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《2023版高三一轮总复习英语北师大版(闽粤渝京)第1部分选择性必修第3册UNIT8LITERATURE.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023版高三一轮总复习英语北师大版(闽粤渝京)第1部分选择性必修第3册UNIT8LITERATURE.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、UNIT 8 LITERATURE基础知识梳理续写语料积累背诵句之美欣赏语之秀1 .(行为描写)(2021 辽宁省东南合作校检 测)Grandma went down on one knee to hug Jenny and then swung her in the air.2 .(心理描写)(2021 山东省实验中学模拟)He was in extremely low spirits when he thought of the low likelihood of recovering it.3 .(人物描写)(2021 苏锡常镇四市联考)Anil was about 25a tall,

2、thin fellow and he looked easy- going, kind and simple enough for my purpose.(2021 南通市模拟)She got horribly nervous but not because she wanted to win. Her nerves came from the possibility that she would do something horribly wrong and let everyone down. The day of a meet, she would be scared all day.X

3、UXIE YULIAO JILEI增厚文学底蕴JICHU ZHISHI SHULI构建知识体系课标单词背诵(先填后背)第一组1. fiction n.小说;虚构的事poetry n.诗,诗歌;诗情,诗意2. drama n.戏剧;戏剧表演;戏剧性事件romance n.爱情故事;罗曼史;爱情3. detective n.侦探,警探fantasy n.幻想作品;幻想,想象;空想4. folk adj.民间的,民俗的stimulating 力使人兴奋的;饶有趣味的链接写作完成句子再穿一件大衣,否则你在那里会冻死的。Put on another coat, or you 11 freeze to d

4、eath out there.5. desperation na绝望;拼命,不顾一切(l)in desperation拼命地;绝望地(2)desperate.拼命的;绝望的be desperate to do.急切地想要做be desperate for.渴望得到in desperate need 极其需要There was a note of desperation in his voice.听他的语气他急得要命。He fell into desperation on hearing the bad news.听到这个不好的消息,他陷入了绝望。二语块存储Amake desperate eff

5、orts to do 拼命地要做I;基础练习单句语法填空By then I was desperate for a holiday.He is desperate to pass(pass)the entrance exam.(3)In desperation he jumped out of the window when he saw that stairs were on fire.链接写作完成句子在走投无路的情况下,这位老太太卖掉戒指才有钱买吃的。In desperation, the old woman sold her ring to get some money for food

6、.6. strike 课本义oi. &a.打,击,撞;突然发生不幸;口.罢工;打击增补义0.划(火柴等);突然想到;给(某人以)印象;敲;鸣;报时n.袭 击高考原句 2021 全国乙卷His comment struck me as strange.(l)strike sb. on/in + the+身体部位击打某人某部位be struck by/on/with.被打动;迷恋It strikes sb. that.某人突然想起(2)be on strike 在罢工go on strike举行罢工He was struck with a smart crack on the head.他头上突然

7、被猛击了一下。Last year this area was struck by flood and many people lost their lives. 这儿去年闹水灾,死了好多人。厂语块存储strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁strike her head against the side of the boat 她的头撞在船舷上名师点津表示某人突然想到的句型还有:sth. hit(s) sb.基础练习单句语法填空But when the discus (铁饼)finally fell, it struck him on the head.He was

8、struck by the artists total absorption in their work.链接写作完成句子露西被这美景吸引住了。Lucy was struck by the beauty of the scene.7. comfort 课本义如.安慰,抚慰n.舒适感,满足感增补义令人感到安慰的人(或事物);舒适的设施(或条件)高考原句 2018 全国卷IITake yourself out of your comfort zone for a week, discover new personal qualities, and learn new skills.(l)comfo

9、rt sb. with sth.用来安慰某人/使某人舒适comfort sb. for sth.因某事安慰某人in comfort=comfortably 舒适地;放松地be a comfort to 对是安慰(2)comfortable 的.舒适的;令人感到欣慰的uncomfortable。力.不舒服的;不舒适的comfortably adv,舒服地These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance.这些网球鞋是为舒适和性能而设计的。I tried to comfort him after he was defeated b

10、y his opponent.他被对手击败后,我尽力安慰他。厂语块存储give comfort to her 安慰她try to offer a few words of comfort试图说上几句安慰的话I J基础练习单句语法填空She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably(comfo

11、rt).链接写作完成句子这样能够让观众舒舒服服地坐着看表演。This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.8. make up ones mind 下决心; 拿定主意高考原句 2017 浙江卷Williams two books helped Benjamin to make up his mind to be a e to one,s mind某人想起/记起keep/bear. . in mind t己住out of ones mind 发疯, 发狂fix ones mind on把注意力集中

