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《译林版英语九年级上册Unit3全课时学案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版英语九年级上册Unit3全课时学案.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、9 上 Unit 3 Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit学习目标:1 .谈论青少年在学习,交友,家庭关系等方面所遇到的问题。2 .思考个人问题及解决问题的方法。学习重难点:掌握本课出现的重点语言点。教学过程:一、自主学习A.翻译1 .青少年的 十几岁,青少年2 .分数3 .发疯的,生气的 4.使人受不了5 .考试,测试 = 6 .或许,可能=B.选词填空并翻译。friends homework marks noise parents sleep1.1 dont get enough. I feel tired in class.2.1 dont have eno

2、ugh time to do my.3.The TV is always on at my home. The almost drives me mad.4.1 dont have any close.Sometimes 1 feel lonely.5.Sometimes I get low in exams. I feel sad.6.My work all day. They dont have time fbr me.二、合作探窕A.阅读comic部分,回答问题。l.Why is Eddie getting fat?6. classmates laugh at her and call

3、her a bookwormtalk to your best friend when feeling sad7. share your problems with herpay no attention to those classmates who laugh at you8. be proud of your school workHe seems much happier than before.9. make little progressgo over10. as often as possibleread English aloud11. Don mention it.二、合作探

4、究(一) A. Listen to the tape and complete PartA 1.8. Listen to the second part and finish Part A2.(-)Read part B and answer the following questions.What is Daniels problem?Whal advice does Millie give Daniel?Why does Millie ask Daniel to pronounce all the words correctly?Do you think Daniel feels bett

5、er after discussing his problem with Millie?三、达标反馈单项选择()1. -Thanks for taking my friends and me out tonight.A. Dont worry.B. Dont mention it.C. Thats a good idea.D. Im afraid not.()2. Mrs. Li is very her daughter.A. proud of B. weak in C. famous of D. good at)3.My mother fell off her bike and hurt h

6、er arm.A. Good luck! B. Be careful C. 1sorry to hear that. D.Bad luck!四、作业布置9 上 Unit 3 Task学习目标:1 .完成调查问卷中的问题。2 .学会向他人提出建议。3 .就青少年的烦恼写一封信。学习重难点:根据本单元的学习能够完成一封信。学习过程:一、自主学习翻译下列单词与短语1 .精神压力,紧张 2.与同龄的3 .嘲笑某人 4.对某人大叫5 .pay (no) allention to 6.plan your time more carefully7 .keep quiet 8.get worse9 .Many

7、 students of our age have this problem.二、合作探究 Complete part A and check the answer together.() Learning some useful expressions.三、达标反馈根据句意,用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空。be unhappy with be worth take a holiday get angry plan ones time.1 feel stressed these days. 一Why dont you to relax yourself?1 .carefully and mak

8、e sure you have some for your hobby every day.3.1 f you shout at others ,they will.4.Amy her new schoolbag. She wants to return it to the shop.5.1 think the film called The Trouble With Teenagers seeing again.完成句子1 .非常感谢你告诉我你的问题。Thank you very much.2 .每次考试后你父母太关心你的分数,因此你总是感到有压力。Your parents after ea

9、ch exam, so you always feel stressed.3 .许多与我们同龄的学生有同样的问题。 have the same problem.4 .当你把压力问题埋在心里,它会更糟。为什么不与父母谈一谈呢?The problem of stress.talk about it with your parents?5 .当有人嘲笑你时,你感到生气。You feel angry when someone you.6 .我建议你不要理睬他。I suggest that you 7 .我希望你认为我的建议值得采纳。I hope.8 .我希望你认为我的答复对你有用。I hope.(三)

10、写作。假如你是Timmy,是一名九年级学生。请根据所给要点给英语周刊编辑写一封英 文信,诉说你的烦恼,并请求帮助。要求语句通顺,意思连贯,词数80至90。要点:1.学校考试很多,感觉2.知道学好功课很重要,所以3.父母不允许上网或看电视4.自拟其他烦恼。Dear Editor:I am Timmy, a Grade 9 student. I am writing to tell you about my problems.四、作业布置2 .What is Hobos suggestion?3 . Why does Hobo tell Eddie not to eat too much?B.阅读

11、P35B部分对话,回答问题What problem does Millie have?1) What does Millies mum say about the problem?C.理解下列重要短语并运用。1 .Why not ? =?2 .少吃多运动eg.少吃多运动对我们来说很有必要。Its necessary fbr us.3 .使某人受不了他的个性使我受不了。His personal!ty.4 .得了低分/高分/满分得了低分我感觉很难过。I feel sad that.三、达标反馈根据句意和所给汉语写出单词。1 .Jim is good at English, but he never

12、 gets full(分数).Lucy is one of the top students in our class, and she does well in(考试)2 .His mother got even(发疯的)after his fathers death.3 .(或许)you should wear energetic colours like green when you feel tired.四、作业布置9 上 Unit 3 Reading (I)学习目标:1 .学会表达自己的烦恼和情感。2 .学会向别人寻求建议。学习重难点:运用扫读、查读和精读等技巧,提高阅读能力。学习过

13、程:一、自主学习单词1.处理 2.处理,对付3 . 选择 n. V.4 .除之外,只有5 .熬夜 6.醒着的7 .几乎不 8.想象,设想9 .怀疑 0.值得,值钱11 .值得做某事12 .建议 n. V. 13 .原因 14.严格的,严厉的15 .对某人要求严格 16.呆在户外,不回家17 .课业 18.宝贵的,贵重的19.友谊 20.清单21.算出,解决 22.根据二、合作探究A.快速阅读课文第一部分,回答下面的问题。1. What problem does Millie have?2. What does she doubt?3. What does she dream of?B.快速阅读

