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1、9 上 Unit 1 Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit学习目标:1 .学会用适当的语言描述人的性格特点。2 .学会简单谈论自己和他人的性格特点及喜欢和不喜欢的职业。学习重难点:掌握本课时出现的重点语言点。学习过程:一、 课前预习A.翻译1 .有创造力的 2.好奇的3 .精力充沛的 4.谦虚的5 .有条理的;有效率的 6.顺序7 .使保持井然有序8 .炫耀9.语法10 .想出(主意)11 .(否定句中)两者之一不12 . 也不 13. 既不也不14. 会计B.完成书本P7 A部分的内容二、自主学习A.阅读P7 A部分内容,翻译下列句子。Suzy使她所有的物品保持

2、井然有序。他经常想出新主意。15 .把分成 6.使成形,塑造.演说,讲话,发言,台词 18.缺席的19 .班长 20.职位,位置,名次21.同意某人(的看法)二、合作探究 在P18-19页找到下列句子并写出它们的汉语意思1. He is not afraid of making a speech in front of many people.2. We think he has many strong qualities for this position.3. We think David is the most suitable person to be our monitor.4. W

3、e hope that you agree with us.三、达标反馈仿照书本19页的内容写一篇推荐信Dear Mr. Wu,We are writing to recommend Daniel as our new monitor. We think四、作业布置9 上 Unit 1 Revision (I)单词1.有创造力的 2.好奇的3 .精力充沛的4.谦虚的.有条理的;有效率的 6.顺序7 .使保持井然有序.炫耀9.语法10 .想出(主意).(否定句中)两者之一不13.既不也不15.天生的17.雕塑,雕像19.销售部21.竞赛,赛跑11 .也不.会计16 .给留下印象18. 赞扬,表扬

4、20.总的,普遍的,首席的. 不是就是,或者或者22 .领先地位,榜样 24.处于领先地位.落后26.挑战27 .主要的,首要的 28.高速的29.连接30.与.相连,连接31.错误,过失32.和几乎一样,简直是33. 注意,专心 34. 注意 35. 标准36.先锋,开拓者 37.外科大夫38.粗心39.额外的;附加的40.把贡献,把专用于 41.尊敬,尊重42.合适的,适宜的 43.搭档,合作伙伴44.不耐烦的,急躁的 45.三思而行46.洗碗 47.月球的48.日历,挂历 49.生肖 50.代表,象征51.出现52.固定的53.循环54.有利的,强大的55.活泼的,生气勃勃的 56.实际

5、的57.忠诚的59. 星座61.才巴分成63.演说,讲话,发言,台词58.总共,总计60. 分开,分62.使成形,塑造64.缺席的 65.班长 66.职位,位置,名次67.同意某人(的看法)短语1 .一篇关于个性的文章.吃光了我的早饭2 .炫耀 4.一名天生的艺术家.给留下深刻印象5 .获得高度评价.搜寻某事 8.放弃做某事13.接受新的挑战 14.高速铁路15.承担不起 16.高标准工作17.再,也不为过 18.不仅而且19.愿意做某事 20.接受别人的建议21.担心得太多 22.使他自己更有条理性23.上学缺席9 上 Unit 1 Revision (II) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适

6、当形式填空1. This article gives you advice on how to talk to people with different (person).2. We cannot work out this math problem(easy).3. As a secretary, Miss Liu is well(organize).4. Its necessary for us to get enough sleep if we want to be(energy).5. She is busy, yet she still takes an(act) part in

7、charityMr. Dou is patient. He can wait for a long time without(get) angry.6. Tom has a good sense of humor. He always makes us(laugh).7. Wendy is curious about(play) the violin.8. (show) off is not a good personal quality.9. Dont be so(patient) to the old. Talk with them as much as you can.词汇运用Lu Xu

8、n is one of the(先锋)of modern Chinese culture.1. The chief engineer always says, A m is as good as a mile”.2. The small town are(连接)with each other by road.3. He(分成)a cake into pieces and gave them out to his children.4. Lucys birthday is not in this years(日历).Do you know why?5. Mr. Wu gave us a(总的)i

9、dea of the work to let us know what it was aboutStudents should pay a to what teachers say in class.6. Song Zuying has a sweet voice, and she is a b singer.7. With his books, Mo Yan has won high p from home and abroad.8. The Chinese people now enjoy a higher(标准)of living than before.选词填空powerful; po

10、sition; practical; agree with;speeches; was absent fromMike doesnt know how to work with Jane. She doesnt him onalmost everything.1. His about the importance of protecting the environment have impressed us a lot.2. Marys mother was ill, so she the parents9 meeting.3. He took up his new as the genera

11、l manager of the big company usa lot.4. Caesar(WL撒)was one of the most rulers in history.5. Lets be and talk about the cost first.翻译句子1 .作为一名航天科学家,再怎么仔细也不为过。As a space scientists, one.在手术中,我们承担不起犯任何错误。We in operations.2 .学习犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。Learning is , you either or.比利急躁粗心,因此不适合做这项工作。Billy is,he the job

12、.B.阅读P7B部分对话,回答问题Can Paul make a good account? Why or why not?1) What does Sandys art teacher say about Sandy?三、合作探究A. Listen to the comic strip and answer the following questions.(1) What is the interesting article about?(2) What happens to Eddies breakfast in the end?(3) Is Eddie willing to share

13、his breakfast with Hobo?B. Read and translate the comic strip四、达标反馈单项选择()1. -Dont worry. I will help you.-Thank you. Its very kind you to say so.A. forB. onC. toD. of()2. Can you keep winning matches without even one point?A. losingB. missing C. loss D. lost()3. Neither Tom nor I tall.A. areB. isC.

