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《浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编-13任务型阅读&选词填空(人教版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编-13任务型阅读&选词填空(人教版).docx(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省温州市三年(2020-2022)小升初英语真题分题型分层汇编13任务型阅读&选词填空1. (2021 平阳县)任务型阅读。Sarah is reading the instructions of a new game.(游戏说明)Keep it steady. Would you liketo play?Whofs in it?1 wooden ring1 coloured dice27 colour sticks:9 red sticks. 9 yellow sticks. 9 blue sticks.How to play?Put oil the sticks into the ri

2、ng to make themIsland on the table.The first player rolls the dice.He/She should Ml put tide whose colouris Ihe some as (与lw)the die士When Ihe ring folk onlihe table, the gome isHow to win?A blue stick = three scores (想分)A red stick = two scores A yellow stick 二 1 score. Youll win if you have the mos

3、t scores.If it left three sticks in the end and the ring didnt fall the game is over. f8.(一)阅读Keep it steady的游戏说明.选择对应的游戏道具名称。(1(2A.diceB.sticksC. ring(二)根据游戏规那么,选择正确的选项。(1) Sarah rolls the dice. It is blue.She could pull out A.a red stickB. a yellow stickC.a blue stick(2) When is the game over? A.T

4、he ring falls on the table.第1页共22页参考答案与试题解析1. (2021平阳县)任务型阅读。Sarah is reading the instructions of a new game.(游戏说明)Keep it steady. Would you liketo play?sQDN於1 wooden ring1 coloured dice27 colour sticks:9 red sticks. 9 yellow sticks. 9 blue sticks.How to ploy?Put oil the sticks into the ring to make

5、 them Island on the table. The first player rolls the dice.He/She should Ml put tide whose colour is the some os (与lw)the die上vyh51he ring falls on the table, the gome is Loy 订.How to win?A blue stick = three scores (傅分)A red stick = two scores A yellow stick = 1 score. Youll win if you hove the mos

6、t scores.If if left three sticks in the end and the ring didnt fall the game is over, too.(一)阅读Keep it steady的游戏说明.选择对应的游戏道具名称。A.diceB.sticksC. ring(二)根据游戏规那么,选择正确的选项。(1) Sarah rolls the dice. It is blue. She could pull out Ca red stickA. a yellow sticka blue stick(2) When is the game over? 2A. The

7、ring falls on the table.B.Five sticks stand on the table.第10页共22页C. The dice is red.(3) Sarah gets 3 red sticks , 2 yellow sticks and a blue stick. So she gets A scores.A. 11B. 10C. 6【解答】(一)根据文中大意,图片中在木指环中的为sticks小棒,B为sticks小棒;C为木指环, ring;最下面的是骰子,A选项为dice骰子。故答案为:(1)(2)(1)(2)(二)(1) A 一个红棒,B 一个黄棒,C 一个

8、蓝棒。根据 He/She should pull out the stick whose colour is the same as the dice.(他/她应该拿出与骰子颜色相同的一个小棒。)可知,当Sarah转动骰子为蓝 色时,她应该拿出一个蓝棒。应选:Co(2) A指环掉到桌子上。B五个小棒站立在桌子上。C骰子是红色。根据When the ring falls on the table, the game is over.(当指环掉在桌子上时,游戏结束。)可知,当指环掉在桌子上时,游戏结 束。应选:Ao(3) All, BIO, C6o 根据文中 A blue stick = thre

9、e scores, A red stick=two scores, A yellow stick = one score (1个蓝棒=3分,1个红棒=2分,1个黄棒=1分)可知,Sarah拿到3个红棒,2个黄棒 和一个蓝棒,得分为:3X2+2X1+1X3 = 11。应选:Ao2. (2021苍南县)学校即将举行传统故事演讲比赛,请认真阅读,帮助Peter完成赛前准备。B(1)A long time ago, there was a hard - working craftsman (工匠).His name was Lu Ban.1) (2)One day, Lu Ban was at wor

