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《必刷卷03-2022年高考英语考前信息必刷卷(全国卷)(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必刷卷03-2022年高考英语考前信息必刷卷(全国卷)(含答案解析).docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、绝密启用前2022年高考英语考前信息必刷卷03全国卷高考地区专用近几年高考完形填空对考生在语篇中准确理解和灵活运用词汇的能力提出了更高的要求,主要体现在加大 了对一词多义、熟词生义等的考查力度,同时兼顾对生僻实词(主要是名词、动词、形容词和副词等)的 考查。预计未来高考完形填空对词汇的考查仍将以实词为主,且突出语境化的特点。因此,在备考过程中,考生 要注重提升语篇理解能力,夯实基础词汇知识,增加词汇储备,特别注意一词多义、熟词生义等,同时积 累完形填空中 的高频语块,掌握构词法相关知识和猜词技巧。(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号

2、填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡 上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每 段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How

3、much is the shirt?A. 19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是C。1 .When does the study group plan to meet?A. On the weekends.Our adventure started in December 2018 when our daughter got engaged. She and her then fiance live in Chicago but grew up in Phuket,Asia, so a wedding there sounded perfect.Fast-forward a year

4、and the pre-wedding activities were fun, and the wedding and reception were beautiful. But our adventure had only just begun!The morning after the wedding, my husband and I took off for the northeast coast of Borneo. We flew to the town of Sandakan, a gateway to wildlife adventures.Our destination w

5、as the Kinabatangan Wetlands Resort on the Kinabatangan River. This area is one of Malaysias most important wildlife habitats. As we traveled along the river bank on our first afternoon, we observed an orangutan building a treetop nest. Next, we caught sight of monkeys swinging from trees. We also s

6、potted red birds and watched kingfishers dive for fish.After dinner, eight guests, plus our guide and boatman, boarded the boat again-the night was absolutely dark. We started down to the river. Suddenly, a snake dropped into the water from overhanging branches and then jumped into our boat! It quic

7、kly jumped out again to our great relief! When we reached the mouth of the river, the red eyes of crocodiles greeted us. That frightening sight shook everyone up! But when we rounded a bend in the river, we saw mango trees lit up like Christmas trees from fireflies. A glorious scene!The next morning

8、 found us once again in a boat. To our delight, approximately 40 elephants paraded by. We couldn*t believe our luck as the elephants only frequent that area once a year.Upon our return to Sandakan, we learned that everything in Malaysia was shutting down and numerous flights were being canceled due

9、to COVID-19.However, we made it home. It was an adventure for the ages!24. What can we learn about Kinabatangan Wetlands Resort?A. A variety of creatures live in harmony there.B. It is regarded as a gateway to wildlife adventures.C. The author went there to attend her daughters wedding.D. It is Mala

10、ysias most significant wildlife habitat.体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 主题:难忘的探险之旅【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和丈夫去了马来西亚一个重要的野生动物栖息地一一 基纳巴唐岸湿地度假胜地,以及他们在当地的所见所闻。作者看到了许多奇妙的景象,并感叹这是一次难 忘的探险之旅。【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的This area is one of Malaysias most important wildlife habitats.以及下文 对各种动物,如猩猩、猴子、鸟、蛇等的描写可知,各种各样的生物在那里和谐地生活着。故选A项

11、。25. What made the author shocked for its beauty during the night?A. The river reflecting moonlight in the dark.B. The mango trees shining because of fireflies.C. The colorful animals and insects hanging in trees.D. The various fish swimming lively in the water.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的the night was

12、absolutely dark和But when we rounded a bend in the river, we saw mango trees lit up like Christmas trees from fireflies. A glorious scene!可知,作者看到芒果树被萤 火虫照得像圣诞树一样明亮,景色很壮观;故作者是震惊于此美丽的夜景。故选B项。26. Why did the author think she was lucky?A. Because she made it home without delay.B. Because the snake didnt

