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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 .答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2 .选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0. 5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3 .请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4 .保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分(共20小题,每小题L 5分,满分30分)1. I got beaten in the first round in the contest. I am feeling d

2、epressed.一Cheer up! You have to yourself to have the last laugh.A. open; up B. pick; up C. knock; up D. do; up2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is special holiday for most Chinese when whole family will get together.A. the; the B. a; the C. a; a D. the; a3. - Who is dancing to music in the next room?-the c

3、hildren.A. It is B. They are C. That is D. There are4. 一Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday?, Will next Saturday be OK?A. Sure, it*s up to youB. Sure, it*s no problemC. Sorry, I can*t make it D. Sorry, Pm not available today5. May! How is your plan? I heard you started it last Sunday.一Oh! I for i

4、t, but I havent decided where to start it.A. have prepared B. had prepared C. have been preparing D. was preparing6. I have no idea what made the students so excited and crazy.-it have been their teams victory in the finals?A. MustB. CouldC. Would D. Should7. Patrick waited all the luggage was clear

5、ed, but his never appeared.A. untilB. beforeC. when D. while8. Each party respect the articles of this contract, or a double-sized financial punishment is a must.A. will B. could C. shall D. should9. We had wanted to surprise Father with a birthday gift, but my sister by asking him what he would lik

6、e.A. licked her lipsB. ate her wordsC. spilt the beansD. pulled his leg10. Is Peter coming?一No, he his mind after a phone call at the last minute.A. changesB. changedC. was changing D. had changed11. That preserved historic village connected to downtown by a highway is many office workers spend thei

7、rweekends.A. whatB. howC. where D. why12. Dont worry. A number of efforts are being made the whole system operating normally.A. being keptB. keptC. keeping D. to keep13. Dave was a. Because of his misconduct in class, the whole class had to stay after school.A. wet blanket B. leading lightC. black s

8、heep D. dark horse14. Generally speaking,according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.A. when taken B. when taking C. when to take D. when to be taken15. rd never wondered before whether or not he was kid-friendly. With one glance, I quickly _that he probably wasn,t.A. agreedB. repor

9、tedC. explained D. decided16. John an NBA playoff game on TV now.A. watches B. watched C. will watch D. is watching17. You know Mr. Green has been ill for days?-Yes, I wonder if he is better now.A. any B. someC. any D. no18. Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is to be someone in th

10、is district who remembers him.A. contentB. opposedC. bound D. restricted19. How I wish Imy mouth before 1 shouted at my mum!A. shutB. have shutC. had shut D. would shut20. New energy-sharing projects in dozens of cities across the country to fuel Chinas sharing economy inthe next few years.A. are to

11、 carry outB. are being carried outC. were carried out D. will have been carried out第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21. (6 分)Great holidays in Europe!Do you like the beach but want a bit more?Then come on an Active Beach holiday atone of our centers in Greece, IXirkey or Croatia.All t

12、he centers are near beautiful beaches and all offer sailing, wind surfing or water skiing with our excellent instructors. For achange from the water, you can also book a short trip to a nearby village and visit the colorful markets or eat in a local restaurant. Atthe end of the day, relax in your ho

13、tel room or dance the night away at one of our open-air clubs.Who was King Arthur? Where did he live?Join us on a five-day UK Road Trip holiday.lmagine life hundreds of years ago as we visit ancient Stonehenge, Roman Bath and TintagelCastle, the home of King Arthur. Learn the historyof these interes

14、ting places from your guide as you travel in one of our famous blue coaches. In the evenings we stop at some of the best youth hostels in the country. They have everything you need ,you don *t even need to pack a sleeping bag!Are you bored with the usual holidays? Do you want to do something you rea

15、lly enjoy?Then Fame Camp is for you! Spend a week at Hightree House in Yorkshire and learn how to play the piano, violin and guitar! Bring your tentand stay at a campsite near the house. At the end of the week try your new skills in a live performance.How many countries can you see in 21days?On our

16、Explore Europe holiday, you can see ten! Learn about them from our best guides as you watch them go past from the window of an air-conditioned coach and stay at some of Europes top campsites on the way. Of course,well also have time to do the important things such as visiting the Eiffel Tower in Par

