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《新目标七年级英语第九单元单元课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标七年级英语第九单元单元课件.ppt(96页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 9orangesstrawberriespearsbananasFruit:What fruit do you like best?I like banana.Whats your favorite fruit?My favorite fruit is banana.=Subjects:ChinesemusicmathscienceP.E.historygeographyartartsciencemusicmathP.E.ChinesehistorybiologyEnglishSubjectsgeography politics computerDescription words形容

2、词interestingfunrelaxingexciting great useful 使人激动的、令人兴奋的使人激动的、令人兴奋的好玩的好玩的有趣的有趣的轻松的、令人放松的轻松的、令人放松的令人愉快的令人愉快的有用的有用的difficultboring free easybusycool乏味的乏味的困难的困难的空闲的空闲的容易的容易的令人愉快的、棒的令人愉快的、棒的忙碌的、无瑕的忙碌的、无瑕的 Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is _.music Whats your favorite subject?My favorite

3、subject is _.P.E.Why do you like P.E.?Because its fun.A:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is A:Why do you like B:Because I think its Pairwork1.P.E._2.art _3.science _4.music _5.math _6.Chinese _7.geography _8.history _cfbehdag1aMatch the words with the pictures.Listen and circle the

4、subjects you hear in 1a.1bP.E.art science music mathChinese geography history1cWhats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is art.Practice the conversation with your partner.Then make your own conversations.Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is _.artP.E.ChinesemusichistorygeographyL

5、isten and put the conversation in order.2aWhats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is P.E.Why do you like P.E.?Because its fun.1 2 34Listen and match the subjects you hear with the descriptions.2bSubject1.art2.science3.music4.P.E.5.math6.geography7.history Descriptiona.funb.interestingc.borin

6、gd.difficulte.relaxing2cWhat do you think of the subjects above?Make your own conversations using the words in 2b.Whats your favorite subject?Science.Why do you like science?Because its interesting.Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is _.Why do you like _?Because its _.funinterestingrel

7、axingThere are 7 days in a week.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayThere are 7 days in a week.FridaySaturdaySunday1.Bobs favorite day is _.2.Bobs favorite subjects are _.3.Bobs P.E.teacher is _.4.Franks favorite day is _.5.Bob thinks history is _.6.Frank thinks history is _.Read the dialogue in 2d.Then f

8、ill in the blanks.P.E.and historyMondayMr.HuFridayboringinterestingFrank:Hi,Bob.Hows your day?Bob:Its OK.I like Monday because I have P.E.and history.Theyre my favorite subjects.Frank:Whos your P.E.teacher?Bob:Mr.Hu.He always plays games with us.Role-play the conversation.2dFrank:Thats great!But why

9、 do you like history?Its boring.Bob:Oh,I think history is interesting.Whats your favorite day?Frank:Friday.Bob:Why?Frank:Because the next day is Saturday!Bob:Haha!Thats for sure.I like Friday,too.1.Frank:Hi,Bob.Hows your day?Bob:Its OK.Hows your day?是非正式场合朋友见是非正式场合朋友见面时的问候用语,表示面时的问候用语,表示“今天过的如今天过的如何

10、?何?”2.favorite是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“最喜欢的,最最喜欢的,最喜爱的喜爱的”。favorite是美式英语,是美式英语,favourite为英式写法,相当于为英式写法,相当于like best。如:。如:Her favorite fruit is strawberry.=She likes strawberries best.她最喜欢的水果是草莓。她最喜欢的水果是草莓。Their favorite day is Sunday.=They like Sunday best.他们最喜欢星期天了。他们最喜欢星期天了。3.I like Monday because I have P.

11、E.and history.我喜欢星期一,因为我上体育我喜欢星期一,因为我上体育 课和历史课。课和历史课。此处此处have与学科名称搭配,表示与学科名称搭配,表示“上上某一学科的课某一学科的课”。例如:。例如:We have P.E.on Tuesday and Thursday.在第五单元出现了在第五单元出现了have表示表示“有;拥有有;拥有”的用法,的用法,have还可以与其他名词搭配,还可以与其他名词搭配,表示不同含义。例如:表示不同含义。例如:have a class/lesson 上课上课have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早吃早/中中/晚晚饭饭have a

