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《2019年中考英语一轮复习W开头词汇(一)讲义.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年中考英语一轮复习W开头词汇(一)讲义.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1中中考考一一轮轮复复习习 W W 开开头头词词汇汇(一一) (讲讲义义) 以字母以字母 W W 开头的单词开头的单词waitwait /wet/v. 等候;等待 wait for 等候Who are you waiting for? wait for sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事Hes waiting for me to make a mistake. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事wait a minute/moment/second 稍等一下;等一会儿n. 等候;等待;等待的时间We had a long wait for the bus.We

2、then faced a six-month wait for the results to arrive.wakewake /wek/v. (waked; waked 或 woke; woken) 醒来;唤醒,弄醒wake up 醒来;唤醒James usually wakes up early.Ill wake you up when its time to leave.walkwalk /wk/v. 走,步行;散步I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. walk into (意外地)撞着He wasnt looking around and

3、 walked straight into a tree. n. 步行;散步The office is ten minutes walk from here. Lets go for a walk.wallwall /wl/n. 墙 the Great Wall 长城wantwant /wnt/v. 想,想要;需要want (sb.) to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事Do you want me to help?warwar /w/n. 战争,内战;战争时期;斗争World War II = the Second World War How long have they been at

4、 war?Germany has been at peace with France for 50 years. 德国已与法国和平相处了 50 年。2He never felt really at peace with himself. 他从未真正感到心里平静过。warmwarm /wm/adj. 温暖的,暖和的;热情的 It is getting warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。We received a warm welcome.Teri greeted the visitor warmly. warm-heartedwarmthwarmth /wm/n. 温暖,

5、暖和;友好,热情warnwarn /wn/v. 警告,告诫;预先通知warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事I warned you not to walk home alone. warn sb. that 警告某人I warned you that it was dangerous to walk home alone. warningn. 警告,告诫washwash /w/v. 洗;流动,冲击,冲刷wash away 冲走,冲掉washroomwashroom /wrum/n. 洗手间,厕所wastewaste /west/v. 浪费;滥用 Dont waste

6、 your money on that junk! 不要为那个破烂东西浪费金钱!Hurry up! We are wasting time. n. 浪费,滥用;废料,废弃物 He thinks housework is a waste of time. 他认为做家务是浪费时间。 household waste 家庭垃圾 adj. 废弃的;荒芜的 waste water 污水waste ground 荒地watchwatch /wt/n. 手表;表 v. 观看,注视;当心,注意watch television / a film watch out 注意;小心watch sb. do/doing

7、sth. 观看某人做了/正在做某事Jack watched them slowly climb the wall.I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.waterwater /wt/n. 水;水域 running water 活水;自来水3by water (=by boat) 乘船;由水路 v. 给浇水,灌溉 water the flowers 浇花watermelonwatermelon /wtmeln/n. 西瓜a piece of watermelon 一块西瓜wayway /we/n. 路,路线;方法,手段I told you we

8、should have done it my way! 我跟你说过我们原本应该用我的方法来做这事。 the way to 去的路Would you like to tell me the way to the park? the way to do sth. / the way of doing sth. 做的方法Whats the right way to say this in English? in a way 在某种意义上In a way, youre right. in the/ones way 妨碍;挡着的路Youll have to move-youre in my way. g

9、et in the way of 防碍You mustnt let your social life get in the way of your studies. on the/ones way (to) 在途中Why dont you stop by our place on your way to Boston? by the way 顺便提起Whats the time, by the way? all the way 一路上;自始至终He didnt speak a word to me all the way back home. go out of ones way 特地;格外努

10、力;格外费心地They go out of their way to make me feel at home.wewe /wi/pron. 我们宾格:usweakweak /wik/adj. 弱的;无力的;差的be weak in 在某活动或学科的能力、技能等方面差的,弱的 wealthwealth /wel/n. 财富;财产 U a man of great wealth 大富翁 wealthyadj. 富有的wearwear /we/v. (wore, worn)穿,戴;蓄,留;磨损,磨坏 He wears a beard. 他蓄胡子。 wear (sth.) out (使)磨损;用坏H

11、e has worn out his shoes. wear sb. out 使某人精疲力竭The kids have totally worn me ou t. wear “穿着;戴着”+衣服/饰品,表状态4She is wearing a new dress today. put on “穿上;戴上”+衣服/饰品,表动作She is putting on a new dress.dress “给穿”+人,表动作She dressed herself a new dress. get dressed 穿上/穿好衣服Go and get dressed! 赶快去把衣服穿好!be in “穿着”

12、+衣服/颜色,表状态She is in a new dress today.haveon “穿着”+衣服,表状态She has a new dress on today.weatherweather /we/n. 天 气 UWhats the weather like in Zhengzhou in winter? Hows the weather?weather forecast 天气预报websitewebsite /wbsat/n. 网站WednesdayWednesday /wenzde/n. 星期三on Wednesday 在星期三 on Wednesdays 每周三weekweek

13、/wik/n. 星期;周this week 本周weeklyweekly /wikl/adj. 每周的 a weekly newspaper 周报 adv. 每周地 The magazine is published weekly. 这本杂志是周刊。weekdayweekday /wikde/n. 工作日;平日The center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays?weekendweekend /wikend/n. 周末on the weekend / on weekends at the weekend / at weekendsweighw

14、eigh /we/v. 称的重量;重量是 He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. 他用浴室磅秤称量体重。How much do you weigh?weightweight /wet/n. 重量;体重How much do you weigh? = What is your weight?5welcomewelcome /welkm/v. 欢迎,迎接 welcome sb./sth. with open arms 热情欢迎某人的到来/非常乐于接受某事物 adj. (人)受欢迎的;令人愉悦的,讨人喜欢的a w elcome guest 一位受欢迎的客

15、人 You are welcome. 不客气。 n. 欢迎;迎接 give sb./sth. a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人/欣然接受意见或建议等 int. 欢迎 Welcome to China! 欢迎到中国来! wellwell /wel/(比较级 better,最高级 best) adv. 好,令人满意地;彻底地,充分地 as well 也;还 Are they coming as well? 他们也来吗? adj. 健康的 interj. 好;嗯;哦 as well as 又,也,还I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin. good

16、 two monthsB. What; two monthsC. What; two-monthD. How; two months ()3. Excuse me, can you help me find outwith my computer?A. what wrong isB. whats wrongC. what was wrongD. what wrong was ()4. Our team has won the first prize in the soccer games.Congratulations!team you are!A. How greatB. What a gr

17、eatC. What greatD. How a great ()5. Do you knowDeng Chao is?He is an actor. He is the team leader in the popular reality TV show Running Man now.A. whichB. whenC. whatD. how 二、根据提示填空二、根据提示填空1.I cant make a great successmy partners help.2.Mother wme up at 6 oclock yesterday morning and told me it was

18、 time to get up.3.This(wood) bridge was built more than 20 years ago.4.After class, children went out of their classroom to enjoy the(warm) of the sun.5.Whats theof the elephant?About two tons.10【参考答案参考答案】以字母以字母 W W 开头的单词开头的单词与字母与字母 W W 相关的谚语相关的谚语 1.外语是人生斗争的一种武器。 2.懂得两种语言的人抵得上两个人。 3.行动胜于言辞。 4.只工作,不玩耍,聪明小伙(孩子)也变傻。 5.一日之计在于晨。 精讲精练一精讲精练一、单项选择、单项选择15:BCBBC二、根据提示完成句子二、根据提示完成句子 1. without 2. woke/waked 3. wooden 4. warmth 5. weight


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