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《高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案第f7794期.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案第f7794期.docx(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案单项选择题(精选试题-名师出品)1、 It is commonly known that many old people feel pains in their bones when rises.A. humidityB. pesticideC. antibioticD. intensity答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:众所周知,当湿度上升时,许多老年人感到骨头疼痛。A. humidity湿度;B.pesticide 杀虫剂;C. antibiotic 抗生素;D. intensity 强度。根据前文“many old people feel pa

2、ins in their bones”可 知,因为湿度上升,会使患风湿骨痛的老人骨头疼。应选A项。2、Music should be taught on a regular basis in schools because of the it can bring to the development ofthe brains of children.A. systemsB. prioritiesC. barriersD. benefits答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校应该定期教授音乐,因为它可以给孩子们的大脑开展带来好处。A. systems系 统;B. priorities 优先

3、权;C. barriers 障碍;D. benefits 利益。根据it can bring to the development of the brains of children可知,教授音乐对大脑开展带来好处。应选D。3、When you face the to the church, turn right.A. typeB. contextC. coverD. entrance答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你面对教堂的入口时,向右拐。A. type类型;B. context背景;C.cover封面;D. entrance入口。根据后文“to the church”指教堂入口,

4、应用名词entrance。应选D。4、A short from Cusco takes you from Andes into the Amazon rainforest.考查名词。句意:该公司饲养了 200头牛以获取肉或奶。表示牲畜的头数,用单位词head,单复数同形,cattle牛是集体名词,单复数同形,200 head of cattle表示“200头牛。应选B。30、 Genius is one percent and ninety-nine percent perspiration.A. collectionB. orientationC. inspirationD. resourc

5、e答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。A. collection聚集;B.orientation 方向; 信仰;C. inspiration 灵感;D. resource 资源。 根据and ninety-nine percent perspiration.可矢口, 天才需要灵感,但更多的是汗水。应选C。31、The cloth has a of blue and white squares, which is very beautiful.A. paintingB. patternC. sampleD. model答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。

6、句意:这块布有蓝白方格的图案,非常漂亮。A. painting绘画;B.pattern模式,图案;C. sample样品;D.model模范。根据后文“of blue and white squares”指布有蓝白方格的图案,应用pattern。应选 BoOrganize all the information you have collected according to your.A. outcomeB. outgoingC. outlineD. output答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据你的提纲要点组织你收集到的所有信息。A. outcome结果;B. outgoing外出;

7、C.outline提纲,概要;D. output输出。根据句意可知,根据提纲概要,组织所有信息,逻辑合理。应选C项。32、 Weve always regarded Dr. Smith as a man of integrity and high professional.10A. interests. attitudeC. competenceD. reputation答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们一直认为Smith博士为人正直,专业能力强。A. interest兴趣;B.attitude态 度;C. competence能力;D. reputation声誉。根据前文high p

8、rofessional”可知,Smith博士专业能力强。应选 C项。33、 In of our motherland, a large number of people lost their lives.A. defendB. defendsC. defenceD. defending答案:c解析:考查名词。句意:为了保卫祖国,许多人献出了生命。固定短语in defence of保护,为了保卫,后常接名词 作宾语。应选C项。35 I want to know the sporting that catch the people/s attention in China.A. accidents

9、B. eventsC. incidentsD. occasion答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想知道在中国引起人们关注的体育赛事。A.accident意外、意外事故;B.event 大事、公开活动、比赛工程;C.incident事故、事件;D.occasion场合。分析句子可知,本句所谈到的是体育 赛事、体育活动,应选B。36、 We would like to see closer between parents and schools.A. evolutionB. cooperationC. expectationD. rejection答案:B解析:11 考查名词词义辨析。句意

10、:我们希望家长和学校之间的合作更加紧密。A. evolution进化;B.coorperation合作;C. expectation 期望;D. rejection 拒绝。根据 closer 和 between parents and schools 可知,此处表示希望家长和 学校紧密合作。应选B。37、Credits (学分)in Advanced Placement classes can greatly help students gain to competitiveuniversities.A. admissionB. distinctionC. boundaryD. approva