10、k on a mountain. A leaf cut his finger. Lu Ban thought,“How could such a small leaf hurt my finger? A(3)He looked at the leaf carefully.There were many teeth on the leaf, and the teethweresharp. Could I make a tool (工具)with teeth like these? I could cut things with iteasily. Lu Ban said to himself.C

11、 (4) Soon Lu Ban made a saw (锯子).It was the first saw in the world. It helps people a lot.People are still using this tool today.(1)阅读文本,为每张图片按照内容填入段前。第11页共22页(2)请为故事选择一个合适的题目。BA. A hard - working craftsmanB.Lu Ban and the sawC.A leaf hurt Lu Ban【解答】(1) Bo 由 A long time ago, there was a hard - worki

12、ng craftsman. His name was Lu Ban.(很久很久以前,有一个勤劳的工匠。他的名字叫鲁班。)可知很久很久以前,有一个勤劳的工匠,叫 鲁班。图片B是一个工匠在干活的情景,符合。应选:Bo(2) Do 由 One day, Lu Ban was at work on a mountain. A leaf cut his finger. Lu Ban thought, z,How could such a small leaf hurt my finger?(一天,鲁班在山上做活。一片树叶划破了他的手 指。鲁班想:这么小的一片叶子怎么能弄伤我的手指呢? )可知有一天叶子滑

13、破了鲁班的手指,图片 A是鲁班的手被滑破的情景,符合。应选:D。(3) Ao 由 He looked at the leaf carefully. There were many teeth on the leaf, and the teeth were sharp. Could I make a tool with teeth like these? I could cut things with it easily. Lu Ban said to himself.(他仔细地看着这片叶子。叶子上有很多牙齿,牙齿很锋利。我可以做一个 像这样带着牙齿的工具吗?我可以用它轻松地切东西。鲁班自言自语

14、道。)可知鲁班在想自己能不能做 出像叶子一样带着牙齿的工具,图片A是鲁班盯着叶子的齿的场景,符合。应选:Ao(4) Co 由 Soon Lu Ban made a saw. It was the first saw in the world. It helps people a lot. People第12页共22页 are still using this tool today.(鲁班很快做出了锯子。这是世界上第一把锯子。它帮助了很多人。 今天人们还在使用这个工具。)可知鲁班最后做出了锯子吗,图片C是;鲁班拿着一把锯子,符合。故 选:Co(2) A一个勤劳的工匠,B鲁班和锯子,C 一片叶子伤

15、到了鲁班。由文章可知鲁班被叶子上到以后,有 了灵感,因此做出了世界上第一把锯子,所以最合适的题目是鲁班和锯子。应选:Bo3. (2021乐清市)任务型阅读,阅读公告,完成任务。Lets learn English!I like English. Do you like English too? I need a partner to learn English with me on the weekend. We can speak English and see English films together.SamCHN. com. cnWhats your hobby? Do you li

16、ke singing? There is a singing club in the music room on Friday afternoon. Would you like to join us?Call Peter: 3276390(1) Sam likes A .A.EnglishB.singing(2) You can B Sam if you have the same hobby.A. callB. write an e - mail to(3) If you like singing, you can do it with B .A. SamB. Peter(4) You c

17、an join the singing club A .A. on Friday afternoonB.on the weekend(5) Write a title (标题)for Peter,s notice. Lets sing together!【解答】考查文中细节。(1) Ao由文中I like English.可知Sam喜欢英语。应选:A。第13页共22页(2) Bo由文中SamCHN. com. cn可知可以通过邮件联系Sam。应选:B。(3) Bo由文中Call Peter: 3276390可知如果喜欢唱歌可以联系Peter。应选:B。(4) Ao 由文中 There is a

18、 singing club in the music room on Friday afternoon.可知唱歌俱乐 部是在周五下午。应选:Ao(5) Lets sing together!由文中 There is a singing club in the music room on Friday afternoon. 可知Peter提及的是唱歌俱乐部,标题可以为让我们一起唱歌! ,即Lets sing together!故答案 为:Lets sing together!4.(2021瓯海区)任务型阅读。学生们在主题班队课上就Changes around us展开讨论。请选择句子,完成讨论。

