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《译林版英语九年级上册Unit1教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版英语九年级上册Unit1教学设计.docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、初三英语集体备课教案Unit 1课题Period 1 Comic strip and we I come to the unit主备人教学设计二次备课教学目标1. Learn the main points such as the new words, phrases and sentences.2. Learn how to describe some personalities3. Learn how to talk about jobs simply重点难点To let students know the background of different places in the wor

2、ld and talk about them教学步骤Teaching proceduresStep 11. T: Do you know yourself?What kind of person are you?Ss may answer the questions using the words: friendly, helpful, careful, interesting, clever, hard-working, tell funny jokes etc.Some new words are written on the blackboard: Creative, curious,

3、energetic, modest, organized Read after TT: Docs Eddie think himself generous?2. Listen to the Tape and let Ss catch the main meaning.3. Let Ss answer the question.SI: Yes, Eddie thinks hes generous4. Listen again and then answer the following questions:1. What is the article about?2. What makes gen

4、erous people feel good?3. What happens to Eddies breakfast in the end?4. Is Eddie willing to share his breakfast with Hobo?5. Do you often share things with others? How do you feel when you do it?5. T: Now open your books and read after the tapeStep 2 Practice1. Let Ss in groups make dialogues.Stcp3

5、. Presentation.1. Ask students to read the sentences on page 132. Present the usage of not only.but also., either.or., and neither. nor.3. Finish exercises B1 on page 14 and check answers.4. Ask students to make sentences according to the exercises.Step 4. Discussion.1. Ask students to read the four

6、 sentences below on page 13.2. Work in groups of four and find out the different forms of verbs in each sentence.3. Summarize the correct forms of verbs after the conjunctions. 主谓一致:就近一致原那么(谓语动词与靠近的主语在人称 和数保持一致)not only.but also., either.or., and neither. nor. (there be / here be )Not only the stude

7、nts but also Mr. Li( have) lunchat school.Either you or I( be ) going there tomorrow.Neither Dad nor Mum( be ) at home today.There(be) a book and two pens on the desk.4. Finish exercises B2 on page 14 and check answers.5. Read the dialogue together.6. Ask students to translate some sentences.1)她会说英语

8、也会说法语。2)他要么赢得比赛要么输掉。3) Audrey Hepburn不仅投身于电影业也投身于慈善事业。4)不管他的性格还是年龄都不合适这个任务。5)使我吃惊的是,她既不哭也不笑。Step 5. Language points1. 改错Although he was ill, but he went to school on time.Because the dog was hungry, so we gave it something to eat.My little brother canl read and write.Although不与but连用,但可和yet, still连用B

9、ecause不与so连用在否认句中表示并列关系用or2. impatient adj.没有耐心的patient的反义词 be impatient with.im- adj 否认前缀 eg. impossible / impolite3. accept others advice 接受他人建议accept接受(主观)receive收到(客观)refuse拒绝advice不可数名词suggestion可数 take / follow ones advice4. think twice三思而行 Think twice before you leap.5. worry too much 过于担忧 to

10、o much / much too / too many6. do the dishes ;光碗=wash the dishesStep 6. Homework.1. Review whatve learnt today.2. Finish exercises period 4 ( unit 1)反思初三英语集体备课教案Unit 1课题Period 56 Integrated Skills主备人教学设计二次备课教学目标1. To understand the relationship among Chineseanimal signs, star signs and personalities

11、 from theform of written and spoken English2. To talk someones personalities重点难点To consolidate the information gained from reading and listening教学步骤Teaching proceduresStep 1 Pre-listening1. show the Ss the picture of the animals signs.For weaker classes, read the horoscope in Part Al to the class. F

12、or stronger classes, ask a student to read (he article and picture aloud.2. Fill in as much information in Millies notes as they can. Remind them that they will not be able to complete all the answers. For weaker classes, help students by telling them which answers cannot be found in the advertiseme

13、nt.Step2 While-listening1. Play the tape for the Ss to listen to ,and students to listen to the programme and help her complete the notes2. Let the Ss fill in the blanks again.3. Check the answers one by one4. Play the recording for Part A3 once. Tell students not to write anything, then try to writ

14、e sth. according to the memory.Then say the answer out .Check them with the Ss Step 3: Post-listening (speak up)Listen to the dialogue between Millie and Joe ,and ask (he following questions.1. What is Joes animal sign?2. Are people born in the Year of the Tiger brave?3. What is Joes cousin Julies a

15、nimal sign?4. What is Julies personality ?5. Can we believe what the animal signs say?Step 4 Practise1 .Ask some of the Ss to read speak up.2 .Ask students to make up dialogues as many as you can about animal signs.Step5. Draw a conclusionGet some of the Ss draw a conclusion of the lessonStep 6 Lang

