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《高考英语考前冲刺卷(一)含答案解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语考前冲刺卷(一)含答案解析.docx(29页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、考前冲刺卷考前冲刺卷(一一)第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1The new movie Forever Young, seven years ago,was released on January 12th,2018.Afilming Bbeing filmedCto be filmed Dhaving been filmed答案 D解析 句意为:在七年前就拍摄完成的电影无问西东于 2018 年 1 月 12 日上映

2、。分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词;又因为 The new movie Forever Young 与动词 film 之间为被动关系,且根据句中的时间状语“seven years ago”可知,非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词 released 所表示的动作之前,故空处应用 having been filmed。2We took a taxi to the airport.Otherwise we late for our flight this morning.Awere Bhad beenCwould be Dwould have been答案 D解析 句意为:我们乘坐出租车去的机

3、场,否则我们就赶不上今天上午的飞机了。根据句意尤其是句中的“Otherwise”一词可知,空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,故谓语动词应用would have done 结构。3It is reported that house prices are always higher famous schools lie than other places.Athat BwhereCwhich Din which答案 B解析 句意为:据报道,名校附近的房价总是比其他地方的房价要高。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导状语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故应用 where 来引导该状语从句。4The projec

4、t centers on how we can be more in motivating students to participate in classroom interaction in limited time.Aeffective BvoluntaryCaggressive Dindependent答案 A解析 句意为:这个项目以我们怎样能在有限的时间内更有效地鼓励学生参与课堂互动为中心。根据句意可知,effective 有效的,效率高的,符合语境。voluntary 自愿的,志愿的;aggressive 有进取心的;independent 独立的。5In order to imp

5、rove his professional skills,the physician has many journals concerned with medicine.Astuck to Bcatered toCappealed to Dsubscribed to答案 D解析 句意为:为了提升自己的专业技能,这位内科医生已经订阅了许多与医学有关的杂志。根据句意可知,subscribe to 订阅,订购,符合语境。stick to 坚持;cater to 迎合,满足需要;appeal to 呼吁,对有吸引力。6The current personnel allocation is based

6、on the assumption the economy in our country will still develop at a normal rate next year.Ahow BthatCwhat Dwhether答案 B解析 句意为:当前的人员配置是以明年我国的经济依旧按正常速度发展的假设为基础的。根据句意及分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导同位语从句,解释说明 assumption“假定,假设”的具体内容,且从句句意完整,故应用 that 来引导该同位语从句。7The park the tourists have a better impression of the city

7、 when it is completed in two and a half years.Awill help Bhas helpedCis helping Dwill have helped答案 A解析 句意为:当这个公园在两年半后建成时,将会使游客对该城市有一个更好的印象。根据句意尤其是题干中的“when it is completed in two and a half years”可知,空处应用一般将来时表示发生在将来的动作。8Marco Polo was an Italian traveler and author writings gave Europeans the first

8、 authoritative view of life in the Far East.Athat BwhomCwhose Dwhich答案 C解析 句意为:马可波罗是一位意大利旅行家和作家,他的作品使欧洲人对远东地区的生活有了最初的权威看法。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导定语从句,修饰先行词 Marco Polo,且与空后的名词 writings 之间是所属关系,故应用 whose 来引导该定语从句。9The government will take steps to rebuild villages in cities and encourage people to install li

9、fts in old buildings conditions permit.Aif BbeforeCso that Deven though答案 A解析 句意为:政府将采取措施重建“城中村”并鼓励人们如果条件允许的话为老式建筑安装电梯。根据句意可知,此处应用 if“如果,假如”引导条件状语从句。before“在之前”引导时间状语从句;so that“以便,为了,以至于”引导目的或结果状语从句;even though“虽然,即使”引导让步状语从句。10To Antias delight,her position in the top international company was fina

10、lly after a six-month trail period.Acommanded BconfirmedCconserved Dcompensated答案 B解析 句意为:令安蒂亚感到高兴的是,在这家顶尖的国际公司中经过了六个月的试用期后,她最终获准担任该职。根据句意可知,confirm 批准(职位、协议等),确认,认可,符合语境。command 命令,指挥;conserve 保护,保存;compensate 弥补,补偿。11Since he his way of handling the problems,he has made more achievements than he e

11、xpected to.Awould reform Bhad reformedCreformed Dreforms答案 C解析 句意为:自从他改变了处理问题的方式,他已经取得了比原先预计的更多的成就。根据句意及句中的关键词“Since”和“has made”可知,句中包含一个 since 引导的时间状语从句,且主句用的是现在完成时,故从句时态应用一般过去时。12The successful boss has been doing what he can all the help the warm-hearted people have given him.Ain return for Bin c

