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《必刷卷04-2022年高考英语考前信息必刷卷(全国卷)(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必刷卷04-2022年高考英语考前信息必刷卷(全国卷)(含答案解析).docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、绝密启用前2022年高考英语考前信息必刷卷04全国卷高考地区专用语法填空中动词是历年高考的必考点,也是英语学习的薄弱环节。究其原因,很多考生缺乏时态、语 态和主谓一致意识,且近年来高考越来越倾向于通过增加句子的复杂程度来考查考生对谓语动词的掌握情 况,因此备考时动词仍是重中之重。一般过去时/一般现在时每年必考,现在完成时偶有考查,其他时态考查较少,但备考时不可忽视。备考时 要牢记,确定谓语后必考虑时态、语态和主谓一致,此外,主谓一致中的特殊情况、动词易错形式变化以 及特殊句式中的谓语是高考对谓语动词的考查的难点所在,考生在作答时要仔细辨别。(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:

2、1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡 上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每 段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和

3、阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B,9.18.C. 9.15.答案是c。1. What does the woman mean?A. She enjoyed the movie.D. Tourism in Xian developed faster for media exposure.【答案】D解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的 Xian had been a hot tourist destination long before the TV drama became popular. The serial portrays th

4、e prosperity of the Tang Dynasty of Xian. This has made the city even more popular. The media exposure makes those sites attractive choices for vacations 可知,早在这部电视剧开播之前,西安就 已经是一个热门的旅游目的地。该剧描绘了唐朝西安的繁荣景象,使得这座城市更加受游客欢迎。因为媒 体的曝光使得这些地方成为度假的诱人选择,西安旅游业也因此发展得更快。故选D项。25. Which of the following destinations i

5、s NOT popular for mass media exposure?A. Suzhou.B . Chongqing.C. Bayanbulak Grassland.D. Taiyuan.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的 Suzhou,Chongqing and Bayanbulak Grassland have also become go-to destinations for domestic tourists as films such as Pegasus and TV dramas such as All Is Well were set or shot ther

6、e. 可知,苏州、重庆和巴音布鲁克草原也因为是电影、电视剧的拍摄地成为国内游客的必去目的地,只有太 原在文中没有提及。故选D项。26. Who make up the majority of the travelers?A. Young people.B. Old folks.C. Film shooters.D. Top stars.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,80后占中国游客的32%。携程数据显示,90后和00后分别 占27%和13%,也就是说,旅行者中年轻人占大多数。故选A项。27. Which of the following sentences can best

7、 summarize the whole article?A. Tourist industry needs films and TVs to publicize it.B. Shooting places of some popular dramas boost tourism.C. Popular TV dramas lead to Xians tourism development.D. China is heavily dependent on tourism promoted by films and TV dramas.【答案】B【解析】主旨大意题。本文以网剧长安十二时辰的大火,推

8、动其故事发生地西安成了热门旅游景点为 例,介绍了如今许多影视剧拍摄地成了热门的旅游目的地的社会现象,还介绍了中国游客年龄的比重情况。 B项(一些热门电视剧的拍摄地点促进了当地旅游业的发展)能较好地概括整篇文章。故选B项。CBats have long been one of the most frightening creatures in the animal kingdom. Many pop culture associations with them are related to vampire(吸血鬼) men tempting women in order to suck thei

9、r blood or witches putting evil curses on innocent individuals.Although these associations are complete misunderstandings, bats do have a dark side as a dangerous disease carrier. These flying mammals can carry a number of deadly diseases such as rabies(狂犬病)and more recently Ebola. This has led many

10、 to wonder why we should even care about them.Sure, there is good reason to be exceptionally cautious if you come into contact with bats. However, there is no denying the fact that bats play a significant role in keeping a balanced ecosystem.Many organic farmers have learned about the benefits of ha

11、ving bats nearby to help manage the pests that show up without pesticides(杀虫齐) .One brown bat-about the size of a human thumb can consume about 600mosquitoes and other unwanted insects within an hour. They make for a fantastic, almost essential, addition to pest management on any farm.Even large gov