11、l答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:大学预修课程的学分可以极大地帮助学生进入有竞争力的大学。A.admission进入, 录取;B.distinction 区另ij; C.boundary 边界;D.approval 批准。由“Credits (学分)in Advanced Placement classes can greatly help students可知,句子表示大学预修课程的学分可以极大地帮助学生进入有竞争力的大 学,因此空格处是录取,进入,应选A。38 What the doctor warned us is that the sleep may cause anger, p

12、oor memory and poor concentration.A. want inB. demand onC. lack inD. lack of答案:D解析:考查短语辨析。句意:医生警告我们的是,睡眠缺乏会引起愤怒、记忆力差和注意力不集中。A.wantin动词 短语“想要进来;B. demand on名词短语“需要;C. lack in ,错误表达,正确形容词短语为be lacking in在 缺少;D.lackof名词短语缺少。根据句子结构,设空处缺少名词短语,与sleep一同作从句的主语,表示 唾眠缺乏。应选D。小提示:39、People who do not smoke have

13、 less of suffering from lung cancer than those who do so.A. potentialB. causeC. hopeD. choice答案:A12解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不吸烟的人比吸烟的人患肺癌的可能性小。A. potential可能性;潜在性;B. cause 原因;C. hope希望;D. choice选择。结合语境可知,句中将不吸烟的人与吸烟的人在患肺癌方面的可能 性(大小)方面进行了比拟。have potential of doing sth”,固定短语,意为有做某事的可能性,符合语境搭 配。应选A项。40、They cer

14、tainly need a of the fundamentals of playing their instruments, but learning to collaboraterequires understanding how these roles work together.A. stabilityB. graspC. acknowledgementD. manner答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们当然需要掌握演奏乐器的基本知识,但学会合作需要理解这些角色是如何协 同工作的。A. stability坚定;B.grasp掌握、领会;C.acknowledgement成认;D

15、.manner举止。根据空后的“of the fundamentals of playing thei门nstrumnnts”可知止匕处用 a grasp of 表示“掌握,应选 B。41、The staff in the zoo said it was hoped that the project would raise money for future work of animals.A. conservationB. contributionC. consumptionD. conclusion答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:动物园的工作人员说,他们希望这个工程能为未来的动物保护工

16、作筹集资金。A.conservation 保护;B.contribution 贡献;C.consumption 消耗;D.conclusion 总结。 由raise money for future work of animals可知,句子表示他们希望这个工程能为未来的动物保护工作筹集资金,因此空格 处是“保护,即conservation,应选A。42、After a careful survey, the hurricane of the house, which was not that severe, compared withneighboring ones, was assessed

17、 at a reasonable 1000 dollars.A. effectsB. damageC. ruinsD. crash13答案:B 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过仔细的调查,飓风对这所房子的破坏,与邻近的房子相比并不严重,估计为1000 美元。A. effects 影响;B. damage 损害、损坏;C. ruins 废墟;D. crash 撞车。根据was assessed at a reasonable 1000 dollars可知此处在评估飓风对这所房子的破坏程度,应选B。43、 Its not necessary to buy any special. Just a

18、pair of good running shoes will do.A. entertainmentB. announcementC. equipmentD. disappointment答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不需要购买任何特殊设备。一双好的跑鞋就行了。A.entertainment娱乐;B.announcement 公告;C.equipment 设备;D.disappointment 失望。 由“Just a pair of good running shoes will do 可知,句子说不需要购买任何特殊设备。一双好的跑鞋就行了,因此空格处是“设备,即equipment

19、,应选Co44、While the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was under construction, how to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top.A. concernsB. trendsC. characteristicsD. preferences答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管青藏铁路在建设中,但是如何保护脆弱的生态环境列在了最大的担忧之列。A. concerns担忧;B. trends潮流;C. characteristics特征;D. preferences偏好。根据常识可知,对生态