17、is, the. historic Sistine Chapel in Vatican and eating applestrudel in Vienna.For more information about any of these holidays, call 0845 333 4523 or visit www. comewithusuk, com.1、 Tourists who go on an Active Beach holiday.A. can do some water sportsB. can cook by themselvesC. will enjoy an open-a

18、ir concertD. should bring their own sleeping bags2、If you want to know more about Tintagel Castle, which holiday should you take?A. Fame Camp.B. Active Beach.C. UK Road Trip.D. Explore Europe.3、What can we learn about Explore Europe?A. It lasts 10 days.B. It is a coach tour.C. It is a self-guided to

19、ur.D. It goes past 21 countries.22. (8 分)Throughout the past few years, I have tried lo give myself to others. I have bounced around to find where I truly fit in, I found my place while I stayed in Guatemala, an orphanage (孤儿院)with the children living there. Through hearing many stories of their liv

20、es. I was moved to tears and started question my living ways and gave up everything that wasnt essential: makeup and any other sort of luxury (奢侈品). I lived like they did. It was the most relaxing feeling in the world.When at Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, we were given the task of creating a pig pen(猪

21、圈).Atfirs, I thought it should be easy. After arriving at the area where the pig pen should he, we saw a hill. We were told to uproot the weeds as well as level the entire area. Looking at it we felt it would be impossible. On my own faith journey, I have felt this type of doubt before. The hoe” , a

22、s we referred to, is a symbol of my faith journey. It appeared to be an obstacle I could not overcome, but in the end completed it with efforts. I feel this pig pen wasnt easy to create but was so rewarding to give.I*ve always struggled to be on a journey of faith, but Ive never completely stepped f

23、oot onto the path until Guatemala. Ive always tried to open my heart to everyone around me and give them my love, I feel as though I cut open my heart and share every bit of love I had with these orphans. There is one orphan named Ceto who will always remain very close to my heart, In Guatemala, I s

24、ponsor with thirty dollars a month, hat it doesnt seem enough. Ill return there next summer and give more of my love for a whole month.When it was time to leave. I looked out of the window and saw not just ordinary children. Over all, the most significant accomplishment I m in Guatemala was stepping

25、 towards my own faith journey and not looking back. 1、(b题 1) What resulted in the author s decision to live a new life?A. Desire to help others B. Decrease in his incomeC. A knowledge of the orphans life. D. Awareness of the difficulty in his life2、(小题 2) What does the underlined word nit in Paragra

26、ph 2 refer lo?A. Removing the doubt B. Uprooting the weed.C. Starting the faith journey D. Creating the pig pen3、(小题 3) What did the author think of his experience in Guatemala?A. It was regretful B. It was meaningfulC. It was interesting. D. it was frightening4、(小题 4) What may be the best title for

27、 the text?A. A Step into a New World B. An Awful Faith JourneyC. A Great Success in LifeD. A Return of Confidence23. (8 分) Five thousand square meters of old damaged cars, motorcycles and boats fill this junkyard.For a casual onlooker, this might be a very sad sight. But for Andy.ifs a real treasure

28、.Fve been a junk hoardci(囤积者)for my whole life and I like fixing up what shouldnt be thrown a way. Around 200 old cars end up in this junkyard every week.Some of them are sold for partsy others get repaired and still others are beyond repair.”His father Bobby started the business some 50 years ago a

29、nd still spends every morning there.The father and son have very different approaches to their work.They got a Dean cab that was getting thrown away and that was the fathers project, which Andy did not want him to do.He did basically the opposite of everything I told him and I think he did it just t

30、o make me mad.He dumped a ton of money into this car, but in the end it wouldnt run.MAndy said jokingly.The unusual family business attracted the attention of a TV crew.Thafs how the show Janka Empire came to be featured on a network of the Discovery Channel.This show, five years of shooting, five s

31、easons and 60 episodes(集),is popular/There are hundreds of junkyards throughout the United States.! think whafs interesting is that it is a family business.My father and I started the business and we joke very well back and forth and I think thats what people like.The cars that end up at the junkyar

32、d come out with endless surprises.See, this was a junk car and we restored it with a blown motor.Yet I dont get a chance to ride around it too often.Because despite its shining appearancey the noise of the engine is truly deafening and I worry my neighbors will not put up with 1、What does Andy seem

