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1、火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂拥而出或留恋财物,要当机立断,披上浸湿的衣服或裹上湿毛毯、湿被褥勇敢地冲出去火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂拥而出或留恋财物,要当机立断,披上浸湿的衣服或裹上湿毛毯、湿被褥勇敢地冲出去Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to单元大归纳单元大归纳一短语归纳一短语归纳1.随着(音乐)跳舞随着(音乐)跳舞 2.随着随着一起唱一起唱3.弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家4.电子音乐电子音乐 5.没什么(事)没什么(事)6.猜想某人做某事猜想某人做某事 7.应该做某事应该做某事8.有空闲时间有空闲时间9.在某人的空闲时间

2、在某人的空闲时间 10.抽时间做抽时间做 dance to(music)dance to(music)sing along withsing along withmusicians who play different kinds of musicmusicians who play different kinds of musicelectronic musicelectronic musicnot muchnot muchsuppose sb to do sthsuppose sb to do sthbe supposed to do sthbe supposed to do sthhav

3、e spare timehave spare timein ones spare timein ones spare timespare the time to do sthspare the time to do sth 11.想太多想太多12.既然那样既然那样 13.第二次世界大战第二次世界大战14 悦耳的音乐悦耳的音乐 15.比起比起B来更喜欢来更喜欢A16.17.18.想要做某事想要做某事 19坚持,固守坚持,固守20.悲哀,沮丧悲哀,沮丧 think too muchthink too muchin that casein that caseWorld War IIWorld War

4、 IIsmooth musicsmooth musicprefer A to Bprefer A to Bprefer doing A to doing Bprefer doing A to doing Bprefer to do sth.rather than do sthprefer to do sth.rather than do sthfeel like doing sthfeel like doing sth.stick tostick tobe downbe down21.使使 高兴高兴/振奋振奋22.有个美满的结局有个美满的结局 23.尽某人最大努力做尽某人最大努力做24.不那么

5、严重不那么严重 25.做某事的好办法做某事的好办法26.让我感觉更伤心让我感觉更伤心27.提供了大量的关于某个主题的信息提供了大量的关于某个主题的信息28.关闭我的大脑关闭我的大脑 29.按时按时/准时准时30偶尔的,有时偶尔的,有时 cheer sb upcheer sb uphave a happy endinghave a happy endingtry ones best to do sthtry ones best to do sth.less seriousless seriousa good way to do stha good way to do sthmake me fee

6、l even saddermake me feel even sadderprovide plenty of information about a provide plenty of information about a certain subjectcertain subjectshut off my brainshut off my brainin time in time 及时及时 on timeon time.once in a whileonce in a while31.自己写歌词自己写歌词32.歌词唱的清楚歌词唱的清楚 33.带某人去某地带某人去某地34.中国民间音乐中国民间

7、音乐 35.由二胡演奏的由二胡演奏的36 感动某人感动某人,37.38.异常的异常的/出奇的美出奇的美39.感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦40.最令人感动的乐曲之一最令人感动的乐曲之一write ones own lyricswrite ones own lyricssing the words clearlysing the words clearly.take sb to swtake sb to swChinese folk musicChinese folk musicbe played on the erhube played on the erhumove s

8、bmove sb.sb.be moved bysb.be moved bystrangely beautifulstrangely beautifulsense a strong sadness and painsense a strong sadness and painone of the most moving one of the most moving pieces of musicpieces of music41.(和某人)结婚(和某人)结婚42.查看,查阅查看,查阅 43.由由/被被写的写的44.赚钱赚钱 45.弹奏很多的乐器弹奏很多的乐器46.到到17岁的时候岁的时候 47.

9、因音乐才能而出名因音乐才能而出名48.得了一种很重的病得了一种很重的病49.成了盲人,变瞎成了盲人,变瞎 50.几年几年get married(to sb)get married(to sb)look uplook upbe written by sb.be written by sb.make moneymake moneyplay many musical instrumentsplay many musical instrumentsby age 17by age 17be known for musical abilitybe known for musical abilitydeve