12、soccer game 举行足球比赛举行足球比赛because用作连词,其后接从句,陈述原用作连词,其后接从句,陈述原因或理由,用于回答因或理由,用于回答why提出的提出的 问题。问题。如:如:Why do you like P.E.?你为什么喜欢体育你为什么喜欢体育?Because its relaxing.因为它很令人放松。因为它很令人放松。The book is very interesting,so we all like it.这本书很有趣,我们都很喜欢它。这本书很有趣,我们都很喜欢它。汉语中的汉语中的“因为因为所以所以”常常连用,但在英语中常常连用,但在英语中because和和so

13、不能同时连用。如:不能同时连用。如:=Because the book is very interesting,we all like it.4.He always plays games with us.play with sb.与某人玩某物,与某人玩某物,play意为意为“玩,玩耍玩,玩耍”,如:,如:Kate likes to play with her dog after school.卡特喜欢放学后和她的狗一卡特喜欢放学后和她的狗一起玩。起玩。5.Thats for sure.Thats for sure表示完全赞同他人的观表示完全赞同他人的观点,表示点,表示“那是肯定的那是肯定的”

14、、“确实是这确实是这样的样的”或或“完全没有问题完全没有问题”。例如:。例如:A:Mr.Wangs English class is very interesting.王老师的英语课非常有趣。王老师的英语课非常有趣。B:Thats for sure.的确如此。的确如此。Subjects:ChinesemusicmathscienceP.E.historygeographyart一、看图说出英语单词。一、看图说出英语单词。English1.subject(复数复数)_ 2.为什么为什么 _3.因为因为 _ 4.星期一星期一 _ 5.星期五星期五 _ 6.星期六星期六 _ whybecauseFr

15、idaysubjects按要求写出正确的单词或词组。按要求写出正确的单词或词组。MondaySaturday 7.与与一起玩一起玩 _ 8.最喜欢的科目最喜欢的科目/日子日子 _ 9.第二天第二天 _10.你过得怎么样?你过得怎么样?_11.我认为历史很有趣。我认为历史很有趣。_play with the next dayHows your day?favorite subject/dayI think history is very interesting.1.你最喜欢的科目是什么?你最喜欢的科目是什么?_ your _ subject?2.我最喜欢的科目是科学。我最喜欢的科目是科学。My

16、_ _ is _.3.他最喜欢的科目是什么?他最喜欢的科目是什么?Whats _ _ _?Whats favoritefavorite subject science一、完成下列句子。一、完成下列句子。his favorite subject 4.他最喜欢的科目是语文。他最喜欢的科目是语文。His _ _ is _.5.她最喜欢的科目是什么?她最喜欢的科目是什么?_ _ favorite _?6.她最喜欢的科目是美术。她最喜欢的科目是美术。_ _ subject is _.7.为什么鲍勃喜欢历史?为什么鲍勃喜欢历史?_ _ Bob like _?favorite subject Chinese

17、Whats her subjectHer favorite artWhy does history特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 定定义义:是以特殊疑是以特殊疑问词问词开开头头,提出疑,提出疑问问的的句子,也称句子,也称wh-问问句。句。构成:构成:特殊疑特殊疑问词问词+一般疑一般疑问问句句 注意:若疑注意:若疑问词问词作主作主语语,特殊疑,特殊疑问问句的句的语语序序则则用用陈陈述句述句语语序。序。疑疑问词问词含含义义例句例句what“什么什么”用来用来询询问问事物事物Whats his favorite food?他最喜他最喜欢欢的食物是什么的食物是什么?who“谁谁”用用来来询问询问某人的某人的身份

18、身份Who is your English teacher?谁谁是你的英是你的英语语老老师师?My English teacher is Ms.Li.我的英我的英语语老老师师是李老是李老师师。where“哪里哪里”用来用来提提问问地点地点Where is your schoolbag?你的你的书书包在哪里包在哪里?Its on the desk.在在书书桌上。桌上。why“为为什么什么”用用来来询问询问原因原因Why do you like basketball?你你为为什么喜什么喜欢欢打打篮篮球球?Because its fun.因因为为有趣。有趣。when“何何时时”用来用来询问时间询问时

19、间When is your brothers birthday?你弟弟的生日是什么你弟弟的生日是什么时时候候?Its on September 15th.9月月15日。日。how“怎么怎么”对对某人某人/某情况提某情况提问问How are you?你好你好吗吗?Im fine,thanks.很好,很好,谢谢谢谢。how old“多大多大”,用来,用来询询问问年年龄龄How old is your cousin?你表妹多大了?你表妹多大了?how much“多少多少钱钱;多少;多少”用来用来询问询问价格或价格或不可数名不可数名词词的数的数量量How much are the pears?这这梨多