33、to like about his junkyard?A. He is proud of its large scale.B. He is addicted to collecting things.C. He enjoys creating value out of the waste.D. He has the passion to take over the business one day.2、What can we infer from the“one Dean cabcase?A. The father is ready to follow his son飞 advice.B. T

34、he father goes against his son deliberately.C. The son is impatient and fed up with his father.D. The father and son often disagree with each other.3、Why is the show Janka Empire popular?A. There are few junkyards in the United States.B. The father and son work together in a fun way.C. The show is a

35、 series of 5 seasons and 60 episodes.D. The family business shows much concern for their neighbors.4 What does the underlined wordwitMrefer to in the last paragraph?A. Janka Empire.B. The family business.C. The shining appearance.D. The noise of the engine.24. (8 分) Not all of George H.W. Bushs exte

36、nded family members were invited to his Washington D. C. memorial service.Nearly a week after many paid their respects at the Washington National Cathedral, Sharon Bush, who was married to the 41st presidents son Neil from 1980 to 2003, told Page Six that she was allegedly unable to attend the funer

37、al after she was told by her ex-husband,s secretary that there were not enough seats.“I was going to take the train down. I wanted to pay my respects. But I paid my respects by raising three wonderful children during a 23-year marriage/9 Sharon told the Outlet.Neil and Sharon share three children: s

38、on Pierce and daughters Ashley and Lauren Bush Lauren, who gave a reading at the funeral, where the father of three attended with his second wife Maria Andrews, whom he wed in 2004.While the D. C. memorial service was taking place, Sharon recalled having lunch with Lady Gagas mother Cynthia Germanot

39、ta and publishing heiress Anne Hearst.Though she was snubbed from the funeral, Sharon shared photos on Instagram to honor her former father-in-law. “My girls Lauren and Ashley read scriptures at their grandfather funeral. I feel so proud of them. May he RIP. The mother of three captioned a photo of

40、Lauren and Ashley.“May he RIP, Sharon also posted on Instagram, speaking of their childrens upbringing. Sharon credited herself for raising them to be charitable and public servants. taught them everything they know about points of light by taking them to soup kitchens and homeless shelters from the

41、 time they were 4 years old. I didnt want them spoiled,” she said, referencing the public service nonprofit Points of Light, for which her ex-husband serves as chairman of the board of directors. I did this. Neil was never around. He was always traveling,M Sharon added.1、Why was Sharon not invited t

42、o George H.W. Bushs funeral?A. Because she did not intend to attend.B. Because she was not Neils current wife.C. Because the cathedral cant hold so many people.D. Because she was busy with her childrens upbringing.2、How did Sharon mourn for the passing away of her former father-in-law?A. Through med

43、ia interviews.B. By posting on a social medium.C. By raising three grandchildren.D. By looking back on lunching with him.3、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Sharons marriage lasted 30 years.B. Neil and Sharon share three daughters.C. Points of Light is a profit-making compan

44、y.D. Sharons girls attended their grandfather funeral.4、What is Sharons attitude towards Neils performance of bringing up children?A. Unconcerned.B. Appreciative.C. Dissatisfied.D. Positive.25. (10 分) “Be afraid. Be very afraid,says a character in The Fly, a horror film about a man who turns into an

45、 enormous insect. It captures the unease and disgust people often feel for the kingdom of cockroaches, Zika-carrying mosquitoes and creepy crawlies of all kinds. However, ecaloiists increasingly see the insect world as something t。be frightened for, not frightened of. In the past two years, scores o

46、f scientific studies have suggested that trillions of murmuring, droning, honeybees, butterflies and beetles are dying off. If all mankind were to disappear, wrote E.O.Wilson, a respectable entomologist, wthe world would regenerate. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chao

47、s.Most of the studies describe declines of 50% and more over decades in different measures of insect health. The immediate reaction is shock. Insects enable plants to reproduce, through pollination (授粉),and are food for other animals, so a collapse in their numbers would be catastrophic.But a second

48、 look leads to a different assessment. Rather than causing a panic, the studies should act as a timely warning and a reason to take precautions. That is because the worst fears are unproven. There are no studies at all of wild insect numbers in most of the world. Reliable data are too scarce to declare a global emergency.Moreover, where the evidence does show a collapse-in Europe and Americaagricultural and rural ecosystems are holding up. Farm production still remains high. As some insect species


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