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《2023版高三一轮总复习英语北师大版(闽粤渝京)第1部分选择性必修第4册UNIT11CONFLICTANDCOMPROMISE.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023版高三一轮总复习英语北师大版(闽粤渝京)第1部分选择性必修第4册UNIT11CONFLICTANDCOMPROMISE.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、UNIT 11 CONFLICT AND COMPROMISE续写语料积累XUXIE YULIAO JILEI增厚文学底蕴背诵句之美L (行为描写)(2021 河北省实验中学 学情调研)He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye.2 .(心理描写)(2017 天津卷)While the fear hung over my head, there were also signs that I was headed down the right path.3 .(景物描写)(2021 济宁市质量检 ,J)Snowflakes dancing in the

2、sky, it was an awfully cold winter.欣赏语之秀(2021 江苏省适应性考试)At that very moment, the husband pushed his wife behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself, leaving his wife standing on the sinking ship, shouting something desperately to her husband eyes filled with tears.JICHU ZHISHI SHULI基础知识梳理构建知识体系课

3、标单词背诵(先填后背)第一组1. negotiate vi.&.谈判,协商2. inconvenience n.不便,麻烦3. somewhat 白面有点,有几分4. ashamed adj.内疚的,惭愧的5. maturity n.成熟6. monitor ”.监督:监视;监测,检测;.显示器,监视器7. self-control n.自制力;自我控制8. pack式.&.打包n.包,包裹be bothered about sb./sth,关心某人/某事I dont know why you bother with that crowd. 我弄不懂你为什么和那伙人浪费时间。I am afra

4、id it was a bother for you to do this. 恐怕做这件事太麻烦你了。厂语块存储bother her with my problems让她为我的事操心 not be bothered about what he thinks 不在乎他怎么想基础练习单句语法填空Dont bother to get/getting (get) dinner for me.He is never bothered about his children.链接写作完成句子It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house.想到她孤零

5、零地待在那所大房子里,我便坐立不安。9. panic 课本义.惊恐,惶恐,惊慌增补义vi. &.(使)惊慌/恐慌高考原句 2021 新高考卷 I The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked.in panic惊慌失措地get into a panic 陷入恐慌panic sb. into doing sth.使某人惊慌地做某事注意:panic的过去式和过去分词都是panickedoNot only do online rumors cause people in panic, but

6、 they disturb public order.网络谣言不但使人们陷入恐慌,而且还会扰乱社会秩序。Everyone panicked when the police arrived here to search the building.警方来搜查大楼时,大家都很恐慌。厂语块存储flee in panic惊慌逃跑cause panic among the population 弓【发民众恐慌panic her into screaming 吓得她直尖叫基础练习单句语法填空She got into a real panic when she thought shed lost the ti

7、ckets.The banks were panicked into selling(sell) dollars.No one knows why she fled in panic.链接写作完成句子警报使人们惊惶地尽快跑出大楼。The alarm panicked people into nmnieg out of the building as quickly as possible.10. display课本义of.展示,陈列增补义比.表现;显露n.表现;表演高考原句 2020 新高考卷 I Often, only a small part of a museums collection

8、 is on display.on display在展出put sth. on display 展出某物The painting will be put on public display next week.这幅画将于下周公开展出。He had an opportunity to fully display his talents.他有了大显身手的机会。 厂语块存储a firework display 烟火表演a display cabinet 展示柜a display of affection 爱的流露lI基础练习单句语法填空The antiques on display are all

9、marked with dates.The china was displayed (display)in a glass cabinet when I saw it in the museum.链接写作完成句子这些鸟将在动物协会展出。The birds will be put on display at the zoological society.11. distribute 课本义0f.分发,分配,分送增补义如.使散开;使分布高考原旬 2017 全国卷 I Distribute science books.(l)distribute sth. to. 向分配某物distribute st

10、h. among. .在之间分配某物distribute sth. over. .把撒在(涂在)上(2)distribution n.分配,分布;分发,分送The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims. 这个组织向地震灾民分发了食品。Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees. 向难民分发了衣服和毯子。厂语块存储distribute food to the earthquake victims向地震灾民分发食品distribute the t

11、opping evenly over the fruit将配料均匀地撒在水果上基础练习单句语法填空The profits should be distributed among all the workers.The army distributed itself over the whole area. The population distribution (distribute) of China isn,t balanced. 链接写作完成句子这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。The money was distributed among schools in the area.12.

