2019八年级英语下册 Unit 8 What are the shirts made of Section A(3a-3c)导学案 鲁教版五四制.doc

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1、1课题:课题:UnitUnit 8 8 WhatWhat areare thethe shirtsshirts mademade ofof ? ? (Section(Section A A 3 3a-a-3c3c) )序号:序号:8-38-3 课型:课型: 主备人:主备人: 审核:审核: 时间:时间: 一、学习目标一、学习目标 1、掌握本课时重点单词短语,继续学习物品质地,出处等相关问题。 2、 能够掌握阅读技巧,进而完成阅读理解。5、了解中国制造,美国制造的深层意义。二、活动导学二、活动导学1.1. . .学生通读短文学生通读短文 3a3a,思考下列问题:,思考下列问题:a. What tw

2、o things did Kang Jian want to buy in America? b. Where were they made?2.2.老师讲解短文,要求学生在理解课文的基础上找到问题的老师讲解短文,要求学生在理解课文的基础上找到问题的答案。答案。3.3. 要求学生细读短文,独立完成要求学生细读短文,独立完成 3b3b。4.4. 要求学生再读短文,完成要求学生再读短文,完成 3c.3c.3 3、达标反馈达标反馈(一)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(一)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. I want to go to F_ to learn French.2. May I use

3、 your m_ phone to make a telephone?3. Two thirds of the s_ of the earth is covered with water(被水覆盖).4. You dont need to buy things from big cities,you can buy them in our l_ shops.5. We often wear g to protect our hands in winter. (二)用括号中所(二)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。给词的适当形式填空。1. Children under 18 _(not allow)

4、 to drive a car.2. Tea plants _(grow) in Anhu i.3. The _(postman) bring letters to peoples home.4. The car _(produce)in German.5. American flags _(not make) in China.3、培养学生善于发现问题并解决问题的能力。4、通过复述课文去掌握重要语言点。2( (三)单项选择三)单项选择1. (2014北京朝阳区期末)How clean and tidy your bedroom is! Thanks. It every day. A. cle

5、ans B. cleaned C. is cleanedD. was cleaned2.I want to buy a pair of basketball shoes_ in America.A. makeB. to make C. making D. made3. Stamps are made and they are used to post letters. A. of paperB. of silver C. from paperD. from silver4. _ you eat,you mustnt waste your food.A. What B. How C. No matter what D. Which5. They use the gold rings and other things. A. to makeB. to made C. is made D. are making学后记:学后记:8-38-3 (一)1. France 2. mobile 3, surface 4, local 5,gloves (二)1.arent allowed 2, are grown 3, postmen 4, is produced 5, arent made (三)1-5 CDACA

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