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《高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案第o0374期.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案第o0374期.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高中英语高考英语名词常考题型例题及答案单项选择题(精选试题名师出品)1、are kept on the firm for their meat or milk.A. 200 head cattleB. 200 head of cattleC. 200 head cattlesD. 200 heads of cattle答案:B解析:考查名词。句意:该公司饲养了 200头牛以获取肉或奶。表示牲畜的头数,用单位词head,单复数同形, cattle牛”是集体名词,单复数同形,200 head of cattle表示“200头牛”。应选B。2 Genius is one percent and ni

2、nety-nine percent perspiration.A. collectionB. orientationC. inspirationD. resource答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。A. collection聚集;B.orientation 方向;信仰;C. inspiration 灵感;D. resource 资源。根据and ninety-nine percent perspiration.“可知, 天才需要灵感,但更多的是汗水。应选C.3、Not knowing what the future will bring har

3、dly seems a(n)for doing nothing.A. arguments. resourceC. performanceD. authority答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不知道未来会发生什么并不是什么都不做的理由。A.argument理由;B.resource 资源;C. performance表演;D. authority当权者。根据for doing nothing.”可知,不知道未来会发生什么并不 是什么都不做的理由。应选A项。小提示:30、Lily, why dont join us for camping?Thank you, Jack. Its a ve

4、ry kind, but I have to finish my task.A. decisionB. promiseC. choiceD. offer答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一莉莉,为什么不和我们一起露营呢?谢谢,杰克。这是一个很好的提议,但 我必须完成我的任务。A.decision决定;B.promise允诺;C.choice选择;D.offer提议。根据上文“Lily, why dont join us for camping?z,可知这时一个提议,应选 D。31、You must read the on the bottle and take the right amou

5、nt of medicine.A. explanationsB. introductionsC. constrictionsD. instructions答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:你必须仔细阅读药瓶上的说明,然后服用正确的剂量。A. explanations解释;B. introductions 介绍;C. constrictions 压缩;D. instructions 说明。根据句中“take the right amount of medicine/rT 推知,要读的是用药说明,instructions常用更数形式,表示“说明,说明书,符合句意。应选D项。32、Sometim

6、es a strong others attention might indicate a (n)self-confidence.A. passion for, adjustment todevotion to; compassion inB. fascination with; approach todesire for; lack of答案:D解析:考查名词与介词的搭配。句意:有时候,强烈渴望得到别人的关注可能说明你缺乏自信。A.passion for对.10的强烈爱好,adjustment to 对的调整;B.devotion to 致力于,compassion in 对的同情;C. f

7、ascination with对.的迷恋,approach to做.的方法;D.desirefor对.的强烈渴望,lack of缺乏。根据语境和常识, 只有D项逻辑关系通顺,即:渴望被别人关注是一个人缺乏自信的表现,应选D。33、Your car is less than a year old, so it is still under.A. boundaryB. tailorC. guaranteeD. arrangement答案:C解析:考查固定搭配。句意:你的车使用不到一年,所以仍在保修期内。A. boundary边界;B. tailor裁剪;C. guarantee保证;担保;D. a

8、rrangement安排。分析句子并结合句意可知,此处为固定搭配under guarantee, 意为在保修期内。应选C,Finding information in todays world is easy. The is how you can tell if the information you get is usefulor not.A. contexts. challengeC. competitionD. stress答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在当今世界寻找信息是很容易的。挑战在于如何判断所获得的信息是否有用。A. context 语境,上下文;B. challeng

9、e 挑战;C. competition 竞争;D. stress 压力。根据how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.可知,如何判断所获得的信息是否有用是很大的挑战。应选B。35、The coach has in his athletes.A. confidenceB. competenceC. convenienceD. expectation答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:教练对他的运发动有信心。A.confidence信心;B petence能力;C.convenience 方便;D.expectati

10、on期望。由The coach和his athletes可知,句子表示“教练对他的运发动有信心,have11 confidence in sb.是固定短语,意为“对某人有信心,应选A。36、 If man continued to waste natural resources with no thought for the future, the later would be in danger.A. representativesB. operatorsC. generationsD. candidates答案:C解析:考查名词。句意:如果人类不为未来着想而继续浪费自然资源,后代将处于危险