12、ontrol ofCin harmony with Din proportion to答案 A解析 句意为:这位成功的老板一直在尽力做自己能做的事情以回报那些热心人曾给予他的帮助。根据句意可知,in return for 作为(对的)回报,符合语境。in control of 控制,管理;in harmony with 与和睦相处,和相处融洽;in proportion to 与成比例。13Your mother would if she knows you failed again in the last maths exam.Amake a hit Bthrow a fitCjump th

13、e gun Dbeat the drum答案 B解析 句意为:如果你的母亲知道你上一次的数学考试又没及格会大发脾气的。根据句意可知,throw a fit 大为震惊,大发脾气,符合语境。make a hit 轰动一时,大获成功;jump the gun 抢跑,过早行动;beat the drum 摇旗呐喊,竭力鼓吹。14The Minister for Justice is setting up an administrative scheme to provide qualified international protection applicants with to be self-em

14、ployed.Anecessity BtendencyCcompetence Dpermission答案 D解析 句意为:这位司法部长正在建立一个行政体系以批准合格的国际保护申请人能够自己创业。根据句意可知,permission 准许,许可,批准,符合语境。necessity 必要,需要;tendency 倾向,趋势;competence 能力。15If you place a larger order,we will increase the discount to 10%.That would be nice! .AIts my treat BThats all rightCYou got

15、 me there DLets call it a deal答案 D解析 句意为:如果你下的订单更大的话,我们愿意将折扣增加到 10%。那就太好了!我们就这样定了。根据句意可知,lets call it a deal 我们就这样定了,符合语境。its my treat 我请客;thats all right 没关系;you got me there 你难住我了。第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I have a story that always makes me feel bit

16、ter.When I was fifteen,I 16 an event that some people will never experience in their lives.I 17 that I was looking out of our car as I heard the screech(尖锐刺耳的声音) of a car crashing into oncoming traffic.Then the car got hit a second time.With the second 18 came the sound of broken glass and 19 of peo

17、ple.Two people got ejected(弹出) from the car,and 20 on the side of the road.My dad 21 stopped the car and we ran over to help.As we 22 ,I knew that the adult was gone.The child who lay next to her yelled for his mom 23 .That was when I first 24 the bitter taste on my tongue.I was in a state of 25 but

18、 I tried to stay calm.I didnt know what to do so I took 26 from others,such as lifting the live victims 27 so he couldnt drown in the blood.Minutes went by and finally we heard the sound of sirens(警报器) we had been 28 .We found afterwards that their lives could have been 29 if the driver had been dri

19、ving more carefully and 30 both of them had worn their seat belts.It was something so 31 ,but it could have changed their lives.In my mouth the bitter taste 32 .Every day I pass the crash site,it serves as a 33 that anything can happen,for better or for worse.Life is what you make of it,even if its

20、34 to swallow.So just be fully 35 for your own life.语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。15 岁时目睹的那场车祸让作者明白,人生是由我们自己造就的,不论结果好坏,都要由自己承担,因此我们必须对自己的人生负责。16A.prevented BinfluencedCdiscovered Dwitnessed答案 D解析 根据下文的内容可知,作者目睹了一些人在他们的生活中永远都不会经历的一件事情。witness 目击,见证,符合语境。prevent 阻止;influence 影响;discover 发现。17A.remember BconcludeCsu

21、spect Dadmit答案 A解析 根据上文中的“I have a story that always makes me feel bitter.When I was fifteen”可知,此处作者是在回忆自己过去所目睹的这件事情,故 remember 回想起,记得,符合语境。18A.explosion BattackCdrive Dblow答案 D解析 根据上文中的“Then the car got hit a second time.With the second”可知,伴随第二次撞击而来的是玻璃的破碎声和人们的尖叫声。blow 猛击,重击,符合语境。explosion 爆炸;attac

22、k 进攻;drive 开车。19A.complaints BscreamsCwhispers Dsighs答案 B解析 参见上题解析。scream 尖叫,符合语境。complaint 抱怨,投诉;whisper 低语,耳语;sigh 叹息,叹气。20A.landed BmarchedCwandered Ddisappeared答案 A解析 根据空前的“Two people got ejected(弹出) from the car”和空后的“on the side of the road”可知,两个人从车里弹了出来,摔在路边。land 跳落,跌落,被抛落(地面),符合语境。march 前进;wa