12、 ban ”,禁止,取缔n.禁令,禁止ban sb. from doing sth,禁止某人做某事 announce a ban on.宣布对的禁令put a ban on 禁止Chemical weapons are banned internationally.国际上禁止使用化学武器。There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。厂语块存储impose a ban颁布禁令lift a ban解除禁令be banned from the meeting被取消出席会议的资格I)基础练习单句语法填空Shes been banned from

13、leaving(leave) Greece while the allegations are investigated.The company has put on a ban on using pirated software.链接写作词汇升级We are not permitted to drive after drinking alcohol.f We are banned 什om driving after drinking alcohol.13. desirable理想的,值得拥有的;值得做的高考原句 2021 全宣 甲卷Take a view is a desirable ann

14、ual competition for photographers from all comers of the UK and beyond.desire 渴望;欲望;要求desire (sb.) to do sth.要求(某人)做某事desire that.渴望(从句谓语用should do形式,should可以省略)have a strong desire to do sth.迫切想做某事have a strong desire for sth.迫切渴望得到某物It is desirable that interest rates should be reduced.利率下调是可取的。It

15、 is desirable that we (should) provide for the poor at Christmas.在圣诞节施舍穷人是值得做的事。语块存储have a strong desire to win有强烈的获胜欲望have a strong desire for success有强烈的成功的愿望l J基础练习单句语法填空She had a strong desire to be(be) a dancer but failed to make the grade.I have no desire for money that was made by dishonest m

16、eans.(3)1 owned a bookshop and desired to expand(expand) the business.链接写作完成句子要实现目标,你必须有实现它们的强烈愿望。In order to achieve goals, you must have a strong desire to do so.14. put forward 课本义提议,提出(主意 计划等)增补义推举,提名;提前,把(钟表等)向前拨put aside把搁在一边,储蓄put away把收拾好/放好,储存put back放回原处;把向后拨put off推迟,延期put on穿/戴上;增加;上演(戏剧

17、等)put out扑灭;出版;生产put up张贴;举起;搭建;供给膳宿Do you talk it over with them and put forward a solution?你跟他们仔细讨论并提出解决办法了吗? 二语块存储Aput forward some new proposals 提出一些新的建议put forward a single candidate 推出一个由笑选人I)基础练习单句语法填空The exam results will be put up on Monday morning.Your own personal robot will put away book

18、s that you have left on the floor or bed.链接写作完成句子在课堂上,学生们关于如何学好英语提出了一系列问题。The students put forward a series of questions about how to learn English well in class.11.教材原句It was this patients second visit to us and this time he,d had both his legs blown offhe was all- of- about 20 years old.这是这个病人第二次来

19、到我们这里,而这次他的双腿都被炸没了一一他也就 才二十几岁。“havedone”结构的意思主要有:遭遇某事;让别人做某事;使某件事被 做。have构成的其他常见结构:(l)have sb. /sth. doing sth.“让某人/某物一直做某事”(现在分词作宾补, do所表示动作由have的宾语发出)(2)have sb. /sth. do sth.“让某人/某物做某事(不带to的不定式作宾补, do所表示动作由have的宾语发出)(3)have sth. to do ”有某事要做(不定式作后置定语,do与sth.之间为动 宾关系;do所表示动作由主语发出;不定式虽为主动形式,但表示被动意义

20、)金句推送 In the past few years, we have had thousands of trees planted around our school.在过去的几年中,我们让人在我们学校周围种植了很多树。基础练习单句语法填空Dont worry, for I will have the car waiting(wait) outside.I had Mary clean (clean) the classroom this morning.(3)1 have nothing to offer(offer) but blood, toil, tears and sweat.链

21、接写作一一完成句子我的朋友罗丝在爬山时腕部摔坏了。My friend Rose had her wrist broken while climbing the mountain. 关键能力评估GUANJIAN NENGLI PINGGU强化运用技能夯基固本一一基础落实1.用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Sorry to bother (bother) you , but theres a call for you on line two.2. I panicked (panic) when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.3. As a result o

22、f drunken driving, he was banned (ban) from driving for five years.4. It is no longer desirable (desire) for adult children to live with their parents.5. There is lowered pain tolerance(tolerate), lowered resistance to infection.6. They had received no news of him since his departure (depart) from t

23、he island.7. He was beginning to get very annoyed(annoy)with me about my carelessness.8. I wonder if Tom ever had his teeth fixed(fix) anywhere else.9. The monitors on the spot ensured that the food was distributed (distribute) fairly.10. Doctors issued a warning (warn) against eating any fish caugh