14、amD. be五、作业布置9 上 Unit 1 Reading(I)学习目标:1认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。3掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。4培养学生学习先进,努力奋斗的精神。学习重难点:运用扫读、查读和精读等技巧,提高阅读能力;灵活运用相关短语和句型。学习过程:一、课前预习1.天生的 2,给留下印象 3.雕塑,雕像4.赞扬,表扬 5.销售部6.总的,普遍的,首席的 7.竞赛,赛跑8.不是就是,或者或者9.领先地位,榜样10.处于领先地位 11.落后12.挑战 13.主要的,首要的 14.高速的15.连接 16.与.相连,连接17.错误,过失 18.

15、和.几乎一样,简直是19.注意,专心 20.注意 21.标准22. 先锋,开拓者 23.夕卜科大夫26.把贡献,把专用于 27.尊敬,尊重28.合适的,适宜的 29.搭档,合作伙伴二、自主学习1 .快速阅读课本第八第九内容,回答问题。(1) Hw many people are mentioned in the article?(2) Who and what are they?2 .再次阅读课文,判断正误Wu Weis friend does not think that his work is very good. Wu Weis sculptures are famous all ove

16、r the country. Su Ning was once happy with her job as an accountant. Su Ning changed her job five years ago. Liu Tao is the chief engineer of the new bridge. Liu Taos team members find it difficult to work with him. Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be very careful. Fang Yuan spends most of her time o

17、n her work.三、合作探究仔细阅读课文,完成课课练P3第二大题。四、达标反馈根据汉语完成句子1 .她的朋友说他是天生的艺术家。His friends said that he2 .他的弟弟喜欢探索新事物。His brother likes3 .我乐意随时接受新挑战。Um ready五、作业布置9 上 Unit 1 Reading(II)学习目标:1认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。3掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。4培养学生学习先进,努力奋斗的精神。学习重难点:掌握本课的四会句型,短语并会灵活运用。学习过程:一、自主学习在书本第八第九页找出下列短语,

18、标注并翻译1. a born artist2. win high praise from the art community3. day after day4. general manager5. either take the lead or fall behind6. be ready to take on new challenges7. high-speed railway8. connect. to.9. as good as10. cant afford to do sth.11. pay attention to12. work to high standard13. be wi

19、lling to do sth.二、合作探究翻译下列句子1 .你要么领先,要么落后。2 .我随时准备在任何时候接受新的挑战。3 .对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。4 .注意每一个细节是必要的。5 .作为一名医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。6 .粗心不仅对我们自己造成灾难,而且对病人来说也是灾难。三、达标反馈用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. Mr. Dou is patient. He can wait for a long time without(get) angry.2. Tom has a good sense of humor. He always makes us(laugh).3. W

20、endy is curious about(play) the violin.4. (show) off is not a good personal quality.5. As a secretary, Miss Luo is well(organize). She plans all her daily work very well.6. Different people have different(person).7. Dont be so(patient) to the old. Talk with them as much as you can. 四、作业布置9 上 Unit 1

21、Grammar学习目标:1学会使用并列连词and, but, or和so。2 学会使用并歹U连词 both.and., not only.but also., either.or,0 neither.nor.o 学习重难点:掌握本课的语法内容并会灵活运用。学习过程:一、自主学习翻译1. 不耐烦的,急躁的2. 三思而行3. 洗碗 用and, but, or,或so填空(1) I am active energetic.(2) He does not like to talk much,his work shouts.(3) I can be a good teacher a good docto

22、r.(4) He does not like singing dancing.(5) I want to share the best art with people,I am always searching for something better or different.(6) She cannot swim play tennis.(7) Which shirt do you like, the blue one the white one?(8) His mother cooked dinner made a cake.二、合作探究写出下列连词的汉语意思 both.and. not

23、 only.but (also). either .or. neither.nor.根据汉语意思,完成下列句子1 .你要么赢得比赛,要么输掉。You will win the game lose it.2 .不论他的性格还是年龄都不适合这个任务。 his personality his age is suitable for the task.3 .奥黛丽赫本不仅投身于电影业,也投身于慈善事业。Audrey Hepburn devoted her life to the film industryto charity.4 .她会说英语,也会说日语。She can speak English J

24、apanese.5 .使我吃惊的是,她既不笑也不哭。To my surprise, she laughed cried.三、达标反馈单项选择)1. David, get up early, youll catch the early bus.D. orC. after)2. -How do you like the two pairs of trousers?-They dont fit me. They are too long too short.A. not only; but alsoB. both; andC. neither; norD. either, or四、作业布置9 上 Unit 1 Task学习目标:i学会组织观点并用事例支撑观点。2学会描述某人的性格和能力。3完成一封推荐信。学习重难点:完成一封推荐信。学习过程:一、自主学习单词翻译1.月球的2.日历,挂历3 .生肖4.代表,象征.出现6.固定的7 .循环8.有利的,强大的.活泼的,生气勃勃的 10.实际的11.忠诚的12.总共,总计


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