19、(1) C Before, I was not(2) B Before, thean active boy. Now Imnot clean. And the sactive. I have manyblue. We couldn,t see tfriends. Before, I couldn,tnow we plant many trego cycling, I practiced every weekend. Now I can ride a bike very well. Imore and more belike the changes! .(4) D Before, there w

20、as no gym in my school,we couldn,t run or jump during the rainy days. Nowwe have a big one. We can play sports in it. Before,there was no canteen, too. We ate lunch in theclassroom. Now we have a nice one. I like it verycmuch. 2air in our city was sky was not always he stars at night. But es.Our cit

21、y becomesjautiful,(3) A Before, we didn,t have Robin. Now I stay with him every day.He can help me do many things. Now I have another family member, Max. Before,he was small, now he is bigger. He runs after me every day. I love him.(5) E Before, we had to go to the shops or mall to buy things. Now w

22、e can buy clothes, food, toys and so on, almost everything online.Before, we had to take cash forshopping. Now we just need to take a smart h-phone. A.I think my family changed a lot.B.I think our city changed a lot.C.I think I changed a lot.D.I think our school changed a lot.第14页共22页E. I think our

23、shopping way changed a lot.(1) 】(1) Co 由 Before, I was not an active boy. Now Im active.(以前,我不是一个活跃的 男孩。现在我很活跃。)可知这段话描述的是我的变化,I think I changed a lot.(我觉得我变了很 多。)符合。应选:Co(2) Bo 由 Before, the air in our city was not clean. And the sky was not always blue. We couldn,t see the stars at night. But now w

24、e plant many trees. Our city becomes more and more beautiful.(以前,我们城市的空气不干净。天空也不总是蓝色的。我们晚上看不见星星。但是现在我们种了很多 树。我们的城市变得越来越美丽。)可知这段话描述的是我们城市的变化,I think our city changed a lot.(我觉得我们的城市变了很多。)符合。应选:Bo(3) Ao 由 Before, we didn,t have Robin. Now I stay with him every day. He can help me do many things. Now I

25、 have another family member, Max. Before, he was small, now he is bigger. He runs after me every day. I love him.(以前,我没有罗宾。现在我每天都和他在一起。它可以帮我做很多 事情。现在我又多了一个家庭成员,麦克斯。以前,它很小,现在它长大了。它每天都在追我。我爱它。) 可知这段话描述的是我们家庭的变化,I think my family changed a lot.(我觉得我们家变了很多。) 符合。应选:Ao(4) Do 由 Before, there was no gym in

26、my school, we couldn,t run or jump during the rainy days. Now we have a big one. We can play sports in it. Before, there was no canteen, too. We ate lunch in the classroom. Now we have a nice one. I like it very much. (以前,在我的学校没有 体育馆,我们不能跑或跳在雨天。现在我们有一个大的体育馆。我们可以在里面做运动。以前,这里也 没有食堂。我们在教室吃午饭。现在我们有一个漂亮的

27、食堂。我非常喜欢它。)可知这段话描述的是我 们学校的变化,I think our school changed a lot.(我觉得我们学校变了很多。)符合。应选:Do(5) Eo 由 Before, we had to go to the shops or mall to buy things. Now we can buy clothes, food, toys and so on, almost everything online. Before, we had to take cash for shopping. Now we just need to take a smart pho

28、ne?(以前,我们必须去商店或购物中心买东西。现在我们可以在 网上买衣服、食物、玩具等几乎所有的东西。以前,我们购物必须带现金。现在我们只需要拿个智能手 机。)可知这段话描述的是购物方式的变化,I think our shopping way changed a lot.(我觉得我们 的购物方式变了很多。)符合。应选:Eo5. (2020瓯海区)校园周末活动吸引了许多人来参加,Mike在做引路志愿者。请根据对话选出路 线和位置。Man: Excuse me, where,s the library?Mike: Go straight. Turn right at the playground.