20、环境的破 坏问题是公众所担忧的问题,只有A项符合语义逻辑,应选A项。45、 In the of proof, the police could not take action against the man.A. lackB. shortageC. absenceD. failure答案:C14解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在没有证据的情况下,警方不能对那个人采取行动。A. lack缺少,多用于缺乏信心、经验缺乏等场景;B. shortage短缺,指缺乏,但侧重达不到规定的,需要的或应有的数量;C.absence缺席,指某物根本不存在或完全短缺,或某人虽存在,但未到现场;D.failure失

21、败。根据后文of proof, the police could not take action against the man表示事物根本不存在或完全短缺,应用 absence,应选 Co46、The of spicy, salty, sweet and sour flavours makes Gong Bao Chicken hard to resist.A. decorationB. constructionC. competitionD. combination答案:D解析:考查名词。句意:辣、咸、甜、酸的混合口味使宫保鸡丁难以抗拒。A.decoration装饰;B.construct

22、ion建造;C petition竞争;D bination结合。设空处在句中作主语,结合句意和空后的of spicy, salty, sweet and sour flavours可知,此处是指几种口味的结合。应选D。47、We saw a flock of sparrows and Dad said that they had a wide throughout the country.A. distributions. possessionC. professionD. platform答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们看到一群麻雀,爸爸说它们广泛分布在全国各地。A. distri

23、bution分布,分发;possession 拥有,持有;C. profession 职业;D. platform 平台。结合空后的“throughout the country”可知,此 处指它们分布在全国各地。应选A项。48、She tried not to show in her treatment of the children in her care.A. qualificationB. preferenceC. expectationD. blame答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她尽量不偏袒她照顾的孩子。A.qualification资格;B.preference偏爱;15

24、expectation期盼;D.blame责备。根据句意,此处表示对于她照顾的孩子她没有显示出偏爱。选项B符合题 意,应选BoBefore liberation the laboring people had no to education.A. accessB. approachC. entranceD. admission答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:解放前,劳动人民没有受教育的机会。A. access使用机会,通路;B.approach方 法,途径;C. entrance入口; D.admission准许进入。结合句意表达“有接触的机会,可以接触用have access too

25、应选 A。50、There is a world of between liking someone and loving them.A. differenceB. amusementC. expressionD. description答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个喜欢一个人和爱一个人完全不同的世界。A. difference不同;B.amusement高兴;C.expression表达;D.description描写。根据句子意思可知,like和love是近义词,但是 程度不一样,所以表达出它们的不同。应选A项。51、 I am afraid I can not help

26、you as it is beyond my.A. forceB. strengthC. energyD. power答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:恐怕我帮不了你的忙,这事我无能为力。A. force武力;B. strength力量;C. energy 能量;D. power 能力。根据上文“I am afraid I can not help you as it is beyond my可知为短语 beyond ones power表示力所不及。应选DoWe may meet in our senior high school life, but we will never give

27、 up.16A. descriptionsB. momentsC. challengesD. exchanges答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们可能会在高中生活中遇到挑战,但我们永远不会放弃。A. descriptions描述;moments 片刻;C. challenges 挑战;D. exchanges 交换。根据句意和句中we will never give up”可知,我们应 该是遇到挑战,但不放弃,challenge意为挑战,名词词性,challenges为其复数形式,在句中作宾语。 应选C项。53、Applying for jobs can be a long and p

28、ainful.A. processB. benefitC. positionD. climate答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。句意:求职可能是一个漫长而又艰难的历程。A. process过程;B. benefit益处;C.position位 置;D. climate气候。根据Applying for jobs”可知,求职是一个过程,应选A。54、 They make to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.A. transports. vehicleC. transportationD. v

29、ehicles答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们制造运载工具,把勇敢的人送入太空,探索宇宙的秘密。A. transport运输;B. vehicle车辆,运载工具;C. transportation运输工具。根据to carry brave people into space可知,他们制造运 载工具将人送入太空。名词vehicle为可数名词,前无冠词,所以用复数形式。应选D。55、 Giorgio, now fifteen, and Lucia, also in her teens, were reaching the of their adolescence.A. crisisB.