12、ernment organizations have realized the economic benefits of bats. The United States Geological Survey estimates that bat contributions to pest management save the country at least 3.7 billion dollars per year.Without them, we would likely experience a sharp drop in food production,which would event

13、ually make its way into our weekly grocery bills.As if this were not enough of an ecosystem service we receive, bats are also of great importance to a variety of plant species that prefer their pollination(传粉).Otherwise, these plants would decrease their ability to reproduce by at least 50 percent.A

14、 number of plant products consumed by humans fall into this preferential pollination category. Some popular foods include mangoes,bananas, peaches and guavas. Additionally, the agave(龙舌兰)plant,which is used to make tequila(龙舌兰酒),is completely dependent on bat pollinators for reproduction.Bats are ma

15、jor contributors to our society. They are in the best interest of the international community to protect and even to promote. Amid significant fears housed by the general public, the fact is that we need them more than most of us imagine.28. Why should we be cautious when we are in contact with bats

16、?A. They carry diseases.B. They are aggressive.C. They bring bad luck.D. They stay in the dark.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的 Although these associations are complete misunderstandings, bats do have a dark side as a dangerous disease carrier. These flying mammals can carry a number of deadly diseases such a

17、s rabies and more recently Ebola.可知,蝙蝠会携带许多致命的病毒,如狂犬病和最近的埃博拉病毒,所以当 我们接触蝙蝠时要小心,因为它们可能携带病毒。故选A项。29. What are Paragraphs 4-7 mainly about?A. Our care about bats can never be too much.B. Farming is simply impossible without bats.C. Mosquitoes are a big threat to farming.D. Bats make unusual contribution

18、s to us.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Many organic farmers have learned about the benefits of having bats nearby t。help可知,许多种植有机作物的农民已经了解到蝙蝠在农田附近的好处;第五段中的Even large government organizations have realized the economic benefits of bats.介绍了 政府组织意识到蝙蝠的经济效益; 第六段中的bats are also of great importance to a variety o

19、f plant species介绍了蝙蝠对许多植物物种传粉来 说也很重要;第七段中的 A number of plant products consumed by humans fall into this preferential pollination category.介绍了许多人类食用的植物产品就属于蝙蝠优先授粉的范畴。由此可知,第四至七段主要介绍了蝙 蝠为我们作出的各种不寻常的贡献。故选D项。文中的beneEts,importance等为关键词。30. Who are the target readers of the passage?A. The pop culture lover

20、s.B. The general public.C. The mass farmers.D. The environmentalists.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句 Amid significant fears housed by the general public, the fact is that we need them more than most of us imagine.可知,在公众的巨大恐惧中,事实是我们比大多数人想象的更需 要它们(蝙蝠)。由此推知,这篇文章的目标读者是一般公众,目的是改变蝙蝠在公众心目中的片面印象。 故选B项。31. What ca

21、n be a suitable title for the passage?A. Bats Are Totally HarmfulB. Creatures Do WondersC. Protection Is Under WayD. We Humans Need Bats【答案】D【解析】主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了蝙蝠是我们人类社会的主要贡献者,并在最后一段用Bats are major contributors to our society来进行总结,指出人类实际上比想象中更加需要蝙蝠。由此可知,D项(我们人 类需要蝙蝠)适合作为本文标题。DNot that long ago, the wo

22、rld wondered whether clean energy could survive without government support. Now the question is how far it can spread. The number of electric vehicles, which was about 1 million in 2015,last year reached 2 million. In electricity generation, too, trend is with the greens. In the first half of this y

23、ear, wind, solar and hydro generated a record 35% of Germanys power.Greater success is breeding greater ambition. California is proposing to reach 60% renewable energy by 2030.176 countries have clean-energy goals. Hawaii, Americas most oil-dependent state, has promised to be 100% renewable by the m

24、iddle of the century and so have 48 poor countries vulnerable to climate change. This week the number of multinationals makinga commitment to running their operations on 100% renewable energy rose to 100.But not every target is helpful. To see why, consider that goal of 100%renewable energy. It make