13、cause any injury.C. Because she got to observe a rare scene.D. Because the COVID-19 virus didnt infect her.【答案】c【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的 To our delight,approximately 40 elephants paraded by. We couldn*t believe our luck as the elephants only frequent that area once a year.可知,作者看到了 大约四十头大象走过,而 大象一年只去那个地区一

14、次,故让作者感到幸运的是她看到了罕见的一幕。故选C项。27. What is the most suitable title for the passage?A. Observing Various Habitats in SandakanMy Once-in-a-lifetime Adventure into NatureExploring Tourist Attractions in SandakanThe Perfect Wedding of My Daughter【答案】B【解析】主旨大意题。通读文章可知,作者和丈夫去了马来西亚一个重要的野生动物栖息地一一基纳巴唐 岸湿地度假胜地,以及

15、他们在当地的所见所闻。作者看到了许多奇妙的景象,并感叹这是一次难忘的冒险 之旅。由此可推知,B项(我一生一次的大自然探险之旅)最适合作文章标题。Most people don*t think too much about chemicals, but actually they are all around us. Many substances consist of chemicals, including the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. Some chemicals are natural, but most of

16、them are artificial and may be harmful to the human body.In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the United States, so displaced people had to move into temporary housing. Later, some of them began experiencing headaches and nosebleeds due to formaldehyde exposure. This chemical is commonly found in the g

17、lue that holds many household products.lt was proved to cause cancer in 2011 and has been linked to an increase in allergies in children.However, there is another choice: natural adhesives(黏合剂).In particular, one is made from plants such as soy(豆类)proteins that have been changed to resemble the prot

18、ein some shellfish use to stick to rocks.This natural adhesive is now widely used in wooden products in the U.S.Other companies are also developing more natural alternatives to replace industrial chemicals. This is a part of the Green Chemistry philosophy.Green Chemistry is a way of rethinking how t

19、o develop products and processes that are more environmentally friendly and better for peoples health. That includes reducing processing waste, using renewable materials.The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry lay out the goals of this approach. The first is prevention. It is better to prevent waste th

20、an to treat it or clean it up.Another principle encourages less dangerous chemical synthesis(化合). Chemical reactions should be designed to be as safe as possible. Energy efficiency is encouraged as well as using chemicals made from renewable plant-based sources.There are challenges in meeting and ho

21、lding to the principles of Green Chemistry, but this will encourage new research and lead to the discovery of new chemicals.28. Why does the author mention the incident that happened in 2005?A. To make comparisons.B. To prove a point.C. To introduce a chemical.D. To bring in the topic.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题

22、。作者在第二段提到2005年风风卡特里娜袭击美国,无家可归的人们只能搬到临时搭 建的居所,但之后他们却因甲醛中毒而出现头疼、流鼻血等症状;再根据第三段第一句However, there is another choice: natural adhesives.可推知,作者提到2005年的事件是为了引入主题一介绍天然黏合剂。故选D 项。29. What are natural adhesives made of?A. Wood from trees.B. Proteins from shellfish.C. Processed plant proteins.D. Melted special r

23、ocks.【答案】c【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句 In particular,one is made from plants such as soy proteins that have been changed to resemble the protein some shellfish use to stick to rocks,可知,新型天然黏合剂是用从植物中提 取的蛋白质加工制作而成的,加工后的蛋白质与水中壳类动物用来粘在石头上的蛋白质相似。C项(加工 后的植物蛋白)符合题意。30. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. The definit

24、ion and purpose of Green Chemistry.B. How to make environmentally friendly products.C. Ways to reduce the amount of waste in daily life.D. Reasons for promoting Green Chemistry in the world.【答案】A解析1主旨大意题。第三段末句This is a part of the Green Chemistry philosophy.提出了 “绿色化学”,第四 段前两句介绍了 “绿色化学”的定义,接着第三句讲到“绿色