30、criterionC. causalityD. credibility答案:A17解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现年15岁的乔治和青少年的的露西亚正处于青春的危机期。A.crisis危机;B.criterion标准;C.causality因果关系;D.credibility可靠性。根据句意和选项可知,他们都处于青春期,有青春期的问题,所以应选危机。应选A项。18A. fightB. flightC. frightD. failure答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:从库斯科乘坐短途飞机把你从安第斯山脉带进亚马逊雨林。A. fight打架;B. flight 飞行;C. fright 惊吓

31、;D. failure 失败。根据takes you from Andes into the Amazon rainforest”可知,此处表示乘 坐飞机。应选B项。5、Our school is a beautiful campus.划线局部为 短语A.名词B.动词C.形容词D.副词答案:A解析:考查短语类型。句意:我们学校是一个美丽的校园。划线局部a beautiful campus是不定冠词a (一个)和形 容词beautiful (美丽的)作定语修饰名词campus (校园),所以划线局部是名词短语在句中作表语。应选A。6、On Thursday we went out on an b

32、usiness.A. tourB. voyageC. tripD. journey答案:c解析:考查名词辨析。句意:星期四我们去出差了。A.tour观光;B.voyage航行;C.trip出差或度假等短途旅行; DJourney不知终点的长途旅行。business trip出差、商务旅行,应选C。小提示:7 For those who refused to give the textbook a thorough review, such an examination would go far beyond their*A. inspirations. restorationC. fascin

33、ationD. comprehension答案:D解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于那些拒绝彻底复习课本的人来说,这样的考试将远远超出他们的理解。A.inspiration 灵感;B. restoration 恢复;C. fascination 魅力;D. comprehension 理解。 根据“For those who refused to give the textbook a thorough review,可知,考试超过了不彻底复习课本的人的理解。应选D。8、 We encourage all students to work at their own.A. outcomeB.

34、equationC. paceD. brand答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们鼓励所有学生按照自己的节奏学习。A. outcome结果;B. equation等式;C. pace节奏;D. brand品牌。根据句意,此处表达节奏,作介词at的宾语,用名词形式。应选C项。9、 Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first.A. attackB. actionC. attemptD. affection答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:莉莉希望她一次就能通过驾驶考试。A. attack攻击;B. action行动;C.

35、attempt尝 试;D. affection感情。at the first attempt表示第一次尝试,符合句意要求。应选C。10 With top class home theatre, you can watch the latest movies in the of your own home.A. expectations. limitationC. appointmentD. comfort答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:拥有一流的家庭影院,您可以在舒适的家中观看最新的电影。A. expectation期待;limitation 限制;C. appointment 预约;D

36、. comfort 舒适。根据With top class home theatre可知可以在舒 适的家中观看最新的电影。应选D项。11 Everyone has the right to be treated with.A. replyB. reviewC. respectD. range答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个人都有被尊敬对待的权利。A.reply答复;B.review复习;C.respect尊敬;D. range范围。分析可知空格处的词和with构成固定短语,做状语。根据句意C项符合语境。应选C。_12、Through association with people w

37、ho are meaningful to us, we achieve a sense of security, love, and acceptance.A. rejectionB. equationC. impressionD. companionship答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过和一些对我们很重要的人进行交往,我们获得了平安感、爱情、友谊和认可。 A.rejection 拒绝;B.equation 等同;C.impression E象;D panionship 友谊、情谊。根据a sense of security, love, and acceptance 可知,我们获

38、得了平安感、爱情、友谊和认可。应选D项。13、 is very important in our everyday life.A. GreetB. GreetingC. GreetingsD. Greets答案:B解析:考查名词。句意:问候在我们的日常生活中是非常重要的。此处作主语,表示问候应用名词greeting,根据 后文is可知用单数。应选B。14、 Covid-19 vaccines are used to strengthen the bodys to infection.A. resolutionB. reservationC. resistanceD. separation答案:

39、C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:新冠病毒疫苗用于增强身体对感染的抵抗力。A. resolution决心;B.reservation预 约;C. resistance阻力,抵抗力;D.separation别离。根据后文to infection指增强身体对感染的抵抗力, resistance符合语境。应选Co15、In a conversation between two persons, 65% of is done through body language.A. informationB. pronunciationC. introductionD. communication答案:D解析:

