2019八年级英语下册 Unit 1 When was he born Section A(3a-3c)导学案 鲁教版五四制.doc

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2019八年级英语下册 Unit 1 When was he born Section A(3a-3c)导学案 鲁教版五四制.doc_第1页
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2019八年级英语下册 Unit 1 When was he born Section A(3a-3c)导学案 鲁教版五四制.doc_第2页
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1、1课题:课题:UnitUnit 1 1 WhenWhen waswas hehe born?born? (Section(Section A A 3 3a-a-3c3c) )序号:序号:1-21-2 课型:课型: 主备人:主备人: 审核:审核: 时间:时间: 一、学习目标一、学习目标 1.识记并能运用本课新学单词和词组。 2.能使用一般过去时,采用时间顺序来写作一篇关于一个人成长经历的文章。 3.学习诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言获得成功的经验。二、活动导学二、活动导学1 1 . . 找出下列短语,并小组内讨论。找出下列短语,并小组内讨论。诺贝尔文学奖_在二月_汉语字典_ 期待做某事_辍学 _几个错误

2、_ 全世界 _开始工作_ 参军_作者的笔名_在那时_学习文学_出生在一个农民家庭 _著名导演_想方设法做某事_ 变得感兴趣_手中没有更多的书_被被改编成电影_2 . 组内讨论自己知道的有关诺贝尔奖的知识。 3. 大声朗读文章,同伴互读,相互纠音。 4. 组内讨论 3b 中的 4 个问题。 5. 组内讨论 3c,并填好表格。 6. 组内谈论自己从文章中学到了什么?7 7 合作探究合作探究 讨论以下短语的用法讨论以下短语的用法(1) expectexpect toto dodo 期待期待 盼望做某事盼望做某事 I expect to see you again。expectexpect sbsb.

3、 . toto dodo I expect him to buy a gift for me. expectexpect thatthat + +从句从句 The teachers expect that all the students can pass the exam.(2). stopstop doindoing g / / toto dodoThey stopped doing homework.他们停止做作业They stopped to do homework.他们停下来去做作业(3).rememberremember doingdoing / / toto dodo forge

4、tforget doing/doing/ toto dodo 三三、达标反馈、达标反馈1、Where _(be) your father born?2、Dont stop _(speak).3、When did you start _(learn ) English?4、How many _(play) in your team?5、Listen! My mother _(sneeze) . She has a cold.26Tom was born _ 1992.7. MY mother was born _ January, 1966.8. Deng Yaping was born _ t

5、he 2nd of June, 1973.9 他的第一篇短片故事是在 1981 年出版的._学后记:学后记:短语短语 :NobelNobel PrizePrize inin FebruaryFebruary a a ChineseChinese dictionarydictionary expectexpect toto dodo sthsthDropDrop outout ofof schoolschool severalseveral mistakesmistakes allall overover thethe worldworld beginbegin toto w workorkJo

6、inJoin thethe armyarmy thethe writerswriters penpen namename atat thatthat timetime StudyStudy literatureliterature bebe bornborn intointo a a framersframers familyfamily famousfamous directordirectorTryTry everyevery meansmeans toto dodo sthsth becomebecome interestedinterested inin WithWith nono moremore wordswords atat handhand bebe mademade intointo a a filmfilm达标:达标:1.1. WasWas 2.2. DirectorDirector 3.novels3.novels 4.players4.players 5.is5.is sneezingsneezing 6.6.inin 7.in7.in 8.on8.on9.9. HisHis firstfirst storystory waswas publishedpublished inin 19811981. .


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