10、lop a serious illnessdevelop a serious illnessbecome blindbecome blindfor several yearsfor several years51.痛苦的经历痛苦的经历 52.传播快乐的时间传播快乐的时间 53.继续做某事继续做某事 54.用这种形式表演用这种形式表演55.在某人有生之年在某人有生之年 56.到到末为止末为止57.遗憾的是遗憾的是 58.总共总共61.掌握一门外语掌握一门外语62.因为因为赞美赞美 63.中国的国家珍宝中国的国家珍宝64.描绘了一幅描绘了一幅画画 65.唤起某人最深的伤痛唤起某人最深的伤痛pain

11、ful experiencespainful experiencesa time for spreading joya time for spreading joycontinue to do sthcontinue to do sth.perform in this wayperform in this wayduring/in ones lifetimeduring/in ones lifetimeby the end ofby the end ofIts a pity that Its a pity that in totalin totalmaster a foreign langua

12、gemaster a foreign languagepraise forpraise forChinas national treasuresChinas national treasurespaint a picture ofpaint a picture ofrecall ones deepest woundsrecall ones deepest wounds二用法集萃二用法集萃1.prefer的用法的用法【1】prefer A to B、A与与B相比较相比较,比较喜欢比较喜欢A例例:I prefer English to Chinese.Ipreferfishtomeat.【2】pr

13、efer doing A to doing B,A与与B相比相比,比较喜欢比较喜欢做做A例:例:I prefer swimming to running.【3】prefer to do A rather than do B,A与与B相比相比,比比较喜欢做较喜欢做A例:例:I preferred to stay behind rather than go with you.【4】词组词组prefer not to do“不愿意做不愿意做”2.whatever 相当于相当于no matter what例例:Wherever you go,whatever you do,Ill be right h

14、ere waiting for you.3.cheer up高兴起来;振作起来高兴起来;振作起来 使欢乐;使高兴使欢乐;使高兴例例:Cheer up!Your troubles will soon be overHe tried to cheer them up with funny storiesmarry娶娶;嫁嫁;结婚结婚;和和.结婚结婚 marry sb./get married 表示动作表示动作例例.He married a pretty girl.She married a soldier.=She got married to a soldier.They got married

15、 last year.4.keep healthy 保持健康保持健康例例.In order to keep healthy,he keeps jogging every day.keep in good health,keep fit和和 stay healthy 都表示都表示“保持健康保持健康”巧记以巧记以o结尾的名词变复数:结尾的名词变复数:注:注:,hero英雄英雄,tomato西红柿西红柿,potato土豆土豆,这些这些词变复数时要加是词变复数时要加是-es,其余以其余以o结尾的加结尾的加-s。Section A 5plenty of 大量;充足大量;充足 观察观察 She spent

16、 plenty of money on clothes.她买衣服花了很多钱。她买衣服花了很多钱。The boy has plenty of/a lot of/lots of/many pictures.这个男孩有许多图画。这个男孩有许多图画。It took me plenty of/a lot of/lots of/much time to finish it.我完成它花了许多时间。我完成它花了许多时间。Section A 辨析辨析 plenty of,lots of/a lot of,many与与much(1)(1)plenty of前面没有冠词,既可以修饰可数名词的复数形前面没有冠词,既可

17、以修饰可数名词的复数形式,也可以修饰不可数名词,只能用于式,也可以修饰不可数名词,只能用于_中,不能用于中,不能用于否定句和疑问句中。否定句和疑问句中。(2)(2)a lot of与与lots of后面既可以修饰后面既可以修饰_形式,形式,也可以修饰也可以修饰_。(3)many(3)many后面接后面接_形式。形式。(4)much(4)much后面接后面接_。肯定句肯定句 可数名词的复数可数名词的复数 不可数名词不可数名词 可数名词的复数可数名词的复数 不可数名词不可数名词 6.定语从句观察两个句子定语从句观察两个句子,看看有什么区别看看有什么区别:an interesting book 形容

18、词形容词interesting做定语修饰做定语修饰book a book that is interesting 句子做定语修饰句子做定语修饰book 定义:复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语定义:复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句要跟在所修饰的名词或代词后面,被定从句。定语从句要跟在所修饰的名词或代词后面,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。定语从句一般用语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。定语从句一般用关系代词关系代词who,that,which和和whose来引导,放在从来引导,放在从句的句首使从句与主句相连,并在句中担当一定的成分。句的句首使从句与主句相连

19、,并在句中担当一定的成分。I like music that I can dance to.(作宾语作宾语)I prefer singers who can write their own songs.(作主语作主语)注注1:That在从句中作主语或宾语在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时作宾语时that 可省略可省略)第九单元检测题第九单元检测题一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1There are a lot of excellent _(director)in this country.2I try my best _(solve)the problems.3You

20、are too tired _(go)to school.4It is fun _(have)a party.5.There is something wrong with her eyes.She cant see things _(clear).6We should learn how _(deal)with difficulties.7It is easy for me _(work)out the problem.8 Could you tell me where _(go)to the hotel?9Would you mind _(do)his work?10Im thirsty.

