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1、家庭作业Unit1 1. She _Beijing last night.A.arrvied in B.got C.reaches D.arrived2._ ready now, lets begin. A.Everything is B.Something are C.Nothing are D.Anything is3.I _ life was like here in the past. A.wonder that B.know when C.wonder what D.decide why4._weather it was! A.What nice B.How a nice C.How

2、 nice D.What a nice5. Another two hours _not enough. A.is B.are C.will are D.were6. Im free now, I have _ (无事)to do .7. Is _(某人)going with you ?8. I can finish it by _ (我). X Kb 1.C om9. Children, please help _to the fish(随便吃).10. It _(似乎)that it is going to rain.11. The _(无聊的)book makes me _(无聊的)12

3、. He decided _(try) it.13. I tried my best _(work) it out.14. He is _ _(等候) a bus.15. I need _ _(一把雨伞)_ _(因为) the heavy rain.16. I have _ _(足够的时间). 17. I am not _ _(足够的老).18. Did you go _ _(有趣的某个地方)?19. I _ a gift _my mother yesterday (给买).20. When its hot,I feel like _(游泳) in the pool.21. He teache

4、s _(I) English.22. Why not _(try) to go by boat?23. I kept _(写) this story.Unit21._do you go to Shanghai? A.How many times B. How often C,How long D.How soon2. _this book carefully and you can get a lot. A. Reading B.Read C.Readed D.To read3.There is _salt in the fridge, I will buy some. A.little B.

5、few C.a few. D.a little4. I am going to study _. A.hardly B.hard C.hardly ever D.harding5. _do you watch TV? -Twice a week A.How many B.How long C.How far D.How often6. He _ten years old. A.may B.maybe C.may be D.might7. _they were hard-working,_they didnt get good grades. A. Although, / B.Though, b

6、ut C.though, / D.Although, but8. He is _a clever girl _she can work out this math problem. A.so, that B.such, that C.too, to D.enough, to9.The _dog was _on the floor, at last it _. A.dying, die, died B.died, die, dying C.dying, dying, died D.death, dying, die10. _ of the students _here. A.None,is B.

7、No one,are C.Nothing,are D.None,are11._of my parents _teachers. http:/w ww.xk A.All,are B.Both,is C.Both, are DNone,are12. I will have _holiday. A.three weeks B.three-weeks C.three weeks D.three-week13. -Next week I am _ _(相当满) for me. -Really? _? A. How about; B. How come; C.How often D.How many14.

8、 My mother _me _.A. hopes, to drink B.wants, drink C.except, to drink D.wants, to drink15. Fifteen percent of the information _true and twenty percent of the medicine _fake.16.Its good to relax by _(使用) the Internet.17. He went Shanghai, _(但是), I stayed at home.18. Keeping _is good for our _(健康).19.

9、 I have _(曾经) been to Wuhan, I went there _(两次).20. What do you usually do _ _(在周末)?Unit31. _you study, _your grades are.A.Harder, the better B.The harder, the better C.The hardest, best2. He is _ of the two girls. A.taller B.the tallest C.the taller D.tallest3. The weather in Beijing is colder than

10、 _in Hainan. A.weather B.it C.those D.that4. You dont need a lot of friends _they are good. A.though B.but C.as long as D.in fact5.Larry helps to _the best in me. A.bring out B.care about C.be up to D.have to do with6. We _excellent, we _one thing in common. A.are both, both have B.both are, both ha

11、ve C.are both, have both7. Do you play it as _as your sister? A.good B.better C.well D.best8. He is talented _. A.in musics B.at musics C.for music D.in music9._is easy for me _friends. A.That, to make B.It, makes C.It, to make D.This, make10. Its kind _you to help me. A.for B.of C.to D.at11. Who fe

