2023年高考英语复习讲练测第13讲 阅读理解主旨大意题(练)(全国通用解析版).docx

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1、2023年高考英语复习讲练测第13讲阅读理解主旨大意题(练)AA new product from Google may help people solve their sleep problems, but some privacy rights groups are concerned.Google showed off its newest Nest Hub home assistant device on Tuesday. In addition to recognizing your voice, showing pictures, videos, news and weather,

2、 it can also track your sleep. The basic model costs about $100 and the sleep-tracking technology will be available for free for the rest of 2021. The sleep tracker makes Googles product different from a similar home assistant from Amazon. If you put the Nest Hub beside your bed, it can follow how y

3、ou sleep. That is because of a new computer chip called Soli, which can sense motion. Some people may like the new technology because they would not have to wear another device to bed. Some companies make products people can wear on their wrist to track their sleep.Google says the new Nest Hub will

4、create reports each week that show how long and how well a person sleeps. It will also show if they snore, cough or wake up often. The company said it studied 15,000 people over the course of 110,000 nights to develop the technology.For people who want to know more about their sleep, the device soun

5、ds like a good idea. But, people who pay attention to privacy are worried what Google might do with the information it is gathering. JefF Chester is one of those people. He is the director of the Center for Digital Democracy. Googles goal is to monetize every cell of your body,“ he said.Google recen

6、tly bought FitBit, a company that makes a health tracker people can wear on their wrist. Some technology experts think Google may find a way fbr the Nest Hub to work with the FitBit.Google says the sleep tracker has a lot of privacy protections. For example, it will only work if the user turns it on

7、. The company said it will not use a persons sleep information to try to sell advertising. But Chester said he is not so sure that promise will be kept.1. Which is true about the Googles new Nest Hub?A. Its the first device to track peoples sleep.B. It has some functions as a home assistant.C. It ca

8、n be available fbr free for the rest of 2021.D. It is the same as a health tracker produced by FitBit.2. Why are some people concerned about the Googles new product?A. Because private information may be let out.B. Because the sleeping problems cant be solved.C. Because sleep may be interrupted.D. Be

9、cause sleeping reports may be created each week.3. What does the underlined word mean?A. Make money on. B. Keep track of. C. Take care of. D. Give away.4. Whats the best title of the text?23. B【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“So, hoping to set an example, he switched fh)m e-books to old-fashioned print.(因此,为了树立一

10、个典范,他从电子书转向了传统的印刷版。)可知,Chad捡起传 统的印刷版是为了树立一个典范。应选B。24. A【解析】标题判断题。根据第二段“How can parents make the most of the constructive uses of screen-based technology while minimizing its hannful effects? (父母如何才能最大限度地发挥基于屏幕的技术的建设性 作用,同时最大限度地减少其有害影响?)可知,文章主要是讲在电子世界父母应该怎么做。应选A。A. Google9s New SoliGoogles sleep prob

11、lem solverB. Googles Newest Nest HubA Sleep Tracker【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了谷歌的最新设备NestHub,跟踪用户睡眠是它的功能之一, 一些隐私权组织对此表示担忧。1. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的“Google showed off its newest Nest Hub home assistant device on Tuesday. In addition to recognizing your voice, showing pictures, videos, news and weather, it can

12、also track your sleep.(谷歌周二展示了最新的NestHub家庭助理设备。除了识别你的声音,显示图片,视频,新闻和天气, 它还可以跟踪你的睡眠广可知,谷歌最新的NestHub有一些家庭助理的功能。应选Bo2 A【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段的But, people who pay attention to privacy are worried what Google might do with the information it is gathering4但是,关注隐私的人担忧谷歌会如何处理它提供的信息)”可知,一些 人担忧该设备会泄漏个人信息,即泄露个人隐私。应选A。

