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《高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案第u2601期.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案第u2601期.docx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案单项选择题(精选试题-名师出品)On your way to New York William will keep you if you don/t want to be lonely.A. companyB. companionC. safetyD. friend2、请选出与释义能力匹配的单词。A. confidenceB. competitionC. competenceD. convenienceWhat made Cunningham great was his devotion to.A. photographB. photographyC. p

2、hotographerD. photographicDont worry. Flu is a(n)disease in this season. Take this medicine, and your temperature will soon return to.A. normal; commonB. common; normalC. ordinary; generalD. general;ordinary5 are kept on the firm for their meat or milk.A. 200 head cattleB. 200 head of cattleC. 200 h

3、ead cattlesD. 200 heads of cattle6、 Genius is one percent and ninety-nine percent perspiration.A. collectionB. orientationC. inspirationD. resourceNot knowing what the future will bring hardly seems a(n)for doing nothing.A. argumentB. resourceC. performanceD. authorityOrganize all the information yo

4、u have collected according to your.A. outcomeB. outgoingC. outlineD. outputWeve always regarded Dr. Smith as a man of integrity and high professional .A. interestB. attitudeC. competenceD. reputation配。应选A项。16、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们当然需要掌握演奏乐器的基本知识,但学会合作需要理解这些角色是如何协 同工作的。A. stability坚定;B.grasp掌握、领会;C.a

5、cknowledgement成认;D.manner举止。根据空后的“of the fundamentals of playing their instruments”可知此处用 a grasp of 表示“掌握,应选 Bo17、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我写信是想请你帮我一个忙。A. trunk树干;B. favour帮助;C concept概念;D.counter 柜台。根据上文Tm writing to ask you to do me a指帮某人一个忙,应用 do sb. a favour。应选 B。18、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过仔细的调查,飕风对这所房子的

6、破坏,与邻近的房子相比并不严重,估计为1000 美元。A. effects 影响;B. damage 损害、损坏;C. ruins 废墟;D. crash 撞车。根据was assessed at areasonable 1000 dollars可知此处在评估飓风对这所房子的破坏程度,应选B。19、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不需要购买任何特殊设备。一双好的跑鞋就行了。A.entertainment娱乐;B.announcement 公告;C.equipment 设备; D.disappointment 失望。 由Just a pair of good running shoes w

7、ill do 可知,句子说不需要购买任何特殊设备。一双好的跑鞋就行了,因此空格处是设备,即equipment,应选Co20、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管青藏铁路在建设中,但是如何保护脆弱的生态环境列在了最大的担忧之列。A.10concerns担忧;B.trends潮流;C.characteristics特征;D.preferences偏好。根据常识可知,对生态环境的破坏问题是公众所担忧的问题,只有A项符合语义逻辑,应选A项。21、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在没有证据的情况下,警方不能对那个人采取行动。Alack缺少,多用于缺乏信 心、经验缺乏等场景;B.shortag

8、e短缺,指缺乏,但侧重达不到规定的,需要的或应有的数量;C.absence缺席,指某物根本不存在或完全短缺,或某人虽存在,但未到现场;D.failure失败。根据后文of proof, the police could not take action against the man”表示事物根本不存在或完全短缺,应用 absence,应选 Co22、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天前,这个幸运的人在一系列事故中死里逃生。A. escape逃离;B.claim声称; Clack缺乏;D. limit限制。根据lucky man,此处描述男人是幸运的,所以是男人逃离了事故,A项符合句意,

9、 应选A项。23、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们看到一群麻雀,爸爸说它们广泛分布在全国各地。A. distribution分布,分发;possession 拥有,持有;C. profession 职业;D. platform 平台。结合空后的“throughout the country7可知,此 处指它们分布在全国各地。应选A项。24、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她尽量不偏袒她照顾的孩子。A.qualification资格;B.preference偏爱;Cexpectation期盼;D.blame责备。根据句意,此处表示对于她照顾的孩子她没有显示出偏爱。选项B符合题 意