11、之中。A.representatives代表; B. operators经营者;C.generations世代;D.candidates候选人。结合句意,后代将会处于危险之中。应选C。37、Sara, try to do everything to the best within your.-OK, I will.A. abilityB. habitC. powerD. attention答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一一莎拉,尽你所能做到最好。一一好的,我会的。A. ability能力;B. habit习惯;C. power权力;D. attention注意力。根据句意可知,句中指在

12、你的能力范围内,尽力把一切做到最好。 abHity意为能力,名词词性,符合句意。应选A项。38、J.K. Rowling, the of Harry Potter, has gone through many difficulties in her writing.A. carB. hintC. posterD. author答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:哈利波特的作者J.K.罗琳在写作中经历了许多困难。A.car汽车;B. hint暗示; C poster海报;D. author作者。根据句意和常识可知,JK Rowling是哈利波特的作者,用名词author, 意为“作者”。应选D

13、项。39、My mother is in a middle school. She teaches history very well.12A. driverB. dancerC. teacherD. writer答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈是中学老师。她历史教得非常好。A. driver司机;B. dancer舞蹈演员;C. teacher教师;D. writer作家。根据句中She teaches history very well可知,我妈妈历史教得非常好,因此她 是一名教师。应选C项。40、Citizens are braving the to get nucleic

14、acid tests as COVID-19 outbreak has reoccurred in Harbin.A. elementsB. seasonC. factorsD. climate答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着新型冠状病毒在哈尔滨再次爆发,市民们正勇敢地接受核酸检测。A.elements 要素;B. season 季节;C. factors 因素;D. climate 气候。根据后文“to get nucleic acid tests表示勇敢 做某事”应用 brave the elements to 应选 A。41、The Great Wall is a great

15、tourist, drawing millions of visitors every year.A. attentions. attractionC. appointmentD. arrangement答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:长城是一个伟大的旅游景点,每年吸引数以百万计的游客。A. attention注意力;B. attraction 有吸引力的事物;C. appointment 约会;D. arrangement 安排。根据drawing millions of visitors every yea-可知,应使用名词attraction构成名词词组tourist attrac

16、tion,意为“旅游景点使 应选B项。42、To solve the problem, the engineers tried out different, but none seemed to work well.A. approachesB. statementsC. ranksD. associations答案:A13解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了解决这个问题,工程师们尝试了不同的方法,但似乎没有一种效果很好。A. approaches方法;B. statements陈述;声明;C. ranks等级;级别:D. associations协会;联盟。根据前文目的 状语To solve

17、the problem(为了解决问题)”可知,应是为了解决问题尝试了不同的方法。应选A项。43、The program is aimed to give the people in the countryside to safe drinking water.A. accessB. passageC. wayD. approach答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析和短语。句意:这个项H目标是给农村人提供使用平安饮水的机会。A.access接触:B.passage通道;C.way方式;D.approach方法。根据access to (使用.的机会)可知空格处填access。应选 Aa44、In a

18、, two or more speakers express two or more opposing views.A. challenges. scheduleC. opportunityD. debate答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在辩论中,两个或两个以上的发言者表达两种或两种以上相反的观点。A.challenge 挑战;B. schedule 计划表;C. opportunity 机会;D. debate 辩论。根据后文“two or more speakers express two or more opposing views”提出两个或两个以上的发言者表达两种或两种以上相

19、反的观点,可知是在 辩论中。应选D。45 Can you tell me your for happiness and a long life?Living every day to the full, definitely.A. recipeB. recordC. rangeD. receipt答案:A 解析:14 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一一你能告诉我幸福长寿的秘诀吗? 一一充实地过好每一天。A. recipe方法,秘诀:B. record 记录;C. range 范围,界限;D. receipt 收据。根据语境和后文for happiness and a long life及Living

20、 every day to the full, definitely”可知,此处指秘诀应选 A 项。46、In the process of getting rid of racial, the USA is left far behind.A. discriminationB. compromiseC. substituteD. investigation答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在摆脱种族歧视的过程中,美国被远远抛在后面。Adscrimination歧视;B promise 妥协:C.substitute 代替;D.investigation 调查。根据空前的getting r