40、考查名词。句意:在两个人的对话中,65%的交流是通过肢体语言完成的。A:information信息;B:pronunciation 发音;C:introduction 介绍;D:communication 交流。根据in a conversation (在对话中)可知是 进行交流。应选D。16、The little girl shows a great for music.A. careerB. talentC. connectionD. power答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个小女孩展示出了在音乐方面的天赋。A. career职业;B.talent天赋;C.connection联

41、系;D.power权利。show/have a talen for在某方面有天赋为固定短语,符合句意。应选B项。17、 Norman Bethune is one of in China, but he wasnt Chinese he was Canadian.A. most famous heroesB. the most famous herosC. most famous herosD. the most famous heroes答案:D解析:考查形容词最高级和名词的数。句意:诺尔曼白求恩是中国最著名的英雄之一,但他不是中国人一一他是加5拿大人。此处为one of+形容词最高级+可数

42、名词复数结构,表示最之一;famous最高级在前面加the mosto 应选 Do18、I am so lucky having you as my English teacher. Having a good teacher like you has made much of a for me.Thanks for saying so, but as I see it, your success was largely due to your own hard work.A. differenceB. dealC. decisionD. point答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析和固定短语。句

43、意:一一我很幸运有你是我的英语老师。有一个像你这样的好老师对我产 生了很大的影响。一一谢谢你这么说,但在我看来,你的成功在很大程度上是由于你自己的努力。A.difference不同;B.deal交易;C.decision决定;D.point要点。短语make a difference,意为有影响,根据 句意,应选A。19、My teacher has given me lots of. Theyre very useful.A. informations. newsC. suggestionsD. advice答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的老师给了我很多建议。他们是非常有用的。A.

44、 information信息,不可数名词;news新闻,不可数名词;C.suggestions建议,可数名词复数;D. advice建议,不可数名词。根据后文Theyre可知,此处lots of后需接可数名词复数suggestions。应选C。20、 Literally, overcapacity (产能过乘!I) pressured operating margins (利润),impacting players that lack scale or management to reduce costs.A. stabilityB. fluencyC. persistenceD. exper

45、tise答案:D 解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意:实际上,产能过剩给运营利润率带来了压力,影响了那些缺乏规模或管理经验以 降低本钱的企业。A. stability稳定性;B.fluency流畅性;C.persistence坚持,持久性;D.expertise专长,专 门知识。management expertise为固定短语,意为管理才干,符合句意。应选D。21、 Shes battling with her over whether to tell the police what she saw.A. complaintB. consequenceC. conscienceD. compos

46、ition答案:c解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在与良心作斗争,不知道是否要把她所看到的告诉警察。A. complaint 抱怨; B. consequence 结果;C. conscience 良心;D. composition 成分。 根据whether to tell the police what she saw.” 可知,她的内心在与良心作斗争。应选C。22、he has money, he can buy anything he wants.A. Now that; a large amount ofB. Now that; a large number ofC. Due to;

47、 a large amount ofD. Due to; a large number of答案:A解析:考查连词和名词短语辨析。句意:既然他有一大笔钱,他可以买任何他想要的东西。A. Now that; a large amount of 既然,大量;B. Now that; a large number of 既然,很多;C. Due to; a large amount of 由于,大量;D. Due to; a large number of由于,很多。第一空,now that是连词,表示既然,due to是介词短语,表示“由 于,分析句子,空处引导原因状语从句,应用now that引

48、导从句;第二空,a large number of表示很多, 修饰可数名词的复数形式,a large amount of表示大量,修饰不可数名词,money是不可数名词,空处应用 短语 a large amount of。应选 A 项。23、 Before the went up, the actors took their places on stage.A. sighB. lawyerC. daydreamD. curtain答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:幕布升起之前,演员们在舞台上就位。A.sigh叹气;B.lawyer律师;C.daydream白 日梦;D.curtain幕布。由the actors took their places on stage可知,句子表示幕布升


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