12、els_(无聊的), Lucy, Lily or Mary? 12. Which is _(差), Wenzhou or Hangzhou?13.They dont eat _ junk food. They are _. A.more , more healthy B.much more, much healthier C.many, much healthier14. In the _show, he is the most _(天赋).15. Please read _(安静的), dont read_(大声的), your father is sleeping.16. I_(与不同)

13、you, but he is _(和相同) you.17.I _(打破)my arm this morning, he didnt _(嘲笑) me.18. My best _(类似) Larry.19.-Thats Tara, _ _?(反意疑问句) -_, _. Its Tina.20. I think she sang _(清晰) than Nelly.21. I enjoy _(唱) songs, and I practice _(唱) every day. 22.He likes_(跳舞), when he finishes _(做) homework, he spends time

14、 _(跳舞). X|k | B| 1 . c |O |m23.A true friend _ _(触及) your hand and _(抚慰)your heart.24.She _ _(关心) me because she is always there to listen. 25.She is _(外向)than her sister.26.she is _(滑稽) in our class.27.The weather is getting _and _(越来越暖和).Unit41. My parents _my education seriously last night.A.take

15、d B.made C.took D.gave2. I dont like the soap opera because the stories are _up. A.make B.making C.makes D.made3.That is _ you to decide. A.up to B. from to C.make up D.able to4. He _in playing basketball. A.is able to B.is ready to C.dresses up D.plays a role5. Hangzhou is a good place _. A.visit B

16、.to visit C.visits D.visiting6. The radio station _, so I like it.A.have good music B. has a good music C.plays good music D.plays a good music 7.I like the mall because its _(crowded).8. The _(获胜者) get a good prize each.9. You should wash your hands before _(餐).10. We should listen to the teachers

17、_(仔细的).11. He was the _(创造性的) student in our class, so he _(选择)a magic to perform. on the talent show.12.It _(is/ has) the biggest screen and _(舒适) seats.13.The theater is _(离最近) my home.14.You can buy clothes _(最便宜) in town.15._ do you _970 AM?A.How, think of B.What, like C.How, like of D.What, thi

18、nk of16. -Thanks for _(告诉) me. -_.Unit 51. The news _good news, the sitcoms are _.A. are, educational B.is, education C.are, education D.is, educational2. He expects _good grades, but I hope _healthy. A. to get, keep B.get, to keep C.to get, to keep D.gets, keeping3. They are _this problem, but I do

19、nt take part in the _(讨论).4. I want to _who broke the window. A.look for B.look after C.find out D.find5. I am ready _cook dinner for my family, I am getting ready _it. A. to, at B.for, to C.to, for D.to, to6. She wants to take her mothers _to clean the room. A. room B.seat C.job D.place7. The game

20、show is _(令人愉快的)。8. I will show you the photo if it _tomorrow. 新-课 -标 -第-一 -网 A.will come out B.is going to come out C.comes out D.came out9. I cant _(忍受)the scary movie, but I dont _(介意)the action movie.10. Would you mind my _(成为)an actor?11. The _(卡通片) are _(没有意义).12. What _(发生了) to you?13. Zhejia

21、ng _(以而出名) the Yue _(文化).14. He is _(富有) than me, because he is a _(成功) businessman.15. He _(可能) be too young, he couldnt _(穿衣) himself.16. _, he passed the exam, but I I didn, I am an _boy. (luck)17. Theyll try_best to finish the work by _.(他们)Unit 71. Mr Green wants to know your name. Please _on t

22、he paper.A.write it down B.write down it C.write them down D.write down them 2. Im going to write an article _a magazine about women and children.A.for B. to C.on D.at3.-What is he going to_when he _up? -A doctor.A.do, grow B.be, grows C.do, grows D.be, grow4.-Whats your _for next year? -Im going to

23、 work hard and get good grades.A. subject B.job C.work D. resolution5.The story had _a bus driver.A.to do with B.doing with C.to do at D. do at6. They _(fly) to Japan tomorrow.7. -How are you going to do that? -I _(take) acting lessons.8. I like playing the violin, I want to be a _.He likes science,