25、化学的12条原则阐明了这种方法的目标”, 其后对目标进行了具体介绍;综上可知,第四段主要介绍了 “绿色化学”的定义及目的。故选A项。31. What is the authors opinion on Green Chemistry?A. It*s wonderful but impractical.B. Its challenging but inspiring.C. Its admirable and popular.D. Its complex and discouraging.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段 There are challenges in meeting a

26、nd holding to the principles of Green Chemistry, but this will encourage new research and lead to the discovery of new chemicals.可知,作者认为秉持“绿色化学”的原则是兼具挑战性和鼓舞性的;其中的challenges和encourage等词是重要线索。故选B项。DPart of the importance of the practice of capacity building is that too many of us think our intellectua

27、l capabilities and focus are fixed. However,Benjamin Hardy, a psychologist and author, recently presented groundbreaking research that suggests that we can often change by changing our environment.nBecause peoples lives become routine, you begin to see very predictable behavior and attitudes/ Hardy

28、says. This is why personality is viewed as stable and predictable over time. Hardys book, Personality Isnt Permanent, digs into this concept.We regard our childhood, teenage years and 20s as our foundational learning periods. It can be common to think we can*t learn as effectively as we grow older.

29、But Hardy argues that we really stop learning because we stop trying new things.In our young lives, we experience a number of firsts, ranging from social experiences to learning opportunities. Absorbing new experiences is crucial to ensuring we keep expanding our minds and changing our personalities

30、.Learning new things is a great starting point for changing your personality for the better. Also consider making substantial changes to your professional environment. This can manifest in several ways. If youre a successful leader maybe youd like to share your knowledge with others by coaching, wri

31、ting or speaking. Anything that pushes you outside the limits of your normal work life can ensure you keep growing and changing.In Personality Isnt Permanent, Hardy discusses a study from Harvard psychologist Dr. Ellen Langer. In 1981, Langer and her graduate students selected a group of men in thei

32、r 70s and placed them in an environment modeled to look like the 1950s, It featured a black-and-white television,mid-century furniture and magazines from the era. As Hardy explains, nThe goal was to trigger their minds and bodies to exhibit the energy and biological responses of a much younger perso

33、n.H It actually worked.32. Why do people think personality is fixed?A. Because life becomes regular and foreseeable.B. Because people refuse to read new books.C. Because the brain becomes less effective.D. Because peoples intelligence turns stable.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的Because peoples lives become r

34、outine, you begin to see very predictable behavior and attitudes, Hardy says. This is why personality is viewed as stable and predictable over time.可矢口, 因 为人们的生活变得规律,所以其行为和态度便可预见,这也是性格被视为稳定且可预见的原因。其中的 routine和predictable与A项中的regular和foreseeable互为近义词,故A项符合题意。33. What can we do to enrich our mind?A. R

35、eread a fantastic book.B. Devote ourselves fully to daily work.C. Learn a new kind of sport.D. Talk with an old friend.【答案】c【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中的we really stop learning because we stop trying new things和第四段中的 Absorbing new experiences is crucial to ensuring we keep expanding our minds and changing our p

36、ersonalities.可 知,不停止学习、不断尝试新的事物可以帮助我们充实头脑,故C项(学习一项新运动)符合题意。34. What does the underlined word manifest* in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Construct. B. Distinguish. C. Predict. D. Appear.【答案】D【解析】词 义猜测题。根据画线词前的 Learning new things is a great starting point for changing your personality for the better,和回线词后的If y

37、oure a successful leader maybe youd like to. ensure you keep growing and changing.可知,后文是在举例说明前面的观点,即学习新事物是一个改善你性格的很好的起点;由此可推 知,画线词所在句表示“这可以通过几种方式表现出来,manifest和appear意思相近,意为“显现”。故选 D项。35. What does the last paragraph imply?A. The facilities in Harvard need improving.B. Younger people accept new thing

38、s better.C. Langefs study consumed a lot of energy.D. The participants* performance improved.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The goal was to trigger their minds and bodies to exhibit the energy and biological responses of a much younger person.nIt actually worked.可知,该实验的目标是激发参与者们的思想 和体能,让他们表现出像年轻人一样的精力和生理反应