12、于put ones mind to 全神贯注于; 专注于read one,s mind看出某人的心思I cant make up my mind between these two dishes.这两道菜到底选哪一道,我拿不定主意。1语块存储Xmake up ones mind to quit smoking 下决心戒烟make up ones mind to work hard 下决心、努力学习基础练习单句语法填空Picasso made up his mind to express (express) himself in his own way.We must bear in mind

13、what the coach tells us.链接写作完成句子Why are you unhappy, Jim? I can read your mind(我能看透你的心思).The first thing that came to my mind(我想到的第一件事)was this idea back in 2000.9. hold on 课本义挺住;坚持住增补义(打电话)别挂断;挺住;抓紧;不放开-_hold up举起;使耽搁,推迟,阻延hold back阻挡;拦阻;隐瞒;控制hold down压制;限制hold out(在困境中)坚持;伸出;提供;维持;忍耐All I can do i

14、s tell her to hold on, that there5 s light at the end of the tunnel.我只能告诉她要坚持,让她知道总会柳暗花明的。He held on to the rope and swung across.他抓住绳子荡了过去。二语块存储Ahold on to the last坚持到最后hold on to the rock to stop oneself slipping 紧紧抓住岩石以免往下滑 I1)基础练习单句语法填空She kept trying to hold back her tears.We can stay here for

15、as long as our supplies hold out.(3)We were held up for nearly an hour on our way by the traffic accident.链接写作完成句子在我认为自己甚至无法继续尝试的时候,你帮我坚持了下来。You helped me to hold on at times when I didn,t think I could even go on trying.10. depend on 课本义依靠,依赖;指望增补义受 的影响;取决于高考原句 2020 江苏卷But it was the effects deep w

16、ithin the fat cells that may have been the most significant, the researchers found. Multiple genes behaved differently, depending on whether someone had eaten or not before walking.(1 )depend on sb. to do sth.依靠某人做某事depend on sb. doing sth.依靠某人做某事depend on sb. for sth.靠某人供给某物depend on/upon it that.指

17、望;对深信不疑(2)That depends. /It all depends.视情况而定。Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support. 穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。You may depend upon it that all the goods will be delivered in time.请放心,所有的货物都会准时交付。厂语块存储depend on his parents for food and clothing他衣食靠父母a person you can depen

18、d on一个你可以依靠的人l;基础练习单句语法填空He depends on his parents to take(take)care of the children.Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.链接写作句多译你绝不可指望他能准时到达。You can never depend on him to arrive on time.You can never depend on him arriving on time.You can never depend on it that he will arrive on

19、 time.11. take. for granted 视为理所当然take it for granted that.视为理所当然take sb. /sth. for granted(因习以为常)对不重视;(因视为当然而)不 把当回事take sth. seriously重视某事;严肃认真地对待某事take. as.把当作We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan.我们决不可想当然地认为董事会一定会批准这个投资计划。厂语块存储take fo

20、r granted what you have认为你所拥有的是理所当然的take having an endless supply of clean water for granted 想当然地认为洁净 水的供应是无穷无尽的I1基础练习单句语法填空Believe it or not, I always take your suggestions seriouslyfserious).Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans.链接写作完成句子我们渐渐关注存在于我们生活中的问题并认为我们

21、的幸福和成就是理所当 然的。We tend to focus on our problems in life and to take for granted our blessings and achievements.12.教材原句Whats more, a cold rain was falling, mixed with snow.更糟糕的是,外面下起冰冷的雨来,雨夹着雪。-过去分词作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、让步时可转换为相应的状语 从句;表示方式、结果和伴随时可转化为并列分句。(2)过去分词与现在分词的完成被动式的关系:过去分词如果既表示被动, 又表示动作的完成,常可转化成现在分词

22、的完成被动式;过去分词如果只表示被 动,不表示动作的完成,则不可与现在分词的完成被动式换用。金句推送(2018 ,北京卷)Ordinary soap, used correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively.如果正确使用的话,普通的肥皂可以有效地杀灭细菌。基础练习单句语法填空The film star got off the train, surrounded(surround)by her fans.(2)Discussed(discuss)many times, the plan was carried out at last.链接写作句型转换

23、Because he was caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.f Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.(用过去分词作状语)关键能力评估GUANJIAN NENGLI PINGGU强化运用技能夯基固本一一基础落实I .用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Driven(drive)by a greater demand for vegetables, farmers have built more greenhouses.2. For a while he just absorbed himself(he)in sh

