2023年高考英语复习讲练测第12讲 阅读理解推理判断题(测)(全国通用解析版).docx

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1、2023年高考英语复习讲练测第12讲阅读理解推理判断题(测)时间:45分钟总分值:60分阅读理解(每题2分,共60分)A(2017全国高考真题)I never knew much about my mothers father, John leon La Walla. He moved to the city of Melbourne, Australia, in the 1920s, married, and started to raise a family, but died in World War Two. All we had was one framed photo of him

2、 dressed in his army uniform.For some reason, my grandfather had not kept in touch with any of his relatives, although my mother did recall some family names. It wasn*t till 1963 that she finally saw her fathers grave, in the Albury War Cemetery in New South Wales. I fiercely wanted to know more abo

3、ut this man. Who were his parents? Who were his brothers and sisters? Were any of them still alive and, if so, where were they now? Did they ever wonder what become of our John Leon?With the advent (至来)of the Internet, I started searching in earnest in the late 1990s. From my grandfathers records in

4、 the army, I learned he*d listed his birthplace as Hertfordshire England.HI think his surname must have been a false name/ my father said. This made me upset but I put it aside, concentrating instead on my fathers line. I joined a genealogy (系谱学) website and was soon discovering some of my ancestors

5、 from distant relatives. I wrote, I just wish I could find out about my mothers father now,” and told them of my search.In late 2012,1 heard from a very distant relation on my fathers side called Julie, from New Zealand. As a genealogist herself, she*d taken pity on me and spent several weeks on res

6、earch. It was a bombshell when she said she may have found my grandfathers family.Shed searched English census (人口 普查)records and found the surname Waller. The dates and first names matched right down to a brother whod died on the Western Front. Julie had overcome the false name, traced a whole tree

7、 and put me in touch with current - day relatives.Consider it an early Christmas present/1 she said. nJulie had done all this very careful research for a stranger. I will be ever grateful.0What can we learn about the authors grandfather?A. He was born in Australia.B. He was a soldier.C. He died in 1

8、963.D. He had no relatives.1. Why did the author feel upset when knowing his grandfathers surname may not be real?A. The Internet was not helpful.B. His father gave up searching.C. The genealogy website worked well.D. His search could not continue.participants presented ideas fbr sleeves, cups, lids

9、 and other parts of the hot-cold paper-based takeaway coffee cup that would make it reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable; to finally be widely used. (NextGen 杯的第步是个 公开的竞赛,参与者们展示了热冷纸质外卖咖啡杯的杯套、杯子、盖子和其他局部的想法,这些都将使咖 啡杯可以重复使用、可回收或可生物降解;最终得到广泛应用。)”可知,NextGen杯的参与者们把杯子设 计成可以重复使用、可回收或可生物降解的杯子,可得出举办方希望竞赛者设计

10、出既环保又实用的咖啡杯, NextGen杯的主题是“使杯子绿色环保,方便取用”。应选B项。22. D【解析】细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的These cups were printed with RFID chips or QR codes, through which coffee shops can know where there is the greatest need fbr collection containers and how many are not using them.(这些杯子上印着RFID芯片或QR码,通过这些东西,咖啡店可以知道哪里最需要收集容器, 有多少没有使用。

11、广可知,“智能”杯上的RFID芯片或QR码可帮助收集杯子回收使用的情况,使杯子的回 收更有效。应选D项。23. C【解析】指代猜想题。由最后一段中的To reduce coffee cup waste, Cup Club is already replacing millions of takeaway cups in the UK, while Recup in Germany, has performed a deposit system that simply adds a small extra fee to any coffee cup which is returned to th

12、e buyer after the cup is deposited in any registered collection point.(为了减少咖啡杯的浪费,Cup Club已经在英国更换了数百万个外卖杯,而德国的Recup那么执行了一 种存款制度,只需在任何咖啡杯存放在任何注册的收款点后,向买家退还一小局部额外费用。广可知,which 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词a small extra fee,所以which指a small extra fee。应选C项。G(2021 ill 东泰安一模)Buying clothes fbr a special event, hidin