13、3. A【解析】词句猜想题。根据第四段的But, people who pay attention to privacy are worried what Google might do with the information it is gathering.(但是,关注隐私的人担忧谷歌会如何处理它提供的信息)”和最后一段 的“The company said it will not use a persons sleep information to try to sell advertising.(该公司表示,不会利用 一个人的睡眠信息来卖广告)“可知,一些人担忧自己的睡眠信息会被谷歌公

14、司用来赚钱。而且Jeff是担忧 隐私泄露者中的一员,由此推知划线词所在句子意为“谷歌的目标是让你身体的每一个细胞都为它赚钱”, 即划线词意为“靠挣钱,与make money on同义。应选A。4. C【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第二段的“Google showed off its newest Nest Hub home assistant device on Tuesday. In addition to recognizing your voice, showing pictures, videos, news and weather, it can also track

15、your sleep.(谷歌周二展示了最新的NestHub家庭助理设备。除了识别你的声音,显示图片, 视频,新闻和天气,它还可以跟踪你的睡眠)”结合下文对该设备的介绍,可知本文主要介绍谷歌最新的Nest Hubo故“谷歌最新的Nest Hub”可以作为最正确标题。应选C。BHave you ever heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Surely, they are all about finding the best deals on holiday gifts fbr yourself and family members. And ha

16、ve you heard about GivingTuesday? Here is something about it!GivingTuesday is observed annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which encourages people to help those in need by making financial donations or doing good in their local community. The Global Day of Giving” was started in 2012 by New

17、York City nonprofit 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation.Unlike Black Friday, GivingTuesday serves a more altruistic purpose. In its first year, the movement brought in almost $10 million fbr charities, and things have only improved since. In 2019, many GivingTuesday social media campaign

18、s worldwide helped raise an amazing $ 1.9 billion from 27 million donors! Over the past five years, many higher education institutions have also been using the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to ask alumni for donations. In 2019, the University of Michigan, which calls it Blueday, received 5887 gifts tot

19、aling over $4 million, while Pennsylvania State University raised $710 000 to benefit over 85 University programs.Though donating money certainly helps, there are many other ways to support the great cause, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can video tutor kids struggling with online lear

20、ning, or team up with an adult to get groceries or medications for an elderly neighbor. Alternatively, call on your peers to help you with a service project that addresses an issue close to your heart, or pick one from the several ideas suggested on the GivingTuesday website. You can also donate you

21、r gently-used clothes and toys to local shelters, or mail a handwritten note to a grandparent or a friend you miss seeing.What are you going to do to make a positive difference in your community on GivingTuesday? Let us know by adding your comments below!5. Why does the author mention Black Friday a

22、nd Cyber Monday in Paragraph 1?A. To make a comparison.B. To lead to the topic.C. To arouse readers9 interest.D. To express his doubt.6. Whats the aim of GivingTuesday?A. To promote the development of economy. B. To attract people to buy more holiday gifts.C. To call on more universities to donate m

23、oney.D. To encourage people to help those in need.7. What does the underlined word altruistic“ in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Selfless.B. General.C. Specific.D. Complex.8. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. Where people can offer their kind help. B. What people can do on GivingTuesday.C. How people can sta

24、y safe during COVID-19.D. Why people need to support the great cause.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了 GivingTuesday的起源、开展以及在这一天人们做的慈善活动。5. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第段“Have you ever heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Surely, they are all about finding the best deals on holiday gifts fbr yourself and family members.