10、,应选Bo25、答案:A11解析:考查名词和动词短语辨析。句意:一些骑自行车的人认为交通法规不适用于他们。但事实并非如此。A.assumption 认为;apply to 适用;B. thought 想法;apply to 适用;C. assuming 认为(动名词);apply for 申 请;D.idea想法;applyfor申请。根据句意,第一空应填名词assumption认为作宾语,that引导的同位语从 句对其进行解释说明;第二空,表示适用为固定短语apply to。应选A。26、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:透过灵魂之窗的眼睛,我只能通过指尖看到一张脸的轮廓。A.criti

11、cism批评;B. outline轮廓;C.gentleness温柔;D.pace节奏。分析句意可知,此空意为轮廓,名词outline意为轮廓, see为及物动词,后接名词outline作宾语。应选B项。27、答案:C解析:考查名词。句意:没有人员伤亡。A. dead死的;B. death死亡;C. deaths死亡(复数);D. dying临死的。分 析句子可知,n。为形容词,意为(一个也)没有,后接名词,death意为死亡,为可数名词,根据句中 “injuries可知,空格处应用“death的复数形式deaths。应选C项。28、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们可能会在高中生活中

12、遇到挑战,但我们永远不会放弃。A. descriptions描述;moments 片刻;C. challenges 挑战;D. exchanges 交换。根据句意和句中we will never give up”可知,我们应 该是遇到挑战,但不放弃,challenge意为挑战,名词词性,challenges为其复数形式,在句中作宾语。 应选C项。29、答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。句意:求职可能是一个漫长而又艰难的历程。A. process过程;B.benefit益处;C.position位12 置;D.climate气候。根据Applying for jobs”可知,求职是一个过程,应选A。3

13、0、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们制造运载工具,把勇敢的人送入太空,探索宇宙的秘密。A. transport运输;B. vehicle车辆,运载工具;C. transportation运输工具。根据to carry brave people into space可知,他们制造运 载工具将人送入太空。名词vehicle为可数名词,前无冠词,所以用复数形式。应选D。31、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当发动机发动不起来时,技工检查了所有的部件以找出毛病所在。A. wrong坏事; B.trouble麻烦;C.fault故障;D. difficulty困难。由语意可知,发动机无法

14、起动时,必定是机器出故障了。固 定短语atfault译为:出毛病,出故障。应选C。32、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项协议的签署将缓解国际紧张局势,这可能会结束国家之间的冲突。A. tension 紧张;B. regulation 规贝!J; C. process 过程;D. affection 喜欢。根据下文“which might bring an end to conflicts between countries可知,此处表示将会使国际的紧张局势结束。应选A。33、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于这种医疗科技的广泛应用,更多的疾病可以在早期被发现和治疗。A. ap

15、proval 赞成,同意;B. application申请,应用;C. approach方式,方法;D. appreciation欣赏。由于医疗科技广泛应 用,疾病才可能在早期被发现和治疗,空处应用名词application,表示应用。应选B项。34、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一莉莉,为什么不和我们一起露营呢?一谢谢,杰克。这是一个很好的提议,但13 我必须完成我的任务。A.decision决定;B.promise允诺;C.choice选择;D.offer提议。根据上文成ly, why dont join us for camping?”,可知这时一个提议,应选 D。35、答案:D

16、解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:你必须仔细阅读药瓶上的说明,然后服用正确的剂量。A. explanations解释;B. introductions 介绍;C. constrictions 压缩;D. instructions 说明。根据句中“take the right amount of medicine可 推知,要读的是用药说明,instructions常用复数形式,表示说明,说明书,符合句意。应选D项。36、答案:D解析:考查名词与介词的搭配。句意:有时候,强烈渴望得到别人的关注可能说明你缺乏自信。A.passionfor对 的强烈爱好,adjustment to 对的调整;B.devo