13、g the price tickets and returning them to the store the next day has fbr years been the method of economical shoppers. Today people are doing it just fbr social media.A survey conducted by the credit card company Barclaycard revealed that nearly one in ten UK shoppers admits to buying clothing only

14、to post photos on social media for likes. After the outfit (装束)of the day“ makes it online, they return it to the store. According to Barclaycard, the “try before you buy policy of online retailers (零售商)where people pay fbr clothing they order online after they try it on at home could be contributin

15、g to this rising trend.But the rise of social media has meant that everyone, not just superstars, expects to build and maintain a personal brand. Since were documenting our lives and posting them online fbr public judgment, getting caught in the same outfits more than once should be avoided. And the

16、 cost of all those outfits of the day adds up, which makes returning a popular way.There are brands that tailor clothes specifically fbr social media shoppers, like Fashion Nova. These are clothes made for social media: meant to be worn once, photographed and abandoned,Allison P. Davis wrote in her

17、report about the brand. Another favorite of the social media age is Rent the Runway, which lets customers rent designer clothing for a fee.Some, however, are moving in the opposite direction. Groups promoting “work uniforms“ have increased greatly in recent years, aiming to free women from “the anno

18、yance of clothing decisions. The concept of the “capsule wardrobe”(胶囊衣柜),which calls fbr purchasing a small number of high-quality pieces instead of lots of trendy throwaway clothes, is also making a comeback.24. What does the survey by Barclaycard indicate?A. Some Britons send outfits back after sh

19、oots.B. Britons try on clothes before online purchases.C. Britons follow the fashion stars closely.D. Some Britons over-order and return clothes.25. Whafs Fashion Novas special service?A. Renting chargeable designer clothes.B. Offering customers single-use clothes.C. Creating unique shopping experie

20、nces.D. Helping shoppers improve their clothing style.26. Whafs the idea behind the “capsule wardrobe”? A. Better fewer, but better.B. Less addition, but more enjoyment.C. Less uniform and more freedom.D. More choices and less annoyance.27. Whats the purpose of the author to write the text?A. To com

21、pare different wearing trends.B. To criticize the try before you buy policy.C. To advocate buying high-quality clothes.D. To introduce Britains new wearing trend.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。讲述的是,在英国一种新的穿衣潮流出现,即一些人为了维护在社交媒体 上的形象,经常购买衣服,穿上拍照后就退货。本文介绍了这种潮流出现的原因,服装品牌对应的措施, 以及与之相反的穿衣趋势。24. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中“A survey c

22、onducted by the credit card company Barclaycard revealed that nearly one in ten UK shoppers admits to buying clothing only to post photos on social media fbr likes, outfit (装束)of the day makes it online, they return it to the store.(巴克莱信用卡公司开展的一项调查显示,近十分 之一的英国购物者成认自己买衣服只是为了把照片发到社交媒体上获得点赞J当天的服装在网上完成后

23、, 他们会把衣服退回商店。厂可知,一些英国人在拍摄后把衣服送回去。应选A项。25. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中There are brands that tailor clothes specifically for social media shoppers, like Fashion Nova.(有些品牌专门为社交媒体购物者定制服装,比方Fashion Nova。)”以及Allison P. Davis 所写“These are clothes made for social media: meant to be worn once, photographed and abando

24、ned.(这些 衣服是为社交媒体设计的:穿一次、拍照和丢弃。广可知,Fashion Nova的特别服务是为顾客提供一次性 衣服。应选B项。26. A【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中The concept of the capsule wardrobe which calls for purchasing a small number of high-quality pieces instead of lots of trendy throwaway clothes, is also making a comeback.(胶 囊衣橱的概念也正在回归,胶囊衣橱指的是购买少量高品质的衣服,而不是大