24、ort-term projects.3. The plan will be submitted (submit) to the committee for official approval.4. The registration(register)form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979.5. She longed to speak (speak), but could think of nothing to say.6. They made up their minds to complete (complete) the work b

25、y the end of next week.7. In my opinion, our children will find other exhibits equally absorbing (absorb).8. Were it not for science, we could not live a comfortable (comfort) life.9. . These plants must be stored in the light at above freezing (freeze) temperature.10. This feeling of desperation (d

26、esperate) and helplessness was common to most of the refugees.n .在空白处填入一个适当的词。1. Hold on to your courage, and you may need it down the road.2. After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.3. We should submit your application form to the office as soon as possible.4. You may depend on it t

27、hat all the goods will be shipped abroad in time.5. It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. 查缺补漏知识拾遗.用所给词的正确形式填空。1. r m not sure if the argument holds up, but its stimulating stimulate).2. He lay on the bed, staring at the roof, exhausted(exhaust).3. Evidently(evident), he has fall

28、en in love with Miss Green.4. The central issue in the strike was the preservation (preserve) of jobs.5. We finally forgave (forgive) him when he expressed his regret with tears, n .在空白处填入一个适当的词。1. We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.2. Parent birds began to hunt for

29、 food for their young.3. The number of students in this course dropped off after the first test.4. They were so excited that they kept waving banners.5. This toy can be taken apart and put together with ease.强技提能一一语言运用I.课文语法填空短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点,请在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括 号内单词的正确形式,并背诵该短文。The crash was violent a

30、nd I have no idea how I fell from the boat. I swam towards the boat in 1. desperationf des perate). Suddenly, I 2. was drawn (draw) up to the surface. It was Conseil 3. who/that told me to hold onto his shoulder to swim 4. with ease. Near one o clock, I felt 5. terribly(terrible) tired and asked Con

31、seil to leave me. As Conseil shouted for help, I thought a terrible animal came. I sank and 6. struck(strike) onto a hard body.I was brought to the surface 7. but unconscious. I recognised Ned. He told me he was 8. fortunate(fortune)to find safety upon that large whale. But he found the creature was

32、 made of steel, which was smooth, 9. polished(polish), nothing like an animal. When the daybreak appeared, a man appeared and then eight strong men, with their faces 10. covered(cover), drew down us into their machine.H.文本写作Step 1.要点提示(利用本单元知识补全所给英文句子)简和疾病已经斗争了两年,为此遭受了不少罪。Jane had struggled against

33、the disease for two years, from which she suffered a lot.她无意中听到了爸爸和医生之间的对话后,她内心充满了绝望。After she overheard the talk between her father and the doctor, she filled up with desperation.她盯着病房的天花板,什么也不说。She stared at the ceiling of the ward, saying nothing.妈妈告诉她要坚持,不要放弃。Her mother told her to hold on and n

34、ever to give up.妈妈告诉她他们会筹集足够的资金到大城市寻找更好的大夫,这让简充满 了希望。Her mother told her they would collect enough money to hunt for a better doctor in big cities, which made Jane full of hope.听到妈妈的话,简下决心配合治疗。Hearing what Mom had said, Jane made up her mind to coordinate the treatment.Step 2.衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇)Ja

35、ne had struggled against the disease for two years, from which she suffered a lot. Just now, afte】 she overheaid the talk between her father and the doctor, she filled up with desperation. She stared at the ceiling of the ward, saying nothing. Her mother told hei to hold on and never to give up. In

36、addition, her mother told her they would collect enough money to hunt for a better doctor in big cities, which made Jane full of hope. Hearing what Mom had said, Jane made up her mind to coordinate the treatment.9. subjective 4功.主观的;主语的10. mystery n.难以理解的事物,谜;悬疑故事11. contradictory adj.矛盾的;抵触的12. rid

37、dle n.迷,谜语;谜团13. literary adj.文学的14. rhyme n.押韵15. structure n.结构,构造;建筑物,结构体16. tone % (说话的)语气,口气,强调;(尤指乐器或说话的)音调,音色, 音质17. setting n.(书、影片等中情节发生的)背景;环境18. historical 力;历史的19. submit vt.呈送,提交,呈递20. unseen 4力.未受注意的;未被看见的21. 皎y a力.极冷的;被冰覆盖的22. stare式.凝视,盯着看23. 幽辿。的.空白的几(纸张上的)空白处,空格24. blanket n.毯子,毛毯2