21、id of racial”可知,此处指摆 脱种族歧视,应选A项。47、Thank goodness the lifeguard came to my; otherwise, I might have drowned!A. senseB. effortC. attentionD. rescue答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:谢天谢地,救生员来救我;否那么,我可能淹死了! A. sense感觉,意识;B. effort 努力;C. attention注意力;D. rescue营救,援救。根据句意,此处涉及动词短语come to ones rescue为固定 搭配,意为“营救某人。应选D项。小

22、提示:48、With the popularity of smart phones, people gradually lose the for watching television, which makes TVa decoration of the house.A. analysisB. appetiteC. incidentD. appreciation答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着智能手机的普及,人们逐渐失去了看电视的兴趣,这使得电视成为了家里的15一种装饰。A. analysis 分析:B. appetite 兴趣,欲望;C. incident 事件;D. apprec

23、iation 欣赏。根据which makes TV a decoration of the house”可知,人们逐渐失去了看电视的兴趣,appetite符合题意。应选B。49、- I have decided to take the entrance examinations to college.Wish you.A. a luckB. a good luckC. luckD. a success答案:C解析:考查名词的数。句意:一一我已经决定参加大学入学考试了。一一祝你好运。success表示“成功时,为抽象概 念和luck (运气)均为不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词,故排除A、B和D

24、选项。wish you luck祝你好运。应选Co50、We waited for them to give us the to move.A. symbolB. signalC. signD. mark答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们等待他们给我们移动的信号。A. symbol象征;B. signal信号;C. sign标志;D. mark记号。根据句意可知,句中指给我们移动的信号,signal意为信号,名词词性,符合语境。应选B项。51、If the temperature is below 0 C, water will turn into in the open air.A.

25、 iceB. steamC. fogD. rain答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果温度低于0摄氏度,水在户外就会结冰。A. ice冰:B. steam蒸气:C. fog雾;D. rain雨。根据常识可知,在户外,气温低于0度,水就会结冰。应选A。52、I hope my teacher will take into the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she my paper.16A. account; marksB. count; marksC. account; markedD. count; marked答案:A

26、解析:考查固定短语和时态。句意:当老师在批改我的试卷时,我希望她会把我考前生病了这个事实考虑在内。account账户,解释,表达;count计算,总数。take sth into account考虑到,顾及,是固定短语;根据my teacher will take into”使用的一般将来时可知,when引导的时间状语从句应用一般现在时,应选A项。53、The to success is to make good use of the chance to education.A. accessB. fountainC. potentialD. document答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句

27、意:成功的途径是充分利用受教育的机会。A. access通路、入径;B. fountain喷泉;C. potential 潜力;D. document 文件。the access to.(.的途径)符合句意。应选 A 项。54、The ability to keep calm is one of her many. Owing to that, she was promoted to deal with the emergency.A. basesB. challengesC. benefitsD. strengths答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:保持冷静的能力是她的许多优点之一。因此

28、,她被提拔去处理紧急情况。A. bases 基础,基地;B. challenges挑战;C. benefits好处;D. strengths优点。结合句意可知,此处指保持冷静是她众 多优点之一*, strength符合题意。应选D。55、 I have a strong for country life because it brings me peace in mind.A. benefitB. reliefC. preferenceD. defence答案:C 解析:17考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对乡村生活有着强烈的喜好,因为它给我带来心灵的平和。A. benefit益处;B.relief

29、慰藉;C. preference爱好,偏好;D. defence防御。由because引导的原因状语从句内容推断,这是“我喜欢、向往乡村生活的理由。应选C。184、During the trip to London, what left me the deepest was St. Pauls Cathedral built many years ago.A. impressionB. panicC. resourceD. impact答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在伦敦之行中,给我留下最深刻印象的是多年前修建的圣保罗大教堂。A.impression 印象;B. panic 恐慌;C.