24、 he wants to be a _.9. Those are my _(person) things.10. At the _(begin) of this term, they made some study plans.11. The _(foreign) want to _(提高) their Chinese by _(them).12. He kept on _(speak) English with his friends.13. I _ _(从事) farming ten years ago. 14. We should take up some _(爱好), do you _

25、 _(同意) me ?15. This is my _(自己的) book, I am the _(主人) of the book.16. This book is written _(被)Luxun.17. I _(制定) a resolution to get good _(成绩) yesterday.18. _you able to keep your resolutions? 19. He is so young that he cant go to school. = He is _young _go to school. =He is not _ _ to go to school

26、.20. Let them _(做) this thing, I think they can _(做) well.21. Youd better _(做) it quickly. We hear them_(唱歌) in the next room.22. Your father made the workers _(工作) ten hours every day.23. _(来) in, please. 24. I think _(吃) healthier food is good for your _(健康).25. What about _(吃) some noodles, we ca

27、n keep _(健康).Unit 7 新 课 标 第 一 网1. I feel _the bike, and unluckily, he feel _from the bike,too. A.off, down B.in, into C.down, behind D. off, asleep2. He will have a trip to Qingdao if _. A.possible B.impossible C.probably D.I can3. Will people _robots in their homes? A.has B.have C.there be D.be4. W

28、ill there be much pollution in the future? A.Yes,there be B.Yes, there will. C.Yes, it will D.Yes, there is.5.Books will only be _computers, not _paper. A.on, in B.in, on C.on, on D.in, in6. People will _200 years _space stations. A.lives to be, in B.live be,on C.living be,in D.live to be, on7. My m

29、other will come back home _two days. A.after B.before C.for D.in8._more trees in the cities. A. There is going to be B.There will have C.There will has D.There will be9.We will have _free time and _cars. A. fewer, fewer B.more, less C.less, fewer D.fewer, more10.There are much pollution _the earth,

30、we should paly a part in _the earth. A.in, saving B.on, save C.on, saving D.at, to save11.Can you fight in the classroom? A.I hope so B.I think so C.I dont think so D.I dont hope 12. American astronauts _rockets to the moon before some years. A.by B.fly C.ride D.flew13.There may be someone _my umbre

31、lla by mistake. A.taking B.bring C.takes D.to bring14.This _job makes me feel _. A.bored, boring B.boring, boring C.bored, bored D.boring, bored15.These robots are fun _. A.watching B.to watch C.watches D.watched16. Some robotes will look like humans, _might look like snakes. A.others B.another C.th

32、e other D.else17. The roborts can_the people who are under the buildings,and can also_the sick people. A.look after, look at B.look for, take care of C.look out, look into D.look at, look after18. I need some _(纸) to wrte.19. Air _(污染)is serious.20. we should stop _(污染) the _(天空).21. _(地球) travels a

33、round the sun.22. In order to pretect the _(环境), we should _(种植)many trees.23. I will buy _(一套公寓) in the _(将来).24. _(人类) will live _(在太空).25. Some _(危险) animals are in _(危险).26. They have _(已经) built lots of _(工厂).27. He _(信任) in me, so I passed the exam.28. There are three _people on the playground

34、, _of them are students(百).29.He _(掉落) in love with Beijing since he went there.30.He says he _(可能) go to Wuhan.31. I think it is _(不可能).32. _(在期间) the _(假期), I visited my uncle twice.Unit 81. When the teacher met the parents, they _ _(握手).2. When you leave the classroom, you should _ _(关上)the lights.3. Dont _(倒)the dirty into the river.4. You should add _(两勺蜂蜜)to the tea.5. He _(挖)deep_ (洞) to catch animals yesterday. 6. _(三明治) with _(黄油) taste great.7. Thanksgiving is a _(传统的) festival in _


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