25、s solving climate change seem easy. In fact, though wind and solar can generate the whole countrys electricity some day,renewables still account for less than 8% of the worlds total power output.Moreover, cleaning up electricity is only part of the battle. Even though gas-fired heating and cooking c

26、an be at least as big a source of greenhouse-gas emissions, renewable heating gets little attention. Transport policy is unpredictable, too. Car manufacturers may hit their goal of annual sales of 10 million electrie vehicles in a decade, but battery-powered road transport,shipping and aviation(航空)a

27、re dreams.A much-quoted claim that America could rely on wind, solar and hydro alone for its electricity has recently been bitterly criticized by a group of respected academics.Most importantly, a 100% renewables target confuses means with ends.The priority for the planet is to stop net emissions(净排

28、放量)of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Putting too much emphasis on wind, solar and other renewables may block off better carbon-reduction paths. New technologies, such as direct air capture1 systems designed to separate carbon dioxide from the air, may in time prove vital. Likewise,grea

29、ter energy efficiency could reduce emissions by even more than using renewables would.32. Why is Germany mentioned in Paragraph 1?A. To introduce the topic.B. To compare with the U. S. A.C. To provide a successful example of producing clean energy.D. To prove the possibility of the 100% renewables t

30、arget.【答案】c【解析】推理判断题。根据第段中的 Not that long ago,the world wondered whether clean energy could survive without government support. Now the question is how far it can spread.可知 , 就在不久前, 全世界都想知道, 如果没有政府的支持,清洁能源是否还能生存下去。现在的问题是它能传播多远。这说明现在,清洁能源 的生存已经证实可行。接下来文章列举了德国使用清洁能源发电并创下纪录的成功例子,目的应是来论证 此观点,即清洁能源的发展是可行

31、的。故选C项。33. What picture is described at the beginning of the passage?A. A huge market of electric vehicles.B. A promising future of clean energy.C. A tough fight against climate change.D. A fierce competition between countries.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的 The number of electric vehicles, which was about 1

32、 million in 2015, last year reached 2million. In electricity generation, too, trend is with the greens. In the first half of this year, wind, solar and hydro generated a record 35%of Germanys power.和第二段中的 Greater success is breeding greater ambition.可知,作者在文章开头列举了很多关于清洁能源发展良好的数据,接着又描写了多个国家未来对清 洁能源的宏大

33、目标和美好构想,由此可知,文章开头主要描写了清洁能源发展的美好未来。故选B项。34. Why is every target not realistic according to Paragraph 3?A. Car makers cannot produce enough batteries.B. Use of traditional energies causes air pollution.C. New energy doesnt receive its due attention in every aspect of society.D. We are lacking in enoug

34、h wind and solar energy to generate electricity.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第六句 Even though gas-fired heating and cooking can be at least as big a source of greenhouse-gas emissions,renewable heating gets little attention.和最后句 A much-quoted claim that America could rely on wind, solar and hydro alone for it

35、s electricity has recently been bitterly criticized by a group of respected academics,可知,可再生能源供暖很少受到关注。美国可以仅仅依靠风能、太阳能和水力来发电 的说法,最近遭到了一群受人尊敬的学者的严厉批评。由此可知,在很多方面可再生能源所获得的关注是 远远不够的。故选C项。35. Which of the following does the writer probably agree with?A. Energy efficiency is superior to using renewables.B.