24、t in the river, n.在空白处填入一个适当的词。1. I dont want to bother her with my problems at the moment.2. There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.3. Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.4. Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.5. She suddenly got into

25、 a panic and stopped her car. 查缺补漏知识拾遗I .用所给词的正确形式填空。1. This disturbing(disturb) news really upset me so that I couldn,t sleep well.2. I write to make a complaint (complain)about a camera which I bought at your place a week ago.3. It can be beneficial (benefit) to share your feelings with someone yo

26、u trust.4. Hearing the sad news, he buried his face in his hands and wept (weep).5. We drove along a muddy (mud) road to reach the farmhouse.n .在空白处填入一个适当的词。1. He asked me what I would be doing when he came the next day.2. I suspected him of deliberately forgetting his wallet.3. She was deeply asham

27、ed of her behaviour at the party.4. Mr. Brown says SeaWorld has never experienced an incident like this.5. Fruit juice can be harmful to childrens teeth.强技提能一一语言运用1 .课文语法填空短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点,请在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括 号内单词的正确形式,并背诵该短文。Grandpa Arrested After One Shower Too ManySmith, a keen gardener and fish col

28、lector, lives above the McKays.1. Unfortunately (unfortunate), the water he sent over his balcony every day 2. dropped(drop) on the McKays floor, or too often, on the McKays 3. themselves (them). It was not so much the water falling onto their balcony 4. but the way he cleaned his fish tanks that bo

29、thered them. They were sitting there happily 5. reading(read) their newspapers when so much water would come from above that they got wet all over. 6. On Saturday evening, when it was James McKays 7. eightieth (eighty) birthday, Smith emptied one of his larger tanks and both the McKays and the cake

30、were wet through. James, who is usually a 8. peaceful(peace) person, couldn,t tolerate it any more. He was up there in a flash and hit Smith on 9. the head with his walking stick. As a result, James McKay spent Saturday night in jail but he said it was definitely the most 10. exciting(excite) birthd

31、ay ever.n.文本写作Step 1.要点提示(利用本单元知识补全所给英文句子)马明是个单身的鼓手,经常在晚上开派对,这致使邻居们投诉他扰乱社区 的宁静。Ma Ming, a drummer and bachelor, often held parties at night, which has caused complaints from his neighbours about disturbing the peace.他们说他们都快被这样的噪音逼疯了。They said they were being driven mad being exposed to such noise. 自

32、从他搬进来,他们很少能安安稳稳地睡一整晚。Since he moved into the building, they have rarely got a full nights sleep.如果不堵住耳朵,他们就不能放松或看书。They couldn,t get relaxed or read without plugging theie ears.有个邻居还说,他对他十几岁的儿子造成了不良影响。One neighbour also claimed he had a bad influence on his son.社区采取了行动,命令他离开所租住的公寓。The local council

33、took action ? ordering him to leave his rented apartment.他的离开使邻居的生活恢复正常了。His departure has made his neighbours life return to normal.Step 2.衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇)Ma Ming, a drummer and bachelor, often held parties at night, which has caused complaints from his neighbours about disturbing the peace. T

34、hey said they were being driven mad being exposed to such noise. Since he moved into the building, they have rarely got a full nighf s sleep. They even couldn,t get relaxed or read without plugging their ears. One neighbour also claimed he had a bad influence on his son. Finally, the local council t

35、ook action, ordering him to leave his rented apartment. His departure has made his neighbours life return to normal.9. tank 小(储存液体或气体的)箱,罐10. 也更_ .把塞住,堵塞;填塞11. vote n.投票(指行为);票数12. resolution n.决定;解决13. cease 切&式.停止,终止,结束14. property n.房产;所有物;财产15. chorus n.齐声;副歌;合唱团16. departure n.离开,起程17. prejudic

36、ed adi.有偏见的,有成见的,歧视的18. 蛔,力.愤愤不平的;带来痛苦的,令人难过的;苦的19. anyhow ado.(非正式)尽管如此;至少20. remote .偏僻的,偏远的21. edge n.边缘,外围22. arrest 逮捕,拘捕;抑制;阻止23. tailor n.(男装)裁缝24. pleasant 4d,.礼貌而友善的,和蔼可亲的25. violence n.暴力行为,暴力26. literally adv.确实地27. unsuspecting 力.无提防之心的,无疑心的28. bother (使)担心,(使)生气,(使)苦恼29. recall vi. &vt.

