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《高中英语必修五Unit-1-words课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语必修五Unit-1-words课件.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 up down out off on up with awayput记下,放下记下,放下扑灭扑灭推迟,延期推迟,延期举起举起;建造建造;张贴张贴 穿上穿上1.putforward提出提出忍受忍受收拾收拾1.The plan that you _ at the meeting is wonderful.2.Many tall buildings were _ along the road.3.Firefighters have been called to _ the fire in the city centre.4.I dont know how his parents_ his beha

2、vior.5.Dont _ until tomorrow what can be done today.-Benjamin Franklin put forward put up put out put off put up with2.draw a conclusion 得出结论得出结论 draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion(from)翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1.从事实中得出结论很重要。从事实中得出结论很重要。_It is important to draw a conclusion from the facts.3.defeat vt.击败

3、击败;战胜战胜;使受挫;使受挫 n.失失败败 (defeated,defeated)【易混辨析】易混辨析】beat,defeat与与win(1)beat和和defeat的宾语必须是表示对手的名词,的宾语必须是表示对手的名词,如某人或一个集体如某人或一个集体(a team,an army,a country,a class等等),二者常可互换。,二者常可互换。(2)(2)defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人尤指在战场上打败敌人.beat词义较广词义较广,除表示,除表示“战胜战胜”外,还可表示外,还可表示“敲打、心跳敲打、心跳”等等(3)win意为意为“赢得赢得”,宾语不能是人、球队、国宾语不能是人、

4、球队、国家等表示对手的名词家等表示对手的名词,但可以接比赛、奖品、名,但可以接比赛、奖品、名次、声望、尊重等。次、声望、尊重等。【活学活用】活学活用】(1)He defeated all his opponents in the election.他在竞选中击败了他的所有对手。他在竞选中击败了他的所有对手。(2)Do you still remember the two defeats?你还记得那两次失败吗?你还记得那两次失败吗?(3)No difficulty can _this brave man since he is so confident and capable.没有任何困难可以击

5、败这个勇敢的人,因为他没有任何困难可以击败这个勇敢的人,因为他有信心和能力。有信心和能力。(4)Our hopes_.我们的希我们的希望破灭了。望破灭了。defeat/beat were defeated4.attend vt.照顾,护理;出席,参加照顾,护理;出席,参加1)attend(on)sb.照照顾顾,护护理理Which doctor is attending(on)you?2)attend sth.出席出席,参加参加 a meeting,a ceremony,a funeral,a wedding,a lecture(听听讲讲座座),concert(听音听音乐乐会会)school(上

6、学上学),church(上教堂上教堂)拓展:拓展:attend to sth.注意,专心注意,专心*Attend to your work and stop talking.专心工作专心工作,不要说话不要说话 (1)如果你工作不专心,你就不会成功。如果你工作不专心,你就不会成功。If you dont_ your work,you wont succeed.(2)珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。Jane have been _ her sick mother for years.attend toattending on5.expose vt.暴露暴露 be

7、 exposed to 被暴露在被暴露在;遭受遭受到到expose.to 把把.暴露于暴露于n揭露揭露;揭发揭发;使爆光使爆光nexpose crime/a project/a plan等等 n揭露罪行揭露罪行方案方案计划等计划等 _tosunlightfortoomuchtimewilldoharmtoonesskin.A.ExposedB.ExposingC.BeingexposedD.Havingexposed(教材教材P2)Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病人们既不知道它的病源,也不知道它的治疗方法。源,也不知

8、道它的治疗方法。curable adj.可治愈的cure sb of sth 治愈(某人)的(痛);矫正/改正(某人)的(不良习惯等)a cure for 针对的疗法6.6.curecuren痊愈,治愈痊愈,治愈 vt.治愈;治疗治愈;治疗【温馨提示】温馨提示】用法相似的词还有:用法相似的词还有:accuse sb of sth 指控、指责某人某事指控、指责某人某事inform sb of sth 通知某人某事通知某人某事remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事使某人想起某事rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物抢劫某人某物warn sb of sth 警告某人某事警告某人某事con

9、vince sb of sth 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事suspect sb of sth 怀疑某人某事怀疑某人某事【活学活用】活学活用】(1)The medicine could cure him of his stomach ache.这药能治愈他的胃痛。这药能治愈他的胃痛。(2)Doctors are searching for a cure for AIDS.医生们正在寻找艾滋病的治疗方法。医生们正在寻找艾滋病的治疗方法。(3)His job will _ his laziness.他的工作会改掉他懒惰的毛病。他的工

10、作会改掉他懒惰的毛病。(4)What is the best _ a cold?针对感冒最好的疗法是什么?针对感冒最好的疗法是什么?cure him ofcure for7.challengevt.向向挑战挑战n.挑战挑战He left a note at the scene of the crime,challenging detectives to catch him.他在作案现场留了一张纸条,挑衅侦探他在作案现场留了一张纸条,挑衅侦探们去抓他。们去抓他。The new governments first challenge is the economy.新政府面临的第一项挑战是经济。新政