39、,且最后成功了;由此可推知,D项(参与者的表 现提高了)符合题意。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Are you a tiger? According to the Chinese zodiac, people born in the Year of the Tiger are kind, caring and energetic.36 Thus, while we admire the handsome animals, we also fear them. But there are lessons

40、from the lives of these staking cats.Tigers rarely feed in groups in the wild, but when they do, males allow females and cubs(幼 崽)to eat first.37 We, too, should consider the needs of others before we act.Tigers go after large prey, so they have big ideas. Despite all their planning, tigers only end

41、 up with a meal once out of every 12 attempts to catch something. Yet they do not give jom up; they keep trying until they succeed.Most kinds of cats avoid water, but tigers enjoy water and are very capable swimmers.This fondness of water allows them to live in many different environments. Learn fro

42、m the tiger, and decide for yourself what you can and cannot do. 38 Explore surprising places.Tigers* love of water also allows them to hunt and fight crocodiles. Typically, tigers make a kill by biting the neck of their prey. But a crocodiled neck has a thick coat of armor.Tigers are not put off by

43、 this. Instead, they change their strategy and attack the creatures vulnerable(月危弱的) areas like its stomach or eyes. Like the tiger, dont let difficult situations stop you from succeeding.39Tigers are as different as people are. 40 So be yourself and show off your stripes(条纹).A. Try things that othe

44、rs consider impossible.B. The fur of every tiger has a unique pattern.C. Therefore, people are different from each other in character.D. Try more than one approach if your usual strategy isnt successful.E. As a result, tigers represent people who are ambitious and considerate.F. In other words, big,

45、 strong male tigers think of others before themselves.G. However, those characteristics are not generally associated with real tigers.36 .【答案】G【解析】由前文中的people born in the Year of the Tiger are kind,caring and energetic” 可知,虎年出生的人善良、 有爱心、精力充沛;再由后文中的 “Thus,while we admire the handsome animals,we also

46、fear them”可知,文章 描述的对象由人变成了老虎,故推知,空处应该起到过渡的作用,G项“然而,这些特点通常与真正的老 虎无关”,描述对象由人过渡到老虎,符合语境。37 .【答案】F【解析】由后文We,too,should consider the needs of others before we act”中的too可知,空处与本句话表达的 意思一致,故F项正确。38 .【答案】A【解析】 由前文中的Learn from the tiger,and decide for yourself what you can and cannot do”以及后文中的 “Explore surpri

47、sing places”可知,空处可能与前后两句话一样,都是祈使句,前文讲到老虎与大部分猫科动物不同,它们不怕水,这能让它们在不同的环境中生存;再由后文 中的“Explore surprising places”这一提示可知,A项“尝试别人认为不可能的事情”符合语境。39 .【答案】D【解析】由前文内容可知,老虎通常会咬猎物的脖子来杀死猎物,而鳄鱼的脖子有一层厚盔甲,但这并没 有阻止老虎,相反,老虎改变了策略,攻击猎物脆弱的部位,也就是说老虎会在常规策略不管用的情况下, 尝试其他的方法。D项”如果你常规的策略不成功,可以尝试不止一种方法”与前文表述一致,是从老虎身上获得的启发。40 .【答案】

48、B【解析】空前一句说老虎和人一样都是不同的;空后一句说所以做你自己,展示出你的不同,文中的“your stripes”是由老虎身上的图案引申来的,表明每个个体都是不同的,因为身上的图案不同,故B项”每只老 虎的皮毛都有独特的图案“符合语境,表明每 一只老虎都是独一无二的个体,人类也一样。第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)College is a stressful time. While I was 4my degree in PE at Baylor University, I experienced aof feeling throughout the entire left side of my body that lasted from 15to 45 minutes. Being a, I have always been healthy and 44 about what I eat and do to perform better. So, I thoughtthat the numbness episode could not be anything 45 I was only 20 years old,46.Continuing my 47 at


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