20、少梨多少钱钱?How much rice do you want?你想要多少米你想要多少米饭饭?how many“多少多少”用来用来询问询问可数名可数名词词的数量的数量How many pens do you need?你要几支你要几支钢钢笔笔?1.A:_ do you like history?B:Because its interesting.2.A:_ likes math?B:Eric does.3aFill in the blanks with what,who,or why.答语表示原因答语表示原因,上句应问原因。上句应问原因。答语为人物,上句应问答语为人物,上句应问“谁谁”。Wh

21、yWho3.A:_ is your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is P.E.4.A:_ is your science teacher?B:My science teacher is Mr.Chen.5.A:_ do you like art?B:Because its fun.WhatWhoWhy答语为最喜欢的科目。答语为最喜欢的科目。答语为人物答语为人物,故问故问“谁谁”。答语表示原因。答语表示原因。1.Question:_?Answer:Because history is interesting.2.Question:_?Answer

22、:Science and math.答语为答语为because句,故问句询问原因句,故问句询问原因3bWrite questions for the answers.答语为科目,故问喜欢的科目答语为科目,故问喜欢的科目 Why do you like historyWhats your favorite subject3.Question:_?Answer:His Chinese class is on Monday.4.Question:_?Answer:Marys favorite subject is art.答语为课程的时间,故问时间答语为课程的时间,故问时间答语为玛丽最喜欢的科目,故

23、答语为玛丽最喜欢的科目,故问其最喜欢的科目。问其最喜欢的科目。When is his Chinese classWhats Marys favorite subject5.Question:_?Answer:My geography teacher is Mrs.Qin.答语为老师是某人,故问老师是谁答语为老师是某人,故问老师是谁Who is your geography teacher 3cInterview three classmates and complete the chart.Then tell your group about the results.NameFavorite

24、subject(What)Reason(Why)Teacher(Who)Li JingjingmusicIts fun.Ms.Xie一、选择正确的应答语。一、选择正确的应答语。1.Hows your day?A.Its OK.B.My favorite day is Monday.2.Who is your Chinese teacher?A.Hes very fun.B.Mr.Lin.3.Why do you like music?A.Because its relaxing.B.I like music very much.4.Whats your favorite day?A.Its o

25、n January 21st.B.Its Friday.5.Whats her favorite subject?A.Her favorite subject is art.B.She likes Monday.二、根据图片提示完成句子。二、根据图片提示完成句子。1._ your _ fruit?My _ _ is _.2._ your _ _?Its _.favorite fruit strawberriesWhats favorite dayFridayWhats favorite3._ is your _ teacher?Mr.Wu.4._ do you like _?_ its ver

26、y _.Who mathWhy musicBecause relaxing3x+6=27easyboringdifficultinterestingfree PresentationbusycoolTuesday WednesdayThursdaySaturdayTue.Wed.Sun.Sat.Thur.Sundayhave math have a music lessonMrs.one/an hourfrom 4:00 to 5:00boringdifficultbusy1aMatch the words on the left with their opposites on the rig

27、ht.easyinterestingfunfreecoolboringdifficultbusyListen and check()the words you hear in 1a.easyinterestingfunfreecool1b ListeningListen again.Circle the classes David talks on this schedule.1cDECEMBERMonday 25thTuesday 26thWednesday 27thA.M.08:00 scienceA.M.08:00 mathA.M.08:00 Chinese 09:00 English

28、09:00 math 09:00 science 10:00 Chinese 10:00 history 10:00 math 11:00 P.E.11:00 science 11:00 P.E.P.M.12:00 lunchP.M.12:00 lunchP.M.12:00 lunch 01:00 geography 01:00 music 01:00 English 02:00 art 02:00 geography 02:00 artThursday 28thFriday 29thSaturday 30thA.M.08:00 mathA.M.08:00 ChineseSoccer game

29、 09:00 Chinese 09:00 English 10:00 Chinese 10:00 art 11:00 history 11:00 P.E.Sunday 31st P.M.12:00 lunchP.M.12:00 lunchBills birthday party 01:00 geography 01:00 math 02:00 English 02:00 history1d PairworkWhats Davids favorite subject?_.Why does he like?Because its _.Talk about Davids favorite subje