30、 resource 资源;D. impact 影响。根据句中the trip to London和St. PaulsCathedral可知,句中陈述的是“圣保罗大教堂”是伦敦之行中,给我留下最深刻印象的景点,“impression意为 “印象,名词词性,符合句意。应选A项。5 Weve always regarded Dr. Smith as a man of integrity and high professional.A. interests. attitudeC. competenceD. reputation答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们一直认为Smith博士为人正直,专

31、业能力强。A. interest兴趣;B. attitude态度;C. competence能力;D. reputation声誉。根据前文“high professional”可知,Smith博士专业能力强。应选C项。6、In of our motherland, a large number of people lost their lives.A. defendB. defendsC. defenceD. defending答案:C解析:考查名词。句意:为了保卫祖国,许多人献出了生命。固定短语in defence。片保护,为了保卫,后常接名词 作宾语。应选C项。7、 I want to k

32、now the sporting that catch the peoples attention in China.A. accidentsB. eventsC. incidentsD. occasion答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想知道在中国引起人们关注的体育赛事。A.accident意外、意外事故;B.event 大事、公开活动、比赛工程;C.incident事故、事件;D.occasion场合。分析句子可知,本句所谈到的是体育 赛事、体育活动,应选B。8、Our class held a fierce as to whether to reduce the amount o

33、f homework or not.A. bargainB. contestC. debateD. campaign答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们班就是否减少家庭作业进行了激烈的辩论。A. bargain减价品,廉价货;B.contest比赛,竞赛;C. debate辩论,讨论;D. campaign侑计划的)活动,运动。根据主语为Our class(我们班)” 以及后文“whether to reduce the amount of homework or not(是否要减少作业量)”可知,此处应是一场班级内部 的辩论。应选C项。9、 Its a pity that her su

34、ggestion met with.A. rejectionB. expectationC. distinctionD. cooperation答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:太遗憾了,她的建议遭到反对。A.rejection反对;B.expectation期待;C.distinction差异;D.cooperation合作。根据lt,s a pity that可知建议遭到反对。应选A。10、I want to buy as a birthday gift for my sister.A. some jewelB. a piece of jewelC. a jewelleryD. a p

35、iece of jewellery答案:D解析:考查名词。句意:我想买一件珠宝作为我妹妹的生日礼物。jewel指宝石,珍宝,一般指的仅仅是宝石; jewellery珠宝首饰,侧重指首饰,为不可数名词,表示一件珠宝应用a piece of jewellery。应选D。11、People who do not smoke have less of suffering from lung cancer than those who do so.A. potentials. causeC. hopeD. choice答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不吸烟的人比吸烟的人患肺癌的可能性小。A. po

36、tential可能性;潜在性;B. cause 原因;C.hope希望;D. choice选择。结合语境可知,句中将“不吸烟的人与“吸烟的人在患肺癌方面的可能 性(大小)方面进行了比拟。have potential of doing sth,固定短语,意为有做某事的可能性,符合语境搭 配。应选A项。12、They certainly need a of the fundamentals of playing their instruments, but learning to collaboraterequires understanding how these roles work toge

37、ther.A. stabilityB. graspC. acknowledgementD. manner答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们当然需要掌握演奏乐器的基本知识,但学会合作需要理解这些角色是如何协 同工作的。A. stability坚定;B. grasp掌握、领会;C. acknowledgement成认;D. manner举止。根据空后的“of the fundamentals of playing theihnstruments”可知此处用 a grasp of 表示掌握,应选 B。13、Im writing to ask you to do me a.A. trunkB.

38、 favourC. conceptD. counter答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我写信是想请你帮我一个忙。A. trunk树干;B. favour帮助;C. concept概念;D. counter 柜台。根据上文Im writing to ask you to do me a”指帮某人一个忙,应用 do sb. a favouro 应选 Bo14、After a careful survey, the hurricane of the house, which was not that severe, compared withneighboring ones, was asse

39、ssed at a reasonable 1000 dollars.A. effectsB. damageC. ruinsD. crash答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过仔细的调查,飓风对这所房子的破坏,与邻近的房子相比并不严重,估计为1000 美元。A. effects 影响;B. damage 损害、损坏;C. ruins 废墟;D. crash 撞车。根据was assessed at a reasonable 1000 dollars”可知此处在评估飓风对这所房子的破坏程度,应选8。15、Its not necessary to buy any special. Just a

