2023年高考英语复习讲练测第12讲 阅读理解推理判断题(练)(全国通用解析版).docx

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1、2023年高考英语复习讲练测第12讲阅读理解推理判断题(练)Sophia Gholz is an award-winning childrens book author, music lover, and magic seeker. Sophia enjoys writing fiction with humor and heart. When writing nonfiction, she pulls on her love of science and her family background in ecology.Her book, The Boy Who Grew a Forest,

2、 shares the true story of Jadav Payeng, a man in India who singlehandedly planted an entire forest over the course of his lifetime. When he was younger, Jadav Payeng was shocked by the destruction of his island home. So he took matters into his own bands and began planting one seed at a time. Jadavs

3、 forest is now over 1300 acres and provides a home to many animals, some endangered. Jadav is still planting today and his hard work has now been celebrated around the world.To write this story, Sophia got to know more about Jadav Payeng and his forest through a documentary film called Forest Man. I

4、nfluenced by her father, a forest ecologist and a scientist, she grew up learning about the importance of trees and the natural world. When she heard about a man on a mission to reforest an entire island on his own, she was drawn to this story.As for research, most of her research was done online. S

5、he read every news article that she could find about Jadav and listened to every interview. Then she reached out to several people who had met or interviewed Jadav as well, including the producer of his short documentary film.She hopes that The Boy Who Grew a Forest lights a spark in everyone who re

6、ads it to go out and care for our beautiful planet. Shed love young readers to be inspired to plant or to learn more about animal habitats, biodiversity and science in general.1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. A story on how to plant trees.C. Destruction of Jadavs island home.2. What d

7、o we know about Jadav Payeng ?A. He has quit planting recently.C , He was an actor of Forest Man.B. Endangered animals in the forest.D. A book introducing a tree- planting hero.B. He is known to many people.D. He planted trees with his family.3. Which words can best describe Jadav Payeng?A. Humorous

8、 and skilled.C , Determined and diligent.B. Creative and outgoing.D. Controversial and helpful.4. What*s the purpose of writing The Boy Who Grew a Forest?A. To encourage research on wildlife.B. To describe a boys farming experience.C. To stress the importance of planting trees. D. To advocate the ac

9、tion to protect the earth.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍作家索菲亚霍尔兹的书种森林的男孩所提供的真实的故事, 用这个故事呼吁人们去保护我们美丽的地球。1. D【解析】主旨大意题。根据第二段Her book, The Boy Who Grew a Forest, shares the true story of Jadav 艇旅行长达40、50和60英里。然后他的目标是那年横渡密歇根湖。)可知,斯托特是很有条理的人。根 据第二段第三句和第四句Then he was challenged by a client of his firm to think bigge

10、r. He did go big quickly.(后来,他公司的一位客户向他提出挑战,要他想更长距离的皮划艇旅行。他确实很快就进行了 更长距离的皮划艇旅行。)可知,他是一个很有决心的人。应选C。22. B【解析】推理判断题。根据倒第二段第一句Stout wanted to do with manageable winds.(Stout想要的 是易于控制的风。)和第二句中的“only to become worse”(想不到变得更糟)可知,2020年,天气状况迫 使斯托特将他的旅程改为单行。应选B。23. A【解析】词义猜想题。根据倒第二段第二句中的“only to become worse”

11、(想不到变得更糟)可知, 湖面上的天气变得更糟了,所以mercurial意为“多变的”。应选A。24. B【解析】推理判断题。文章是讲Stout的密西根湖皮划艇冒险经历,所以应来自报纸的冒险局部。故 选BoPayeng, a man in India who single- bandedly planted an entire forest over the course of his lifetime.( 她的书 种 森林的男孩提供了一个真实的故事,贾达夫帕英,一个在印度的男人,在他的一生中单独种植了一整片 森林。户可知第二段主要是种森林的男孩这本书的简介。应选D。2. B【解析】细节理解题

