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《阅读理解(3推理判断题)(通用版)2023高考英语二轮复习重难考点(新题型)突破(通用版)(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《阅读理解(3推理判断题)(通用版)2023高考英语二轮复习重难考点(新题型)突破(通用版)(原卷版).docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、题型一 阅读理解(推理判断题)【专题导航】目录一、考情概述1二、命题特点1三、选项特点2四、链高考真题探究2五、考法解题能力提升5六、精选考点题型专练11一、考情概述推理判断题在近几年高考阅读理解中的考杳数量仅次于细节理解题,是历年高考英语阅读理 解的核心考点和命题集中点,考查方向以推断细节隐含意义为主。在阅读测试中属于深层次 理解题,它要求考生在理解全文的基础上,从文章本身所提供的信息出发,运用逻辑思维,并借 助一定的常识进行分析、推理和判断。其答案一般不会在原文中直接呈现,要把文章提供的信息进行分 析、提炼和归纳之后才能得出。推理判断题涉及的范围很广,主要包括:推断细节隐含意义;推断文章出

2、处或者读者对象;推断 作者的写作意图;对文章内容进行预测;推断作者或文中人物对某个人或事物的态度或评价 等。二、命题特点推理判断题涉及的文章内容可能是一句话或几句话,也可能是一个或两三个段落,甚至是整篇 文章,所以此类题目难度比较大,考生很容易失分。其设问特点为:1 .考查暗含的信息,文章中没有明说;.一般在文章中可以找到提示信息;2 .设问内容含义深刻,不像细节题那么直白。方法点拨考生做题时一般要通读全文,把握作者的写作思路、文章的篇章结构和末段含义,找准段落之间的联系或事情发展的趋势,从而作出科学合理的推测。共【典例剖析】Bees play a vital role in the worl

3、d. Unfortunately, bees are dying very fast.The main purpose of keeping bees is to make honey. Honey, shockingly, isnt used for human consumption; it is essential to the insects. Bees store honey in their hives(蜂箱)in order to have energy for their flight muscles and for heating the hives in the winte

4、r. They collect pollen(花粉) which supplies protein for young bees to grow.According to , the production and quality of cropsas a result of pollination by bees have increased a lot. These insects are responsible for over 70 kinds of the fruits and vegetables we eat today, including apples, grapes, bea

5、ns and broccoli(西兰 花).So if they arc so valuable to agriculture, why do they keep dying off? A key factor seems to be pesticides(杀虫剂).Bees whoare exposed to pesticides suffer from the damage to (heir neurological(神经系统的)functions, specifically to their memory or behavior. And thats why the majority o

6、f worker bees disappear and leave behind a queen bee, plenty of food and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees and the queen bee. There are several other causes of the decline of bees, including the destruction of natural habitat, like woodlands, forests and other habitats for bee

7、s. The climate change is also a factor in the decline of the bees population.Actually, (here are a variety of methods to help the bees population grow. One way is to start your own organic garden by planting bee-friendly plants. Pesticides are used in both industrialpractices and even in your home,

8、so it is best to find organic seeds.35.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. Another way to save bees.B. Other tips for choosing seeds.C. More methods to plant green organic fruits.D. Causes of (he decline of the bees population.六、精选考点题型专练Passage 1语篇类型主题词数难度建议时间记叙文父

9、亲推着残疾儿子参加比赛348 6分钟Its been a long journey from 1962 when Rick was born as a spastic quadriplegic(四肢瘫痪 者)with cerebral palsy(脑瘫).Doctors told the young Hoyts that their son had no hope of a normal life.As Rick developed, his parents noticed he was far from a vegetable as doctors had called him. We co

10、uld tell by looking in Ricks eyes that he understood everything we were saying. We taught him the alphabet and numbers and did a lot of reading with him. says Dick, the father.Then with the help of the Tufts Interactive Communicator(TIC), Rick was able to use his head movement to tap out words and p

11、hrases.As Rick was tapping out his first words, his parents debated over what hed say. To their surprise, his first words were Go, Bruins! We knew right then and there that he understood everything, and that he loved sports and followed the game just like anyone else, says Dick.When Rick was in high

12、 school he wanted to take part in a 5-mile road race and he did finish the race.That night Rick tapped out a message that would change the course of his life. He wrote, Dad, when Im nanning, it feels like Im not disabled.That was a very powerful message for me, recalls Dick. He knew he wanted to loa

13、n Rick his arms and legs so he could compete in races.With the father pushing his disabled son in a wheelchair, the father-son Team Hoyt began running races. Dick says that some people thought he was selfish, pushing his disabled son in races. They thought I was doing it fbr myself. They didnt under