17、tion to 致力于,compassion in 对的同情;C. fascinationwith对的迷恋,approach to做的方法;D.desire for对的强烈渴望,lack of缺乏。根据语境和常识, 只有D项逻辑关系通顺,即:渴望被别人关注是一个人缺乏自信的表现,应选D。37、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很想去,但是我和我的医生有约。A. appointment约会;预约;B. certificate证 明;证明书;C.sympathy同情;D. basement地下室。根据后文“my doctor(我的医生)可知,“我应是与医生 约好了。have an appoi

18、ntment with sb.,固定短语,与某人有约定(预约)。应选A项。38、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在当今世界寻找信息是很容易的。挑战在于如何判断所获得的信息是否有用。A.context 语境,上下文;B. challenge 挑战;C. competition 竞争;D. stress 压力。根据how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.可知,如何判断所获得的信息是否有用是很大的挑战。应选B。39、答案:A14解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:教练对他的运发动有信心。A.confidence信心;B

19、 petence能力;C.convenience方便;D.expectation期望。由The coach和his athletes可知,句子表示“教练对他的运发动有信心,have confidence in sb.是固定短语,意为对某人有信心,应选A。40、答案:C解析:考查名词。句意:如果人类不为未来着想而继续浪费自然资源,后代将处于危险之中。A.representatives代表;operators经营者;C.generations世代;D.candidates候选人。结合句意,后代将会处于危险之中。应选C。41、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一一莎拉,尽你所能做到最好。一一好的

20、,我会的。Aability能力;B.habit习惯;C.power权力;D. attention注意力。根据句意可知,句中指在你的“能力范围内,尽力把一切做到最好。“ability意为能力,名词词性,符合句意。应选A项。42、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:哈利波特的作者J.K.罗琳在写作中经历了许多困难。A.car汽车;B. hint暗示;poster海报;D.author作者。根据句意和常识可知,J.K. Rowling是哈利波特的作者,用名词author, 意为作者。应选D项。43、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析句意:我妈妈是中学老师她历史教得非常好. A. driver司机;B.

21、 dancer舞蹈演员;C.teacher教师;D.writer作家。根据句中She teaches history very well可知,我妈妈历史教得非常好,因此她是一名教师。应选C项。44、答案:A15解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着新型冠状病毒在哈尔滨再次爆发,市民们正勇敢地接受核酸检测。A.elements 要素;B. season 季节;C. factors 因素;D. climate 气候。根据后文“to get nucleic acid tests表示“勇敢 做某事应用 brave the elements to。应选 A。45、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:长城是

22、一个伟大的旅游景点,每年吸引数以百万计的游客。A. attention注意力;B. attraction 有吸引力的事物;C. appointment 约会;D. arrangement 安排。根据drawing millions of visitors every year可知,应使用名词attraction构成名词词组tourist attraction,意为“旅游景点。应选B项。46、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了解决这个问题,工程师们尝试了不同的方法,但似乎没有一种效果很好。A.approaches方法;B. statements陈述;声明;Cranks等级;级别;D. a

23、ssociations协会;联盟。根据前文目的 状语Tosolve the problem(为了解决问题)可知,应是为了解决问题尝试了不同的方法。应选A项。47、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析和短语。句意:这个工程目标是给农村人提供使用平安饮水的机会。A.access接触;B.passage通道;C.way方式;D.approach方法。根据access to (使用.的机会)可知空格处填access。应选Ao48、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在辩论中,两个或两个以上的发言者表达两种或两种以上相反的观点。A.challenge 挑战;B. schedule 计划表;C. opport

24、unity 机会;D. debate 辩论。根据后文two or more speakers express two or more opposing views提出两个或两个以上的发言者表达两种或两种以上相反的观点,可知是在16辩论中。应选D。49、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一一你能告诉我幸福长寿的秘诀吗?一一充实地过好每一天。A. recipe方法,秘诀;record 记录;C. range 范围,界限;D. receipt 收据。根据语境和后文for happiness and a long life及Living every day to the full, definit