30、ct with your partner.When is the class?Its on _.PairworkWhats your favorite subject?_.Why do you like?Because its _.Talk about your favorite subject with your partner.When is the class?Its on _.What do you think of these subjects?Write a description for each one.Thinking2amusic _ art _ English _hist

31、ory _ science _ Chinese _P.E._ math _ geography _relaxingeasy interestingfun boring difficult relaxingrelaxingDear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.The teacher says it is useful,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have science.It is difficult but interesting.At

32、 10:00 I have history.After that,I have P.E.at 11:00.ReadingRead the following letter.Underline the subjects that Yu Mei likes.Circle the subjects she doesnt like.2bIt is easy and fun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang,is

33、 great fun.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.It is really relaxing!How about you?When are your classes?What is your favorite subjects?Your friend,Yu Mei Try to retell the letter in 2b.Dear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.TimeSub/ActDescriptionsat 8:00mathnot

34、fun,useful,difficultat 9:00sciencedifficult but interestingat 10:00history-at 11:00P.E.easy and fun12:00 to 1:00lunch-after thatChineseMrs.Wang,great fun2:00 to 4:00Art really relaxing判断喜欢还是不喜欢,应根据作者对该科目的描述词。math not fun,可知是不喜欢。science interesting;P.E.fun;Chinesefavorite;artrelaxing可知是喜欢。2cComplete

35、Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.ReadingFridayTimeSubjects/Activities8:00 to 8:509:00 to 9:5010:00 to 10:5011:00 to 11:5012:00 to 1:001:00 to 1:502:00 to 4:00mathsciencehistoryP.E.lunchChineseart1.free用作形容词,意为“空闲的”,其反义词为busy“繁忙的”。如:Are you free this Friday?这个周五你有空吗?Yes,I am.是的,我有。拓展 free还

36、可意为“免费的”。如:The fruit is for free here today.今天这里的水果是免费的。Explanation2.useful是形容词,是由是形容词,是由“名词名词use(使用使用)+后缀后缀ful”构成,意为构成,意为“有用的有用的”。类似结。类似结构还有:构还有:help+ful helpful 有帮助的有帮助的 color+ful colorful 绚丽多彩的绚丽多彩的注意注意 useful是虽以元音字母是虽以元音字母“u”开头,开头,但其发音为辅音但其发音为辅音/ju:/,故其前用冠词,故其前用冠词a,而不用而不用an。如:。如:It is a useful b

37、ook.这是一本有用的书。这是一本有用的书。3.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,.介词短语介词短语 from to 意为意为“从从到到”,用来表述时间、地点等范围。,用来表述时间、地点等范围。如:如:We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五去上学。我们从星期一到星期五去上学。Its far from Beijing to Shanghai.从北京到上海很远。从北京到上海很远。4.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two

38、 hours.我学校的课(下午)一点五十分结束,但随后我要上两个小时的美术课。1)lesson 用作名词,意为“课;课程。常用短语:have lessons 上课 do ones lessons做功课 Lesson One=the first lesson 第一课 class 和 lesson:当表示“学校的课”时,class 和 lesson 区别不大,美式英语中常用class,英式英语中常用lesson。例如:Classes start at 9 oclock.(学校)九点开始上课。(英式英语:Lessons start at 9 oclock.)当表示“某种技能。技巧性的课程”时,常用l

39、esson,较少用class。例如:piano lessons 钢琴课 driving lessons 驾驶课当表示“教材中的教学单元;课”时,常用lesson。class 则还有“班;班级”的含义。例如:Now,Class,please open your books to Lesson 9.同学们,现在请打开书,翻到第九课。2)an art lesson for two hours 表示表示“一节一节两小时的美术课两小时的美术课”,此句中的介词此句中的介词for表表示示“持续某段时间持续某段时间”。例如:。例如:Jack usually plays soccer for an hour a

40、fter school.放学后杰克通常踢一个小时的足球。放学后杰克通常踢一个小时的足球。Reading3aNumber these parts of an e-mail message1-3.I have P.E.at 1:00.P.E.is fun.Then at 2:00 I have math.It is boring.At 3:00 I have art.It is cool.Lets meet on Saturday.Is that OK with you?DaleHi Mei Ling,Thank you for your e-mail.I want to meet you on