29、 Go straight again.第15页共22页Turn left at the second crossing.The library is on your left side, next to the garden.Man: Thank you so much!(1) How can the man get to the library? B(2) Where is the library? Cth 所3 I Sth 所3 I S【解答】考查阅读理解。(1) Bo 由文中Go straight. Turn right at the playground. Go straight ag

30、ain. Turn left at the second crossing. The library is on your left side, next to the garden.可矢口直走。在操场右 转。再直走。在第二个十字路口向左转。图书馆在你的左边,紧挨着花园。B项符合题意。应选:Bo(2)Co根据迈克描述可知直走。在操场右转。再直走。在第二个十字路口向左转。图书馆在你的左边, 紧挨着花园。C项符合题意。应选:Co6. (2020乐清市)如今网购越来越普遍,阅读文章Online shopping,选择单词填空,有些单词耍变形哦!like on look thing lowOnline

31、 shoppingNowadays more and more people like online shopping for a number of reasons (原因):(1) You can choose any time of the day or night to get (1) on the Internet and go shopping.(2) Prices are often (2) lower than shops.(3) You can compare (比拟) prices from hundreds of different goods (货物).(4) You

32、have more choices (选择).If you can,t find what you want in one shop online, you can move on to another one.But some people don,t like online shopping, because they think:(1) You can,t try (3) things on,(2) You have a question about what you,re (4) looking at, but you can,t talk to someone第16页共22页imme

33、diately (立刻地).(3) Many people worry about their online privacy (隐私).Do you (5) like online shopping or not?【解答】考查阅读填空。(1) on.考查介词。由题,get on the Internet上网是常见短语,句意为你可以选择白天或晚上的 任何时间上网并且购物。符合逻辑。故答案为:on。(2) lower.考查形容词的比拟级。由题,than比前搭配形容词或副词的比拟级,be动词后搭配形容 词,low低的的比拟级lower代入句意为价格经常比商店里低。符合逻辑。故答案为:lower。(3

34、) things.考查名词。由题,句意为你不能试穿。,thing东西符合,此处没有冠词、物主 代词等限定词,可数名词要用复数形式,即things。故答案为:things。(4) looking.考查现在分词。由题,be动词are后搭配动词的现在分词构成现在进行时,即looking, 句意为关于你正看的东西你有一个问题,可是你不能立刻对某个人说。符合逻辑。故答案为Jooking。(5) like,考查动词。由题,like喜欢代入句意为你喜不喜欢线上购物? 符合逻辑,助动词do后搭 配动词的原形,即like。故答案为:like。7. (2020鹿城区)保持健康的状态,迎接即将到来的暑假吧!选择以下

35、单词填空,有些单词需要变 形哦。one animal be take a trip bigThere are lots of free time and fun things in summer! If you like swimming, you can (1) take k trip to Hainan. The sea is blue and the air is clean. If you like eating fruit, Xinjiang will be a good place to visit. The grapes (2) are fresh and delicious i

36、n August. Like science? Visit Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. Its (3) bigger than ours. You will see many robots on the (4) first floor. You also can go to Shanghai Wildlife Zoo and see many (5) animals ? such as elephants, giraffes and lions. Anyway, enjoy your summer time!【解答】(I) take a tr

37、ip。考查动词短语。根据语境如果你喜欢游泳,你可以去海南干什么可知是旅 行 take a tripo 应选:take a trip。(2) are。考查系动词。根据语境The grapes fresh and delicious描述应用系动词be+adj.构成 谓语;主语The grapes ,系动词应用are符合题意。应选:are。(3) biggero考查形容词比拟级。由连词than比拟级的标志可知这里需要形容词比拟级,big大的比 较级是bigger比拟大的。应选:bigger。第17页共22页(4) firsto考查序数词。根据你会在一楼看到很多机器人语境描述可知在一楼on the f

38、irst floor。 应选:firsto(5) animalso考查名词。根据文中see many可知,需要补充宾语,animals”是名词可以作宾语。 应选:animalso8. (2020龙湾区)阅读下面的疫情报道,选择正确的单词完成短文,有些单词要注意变形哦!because on she doctor winIn my eyes, my mother is like Ultraman (超人), Amy said. (1) Her mother, Lu Jingjing,is a doctor from Wuhan Children,s Hospital, taking care of