11、府面临的第一项挑战是经济。8.absorb v.吸收吸收 Black cloth absorbs light.absorb oneself in/be absorbed in 专注于专注于,被吸引;被吸引;I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear your call.Simon was so _(沉浸于)(沉浸于)his book that he didnt even notice me come in.absorbed in 9.9.suspect suspect vt.认为;怀疑认为;怀疑 n被怀疑被怀疑者;嫌疑犯者;嫌疑犯 adj.不可信的;靠不住的

12、不可信的;靠不住的suspect sb/sth 怀疑某人/某事suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事suspect sb to be 怀疑某人是suspect that(从句)怀疑【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)They suspect him of giving false evidence.他们怀疑他提供伪证。他们怀疑他提供伪证。(2)I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine.我怀疑发动机出了什么故障。我怀疑发动机出了什么故障。(3)I began to _(that)they were tr

13、ying to get rid of me.我开始怀疑他们试图摆脱我。我开始怀疑他们试图摆脱我。suspect(4)What made you _ her _ having taken the money?你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的?你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的?(5)The police arrested the _ yesterday.警方昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。警方昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。suspectsuspectof 10.blame vt.责备责备,谴责谴责 n.过过失,失,责备责备1)be to blame(for sth.)应受责备应受责备;应对某事负责应对某事负责(主动主动形式表被动形式表

14、被动)2)blame sb.for sth.因为某事因为某事而责备某人而责备某人3)blame sth.on sb.把把归咎归咎到某人身上到某人身上失败不能怪别人失败不能怪别人(blame on),只能怪自己。,只能怪自己。(be to blame)Dont blame your failure on others.It is you yourself that are to blame.Who is _ the fire in the kitchen?A.to blame for B.to be blamed C.blame for D.blame Mr.Green stood up in

15、defense of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he wasnt the one_.A.blamed B.blamingC.to blameD.to be blamed11.handle A.操作操作;运用运用 B.经销经销;买卖买卖 C.管理管理 D.对待对待 E.应付应付 F.控制控制;管管handle v.Choose the Chinese explanations in the box.1.Ms Hawkins,the chief accountant of the company handles the companys accounts.C2

16、.The children are so naughty that I cant handle them.3.She handled a difficult argument skillfully.FE4.Handle children kindly,if you want them to trust you.5.This shop handles paper and stationery.6.He learnt how to handle the axe.DBA2.The two towns are linked by a railway.1.A lot of links fitted to

17、gether form a chain.3.The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.12.link4.研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之间的关系。间的关系。Researchers have detected a link between smoking and heart disease.13.13.announce announcevt.通告,宣布通告,宣布announcement n.通告,宣告,通知announcer n.广播员,播音员announce sth 宣布某事,宣告某事announce tha

18、t 宣布make an announcement 宣布It is announced that 据宣布【温馨提示】【温馨提示】表示表示“向某人宣布某事向某人宣布某事”用用announce sth to sb,而不能用,而不能用announce sb sth。【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)Mr Wang,headteacher of Class 2,announced to the class that there would be no school tomorrow.二班的班主任王老师向学生们宣布明天不上课。二班的班主任王老师向学生们宣布明天不上课。(2)The dark clouds an

19、nounce rain.那些乌云预示着有雨。那些乌云预示着有雨。(3)_ there will be a celebration on National Day.据宣布国庆节有庆祝活动。据宣布国庆节有庆祝活动。It is announced that 4.The captain announced that the plane was going to land.5.The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain.contribute 贡献贡献;捐献捐献 make a contributi

20、on to sth 对对 做出贡献做出贡献 contribute to sth 是是 的原因之一的原因之一粗心是他考试失败的愿意之一。粗心是他考试失败的愿意之一。Carelessness contributed to his failure in the examination.Driving after drinking was said to have contributed to his death.他对项目的全面成功做出了非常积极的贡献他对项目的全面成功做出了非常积极的贡献.He made a very positive contribution to the overall succ

21、ess of the projectapart from besidesexcept for到国外旅行除了花了我很多钱,还花了我很多时间。Traveling abroad took me a lot of time apart from money.除了几处小失误,你的工作做得很好。You have done a good job apart from a few slights faults.脱离开There can be no knowledge apart from practice.没有理论能够离开实践。=in addition to 14.15.15.make sense 有意义,有

22、道理,说得通有意义,有道理,说得通 1)What you say makes no sense.2)It would make sense to leave early.3)Can you make sense of this poem?你说的话没有道理你说的话没有道理还是早点走好。还是早点走好。(是明智的,合理的)(是明智的,合理的)你看得懂这首诗吗?(理解或弄懂)你看得懂这首诗吗?(理解或弄懂)16.reject.refuse to accept 拒绝,不肯接受He rejected our help.He wanted to join the army but was rejected.

23、抛弃,扔掉The farmer had to rejected some fruit that was overripe.He rejected some old books.nRevisionput forwarddraw a conclusionexpose sb.to sth.cure sb of sthbe absorbed inbe to blameblame sb for sth blame sth on sblink to提出提出得出结论得出结论把某人暴露给把某人暴露给治好某人治好某人沉浸于沉浸于专注于专注于应受责备应受责备因为因为而责备某人而责备某人把把归咎于某人归咎于某人与与有联系有联系


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