25、ely可知,此处指秘诀。应选 A 项。50、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在摆脱种族歧视的过程中,美国被远远抛在后面。A.discrimination歧视;B promise 妥协;C.substitute 代替;D.investigation 调查。根据空前的getting rid of racial”可知,此处指摆 脱种族歧视,应选A项。51、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:谢天谢地,救生员来救我;否那么,我可能淹死了! A. sense感觉,意识;B. effort 努力;C. attention注意力;D.rescue营救,援救。根据句意,此处涉及动词短语come to

26、ones rescue为固定 搭配,意为营救某人。应选D项。小提示:52、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着智能手机的普及,人们逐渐失去了看电视的兴趣,这使得电视成为了家里的 一种装饰c A. analysis 分析;B.叩petite 兴趣,欲望;C. incident 事件;D. appreciation 欣赏c 根据“which makes TV a decoration of the house”可知,人们逐渐失去了看电视的兴趣,appetite符合题意。应选B。53、答案:C解析:17 考查名词的数。句意:一一我已经决定参加大学入学考试了。一一祝你好运。success表示成功

27、时,为抽象概 念和luck (运气)均为不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词,故排除A、B和D选项。wish you luck祝你好运。故 选Co54、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们等待他们给我们移动的信号。A. symbol象征;B. signal信号;C. sign标志;D. mark记号。根据句意可知,句中指给我们移动的信号,signal意为信号,名词词性,符合语境。应选B项。55、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果温度低于0摄氏度,水在户外就会结冰。A. ice冰;B, steam蒸气;C. fog雾;D. rain雨。根据常识可知,在户外,气温低于0度,水就会结冰。应选

28、A。1810 In of our motherland, a large number of people lost their lives.A. defendB. defendsC. defenceD. defending11 I want to know the sporting that catch the peoples attention in China.A. accidentsB. eventsC. incidentsD. occasion12 Our class held a fierce as to whether to reduce the amount of homewo

29、rk or not.A. bargainB. contestC. debateD. campaign13 Its a pity that her suggestion met with.A. rejections. expectationC. distinctionD. cooperation14 I want to buy as a birthday gift for my sister.A. some jewelB. a piece of jewelC. a jewelleryD. a piece of jewellery15 People who do not smoke have le

30、ss of suffering from lung cancer than those who do so.A. potentialB. causeC. hopeD. choice16 They certainly need a of the fundamentals of playing their instruments, but learning to collaboraterequires understanding how these roles work together.A. stabilityB. graspC. acknowledgementD. manner17 Im wr

31、iting to ask you to do me a.A. trunkB. favourC. conceptD. counter18 After a careful survey, the hurricane of the house, which was not that severe, compared withneighboring ones, was assessed ata reasonable 1000 dollars.A. effectsB. damageC. ruinsD. crash19 Its not necessary to buy any special. Just

32、a pair of good running shoes will do.A. entertainmentB. announcementC. equipmentD. disappointment20、While the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was under construction, how to protect the delicate ecosystem was among thetop.A. concernsB. trendsC. characteristicsD. preferencesIn the of proof, the police could not

33、 take action against the man.A. lackB. shortageC. absenceD. failure22 The lucky man had a narrow in series of accidents the other day.A. escapeB. claimC. lackD. limit23、We saw a flock of sparrows and Dad said that they had a wide throughout the country.A. distributionB. possessionC. professionD. pla

34、tform24 She tried not to show in her treatment of the children in her care.A. qualificationB. preferenceC. expectationD. blame25 Some cyclists make the that traffic laws do not them. It is not true, though.A. assumption; apply toB. thought; apply toC. assuming; apply forD. idea; apply for26 Through

35、that window of the soul”, the eye, I can only see through my fingertips the of a face.A. criticismB. outlineC. gentlenessD. pace27、No, no injuries.A. deadB. deathC. deathsD. dying28 We may meet in our senior high school life, but we will never give up.A. descriptionsB. momentsC. challengesD. exchang