23、nder 漫游,徘徊;disappear 消失。21A.abruptly BreluctantlyCimmediately Daccidentally答案 C解析 根据语境可知,作者的父亲马上停下了车。immediately 立即,马上,符合语境。abruptly 突然地;reluctantly 不情愿地;accidentally 偶然地,意外地。22A.left BpassedCsearched Dapproached答案 D解析 根据上文中的“we ran over to help”可知,当作者他们靠近(approach)时,作者意识到那个大人已经死去。23A.roughly Bhopef

24、ullyCdesperately Dcautiously答案 C解析 根据上文中的“the adult was gone”可知,躺在她(那个大人)身边的小孩拼命地喊着妈妈。desperately 拼命地,不顾一切地,符合语境。24A.experienced BannouncedCmonitored Didentified答案 A解析 那是作者第一次体会到舌尖上苦涩的味道,即悲痛的感觉。experience 体验,经历,符合语境。announce 宣布,宣称;monitor 监督,监视;identify 确认,鉴定。25A.confusion BshockCcuriosity Dregret答案

25、 B解析 根据上文的内容及空后的“but I tried to stay calm”可知,作者当时应是处于惊慌的状态中。shock 震惊,惊愕,符合语境。confusion 困惑,疑惑;curiosity 好奇心,求知欲;regret 遗憾,懊悔。26A.orders BattitudesCservices Dcriticisms答案 A解析 根据上文中的“I didnt know what to do”可知,作者不知道怎么做所以听从了他人的指挥。order 指示,命令,符合语境。27A.legs BfeetChead Dmouth答案 C解析 根据上文中的“lifting”和下文中的“so

26、he couldnt drown in the blood”可知,要抬高幸存的受害者的头以至于他不会在血泊中溺亡。28A.relying on Bwaiting forCsearching for Dfocusing on答案 B解析 根据语境可知,几分钟过后,作者他们听到了他们一直等待(wait for)着的警笛的声音。29A.improved BsparedCvalued Dsaved答案 D解析 根据空后的“if the driver had been driving more carefully and.seat belts”可知,作者他们随后了解到如果那个司机开车更谨慎一点儿而且他们

27、俩都系好安全带的话,他们的生命本能被挽救(save)的。30A.as BifConce Dbecause答案 B解析 参见上题解析。上文中的“if the driver had been driving more carefully and”是关键提示。31A.typical BsimpleCuseful Dridiculous答案 B解析 如果那个司机开车更谨慎一点儿而且他们俩都系好安全带的话,他们的生命本能被挽救的。而开车时谨慎专注和系好安全带都是开车时基本的但是却能拯救生命的事情。simple简单的,基本的,符合语境。32A.froze BfadedCformed Dfloated答案

28、A解析 这种悲痛的感觉一直留在作者心中。freeze“停住,不动”一词形象地描述了这种状态。fade 逐渐消逝;form 形成;float 漂浮。33A.suggestion BreplacementCwarning Dreminder答案 D解析 作者每次经过事发地点的时候,这个地点都提醒着作者任何事情都有可能发生。reminder 引起回忆的事情,提醒人的事物,符合语境。replacement 替换物。34A.impossible BuselessCtough Dshameful答案 C解析 根据作者在文中对这起车祸的描述,尤其是文中多次强调这起车祸带给作者的悲痛感可知,人生是我们自己造就

29、的,即使痛苦,也要自己承担。tough 艰难的,艰苦的,符合语境。35A.ready BeagerCgrateful Dresponsible答案 D解析 根据上文中的“Life is what you make of it”可知,人生是由我们自己造就的,所以我们要对自己的人生负责。responsible 负责的,有责任心的,符合语境。第三部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2018苏州一模)The latest addition to the Gtech garden power

30、 tools range is a light-weight yet powerful wireless Leaf Blower.This autumn makes short work of clearing leaves and garden pieces.High performanceThe 36V Lithium-ion Gtech Leaf Blower has the ability to clear pieces from your lawn,courtyard and driveway.Using a turbo fan design that allows for a st

31、raight air passage from intake to outlet,offering maximum airflow and efficiency that turns the fan at 11,500 times a minute.Complete controlThe Leaf Blower is light-weight,at just 4.3 kg.The product has been designed so that battery and body weight are reasonably distributed.When in use,it will nat

32、urally point towards the ground to direct airflow.So,you wont have to worry about injuring your wrists,even if you use it for the entire 20-minute run-time on full power.The variable trigger allows for complete control,when you squeeze or release the trigger you will feel the airflow change to suit