16、uage pointsappear1 .没有被动态2 .反义词 disappear3 .名词appearance出现;露面;外貌Important phrases:1. in the Chinese lunar calendar2. each of them3. represent a lunar year4. appear in a fixed order5. repeat every 12 years6. people born under the same animal sign7. have similar personalities8. a cycle of 12 star sign

17、s9. depend on your date of birth10. the Year of the Dragon11. for fun12. believe in themStep 7 Homework1. Recite the article2. Finish the exercises反思初三英语集体备课教案Unit 1课题Period 7 Study skills主备人教学设计二次备课教学目标1、让学生初步了解略读法。2、让学生学会略读一篇文章,并能找到所需信息。重点难点如何略读并迅速准确找到所需信息。教学步骤Teaching proceduresStepkReviewStep 2:

18、 Lead-in: QuestionsDo you read newspapers and magazines in your spare time?How do you get information from them?Do you read every character or word?其中了解并学习skimming一词: Skimming means reading the text quickly to get the main idea of an article.在这儿介绍略读法:教参P.16背景知识及书本P.17 内容。Step 3: Presentation:(1)告诉学生

19、:略读文章时要关注文章的标题、小 标题、第一段、最后一段及每段的首句,以便迅速 找到所需信息,在这无需并理解文章的每一个词。(2)向学生解释书本P.17练习的语境。Millie has found an article in a magazine. Skim the article to find the main idea. Use the questions to help you.1. What is the article about?2. Is it true that some aspects of your personality arc found by nature?3. W

20、hat can change your personality?(3)让学生思考每个问题的关键词是什么。Step 3: Practise:(1)指导学生根据以上三个问题的关键词分别在第 一、第二和第三段文章中寻找相关信息,并让他们 尽快找到答案。其间提醒学生不必阅读并理解文章的每一个单词。 可采取竞赛等形式激发学生学习的积极性,让他们 体会略读这种方法带来的成就感。(2)可通过朗读、问题等方式了解P.17文章内容。 (3)鼓励有能力的学生根据书本.上三个问题的答案 简单复述文章的大意。Step 4: Activity:(1)学生分组,将事先准备好的报纸、杂志、商业 指南等材料分发给每个小组,并

21、给出问题,让学生 用略读的方式在文章里迅速找到答案。此时,老师 在教室里巡回,适时给孩子们予以指导和帮助。(2)每小组派代表上台进行汇报。Step 5: Homework:1 .布置一篇阅读文章,并提出问题,让学生用略 读法快速在文章里找到答案。2 .完成配套练习P. 9 Period 63 .预习Task内容。反思初三英语集体备课教案Unit 1课题Period 89 Task主备人教学设计二次备课教学目标I.To be able to learn the expressions about topic sentences and supporting sentences.2 .To be

22、able to write a formal recommendation.3 .To enable students to have good personal qualities重点难点1 .To be able to learn the expressions about topic sentences and supporting sentences.2 .To be able to write a formal recommendation.教学步骤Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1 .Free talk: Ask students to intro

23、duce themselves.(Animal sign and characteristics).2 .Classl, Grade 9 needs a new monitor. Who will be suitable for the post?.Step 2 Presentation1. Millie and Simon want to recommend David as the new monitor .Ask students to read a flow chart of David and answer the following questions.(1) Is David h

24、ard-working? Yes, he is.(2) Can you give an example?He spends a lot of time helping with our homework.(3) David is very clever, isnt he ?Yes. He always comes up with good ideas.(4) What has David done to get himself more organized?He has learnt to use the computer to get himself more organized.(5) D

25、oes David often help other students?Yes, he is.(6) Can you give an example?He will help us with our lessons if we are absent from school.(7) What do you think of David?I think.2. New words and phrases(1) speech: make a speechHe is confident enough to make a speech in front of the whole school.(2)abs

26、ent: absentlyNothing, Rosie said in an absent way.“没什么,”罗茜心不在焉地说。He nodded absently.他漫不经心地点点头。 be absent fromHe has been absent from his desk for two weeks. 他已经有两个星期没有坐在办公桌前了。The pictures, too, were absent from (he walls. 那些画也不在墙上了。3 .Ask the students to do Part B4 Check out the answers.5 Ask studen

27、ts to read the article6 .Ask students to discuss how to write a formal recommendation.(Topic sentences and .supporting sentences)6.Useful expressionsWe are writing to recommend .as our new monitor. HeShe has many strong qualities for this position. HeShe alwaysoftennever .is very confidentcleverhelp

28、fulhard-working.We think .is the most suitable right person to be. We hope that you agree with us.Step 3 Writing L. Prewriting (l)We will have a new monitor this term. Ask: Who would you like to recommend? Why? Why do you say he/she is clever?(2)Ask students to say more topic sentences and supportin

29、g sentences.(3)Ask students to say asmany sentences as possible about the monitor in pairs.2.DraftingWho will you recommend as a monitor?(要求:100 词左右,写3-5个优点,可做适当发挥) 3.Post-writing(l)Show the class the scale of marks and tell them what makes a good writing 评价耍素:内容一要点齐全,条理消晰,有观点,有支撑事例; 表达一时态正确,语句通顺,句型