39、 COVID - 19 - infected patients (新冠肺炎患者).She left home (2) on February 6th.When Lu left home, Amy cried and asked her mother not to leave. But Lu told Amy that shewould kill the virus with Ultraman. So she let Lu go (3) because she thought Ultraman canhelp her mother win.never feel afraid to stay wi

40、th the patients. I should do this because I am a (4) doctor . I believe that we will (5) win and the patients will get well soon, Lu said. 【解答】(1) Hero考查形容词性物主代词。Amy艾米是女孩名,可知,此处放在mother前面,缺少形 容词性物主代词,her她的,符合题意,放在句首,首字母大写。故答案为:Hero(2) on。考查时间介词。February 6th表示2月6日,前面缺少表示时间的介词,且放在具体的一天 之前,用介词on。故答案为:o

41、n。(3) becauseo考查连词。观察句意可知,Amy让妈妈走了是因为她认为超人能帮助妈妈获得胜利,前 后为因果关系,用because连接。故答案为:because。(4) doctor。考查名词。a后面缺少表示身份职业的名词,doctor医生,符合题意。故答案为:doctor。(5) win。考查动词。will为助动词,后面缺少动词院系,win获得胜利,符合题意。故答案为:win。第18页共22页9. (2021鹿城区)城市建设初见成效,守护长江(The Yangtze River)同样重要!选词填空,有些 要变形哦。factory clean China good weThe Yang

42、tze River is over 6 , 300 kilometers long.It s the longest river in China. However, it is sick these days. (1) Chinese people are taking action to help it. Firstly, people should not build (建造)any (2)factories near the river. Secondly, people stop fishing in theriver. Some fishermen are (3) cleaning

43、 up the river now. Thirdly, people should build more nature parks along the river. The river is not only (4) our mother river but also the animals,home. In this way, the Yangtze River will get (5) better than before.【解答】(1) Chineseo考查形容词。根据前文However, it is sick these days.可知,长江生病了,中 国人正在采取行动帮助它,Chin

44、ese中国的,符合题意。故填:Chinese。(2) factorieso考查名词。any后搭配可数名词复数或者不可数名词,结合语境,人们不应该在河边建 造工厂,factory工厂,此处用复数形式factories表示一类。故填:factorieso(3) cleaningo考查现在分词。are后面缺少动词的现在分词构成现在进行时,根据语境,一些渔民正在 清理河流,clean清理,现在分词为cleaning。故填:cleaningo(4) our0考查代词。mother river母亲河,根据常识可知,长江是我们的母亲河,our我们的,符合题 意。故填:our。(5) bettero考查形容词

45、比拟级。根据than可知,空处缺少比拟级,当大家都保护长江时,长江会变得 更好,good的比拟级better符合题意。故填:better。10. (2021乐清市)阅读,判断正误。在编辑框里打上J或X。From: Mary Green Aus. 163. comTo: Chen Jiel990163. comDear Chen Jie,r m your new pen pal. My name is Mary. I live in Sydney. Its summer in China, but its cold here. There are 4 people in my family. M

46、y father is a businessman, he goes to work by subway. My mother is a secretary, and she works hard. My brother is 9. He studies at school. My hobby is playing basketball.I also like playing football. China is a beautiful country.I am going to China with my family one day.Where do you live? What are

47、your hobbies? How do you go to school? Tell me something about第19页共22页B. Five sticks stand on the table.C. The dice is red.(3) Sarah gets 3 red sticks , 2 yellow sticks and a blue stick. So she gets scores.A. 1110B. 62. (2021苍南县)学校即将举行传统故事演讲比赛,请认真阅读,帮助Peter完成赛前准备。 (1) A long time ago, there was a ha

48、rd - working craftsman (工匠).His name was Lu Ban. (2) One day, Lu Ban was at work on a mountain. A leaf cut his finger. Lu Ban thought, “How could such a small leaf hurt my finger? (3) He looked at the leaf carefully. There were many teeth on the leaf, and the teeth were sharp. Could I make a tool (工具)with teeth


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