33、your garden needs.Easy to useThe Gtech Wireless Leaf Blower is easy to use.There is no need to pull wires or top up with fuel,simply attach the battery and pull the trigger to start.The products wireless convenience means there are no wires to trip you up or limit your access,and no petrol to store

34、or poursimply charge and its ready to go.When youre done,you can remove the detachable nozzle(管嘴),so the Gtech Leaf Blower is compact enough to be stored in small places.Dont just take our word for it.We really do care what you think.Go online to see the thousands of independent reviews our customer

35、s have given us,and check out our product videos at www.gtech.co.uk.语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了一款轻便而强大的无线落叶清扫机以及它的购买方式。36What should you pay attention to when using the Leaf Blower?AFilling it up with good petrol.BTaking care not to be tripped up.CCharging it when the battery is dying.DWearing the wrist-ban

36、d if you use it for long.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据 Easy to use 部分第三句“The products wireless convenience means there are no wires to trip you up or limit your access,and no petrol to store or poursimply charge and its ready to go.”可知,使用这款产品时只要在它快没电前给它充电即可。37Which is NOT the advantage of the tool?ATruly portable

37、. BFast delivery.CEnvironmentally friendly. DQuite powerful.答案 B解析 细节理解题。纵观全文,该产品具有高性能(High performance),同时轻便(just 4.3 kg)、环保(no petrol to store or pour)、使用方便(Easy to use)。B(2018苏锡常镇一调)As countless unmade beds and unfinished homework assignments prove,kids need rules.Yet how parents make demands can

38、 powerfully influence a childs social skills,psychologists at the University of Virginia recently found after the conclusion of a study investigating the transition from adolescence to adulthood.Initially 184 13-year-olds filled out multiple surveys,including one to assess how often their parents em

39、ployed psychologically controlling strategies,such as inducing guilt or threatening to withdraw affection.The kids rated,for example,how typical it would be for Dad to suggest that “if I really cared for him,I would not do things that caused him to worry” or for Mom to become “less friendly when I d

40、id not see things her way” The researchers followed up with the subjects at ages 18 and 21,asking the young adults to bring along a close friend and,later,a romantic partner if they had one.These pairs were asked to answer hypothetical(假设的) questions that were purposefully written to inspire a diffe

41、rence of opinion.“We wanted to see whether they could navigate a disagreement in a healthy way, ” says study leader Barbara Oudekerk,now at the US Department of Justices bureau of statistics.In the October issue of Child Development,Oudekerk and her colleagues report that the 13-year-olds who had hi

42、ghly controlling parents struggled in friendly disagreements at age 18.They had difficulty stating their opinions in a confident,reasoned manner in comparison to the kids without controlling parents.And when they did speak up,they often failed to express themselves in warm and productive ways.The re

43、searchers suspect that pushy parents ruin their childs ability to learn how to argue his or her own viewpoint in other relationships.Although parents do need to set boundaries,domineering strategies imply that any disagreement will damage the bond itself.Separate findings suggest that parents who ex

44、plain the reasons behind their rules and turn disagreements into conversations leave youngsters better prepared for future arguments.The consequences of tense or domineering relationships appear to get worse with time.This study also found that social difficulties at 18 predicted even poorer communi

45、cation abilities at age 21.Psychologist Shmuel Shulman of Bar-Ilan University in Israel,who did not participate in the work,thinks these conclusions convincingly reveal how relationship patterns “carry forward” into new friendships.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。调查研究表明,父母对孩子采取心理控制会影响孩子的身心健康,因此父母要多和孩子进行交流。38What will

46、 happen to the teenagers with pushy parents?AThey lose social skills.BThey have trouble presenting opinions.CThey express themselves in an aggressive way.DThey fail to inspire a difference of opinion.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“The researchers suspect that pushy parents ruin their childs ability to learn

47、how to argue his or her own viewpoint in other relationships.”以及第四段第二句“They had difficulty stating their opinions in a confident,reasoned manner in comparison to the kids without controlling parents.”可知,有强势父母的孩子在表达观点方面是有困难的。39What does the underlined word “domineering” in Paragraph 5 mean?AAlternati

48、ve. BConservative.CPowerful. DForceful.答案 D解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知,虽然父母可以给孩子立一些规矩,但是采取强迫性的策略会影响和孩子的关系。forceful 意为“强迫性的” ,符合语境。alternative 可替代性的;conservative 保守的;powerful 强大的。40It can be inferred from the findings that parents should .Acommunicate with children when setting rulesBlearn new ways to establish new friendshipsCseek more controlling strategiesDhelp children develop abil


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