36、es29、Applying for jobs can be a long and painful.A. processB. benefitC. positionD. climate30、They make to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.A. transports. vehicleC. transportationD. vehiclesWhen the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to f

37、ind what was at.A. wrongB. troubleC. faultD. difficulty32、The signing of this agreement will ease the international, which might bring an end to conflicts between countries.A. tensionB. regulationC. processD. affection33、Due the widespread of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered

38、and treated at anearly stage.A. approvals. applicationC. approachD. appreciation34 Lily, why dont join us for camping?Thank you, Jack. Its a very kind, but I have to finish my task.A. decisionB. promiseC. choiceD. offer35 You must read the on the bottle and take the right amount of medicine.A. expla

39、nationsB. introductionsC. constrictionsD. instructions36 Sometimes a strong others attention might indicate a (n)self-confidence.A. passion for, adjustment todevotion to; compassion inB. fascination with; approach todesire for; lack of37、 Id love to, but I have a(an)with my doctor.A. appointments. c

40、ertificateC. sympathyD. basement38 Finding information in todays world is easy. The is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.A. contexts. challengeC. competitionD. stress 39、The coach has in his athletes.A. confidenceB. competenceC. convenienceD. expectationIf man continued to

41、 waste natural resources with no thought for the future, the later would be in danger.A. representativesB. operatorsC. generationsD. candidates41 Sara, try to do everything to the best within your.-OK, I will.A. abilityB. habitC. powerD. attention42 J.K. Rowling, the of Harry Potter, has gone throug

42、h many difficulties in her writing.A. carB. hintC. posterD. author43、 My mother is in a middle school. She teaches history very well.A. driverB. dancerC. teacherD. writer44 Citizens are braving the to get nucleic acid tests as COVID-19 outbreak has reoccurred in Harbin.A. elementsB. seasonC. factors

43、D. climate45 The Great Wall is a great tourist, drawing millions of visitors every year.A. attentions. attractionC. appointmentD. arrangement46、 To solve the problem, the engineers tried out different, but none seemed to work well.A. approachesB. statementsC. ranksD. associations47 The program is ai

44、med to give the people in the countryside to safe drinking water.A. accessB. passageC. wayD. approach48 In a, two or more speakers express two or more opposing views.A. challenges. scheduleC. opportunityD. debate49 Can you tell me your for happiness and a long life? Living every day to the full, def

45、initely.A. recipeB. recordC. rangeD. receipt50 In the process of getting rid of racial, the USA is left far behind.A. discriminationB. compromiseC. substituteD. investigation51、Thank goodness the lifeguard came to my; otherwise, I might have drowned!A. senseB. effortC. attentionD. rescue52 With the

46、popularity of smart phones, people gradually lose the for watching television, which makes TVa decoration of the house.A. analysisB. appetiteC. incidentD. appreciation I have decided to take the entrance examinations to college.Wish you.A. a luckB. a good luckC. luckD. a success54 We waited for them

47、 to give us the to move.A. symbolB. signalC. signD. mark55 If the temperature is below 0 C, water will turn into in the open air.A. iceB. steamC. fogD. rain高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案参考答案1、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析和固定搭配。句意:在你去纽约的路上,威廉将会陪着你如果你不想太孤单的话。A.company陪伴;B. companion同伴;C.safety平安;D.friend朋友。根据句意可知,固定搭配keep one

48、s company意为陪伴某人最合适。应选A。2、答案:C解析:考查词汇意思。A. confidence 信心;B. competition 竞争;C. competence 能力;D. convenience 便利。应选 Co3、答案:B解析:考查名词和形容词词义辨析。句意:Cunningham的伟大之处在于他对摄影的热爱。A. photograph照片;B.photography摄影;C.photographer摄影师;D.photographic摄影的。空处应填名词作宾语,结合句意,此处 指对摄影的热爱,photography符合题意。应选B。4、答案:B解析:考查形容词和名词词义辨析。句意:别担忧。流感是这个季节的常见病。吃了这药,你的体温很快就会恢复 正常。normal正常的;co


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