21、Could you give me something _(drink)11I feel like _(take)a photo.12 Do you know a girl _(call)Yang Liping?二单项选择二单项选择1.Many children are left alone in the countryside.Lets try our best them.A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps2.Do you like Zhou Libos talk show?Yes.His talk show is very funny.It always

22、makes people _.laugh B.laughed C.laughing D.to laugh3.You dont have to _ every new word in the dictionary while reading.A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after4 Alice prefers _ to _.Then,lets ask her to take part in our dancing club.A.dancing,singing B.dancing,sing C.sing,dancing D.to sing,dance

23、5 He is _ clever boy.A.so an B.a so C.such an D.such a6.The bananas taste _ and sell _.A.well;well B.good;good C.good;well D.well;good7.What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing along _ or dance _.A.to;with B.with;with C.to;to D.with;to8.He looks unhappy today.Lets .A.cheer him up

24、B.help out him C.look him after D.argue with him9.Do you know the man _ is sitting behind Nancy?A.what B.which C.who D.whom10.Why dont you go out to play,Rose?Im afraid I cant.I have much homework _.Ado Bdoes Cdoing Dto do11We were just _ time to finish our homework.Ain Bby Cat Dfor12.What do you th

25、ink of the school uniforms?Very good.I like clothes _ make me feel comfortable.Athat Bwhat Cwho Dwhose13.May I play computer games,Mom?No,you _.Adont Bcant Cwouldnt Dwont14.I was looking for the pen _ I bought yesterday when you called me.Awho Bwhere Cwhich Dwhat 15.My pen pal Andrew found it diffic

26、ult _ Chinese well.Alearning Blearn Cto learn Dlearned16.Now many people smoke and get ill.So we should do something _ can help stop smoking.Awhat Bwho C/Dthat 17.Neither he nor I_ from Canada.We are from Australia.Ais Bare Cam Dbe18.I prefer _ some sports to _ TV at home on weekends.Ado;watching Bd

27、oing;watch Cdo;watch Ddoing;watching19.Its a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal _.Aserves Bserved Cis served Dwill be served20.Barclays Bank is one of the _ banks in the world.Abig Bbigger Cbiggest Dbiger21.Do you enjoy My heart will go on?No,I prefer songs _ loud.Athat

28、 is Bwhich is Cthat are Dwhat are三三从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空stick to,in that case,plenty of,shut off,once in a while1.It will cost about 2,000 yuan to fly to Sanya.Well,why not fly to Guangzhou first and then take a train there?2.Once you have started the job,its better_ it until it

29、 is completed.3.Your phone must before the plane takes off.4.“The Continent”is a good movie with _ jokes.It makes me laugh and think a lot.5.I like pop music best,but I listen to some country music .in that casein that caseto stick toto stick tobe shut offbe shut offplenty ofplenty ofonce in a while

30、once in a while四四.根据课文内容,用合适的词填根据课文内容,用合适的词填空完成下面的句子。空完成下面的句子。(under,by,recall,worse,recorded,become,himself,instruments,moving,treasures)1.Erquan Yingyue,which I heard at a concert of Chinese folk music was very .I sensed a strong sadness and pain _ the beauty.2.Abings father taught him to play man

31、y musical_ .However,his father died and Abings life grew .3.Abings illness made him blind He made a living _singing and playing music on the streets.movingmovingunderunderinstrumentsinstrumentsworseworsebecomebecomebybyunder,by,recall,worse,recorded,become,himself,instruments,moving,treasures)4.Abing could play more than 600 pieces of music,many of which were written by _But its a pity that only 6 pieces were._5.Abings music has become one of Chinas national_ because its sad beauty makes people_ their deepest wounds.himselfhimselfrecordedrecordedtreasurestreasuresrecallrecall


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