25、And have you heard about GivingTuesday? Here is something about it!(你听说过黑色星期五和网络星期一吗?当然,他们都可以来为自 己和家人找到最划算的节日礼物。你听说过“GivingTuesday”吗?这里有一些关于它的东西!广可推知,作 者在第一段提及Black Friday和Cyber Monday这两个节日是为了更好地引出文章的主题GivingTuesdayo 应选 B。6. D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中“GivingTuesday is observed annually on the Tuesday after T

26、hanksgiving, which encourages people to help those in need by making financial donations or doing good in their local community.(感恩节后的周二是一年一度的“给予星期二“,鼓励人们通过捐款或在当地社区做善事来帮助那 些需要帮助的人户可知,GivingTuesday旨在鼓励人们通过捐款或为他们所在的社区做好事来帮助那些需要 帮助的人。应选D。7. A【解析】词义猜想题。根据第二段中“GivingTuesday is observed annually on the Tu

27、esday after Thanksgiving, which encourages people to help those in need by making financial donations or doing good in their local community.”及画线词后文“In its first year, the movement brought in almost $ 10 million fbr charities”可矢口, GivingTuesday旨在鼓励人们通过捐款或为他们所在的社区做好事来帮助那些需要帮助的人,而在庆祝这个 节日的第一年,这项活动为慈善机

28、构带来了近1000万美元的捐款。由此可知,GivingTuesday的目的是帮 助别人,所以画线词所在句表示GivingTuesday服务于一个更无私的目的。故画线词应意为“无私的”。A. Selfless.无私的;B. General.一般的;C. Specific.特殊的;D. Complex.复杂的。应选 A。8. B【解析】主旨大意题。根据第四段“Though donating money certainly helps, there are many other ways to support the great cause, especially during the COVID-

29、19 pandemic. You can video tutor kids struggling with online learning, or team up with an adult to get groceries or medications fbr an elderly neighbor. Alternatively, call on your peers to help you with a service project that addresses an issue close to your heart, or pick one from the several idea

30、s suggested on the GivingTuesday website. You can also donate your gently-used clothes and toys to local shelters, or mail a handwritten note to a grandparent or a friend you miss seeing.(捐款当然有帮助, 但也有 许多其他方式支持这项伟大的事一业,特别是在新冠肺炎大流行期间。你可以通过视频指导在网上学习中遇 到困难的孩子,或者与成年人合作,为年老的邻居购买杂货或药物。或者,让你的同龄人来帮助你解决一 个你最关

31、心的问题,或者从“给予星期二”网站上的几个建议中选择一个。你也可以把旧衣服和玩具捐给当 地的收容所,或者给你没能见到的祖父母或朋友寄张手写的便条)”可知,第四段主要介绍了在新冠疫情期 间,人们在GivingTuesday这一天,除了捐款还可以做的事情。应选B。CIn previous recessions (经济衰退),billionaires were hit along with the rest of us; it took almost three years fbr Forbes 9s 400 richest people to recover from losses caused

32、in 2008s Great Recession. But in the coronavirus recession of 2020, most billionaires have gotten richer than ever before.Billionaires increased their new billions just as millions of other Americans ran into terrible financial problems. More than 20 million people lost their jobs at the start of th

33、e pandemic. Food banks across the country are preparing fbr another great increase in demand. Why are American billionaires doing so well while so many other Americans suffer? People may find part of the reasons from the following fact. Stocks (股票)are overwhelmingly owned by the wealthy, and the sto

34、ck market has recovered from its early-pandemic depths much more quickly than other parts of the economy.But some billionaires are also benefiting from economic and technological trends that were accelerated by the pandemic. Among these are the owners and investors of retail giants like Amazon, Walm

35、art, Target, Dollar Tree and Dollar General, which have reported huge profits this year while many of their smaller competitors were defeated completely as the coronavirus spread.Then there are companies that have bet on the rapid digitization of everything Eric Yuan, the chief executive of Zoom, be

36、came a billionaire in 2019. Now he is worth almost $20 billion. Dan Gilbert, the chairman of Quicken Loans, was worth less than $7 billion in March, now he commands more than $43 billion. But there is a great deal of stratification (层化)even among billionairesricher billionaires got even richer in 20

37、20 than the poorer ones did. Jeff Bezos, Amazon 9s funder, was worth about $113 billion at the start of the pandemic. Now he is worth $182 billion. Two years ago, Bezos was the only “centibillionaire“ on earththe trendy neologism (a new word) for people whose wealth exceeds (超过) 100 billion.9. What