14、stand Rick was the one wanting to race, he says.Team Hoyt has completed to date over 1.075 running events including marathons and Ironman【riathlons(三项全能运动).Rick was once asked if he could give his father one thing, what would it he? Rick responded, The thing Id most like is fbr my dad to sit in the

15、chair and I would push him for once.What can be inferred about Rick as he grew up?A. He couldnt see.B.Hecouldnt speak.C. He couldnt think.D. Hecouldnt hear.1 .What did Rick want to do when he tapped out the words Go, Bruins!?A. Watch a game.B.Gotraveling.C. Run a race.D.Goto school.2 .How does Team

16、Hoyt work in a running event?A. The father and the son run together.B. The father and the son run with the help of TIC.C. The father pushes the son in a wheelchair.D. The son follows the father in his wheelchair.4.What Rick expressed in the last paragraph shows that .A. he felt proudB. he was upsetC

17、. he fell luckyD. he was gratefulPassage 2语篇类型主题词数难度建议时间议论文保护老树346 7分钟One of the costs of being a lover of old trees is the all-too-frcqucnt loss of a beautiful soul youve grown fbnd of. Last summer was harder than most tor old trees and their human supporters. The springs nonstop rain flooded soils

18、 and caused root systems of many large, old trees to rot in part. Then, when the summer came, trees could not tap deep sources of water that would normally have maintained(维持)them. Many valuable old trees died.When I volunteered for the Mount Rainier Tree Commission, I heard from many people concern

19、ed about their trees. Wc had little to offer them. Thats because public and private urban tree resources and programs were aimed almost entirely at planting trees but not at maintaining trees. No state or province program that I could find provided any financial resources for maintaining tree health

20、. Small and under-resourced cities such as ours were on (heir own.This is backward. Scientists are learning that large, old trees are the most valuable, especially in cities. They put on wood fastest and take the most carbon out of the air. They harbor the most wildlife. They can lower summer temper

21、atures by 20 degrees or more. In a recent study, researchers found that Boston would gel more benefit from keeping the trees it has alive than from planting new trees. Theres reason to think this finding would apply in other cities, too.Now, our public and private tree programs often ignore old tree

22、s until it is too late. As long as we abandon our old trees, planting more is merely to keep pace with growing losses. We want trees to help protect us, but wc leave them unprotected. Consider this in the human world: Nobody would send a baby into the world and expect it to just make it. Children ne

23、ed caring for and its why we have schools and child health-insurance programs. We could get so much more out of our trees if we just put a little more into them.1 .What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 suggest?A. Strong determination to plant trees.B. Real regret at growing old trees.C. Great

24、 concern about tree problems.D. Deep love for valuable old trees.2 .Why was the aulhor almost powerless to help people worried about their trees?A. The urban tree programs were faced with financial problems.B. The authors knowledge of maintaining tree health was limited.C. The focus of the tree reso

25、urces and programs was on tree planting.D. The organization the author volunteered for was short of tree experts.3 .The author argues in Paragraph 3 by .A. comparing different casespresenting research findingsB. referring to scientists sayingscarrying out some experiments4 .Why does the author give

26、the example of nursing babies in the end?A. To stress the importance of tree insurance programs.B. To show (he close connection between trees and babies.C. To advocate protecting trees as humans care for babies.D. To persuade human beings to pay more attention to babies.Passage 3语篇类型主题词数难度建议时间说明文中医3

27、057分钟China is one of the first countries to breed a medical culture. In comparison with Western methods, traditional Chinese incdicinc(TCM) adopts a vastly different approach. For thousands of years, Chinese people have accumulated rich experience in fighting all sorts of diseases, therefore forming

28、 a unique medical theory under the guidance of ancient Chinese philosophies.The core behind TCM is that the human bodys life is the consequence of the balance between yin and yang. Yang functions to safeguard us against outer harm, and yin is the inner base (o store and provide energy. When the bala

29、nce between the two aspects is disturbed, people fall ill.One of the traditional techniques of TCM, acupuncture(针刺疗法),means insertion of needles into superficial structures of the body usually at acupoints(穴位)一to restore the yin-yang balance. It is often accompanied by moxibustion(灸:去),which involve

30、s burning the mug wort on or near the skin at an acupoint.The first known text that clearly talks about something like acupuncture and moxibustion as it is practiced today is Yellow Emperor s Inner Canon. It is the earliest and most important written work of TCM and is considered the most representa

31、tive medical text in China.Acupuncture and moxibustion have aroused the interest of international medical science circles. And TCM is gradually gaining worldwide recognition. The WHO issued a document in 2(X)2 that appealed to more than 18() countries to adopt TCM as an alternative in their medical

