务。The Way to Be HealthyThere is an old saying.“You are what you eat. We all need to eat food.Where does food come from?Food can come from plant

43、s.Noodles come from plants.Cake comes from plants.Bananas come from plants.Food can come from animals.Chicken comes from animals.Milk comes from animals.Eggs come from animals.There are five food groups.Grain (谷物)is food, like wheat (小麦) and rice.Vegetables are food, like onions andcarrots.Fruits are food, like apples and pears.Meat is food, like mutton and beef.Milk includes (包括)cheese (奶酪)and yoghurt (酸奶).Food gives us energy (能量).Food makes us move (移动).We need to eat healthy food.We need to eat five food groups every day!任务一:将以下食物填入合适的食物分类中。第9页共11页


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