12、。根据第二段最后一句Jadav is still planting today and his hard work has now been celebrated around the world.(贾达夫今天仍然在播种,他的辛勤工作现在已经得到了全世界的赞扬。广可知 贾达夫已经被全世界的人所熟知。应选B。3. C【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段“a man in India who single- bandedly planted an entire forest over the course of his lifetime(一个在印度的男人,在他的一生中单独种植了一整片森林)及“Jadav

13、 is still planting today and his hard work has now been celebrated around the world.(贾达夫今天仍然在播种,他的辛勤工作现 在已经得到了全世界的赞扬。)“可推知贾达夫是一个非常有决心又勤劳的人。应选C。4. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“She hopes that The Boy Who Grew a Forest lights a spark in everyone who reads it to go out and care for our beautiful planet. She*d love

14、 young readers to be inspired to plant or to learn more about animal habitats, biodiversity and science in general.(她希望种下一片森林的男孩点燃每一个读 这本书的人的火花,去保护我们美丽的地球。她希望年轻的读者能受到启发去种植植物,或者了解更多关 于动物栖息地、生物多样性和科学的知识。户可推知作者写种下一片森林的男孩这本书旨在呼吁人们 去保护我们美丽的地球。应选D。BIts common knowledge that the woman in Leonardo da Vincis

15、 most famous painting seems to look back at viewers, following them with her eyes no matter where they are in the room. But this common knowledge turns out wrong.A new study finds that the woman in the painting is actually looking out at an angle of 15.4 off to the viewers right 一 well outside the r

16、ange that people normally believe when they think someone is looking right at them. In other words, said the study author, Horstmann, Shes not looking at you.”This is ironic (挖苦),because the entire phenomenon of a persons gaze (凝视)in a photograph or painting seeming to follow the viewer is called th

17、e Mona Lisa effect”, which is absolutely real. If a person is illustrated or photographed looking straight ahead, even people viewing the portrait from an angle will feel they are being looked at. As long as the angle of the persons gaze is no more than about 5 degrees off to either side, the Mona L

18、isa effect occurs.Horstmann and his co-author were studying this effect fbr its application in the creation of artificial-intelligence avatars (虚拟头像)when Horstmann took a long look at the “Mona Lisa“ and realized she wasnt looking at him.To make sure it wasnt just him, the researchers gathered 24 pe

19、ople to view images of the “Mona Lisa” on a computer screen. They set a ruler between the viewer and the screen and asked the participants to note which number on the ruler intersected (相交)Mona Lisas gaze. To calculate the angle of Mona Lisas gaze as she looked at the viewer, they moved the ruler fa

20、rther from or closer to the screen during the study. Consistently, the researchers found, participants judged that the woman in the Mona Lisa” portrait was not looking straight at them, but slightly off to their right.So why do people repeat the belief that her eyes seem to follow the viewer? Horstm

21、ann isnt sure. Itspossible, he said, that people have the desire to be looked at, so they think the woman is looking straight at them. Or maybe the people who first coined the term “Mona Lisa effect“ just thought it was a cool name.5. It is generally believed that the woman in the painting Mona Lisa

22、”. A. attracts the viewers to look backB seems mysterious because of her eyesC. fixes her eyes on the back of the viewerslooks at observers wherever they stand6. What did the new study find?A. The Mona Lisa effect does not really exist.B. The mystery of the womans smile in the painting.C. The angle

23、of the gaze in Mona Lisa effect.D. Mona Lisa effect does not occur with Mona Lisa.7. The experiment involving 24 people was conducted to. A. confirm Horstmann9s beliefcreate artificial-intelligence avatars8. calculate the angle of Mona Lisas gazeshow how the Mona Lisa effect can be applied8 . What c

24、an we learn from the passage?A. Horstmann thinks it cool to coin the tenn “Mona Lisa effecf,.B. The Mona Lisa effect contributes to the creation of artificial intelligence.C. Feeling being gazed at by Mona Lisa may be caused by the desire fbr attention.D. The position of the ruler in the experiment