32、policies. In 2010, acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine were added to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO. Presently, TCM has been back in the news for its effectiveness in improving the cure rate of the COVID-19 since its outb

33、reak in January 2020.1 .What does the underlined word It in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. TCM.B. Acupuncture.C. Yin-yang balance.D. Moxibustion.2 .Whal can we learn about Yellow Emperor s Inner Canon from the text?A. Il distinguishes acupuncture from moxibustion.B. Its a foundation of world medical resear

34、ch.C. It stresses the importance of using acupoints.D. It greatly boosts the development of TCM.3. What is the writers purpose of writing the passage?A. To introduce TCM to the world.B. To review the development of TCM.C. lb tell TCM and Western medicine apart.D. To comment on TCM in fighting COVID-

35、19.4.Wha( might be talked about in the paragraph following the text?A. Why TCM gets recognition from WHO.B. Why TCM is gaining popularity.C. How TCM helps in the current situation.D. How other countries adopt TCM well.Passage 4 语篇类型 主题词数难度建议时间夹叙夹议文珍惜友谊3018分钟My best friend travelled to stay with my f

36、amily last weekend. When she arrived, she went straight to the kitchen and, without asking, ate some dried fruit. She wasnt being nide. I knew she would do this. Weve known each other fbr almost 20 years. She can eat anything she wants from my kitchen. Indeed, I bought her favorite fruits and snacks

37、 at the shop that morning.Our long weekend together was simple. I was recovering from surgery and couldnt go to shopping malls. But there were no quiet moments. Weve lived in different cities ibr almost a decade. Reunions demand conversation.Our personalities are matched, to be sure,and a shared his

38、tory is indescribably(难以形容 地)valuable. We were competitors at high school before bonding. Then we discovered the many interests that we had in common. Our friendship developed itself quickly. We stayed companions and supported each other through law school and through our first jobs. Ours is a frien

39、dship for the ages.There is something special about friends who know everything about you. They are rare. They have seen your achievements, your desperation and your boring routine of the in-between. Its special to unpack feelings without wasting time filling in the blanks. As my long weekend shows,

40、 with such friends we dont have to do well, but we simply have to be ourselves. We drop the act, the performance and (he public version of ourselves. The special friendships are those which never fail to delight us, whose continuation is worth the extra effort, despite distance and difference in our

41、 separate lives. I had the very great joy of this reminder last weekend. Tm lucky to have found this friend, and to see a future where her companionship remains. Being together is perfection.I .What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A. They talked constantly about (heir lives.B. They enjoyed going shopp

42、ing.C. They had a boring weekend.D. They quarreled at times.2 .What does the author appreciate about their friendship?A. They help each other achieve success in their fields.B. Theyre best friends despite different hobbies.C. They inspire each other to be (heir best selves.D. Theyre comfortable just

43、 being themselves.3 .Wha( message is conveyed in the last paragraph?A. Real friends are easy to make.B. Good friendships need devotion.C. Special friendships may fail to delight us.D. Distance and difference bring a friendship.4 .Why does the author write this text?A. lb express thanks to her best f

44、riend.B. To share the friendship she treasures.C. To describe what her best friend is like.D. To explain how she offers help to her friend.Passage 5语篇类型主题词数 难度建议时间新闻报道向农民介绍直播销售技巧3177分钟Ni Hao! Lao Tie!I am your foreign friend.Just have a bite of our organic apples and place your orders here!Erik Niis

45、son,a Swedish traveler,greeted through TikTok livestreams in a village of Jiangxi Province.His appearance online increased that days sale greatly.After experiencing a special day in the rural area,Erik said jokingly,I wish I could change my job.This village is not alone.Nowadays,Chinas e-commerce pl

46、atforms have helped open up the market for Chinese farmers producc,bringing an increasing number of sales onlinc.This new trend has made livestreaming a new way to rid farmers of povcrty,with mobile phones becoming new farm tools.Everyone has brought (heir own agricultural products.How can you make

47、(he audiences believe that theyre delicious through the screen in front of you?Now,lets feel the look on your face during the livestreaming!A farmers education and training center in Hainan Province invites professionals such as directors and stylists to teach fanners a variety of skills ranging fro

48、m short video editing to livestreaming sales skills.However,at first,only a few villagers had a strong desire.We helped them get training in livestreaming, short video marketing,and other courscs.lt wasnt fancy,but simple,practicakand effective.*Everybody, please take a look.This is (he best coconut.Taste it,said Pei Yanqin,59.speaking Mandarin with a strong local accent and communicating smoothly with netizens through her livestreaming software.Just over a year ago,she was one of those villagers with the least int


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