36、 People can only use new energy in reality.C. Mixing up means with purposes matters most.D. The target of 100% renewables is too high to reach.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 Most importantly,a 100% renewables target confuses means with ends. 和 Likewise,greater energy efficiency could reduce emissions by ev

37、en more than using renewables would.可知,最 重要的是,推广100%可再生能源的目标混淆了手段和目的,更高的能源利用率可以比使用可再生能源减少 更多的排放。由此可知,作者可能会同意提高能源利用率比更多使用可再生能源更重要”这一观点。故 选A项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Men living alone are at greater risk of falling ill, the study says. As a species, humans live bet

38、ter being around others.36? It varies among individuals as well as over one persons stage of life.37 People who have been ignored can feel lonely because the community doesnt welcome them in.And older adults can experience loneliness through retirement or the death of a loved one.You could have a to

39、n of social contacts and still be considerably lonely. You can see someone who is very social, and it seems like they are very connected, and yet they have a deep sense of loneliness.38 , quality is much more important than quantity. One of the things that distinguish between loneliness and solitude

40、(独处)is that loneliness has very little to do with quantity- how many people you interact with, and how many groups you belong to.Although there is a relationship between them, it is not very strong.39 For some people, having a reallydeep, meaningful connection with one person is really critical to t

41、hose feelings of connection, but for others it could actually be contact with a stranger. A deep conversation with a stranger at an airport bar, the smile of acknowledgement when you order your usual from your regular coffee shop, and a call with an old friend are all ways to decrease feelings of lo

42、neliness.40.Other resources such as social connection groups or shared activities are also available to help bridge the gap.A. Why do I feel so alone when Im notAlthough you still feel the sting of lonelinessLoneliness and solitude are not always the sameWhen it comes to fighting loneliness through

43、social contactsB. How do we feel fulfilled and connected in our relationshipsKids can be lonely because they cant see their friends at schoolEven talking publicly or privately about loneliness is one way to fight it.【答案】E【解析】上文说到人类群居生活得更好这一特点,下一句说它因人而异,在不同的人生阶段也有所不同, 其主语It”很明显指代空处的疑问句提出的问题,故应在同为特殊疑问

44、句的选项A项和E项之间选择。A 项的含义与语境不符,E项”我们如何在人际关系中感到满足和有联系? ”提出了下文要讨论的问题,符合 语境。36 .【答案】F【解析】上文说到人在不同的人生阶段感到满足和有联系的方式不同,再结合下句说明老年人对孤独的感 知可知,本句应该为人在孩童时期对孤独的感知。37 .【答案】D【解析】结合下文内容可知,社交的质量远比数量重要。下文谈论的是通过社交来减轻孤独,提到孤独与 社交数量关系不大,故此处是说用社交来对抗孤独。38 .【答案】C【解析】由本段可知,社交的质量远比数量重要;再结合第二、第三段可知,人在不同的人生阶段对孤独 的感知不同,有大量社会交往的人也会感到

45、孤独。综上可知,此处可得出结论”孤独和独处并不总是一样 的.【答案】G【解析】本段主要讲述减少孤独的办法,比如:与陌生人进行一次深入的交谈,点餐时的一个微笑,和一 个老朋友打电话。故此处也应该介绍减少孤独的方法,G项“甚至公开或私下谈论孤独也是一种对抗孤独 的方法”符合语境。第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)College is a stressful time. While I was 41 my degree in PE at Baylor University, I experienced a42 of feeling

46、throughout the entire left side of my body that lasted from 15to 45 minutes. Being aI have always been healthy and 44 about what I eat and do to perform better. So, I thought thatthe numbness episode could not be anything 45 I was only 20 years old,46.Continuing my 47 at the University of Notre Dame

47、, I experienced another numbness episode.48, my dad, who happened to be with me,49 me to hospital.Medical examinations 50 a tennis ball-sized tumor(瘤) occupying the right side of my brain. My dadimmediately got me an 51 to see Dr Aaron Cohen, an internationally known expert in brain surgery, tothe n

48、ext steps. I knew I was in excellent 53 having Dr Cohen as my neurosurgeon; I waswell taken care of through the entire 54 and he even made me feel a little more comfortable when DrCohen told me I would 55 an be awake craniotomy(颅骨切开术).This would scare a lot of people, butgiven my 56 J found it prett

49、y cool.Roughly a year and a half later, I am fully back on my 57 Not even a brain tumor could stop me. I graduated from the University of Notre Dame with my class as planned! I will forever express my sincere 58for everything Dr Cohen has done for me. This experience has given me a different 59 on life andmade me


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