37、回想,回忆起30. violently ndo.激烈地,剧烈地;凶猛地,暴力地31. withdraw oi. &.(使)退出(活动、组织等)32. firmly adv.坚定地,坚决地33. soldier n. 土兵,军人34. bomb n.炸弹35. general n.将军,上将36. frontier n.国界,边境37. murder .谋杀,凶杀;谋杀罪第二组1. border n.国界,边界;边境地区2. weep ui.&.哭泣,流(泪)3. civilian n.平民,老百姓4. nanic .惊恐,惶恐,惊慌5. pray vi. &vt.祈求; 祈祷6. identi

38、fication机身份证明(文件)7. display ”.展示,陈列8. representative n. 代表,代理人9. greet ”.问候,迎接,招呼10. mud n.泥,烂泥11. midnight n.子夜,午夜12. ward n.病房13. dozen num.打14. surgeon n.外科医生15. appreciation n. 感激16. incident .(尤指不平常的、重要的或暴力的)事件17. ban ”.禁止,取缔n.禁令,禁止18. tobacco n.烟叶,烟草19. cigarette n.香烟20. alcohol n.含酒精饮品;酒21. f

39、ried .油炸的,油煎的22. harm切伤害n. 损害,危害23. desirable adi.理想的,值得拥有的;值得做的24. tax n.税,税款25. 皿。力.不正确的,错的;假的,不真实的26. conclude ”.作出结论,推断出27. beneficial c力.有利的,有帮助的,有用的28. sacred adj.神圣的29. permanent adj.永久的,长久的30. recovery n.康复,痊愈loose adj.松的;宽大的31. carpet n.地毯ankle n.脚踝32. greed n.贪欲,贪婪fry n.炸薯条33. request n. &

40、a请求,要求单词拼写运用派生单词1. annoy vt.使恼怒,使生气f annoyed.恼怒的;生气的f annoying。的.讨 厌的,令人气恼的2. inquire vi. &”.询问,打听f inquiry n.询问,调查f inquirer n.询问者,语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Our teacher was very annoyed at the boys annoying behavior and scolded him severely, (annoy)2. Our teacher has assigned each of us a different task a

41、nd you can download核心单词语境运用1. resolve ”,解决(问题、困难)2. detect vt.发现,察觉(尤其不易觉察 到的事物)3. complaint n.投诉4. flee 口上&ut.逃离,逃走5. temporary adj.暂时的,临时的; 短期的用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We must find a way to resolve (resolve) these problems before if s too late.2. Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected (detect)

42、 in the early stages.3. There have been many complaints (complaint) from members of the public.4. The guests watched as she fled (flee) from the room.5. When she went outside she was temporarily (temporary) blinded by the sun.调查者3. assign vt.分配,分派,指派(任 务)assignment n.任务;分配4. warn.警告,告诫 f warningn 警

43、告,警示;告诫5. tolerate 忍受;忍耐;容忍,容许; 宽容一tolerant力,忍受的;容忍的;宽 容的f tolerance .容忍,忍受6. invest vi.投资f investment n.投资f investor n.投资者7. distribute vt.分发,分配,分送 -distribution n. 分发, 分配your assignment from the Internet, (assign)3. These distributers had sent the goods to the area and the group organized the dist

44、ribution and they distributed the goods among the people, (distribute)4. . He has a very tolerant attitude towards his daughter, but he has no tolerance for his son. (tolerate)5. To inquire about the matter, the government agreed to set up a committee of inquiry, (inquire)6. No one warned us of the

45、trouble ahead and we didn,t notice the warning signs, either. Otherwise, none of this would have happened, (warn)7. They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project, because they think their investment won t pay off. (invest)高考热点.熟词生义用黑作生衣包里的正确汉语翥是1. (2020 江苏卷)Most obviously, the men displ

46、ayed lower blood sugar levels at the start of their workouts when they had skipped breakfast than when they had eaten.CA.展示B.陈列C.显示2. (2019 全国卷U)We were first greeted with the barking by a pack of dogs, seven to be exact.BA.包裹B. 一群C. 一副短语理解运用高频短语语境运用1. drive sb. mad使某人发疯2. be exposed to 暴露于3. in tro

47、uble 处于困境4. from then on 从那时起5. have an influence on 对产生影响6. take action 采取行动7. get rid of去除;摆脱8. put forward 提出9. be adapted from 由改编10. be fed up with 厌倦选用左面短语的适当形式填空。1. They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.2. It is difficult to get rid of deep- rooted habits. Old habits die hard.3. We must


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