25、will influence the viewers9 judgement.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了人们通常认为蒙娜丽莎画像中的女性无论站在房间的哪个 角落,似乎娜丽莎总像是在注视着画外人。但事实证明,这种常识是错误的。为什么人们总是认为她的眼 睛会跟着观众走呢? Horstmann并不确定。有可能是人们有被注视的欲望。5. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段Its common knowledge that the woman in Leonardo da Vincis most famous painting seems to look back at viewers, f

26、ollowing them with her eyes no matter where they are in the room.(众所周知I,列奥纳多达芬奇最著名的画作中的女人,无论站在房间的哪个角落,似乎娜丽莎总像是 在注视着画外人,用她的眼睛跟随他们广可知,人们普遍认为,无论站在哪里,画作蒙娜丽莎中的女 人都会看着画外人。应选D。6. D【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的“As long as the angle of the persons gaze is no more than about 5 degrees off to either side, the Mona Lisa eff

27、ect occurs.(只要这个人凝视的视角在任何两边不超过5度,那么蒙 娜丽莎的效应就会发生厂可推断,新研究发现“蒙达丽莎效应”不只是发生在蒙娜丽莎身上。应选D。7. A【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段中“To make sure it wasnt just him, the researchers gathered 24 people to view images of the Mona Lisa” on a computer screen.(为了确保不仅仅是他,研究人员聚集了 24个人在电脑 屏幕上观看“蒙娜丽莎的图像)”可知,为了证实霍斯曼的看法,对24个人进行了调查。应选A。8. C【

28、解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Its possible, he said, that people have the desire to be looked at, so they think the woman is looking straight at them.(他说,很可能是人们有被注视的渴望,所以他们认为这个 女人在看着他们)“可知,大多数人觉得蒙娜丽莎看着自己,其实都是自己的错觉。应选C。CTeaching children to empathize with others measurably improves their creativity, and could pot

29、entially lead to several other benefits, new research suggests.The findings are from a year-long University of Cambridge study with Design and Technology (D&T) year 9 pupils at two London schools. Pupils at School A spent the year following the standard curriculum, while School Bs D&T lessons used a

30、 set of engineering design thinking tools to foster students creativity and empathy in solving real-world problems.Both sets of pupils were assessed fbr creativity at the start and end of the school year using the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking: a well-established psychological test.The results

31、showed a significant increase in creativity among pupils at School B. At the start, the creativity scores of pupils in School A were 11% higher than those at School B. By the end, however, creativity scores from School B were 78% higher.Pupils from School B again scored higher in categories such as

32、emotional expressiveness and “open-mindedness”, indicating an improvement in empathy was driving the overall creativity scores.Meanwhile, the study suggests encouraging empathy can deepen pupils general engagement with learning. They found that boys in School B showed an improvement in emotional exp

33、ression, scoring 64% higher at the end of the year than at the start, while girls improved more regarding cognitive empathy, showing 62% more perspective-taking.The research is part of a long-term cooperation between the Faculty of Education and the Department of Engineering at the University of Cam

34、bridge, led by Bill Nicholl and Ian Hosking. Teaching fbr empathy has been problematic despite being part of the National Curriculum fbr over two decades. Ifs vital if we want education to encourage the designers and engineers of tomorrow. said NicholLWhat was the purpose to introduce engineering de

35、sign thinking tools in D&-T lessons?A. To assess the pupils* creativity accurately.B. To show the superiority of standard curriculumTo train pupils to empathize with others in reality.C. To improve pupils* involvement with class activities.9. How did the researchers get the result?A. By doing an exp

36、eriment.B. By conducting interviews.C , By giving out questionnaires.D. By referring to related literature.10. What can we infer from the study result?A. The creativity of pupils in School B always took the lead.B. The empathy of pupils in School A promotes their creativity.C. Boys and girls differe