25、量购买流行的一次性衣 服。厂可知,胶囊衣橱”背后的理念是越少越好。应选A项。27. D【解析】推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是,在英国一种新的穿衣潮流出现,一些人 为了维护在社交媒体上的形象,经常购买衣服,穿上拍照后就退货。本文介绍了这种潮流出现的原因,服 装品牌对应的措施,以及另外的穿衣趋势。所以,本文的写作目的是向读者客观地介绍英国新的穿衣潮流。 应选D项。H(2021 ,河南关口州三模)There you are, looking through your WeChat moments or your Weibo feed, and you come across a post

26、 saying something like this: I just got accepted to Harvard and Oxford! Are they sure they didnt mix my applications up with somebody elses?This person is clearly humblebragging. The term “humblebrag“ was first coined back in 2010 by the late US comedian Harris Wittels, and it describes when someone

27、 makes a seemingly modest statement, but the actual purpose is to bring attention to something they are proud of.The example above is a modesty-based humblebrag. The person wants to tell others: I got accepted to Harvard and Oxford! However, they don*t want to seem too proud of their accomplishments

28、. So, instead, they word it in a way to be more modest and bring down the importance of their achievements.Although people who humblebrag think it will make them more likeable because they arent talking proudly about their victories, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychol

29、ogy showed that humblebragging actually has the opposite effect.Humblebragging doesnt have the intended result because it seems insincere. That poor me attitude combined with selfpromotion does not lead to a favorable impression J said Ovul Sezer, the lead author of the study and an assistant profes

30、sor of organizational behavior at the University of North Carolina, US. Even simply bragging or complaining (抱怨)is better, because at least those messages are seen as more sincere.MSezers study also found that nearly 60% of humblebrags were complaint-based humblebragging, with most people humblebrag

31、ging about their looks, followed by their money or wealth, and finally about their performance at work, Its such a common phenomenon. All of us know some people in our lives, whether in the social media or in the workplace, who do this annoying thing J commented Sezer, adding that we all do it to so

32、me extent.So, if you want to share your achievements with others, whats the best way to do it then? Sezer suggests that people admit their selfpromotion and harvest the rewards of being sincere. She also suggests finding a go-between, adding, If someone brags fbr you, thats the best thing that can h

33、appen to you, because then you dont seem like youre bragging.The underlined word coined“ in Paragraph 2 probably means A. recognizedB. inventedC. boughtD. copied28. Which of the following can be considered as humblebragging?A. Hesitating to talk about your achievements.B. Bringing peoples attention

34、to your achievements.C. Talking proudly about your achievements in the social media.D. Pretending to be modest when talking about your achievements.29. What is Sezers attitude towards humblebragging?A. Cautious.B. Ambiguous.C. Supportive.D. Disapproving.30. What does Sezer suggest people do when it

35、comes to sharing achievements?A. Share their achievements with their best friends.B. Bring down the importance of their achievements.C. Find someone else to talk about their achievements.D. Talk about their achievements after someone else does.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了术语“humblebragging”的含义,并对这种行为进行了分析和评 价

36、。28. D【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段第二句中的“it describes when someone makes a seemingly modest statement, but the actual purpose is to bring attention to something they are proud of(它描述的是某人做了个 看似谦虚的陈述,但实际目的是让人们注意到他们引以为傲的事情)可知,选项D (在谈论自己的成就时 假装谦虚。)可以被认为是“humblebragging”。应选D。29. D【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句Even simply braggin

37、g or complaining (抱怨)is better, because at least those messages are seen as more sincere.(即使只是简单的吹嘘或抱怨也更好,因为至少这些信息看 起来更真诚。)可知,Sezer认为“Humblebragging”很不真诚。所以他的态度是不赞同的。应选D。30. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句If someone brags for you, thafs the best thing that can happen to you, because then you dont seem like yo

38、ure bragging”(如果有人向你吹嘘,这对你来说是最好的事 情,因为这样你看起来就不像是在吹牛)可知I, Sezer建议人们在炫耀成就时应该在别人这样做了之后再 谈论自己的成就。应选D。3 . Who finally succeeded in the search ? A. The author *s father.B. Someone named Waller.C. The authors brother.D. Julie, a practical stranger.4 . What is the main idea of the text?A. The search of the