40、 pair of good running shoes will do.A. entertainmentB. announcementC. equipmentD. disappointment答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不需要购买任何特殊设备。一双好的跑鞋就行了。A.entertainment娱乐; B.announcement 公告;C.equipment 设备;D.disappointment 失望。由“Just a pair of good running shoes will do/, 可知,句子说“不需要购买任何特殊设备。一双好的跑鞋就行了”,因此空格处是“设备,即equi

41、pment,应选 Co16、While the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was under construction, how to protect the delicate ecosystem was among the top.A. concernsB. trendsC. characteristicsD. preferences答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管青藏铁路在建设中,但是如何保护脆弱的生态环境列在了最大的担忧之列。A. concerns担忧;B. trends潮流;C. characteristics特征;D. preferences偏好。根据常识

42、可知,对生态环境的破 坏问题是公众所担忧的问题,只有A项符合语义逻辑,应选A项。17、In the of proof, the police could not take action against the man.A. lackB. shortageC. absenceD. failure答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在没有证据的情况下,警方不能对那个人采取行动。A. lack缺少,多用于缺乏信 心、经验缺乏等场景;B. shortage短缺,指缺乏,但侧重达不到规定的,需要的或己知应有的数量;C.absence缺席,指某物根本不存在或完全短缺,或某人虽存在,但未到现场;D.faW

43、re失败。根据后文“of proof, the police could not take action against the man”表示事物根本不存在或完全短缺,应用 absence,应选 C。18、The lucky man had a narrow in series of accidents the other day.A. escapeB. claimC. lackD. limit答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天前,这个幸运的人在一系列事故中死里逃生。A. escape逃离;B. claim声称;C. lack缺乏;D. limit限制。根据lucky man,此处描述

44、男人是幸运的,所以是男人逃离了事故,A项符合句意, 应选A项。19、We saw a flock of sparrows and Dad said that they had a wide throughout the country.A. distributionB. possessionC. professionD. platform答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们看到一群麻雀,爸爸说它们广泛分布在全国各地。A. distribution分布,分发;possession 拥有,持有;C. profession 职业;D. platform 平台。结合空后的throughout t

45、he country可知,此 处指它们分布在全国各地。应选A项。20、She tried not to show in her treatment of the children in her care.A. qualifications. preferenceC. expectationD. blame答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她尽量不偏袒她照顾的孩子。A.qualification资格;B.preference偏爱;(expectation期盼;D.blame责备。根据句意,此处表示对于她照顾的孩子她没有显示出偏爱。选项B符合题 意,应选Bo21、Some cyclists m

46、ake the that traffic laws do not them. It is not true, though.A. assumption; apply toB. thought; apply toassuming; apply forD. idea; apply for答案:A解析:考查名词和动词短语辨析。句意:一些骑自行车的人认为交通法规不适用于他们。但事实并非如此。A.assumption 认为;apply to 适用;B. thought 想法;apply to 适用;C. assuming 认为(动名词);apply for 申 请;D. idea想法;applyfor申

47、请。根据句意,第空应填名词assumption认为作宾语,that引导的同位语从 句对其进行解释说明;第二空,表示适用为固定短语apply t。应选A。22、Through that “window of the soul”, the eye, I can only see through my fingertips the of a face.A. criticismB. outlineC. gentlenessD. pace答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:透过灵魂之窗的眼睛,我只能通过指尖看到”一张脸的轮廓。A.criticism批评;B. outline轮廓;C.gentlenes

48、s温柔;D. pace节奏。分析句意可知,此空意为轮廓,名词outline意为轮廓, see为及物动词,后接名词outline作宾语。应选B项。23、No, no injuries.A. deadB. deathC. deathsD. dying答案:C解析: 考查名词。句意:没有人员伤亡。A. dead死的;B. death死亡;C. deaths死亡(复数);D. dying临死的0分 析句子可知,no为形容词,意为(一个也)没有,后接名词,“death意为“死亡”,为可数名词,根据句中 injuries”可知,空格处应用death的复数形式deaths”。应选C项。24、 We may mee


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