38、5. aside adv.到旁边,在旁边26. backwards ado.往回,往前面;向后,朝后27. sajl vi. &.(乘船)航行28. disbelief n.不信,怀疑29. curtain n.窗帘;门帘;帘子30. crime n.罪,罪行;犯罪活动31. fellow n.男人;家伙32. clothing n.服装,衣服33. inch n.英寸第二组1. sweep &。上扫,打扫;扫去;卷走,冲走2. wander vi.徘徊,闲逛;漫步于3. continuous.持续的,不间断的,连续的4. stretch vi.延伸,绵延;(使)变大;(使)变松;拉长5. b

39、ay n.湾,海湾6. wave n.海浪,波涛;(行为、活动或感情的)一阵,风潮位.挥动, 摆动;挥手7. poet n.诗人8. league n.里格(旧时长度单位,相当于3英里或3海里);体育运动联合 会,联赛;联盟,同盟9. sink vi. &vt.下沉,沉没10. ease n.轻易,毫不费劲11. grab ”.攫取,抓住12. nevertheless adv.然而,不过;尽管如此13. preservation n.维护;保护;保持,维持;保存14. strike况.&ut.打,击,撞;突然发生不幸;儿罢工;打击15. chest n.胸部,胸膛16. being n.生物

40、(尤指人);诞生;出现;存在17. whale n.鲸18. weapon n.武器,兵器;凶器19. bounce况(使)弹起,(使)反弹20. steel n.钢,钢铁21. solid adj.固体的;坚硬的22. polished a力.擦亮的,磨光的;精湛的;精致的23. daybreak n.黎明,破晓24. continuation n.延续,继续部分25. aboard ,&adv.在(船,飞机,火车)上;上(船,飞机,火车)26. seaman n.水手,海员;水兵27. comfort ”.安慰,抚慰n.舒适感,满足感28. emotional4力.情1绪的,情感的;敏感的

41、;情绪激动的29. scholar n.有学问的人;学者30. poison n.毒药,毒素,毒物;”.毒害,毒杀31. forsi迦。原谅,宽恕,饶恕32. fence n.栅栏,围栏,篱笆33. handkerchief n. 手帕34. noble adj.高尚的,崇昌的;单词核心单词35. fence n.栅栏,围栏,篱笆36. handkerchief n. 手帕37. noble adj.高尚的,崇昌的;单词核心单词1. dramatic adj.激动人心的;给人深刻 印象的;巨大而突然的;表演的,戏剧 的2. recite vi. &vt.背诵;朗诵3. shelf n.搁板,架

42、子4. 及辿加(去)拿来;(去)请来;(去) 找来5. 血况.溜走,悄悄地走;滑倒贵族的拼写运用语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1. . His quality of life has improved dramatically (dramatic) since the operation.2. At that time I recited (recite) the English text every day.3. I helped him put up some shelves (shelf) in his bedroom.4. The inhabitants have to walk a

43、 mile to fetch (fetch) water.派生单词1. adventure n.历险,奇遇 fad venturous adj.冒险的;危险的2. absorb”.吸收;吸引 f absorbed adj.被吸引的;专心致志的f absorbing。力十分吸引人的,引人入胜的3. register ”等级; 注册f registration n.登记,注册4. freeze u.(使)冻结,结冰;(使)冻住, 冻堵;冰冻;严寒f freezing adj.严寒 的,极冷的f frozen画.(河、湖等)结语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The book was so ab

44、sorbing that he was absorbed in it and didnt notice me come in. (absorb)2. I will register at the training centre in a minute because ingistration will be closed very soon, (register)3. In the freezing weather, it is not necessary to put the frozen meat in the fridge, (freeze)4. Evidently, the new e

45、vidence will5. She slipped (slip) away just now without him being aware of it.冰的;冷冻的,冷藏的5 .desperate adj.绝望的;拼命的 -desperation n.绝望;拼命,不顾一 切6 .evident adj.明显的,显然的 f evidently adv.明显地,显然7 . construct vt.建设;建造f construction n.建筑物;建造物;建造,建筑strengthen their case, (evident)5. . The film centres around som

46、e adventures of its handsome hero, Mike, who is an adventurous tourist from Canada, (adventure)6. It really was desperately unfortunate that this should have happened to her just now. In desperation, she called Louise and asked for her help, (desperate)7. Our new teaching building is under construct

47、ion over there, behind which our school plans to construct a library next year, (construct)高考热点.熟词生义用黑作生衣包里的正确汉语翥是I1. (2020 北京卷)But Smith was struck mainly by the fact that she didnt truly grasp any of the skills the author described.CA.撞击B.击打C.猛然意识到;让(某人)觉得(2020 新高考全国卷 I )You dont need to apologize for a minor slip.B


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