39、family root.B. The powerful Internet.C The story of a genealogist.D. The gratitude of a young man.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者通过一步步的努力,找到了外祖父的真实姓名和亲戚的故 事。1. B【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第一段“All we had was one framed photo of him dressed in his army uniform. (我们有的只是一张他穿军装的相框里的照片)”以及第三段“From my grandfathers records in the

40、 army, I learned he*d listed his birthplace as Hertfordshire England.(根据祖父在军队中的记录,我了解到他将自己的 出生地列为赫特福德郡的英格兰)”可知,从his army uniform到in the army,可推断他是个军人,应选B。2. A【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段内容,“I think his surname must have been a false name.My father said. This made me upset but I put it aside”可知I,父亲说这个名字一定是个假名,这

41、让作者心烦意乱,但作者 把这个烦恼放在一边,另辟蹊径。并结合全段内容,可推断作者由于假名等原因的干扰,当时并没有从网 上获得进展,应选A。3. D 解析细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Julie had done all this very careful research for a stranger. I will be ever gratefUL(朱莉为一个陌生人做了所有这些非常仔细的研究。我会永远感激广并结合该段内容可知, 最终是朱莉这位陌生人帮我们取得进展,找到外祖父的信息,应选D。4. A【解析】主旨大意题。全文以“I never knew much about my mothers

42、father, John leon La Walla.All we had was one framed photo of him dressed in his army uniform.(我从来不太了解我母亲的父亲,约翰莱昂拉沃拉 我们只有一张他穿着军装的相框照片广开端,讲述我们对外祖父知之甚少,接着“我”通过包括网络在内的 各种途径去寻找他的信息,最终是一位陌生人帮我们取得了突破性进展,通读全文可知本文主要讲述的是 一个家庭寻根的故事,应选A。B(2017,全国,高考真题)Color is a daily mystery. ROY G B. IV deals with lots of bi

43、g - picture color questions explaining why hams are often red and why NYC taxis are yellow. Toda/s question: why are Jeans blue?First, whynjeansn? Jeans twin names - denim and jeans - come from the two European ports that supplied two similar fabrics(织物)during the Middle A. ges. Gene fustian was a c

44、otton - linen - wool blend shipped from genoa. a silk - wool blend called serge de nimes shortened to de nimes or denim, was shipped out of France. B. oth fabrics gradually changed into similar cotton only blends by the 19th century, according to an article titled a short history of denim y historia

45、n Lynn Downey. B. oth were used to make mens clothing, valued especially fbr their properly of durability (而寸久性) even after many washings*.In 1873 Levi Strauss teamed up with Jacob Davis to produce jeans, they sold like hotcakes to Gold Rush miners seeking a durable uniform fbr fortune - seeking Jea

46、ns rapidly came to stand fbr the character of the A. merican West - - rank, energetic, rebellions, and capitalistic.While gold rush miners probably didnt care about how denim looked, they cared a lot about durability, comfort and fit, at the beginning, Straus offered his waist overallsnin two variet

47、ies brown cottonHducknor canvas, and blue denim - - but by 1911 theyd stopped using cotton duck entirely. As historian Downey explains once someone had worn a pair of denim pants experiencing its strength, and how the denim became more comfortable with every washing he never wanted to wear duck agai

48、n; because with cotton duck, you always feel like you re wearing a tent. ”So why are jeans blue? The answer has to do with dye. Unlike most natural dyes that, when heated, penetrate cloth fibers directly indigo (靛蓝)sticks to the cloths threads. With each washing some of these dye molecules are stripped away, taking bits of the threads with them. The process softens rough fabrics and individualizes the color. This extreme customization made every pair a second skin.5. How does the author start talking about jeans ? A. From the quality of the fabrics.B. From a famous historian.C. From their h


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