30、优美; 细节一单词拼写,大小写,标点正确,书写端正。(2) Evaluate a student? work as a model. Pay special attention to the following:Does the letter have topic sentences and supporting sentences? Which sentence is good? How many points can he/she get?(3)Ask .students to evaluate their partner*s work. (4)Show two letters and s

31、hare ideas about them. (5)Show the teachers report and. improve the letter. Step 4 Homework l.Make the letter better.2.Rewrite the letter after class.反思2. Let them show in front of the class (T can praise and encourage Ss for their wonderful acting)Welcome to the unitStepl1. T: Can you describe your

32、 good friends personality to your partner?What is heshe like?Written on the blackboard: creative, curious, energetic, modest, organized, patient, keep. in order, show o用 come up with,2. Show some pictures and let Ss finish exercise A on P7. Then check upStep21. Millie and her classmates are talking

33、about their own personality and the kind of job they like or dislike. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.a. What is Millies personality?b. Can Paul make a good accountant? Why or why not?c. What does Sandys art teacher say about Sandy? d. What is Davids personality?Written on the

34、blackboard: neither. nor, accountant2. Let Ss in four make some dialogues and then show in the front.Main patterns: I am(sometiniesalwaysoften)I like.jobsI dont like to dodoingStep31. Let Ss in two talk about jobs and personalitiesa. Who is your friend?b. What is your friend like?c. What job do you

35、think hc she likes?d. What job does heshe dislike?2. Show their dialogues in the front3. Read the dialogue on P7 together.Slep4Homework: a. Recite the dialoguesb. Grasp the main words and phrasesc. Do the exercises on P2 of SsExercise Bookd. Review reading反思初三英语集体备课教案Unit 1课题Period 2 Reading 1主备人教学设

36、计二次备课教学目标1. To master some vocabulary about jobs and personalities2. To know the four excellent people in different fields3. To develop good habits and the spirit of working hard重点难点1. Use correct words to describe different personalities2. Learn to introduce different people and their jobs教学步骤Teach

37、ing proceduresStep 1 Revision1. Give some examples and ask students to give some words to describe the person.like all the new things and always ask questions curiouscome up with new and exciting ideas creativeenjoy all the out-door activities and never feel tiredenergeticnevershowoffmodest notgetan

38、gryeasilypatient keepeverythingingoodorderorganizedmakesomemistakesinexamscarelesslike making friends and talking with others active / out-going2. Ask students about their personalities and other students add some information.3. Finish exercise B1.Step 2 Reading1. Presentation of some pictures about

39、 jobs. Different people have different personalities. What jobs is suitable for them in the future?2. Fast-reading - go through the text quickly and find the answers. There are four outstanding people in their fields. Who and what are they?3. Careful-reading - read the text quiet and carefully to fi

40、nish the exercises.Paragraph 1 wh-questions1. What is “a born artist”?2. What does the sentence “his work shouts mean?3. What is Wu Weis achievements?Paragraph 2 T or F questions1. Su Ning was an accountant five years ago, and now she is the general manager of a shop.()2. Only working with numbers m

41、ade Su Ning feel bored and unhappy.()3. “Life is like race. means 4tif we cant be at the top, we will fall behind others.()Paragraph 3 Fill in the formsLiu Hao is the engineer. The high-speedrailwaySunshine TownTianjin. He isand well.hs necessary for them to payto every detail. He always works tohig

42、h. He is alsoand easy towork with.Paragraph 4 Translate some sentences.1. Fang Yuan, head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon, is kind and patient.2. As a doctor, you cant be too careful.3. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.Step 3 Post-readingFin

43、ish exercise B2 and B3 and check answers together.Step 4 ConsolidationFinish Part C with partners.Step5. Discussion:(1) What is your personality?(2) what job do you want to do?(3)Do you think your personality is suitable for the job?Step5 Homework1 . Read the passage three times.2 .Remember all the

44、adjectives which describe a persons characteristics.反思初三英语集体备课教案Unit 1课题Period 3 Reading 2主备人教学设计二次备课教学目标1. To recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics2. To use adjectives to describe someone3. To develop the students skills in listening reading and speaking.重点难点1. Get the students

45、to master some words and useful expressions.2. Try to retell the article with their own words.教学步骤Step! ReviewStcp21 . Free talk2 .Read the text.a.Ask one student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not understand. Less able studen

46、ts may find some difficulties. If so, do not force them to learn them by heart because they are only used here to arouse students, interest. It is more important fbr them to learn the adjectives that describe peoples characteristics. This will enable them to complete the Task at the end of the unit.b. Ask some questions to check understanding. The students can discuss in pairs to think of some questions, ask and answer in pairs .Step3 PracticeDivide the class into pairs. Ask students to write down five words that describe their partner Step 4 Listen1. Listen and repea


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