41、Friday afternoon,but I am really busy.1231.I want to meet you on Friday afternoon,.want to do sth.是固定用法,意为是固定用法,意为“想要想要做某事做某事”,do表示动词的原形。如:表示动词的原形。如:I want to finish my homework at 6:00.我想在六点钟完成作业。我想在六点钟完成作业。Bob wants to buy a new computer.鲍勃想买一台新电脑。鲍勃想买一台新电脑。Explanation2.Is that OK with you?对你来说合适吗

42、?对你来说合适吗?本句用来征求对方的意见,其中本句用来征求对方的意见,其中that指指代所需征求意见的内容,依据上下文的代所需征求意见的内容,依据上下文的不同也可使用不同也可使用 this 或或 it。be OK with sb.意为意为“对某人来说是合对某人来说是合适的适的”。例如:。例如:Is the time OK with Linda?对琳达来说时间合适吗?对琳达来说时间合适吗?Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday.Writing3bFridayTimeSubjects8:00 to 8:509:00 to 9:50

43、10:00 to 10:5011:00 to 11:5012:00 to 2:002:00 to 2:503:00 to 3:504:00 to 4:50ChinesemathEnglishP.E.lunch and rest(休息休息)geographyartsportsWrite an e-mail message to a friend about your Friday._ Writing3c写作指导:写作指导:这是一篇有关介绍学校生活的电子邮这是一篇有关介绍学校生活的电子邮件,件,应根据应根据3b表格的信息来写。此外,应注表格的信息来写。此外,应注意电子邮件的格式,应有开头的称呼,及

44、结意电子邮件的格式,应有开头的称呼,及结尾的署名。写作时可能用到的句型有:尾的署名。写作时可能用到的句型有:1.Thanks for your e-mail.谢谢你的邮件。谢谢你的邮件。2.Its Friday today.Im really busy./Im really busy on Friday.今天是星期五。我很忙。今天是星期五。我很忙。4.At,I have Then at,I have Next,在在点,我上点,我上。然后在。然后在点点,我我 上上。接下来。接下来。5.class is from to.课从课从到到。6.After that,I have for 之后,我上之后,

45、我上 课课 时间。时间。3.I have classes in the morning and in the afternoon.上午我有上午我有节课,下午节课,下午节课。节课。7.is my favorite subject.是我最喜欢的科目。是我最喜欢的科目。8.I like/dont like it because its.我喜欢我喜欢/不喜欢它,因为它是不喜欢它,因为它是。9.I think its 我想它是我想它是的。的。10.Please tell me about your school life.请告诉我你的学校生活。请告诉我你的学校生活。One possible versio

46、n:Dear Linda,Im really busy on Friday.At 8:00,I have Chinese.Its my favorite subject.Its very interesting.I have math at 9:00.I dont like math because its too difficult.At 10:00,I have history.My history teacher is great fun.After that,I have P.E.Its really relaxing!Lunch time is from 12:00 to 2:00.

47、Then at 2:00,I have geography.At 3:00,I have anart lesson.Its great,easy and interesting!Classes finish at 3:50,after that I have sports for an hour.I think its cool!Please tell me about your school life.Your FriendXXX Self CheckAdd more words in each column.1DescriptionsSchool subjectsDays of the w

48、eekinterestingEnglishMondaydifficultmathuseful ChineseTuesdayrelaxingartWednesdayfun P.E.Thursdayboringhistory FridaycoolcomputerSaturday1._ is your favorite subject?_2._ do you like it?_3._ is your music teacher?_4._ is your math class?_Complete the questions with what,when,who or why.Then answer t

49、he questions.2What WhyMy favorite subject is music.Because its easy and fun.WhoMs.Wang.When Its on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday.一、选词填空。1.Im not _ today.I have much(很多)work to do.2.When do you have a music _?On Tuesday afternoon.3._ is the second day of a week.4.Bob usually does his homework fo

50、r an _.5.For me,dinner usually _ at 7:00 P.M.freelessonhourMondayfinishes ExercisesMonday,free,finish,lesson,hour 1.复习记忆本课所学的生词。复习记忆本课所学的生词。2.做个小调查,询问你的同学们所做个小调查,询问你的同学们所喜欢的科目及原因。喜欢的科目及原因。句型提示:句型提示:Whats your favorite subject?Its Why do you like it?Because its 二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1.They have an art lesson


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