38、does the author mainly tell us in the passage?A. Food banks are not enough in the United States.B. The richest kept getting richer even in the pandemic.C. The stock market recovered before the pandemic started.D. 400 richest people recovered from losses in the pandemic.10. What is part of the reason

39、s that is implied in Paragraph 2?A. The American inequality.B. The recovery of stock market.C The effect of the pandemic.D. The food shortage across the country.11. What is one of the changes during the pandemic?A. The decline of digital games.B. More money lent to people by banks.C. The trend of te

40、chnology acceleration.D. High profit earned by smaller companies.12. Why does the author refer to “centibillionaire” as a neologism”?A. It is a new title in the stock market after the recession.B. It is a new way of solution to poverty through the world.C. It is a newly established company during th

41、e pandemic.D. It is a new term for people whose wealth exceeds $100 billion.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。在新冠疫情期间,大多数亿万富翁比以往任何时候都更富有。文章对这种 现象进行了介绍和分析。9. B【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句But in the coronavirus recession of 2020, most billionaires have gotten richer than ever before.(但在2020年的冠状病毒衰退中,大多数亿万富翁比以往任何时候都更富有。) 可知,文章主要是讲

42、最富有的人在疫情中也变得越来越富有。应选B。10. A【解析】词句猜想题。根据第二段最后一句Stocks (股票)are overwhelmingly owned by the wealthy, and the stock market has recovered from its early-pandemic depths much more quickly than other parts of the economy.”(股票绝大多数由富人持有,股市从疫情早期的深度中复苏的速度远远快于经济的其他领域。) 可知,“part of the reasons”是指美国的不平等。应选A。11. C

43、【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第一句But some billionaires are also benefiting from economic and technological trends that were accelerated by the pandemic.(但一些亿万富翁也受益于这场大流行加速了的经 济和技术趋势。)可知,在疫情中的变化有技术加速的趋势。应选C。12. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句Two years ago, Bezos was the only “centibillionaire” on earth-the trendy neologism (

44、a new word) for people whose wealth exceeds (超过) 100 billion.(两年前,贝佐 斯是唯一的“centibillionaire” 表示一个人的财富超过 1000亿的时尚新词)可知,因为这是一,个新词, 指的是那些财富超过1000亿美元的人,所以作者把“centibillionaire”称为一个neologism”。应选D。DMorgans Wonderland, located in San Antonio, Texas, is a theme park mainly intended for mentally or physically

45、 disabled children. The park was built by Gordon Hartman, a former real estate (房地产)developer. The creation of the park was inspired by his daughter, Morgan, who suffers from severe cognitive delay and physical challenges.The worlds first ultra-accessible family fiin park, Morgans Wonderland opened

46、in the spring of 2010. Admission for guests with special needs is free, and fees for the general public are set at a much discounted price so that people of all ages and abilities can come together and play in a fiin and safe environment.Completely wheelchair-accessible, the park features 25 acres o

47、f attractions including rides, playgrounds, a catch-and-release fishing lake, and picnic areas throughout the park. The rides are custom-designed to accommodate wheelchair riders so that every family member can enjoy the fun. The adapted rides include the OmRoad Adventure, where guests can test thei

48、r driving skills in sporty vehicles. Moreover, each visitor is offered the option to wear a GPS Adventure Band, which allows them to keep track of each other while in the park. The band also enables them to take part in electronic activities. For example, when the riders scan the band at the OfTRoad

49、 Adventure, a photo will be taken and sent to their email.In June 2017, Morgans Wonderland celebrated the opening of Morgans Inspiration Island. The new expansion is composed of five themed splash pads and a River Boat Adventure Ride. The wheelchair guests can be moved out of their chairs into unique, waterproof chairs and enjoy the splash park without risking damage to their p


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