37、d in their change due to the D&T course.D. Teaching fbr empathy has already achieved a lot due to education reform.11. Where is the text probably from?A. A popular journal.B. A political report.C. An autobiography.D. A science magazine.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项研究,研究说明,教会孩子与他人产生共鸣可以显著地提 高他们的创造力,并可能带来其他一些

38、好处。9. C【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中的while School Bs D&T lessons used a set of engineering design thinking tools to foster students9 creativity and empathy in solving real-world problems.(而 B 学校的 D&T 课 程使用了一套工程设计思维工具来培养学生来解决现实问题的创造力和同情心。)可知,B学校引进工程 设计思维工具的目的是培养学生解决现实问题的能力。应选C项。10. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Both sets of

39、 pupils were assessed for creativity at the start and end of the school year using the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking: a well-established psychological test/9 (这两组学 生在学年开始和结束时都使用Torrance创造性思维测验对创造力进行了评估,该测验是一个公认的心理测 验。)可知,研究人员通过做实验得到结果的。应选A项。11. C【解析】推理判断题。根据第六段中的They found that boys in School B

40、 showed an improvement in emotional expression, scoring 64% higher at the end of the year than at the start, while girls improved more regarding cognitive empathy, showing 62% more perspective-taking. (他们发现,B 学校的男生在T青感表达方 面有所改善,年末的分数比年初高出64% ,而女生在认知移情方面的改善更多,表现出62%的观点采纳 能力。)可知,男孩和女孩在他们的变化上有所不同。应选C项。

41、12. D【解析】推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍一项研究结果:教会孩子与他人产生共鸣可以 显著地提高他们的创造力,并可能带来其他一些好处。这属于科研类文章,故猜想该文章应选自科学杂志。 应选D项。DWith the social media freely available, Ive realized how easy it is to become a jealous cow. The truth is that however much I remind myself of the many wonderful things I have in my life, there are

42、 still moments when I look at those around me and feel bitterly upset by their success.Its a horrible thing to admit! In an ideal world, Fd never want to be jealous of another persons achievements and Fd want to celebrate the successes of my friends. But sometimes its hard, even when we want to. But

43、 I dont want to live my life as a jealous cow, and I assume you don*t either.Its easier to celebrate other peoples wins if you celebrate your own. How often do we take the time to enjoy our success rather than instantly move onto the next thing we want to achieve? Last year, I decided to write a boo

44、k. It was the only professional goal I set fbr myself and, while it tired me out, I got there. But as soon as it was done, I started planning my next goal-making the book a success. As I saw other people publishing books, I stopped celebrating and instead began to fear that mine wouldnt compete.When

45、 I told a friend how I was feeling, she reminded me how much easier it is to clap for someone else when we also clap for ourselves. So, I took myself out for lunch, ordered a glass of wine and wrote myself a congratulations card. When I saw all those other books being written on my social media, I f

46、elt proud of each and every one of us who had battled to the end of the word count.The other trick for celebrating other peoples success is to realize that there is no limit on success. We can make more, which means that while it might seem as if others have everything and we have nothing, the reali

47、ty is that life turns quickly and our luck could change at any time. If others have achieved those things, we can too. When we celebrate others, were acknowledging their achievements but also cheering fbr ourselves as well as fbr our hopes and dreams and our belief that we can make them happen. And

48、hopefully, when we do, those people will cheer fbr us too.13. What can we infer from Paragraph 1 ?A. Social media is the source of the authors jealousy.B. Frequent successes on social media encourage envy.C. It is a pleasure to face others* successes on social media.D. People tend to be crazy about immediate success online.14. As for as the author is concerned,what should we do after achieving success?A. Appreciate whafs been done.B. Show it off on social media.C. Reflect on gains and losses.D. Waite fbr others* congratulations.15 . One of the keys to removing jealousy lies in.A. purs


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