14、课文第二部分,回答下面的问题. What does Simon love doing in his spare time?1 .What does Simon think of the developing hobbies?C.再次阅读课文,选择短语完成下面的流程图his love of football feels angry having a lot of homework stays up latehas little spare time for for hours stay awake stay out late(2) f (3)can,t the next dayMillie(l)

15、_1(4)her hobbiesDaniel (5)-*(6)plays it after school-*His parents dontallow him to(7)-*(8)sometimesD.完成课本39页Sigmund Friend的回信。三、达标反馈一.完成课本P38, part B2二.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1 .Mr Brown is kind enough to give us a lot of(value) information.2 .Thc little boy felt too sleepy to stay (wake).3 .Miss Smit

16、h(deal) with lots of letters and emails just now.4 .She had lots of(choose),but she chose none at last.5.(friend) is like wine, the older the better.6.Some of my friends always dream of(win) the lottery (彩票).7.Some books are useless,so they are not worth(read).8.Thanks for(listen) to my problem and

17、giving me so much advice.四、作业布置9 Unit3Reading (II)学习目标:1、学习如何向别人寻求建议。2、记忆相关词汇、词组和句型。学习重难点:掌握本课的四会句型,短语并会灵活运用。学习过程:一、自主学习翻译下列短语2.别无选择,只能4.保持清醒6.对着迷,疯狂8.遇上麻烦10.在和之间达到平衡12.在外面呆的晚2.别无选择,只能4.保持清醒6.对着迷,疯狂8.遇上麻烦10.在和之间达到平衡12.在外面呆的晚1.处理3.熬夜到很晚5.值得做某事7.担心9.允许某人做某事11.对某人要求严格二、合作探究1.1 dont know how to deal wit

18、h it我不知道如何去处理它。deal with 处理”与疑问词 how 连用。deal-dealt -dealt你刚才处理了一个难题。You a difficult problem just now.我将怎样处理这件事情呢?How shall I the matter?2.1 have no choice but to do my homework.除 了 做作业我别无选择。have no choice but to do.别无选择,只能choice n.选择 choose v.我别无选择,只有把钱借给他。I hadmy money.3.ontime按时,准时e.g.翻译:火车准时到了。Th

19、e train arrived.补充:in time及时worth adj. be worth doing sth.值得做某事 e.g. The book is worth(read).4. offer v.提议 offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb.eg-翻译:他给她提供了一杯水。5. strict adj.严厉的 做定语: a strict teacherbe strict with sb.对某人严厉 e.g. She is strict her children.A. of B. to C. with D. forallow v,允许allow sb. (n

20、ot) to sth.允许(不允许)某人做某事eg.翻译:老师允许我们完成家庭作业后看电视。三、达标反馈根据汉语意思完成句子1 .你能告诉我如何才能劳逸结合?Can you tell me?2 .老师的建议对我而言很宝贵,很值得采纳。My teachers advice,and it.3 .假如遇上麻烦,你可以立刻拨打110求助。You can call 11()at once if you.4 .我父母对我非常严格。My parents.四、作业布置9 上 Unit 3 Grammar学习目标:1 .学会运用连接代词和连接副词引导宾语从句。2 .能够正确地向别人提出建议。学习重难点:掌握本课

21、的语法内容并会灵活运用。学习过程:一、自主学习()翻译1.谁(宾格) 2.安静,寂静3.担心,令人担忧的事 4.方法5.解决,解答 6.字典7.青少年辅导员 8.答复,回答写出下列句子的汉语意思I wonder what I should do.(1) Daniel does not know whom he should talk to.(2) Sometimes we forgot when we should stop.(3) I do not understand why they are so strict with me.(4) I dont know how I should d

22、eal with the problem.二、合作探究(一)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,疑问词有词义,从句用陈述句语序.特殊疑问词有(5) When will the train arrive?.Nobody knows(6) Whose pencil is this?Wc dont know(7) What arc they doing?Can you tell me(二)宾语从句中,who和whom都指人,意思是,其中who为主格,在从句中作主语,whom为,在从句中作 o whom在口语中很少使用,大多数情况下,我们可以用who代替whom.(8) Who is playing the p

23、iano?I dont know.(9) Who is your father talking with? Can you tell me(三)提建议的句型:三、达标反馈根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。that what which who when where how if/whetherl.Mr Green said Jim fell behind in his lessons because of his love of football.2 .The boy is crying because he doesnt know his parents arc.3 .Can you a

24、dvise me to buy for my mothers birthday?4.1 hear someone knocking at the door. Go and seeit is.1.1 m not sure well have the parents, meeting. Maybe next Friday.6 .D0 you know film they*re talking about?7 .Tom wonders Jimmy has been used to living in England.8 .Excuse me. Could you tell me I can get

25、to the nearest police station?四、作业布置9 上 Unit 3 Integrated skills学习目标:1 .从一个学生的情况介绍中获得信息并记录。2 .从对话中获取信息。3 .完成一份谈话纪要。4 .学会谈论个人问题并提供建议。学习重难点:能够从听力材料中迅速提取有效信息;学会提供建议。学习过程: 一、自主学习翻译下列单词1.化学2.嘲笑3.书虫,书呆子 4.进展,进步5.担心的,烦恼的6.复习,回顾7.大声地,出声地8.正确地9.发音V.10. 发音n.11.提及,说起 12.不客气写出下列短语和句子的汉语意思1. one of the top studentsalways get high marks in exams2. be good at sports =hate swimming 3. try ones best


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