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1、新目标英语八上unit 1 单元测试检测卷得 分评卷人I.语 音 知 识(5个小题,每 题1分,计5分。)以下各组单词中,有三个划线局部发音相同,另一个发音不同,请选出并将其字母代号填入相应括号内.()1.A.mayB.saysC.awayD.day()2.A.askedB.washedC.stayedD.stopped()3.A.warmB.gardenC.marketD.party()4.A.JuneB.rulerC.putD.menu()5.A.HkeB.lionC.pizzaD.Friday号学得 分评卷人名姓I I.单 项 选 择(2 5个小题,每 题1分,计2 5分。)从A.B.C

2、.D.四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的答案,并将其字母代号填入相应括号内.()1.We dont go to school weekends.A.at B.on C.in D.for()2.John usually soccer in the afternoon,but now he isbasketball.A.play;play B.play;playing C.is playing;plays D.plays;playing()3.1 often go.A.to skateboard B.skateboarding C.skateboards D.skateboard()4.does y

3、our mother exercise?一She hardly ever exercises.Shedoesnt like sports.A.when B.what sports C.what D.how often()5.does she do on weekends?She watches TV.A.what B.where C.who D.how()6.The old man looks p r e t t y.A.health B.healthy C.healthier D.healthily()7.Do you often exercise,Jack?No,I don9t like

4、sports at all.A.never B.often C.usually D.always()8.The girl goes to the mo v i e s.A.one time a week B.two times a week C.once time a week D.twice a week()9.He wants English this year.A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.learned()10.The results for“Watch TV.A.is interested B.are interesting C.is interes

5、ting D.are interested()1 1.do homework every day.A.the most students B.most the students C.most of the students D.most student()1 2.She is CCTV news with her parents.A.looking B.reading C.watching D.seeing()1 3.He late for school.A.always is B.is always C.never D.never is()1 4.1 hear you eat junk fo

6、od.Do you l i ke?A.them B.they C.it D.its()15.Healthy food is our health.A.good for B.good to C.bad for D.bad to()16.Many children often have milk and bread breakfast.A.as B.of C.for D.like()17.How many hours do they exercise every day?.A.twice a day B.two C.once D.often()18.You can have a p e n,h i

7、 m,he cant have one.A.as of B.as for C.as about D.as in()19.He hardly ever exercises.So he is unhealthy.A.kind of B.a kind of C.kinds of D.all kinds of()20.A lot of vegetables can keep you.A.in good health B.in a good health C.in bad health D.in a bad health()21.1 try a lot of milk every day to keep

8、 healthy.A.drink B.to drink C.drinks D.drank()22.Salinas habits are pretty bad,so she is unhealthy.A.eat B.eats C.eaten D.eating()23.Your mother isnt at home.Can you your self?A.look for B.look like C.look at D.look after()24.Im not very healthy.A.Maybe B.May be C.May D.Can()25.The boy is from his b

9、rother.They have ma n y.A.different,difference B.difference,differentC.differences;different D.different;differences得分评卷人I I I.完形填空。(1 0个小题,每个小题1分,计10分。)阅读以下短文掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最正确选项。Its September 1st,and were all back to school.Ifs good to 1 all myteachers and friends again.They all 2 fine.Were

10、 in Grade Eight this year.We have 3 new subjects.Pm notvery 4 at Chinese,but Han Mei says she can 5 me.I think Ican 6 it better.I like English very much.Zhang Hong likes E n g lis h,7.But she needshelp.I 8 I can help her.Mr Hu is our new English teacher.He 9 know all of us,so he has ournames on a pi

11、ece of paper and 10 our names before he begins his lesson.得 分 评 卷 人()1.A.seeB.watchC.findD.look()2.A.doB.seeC.lookD.sound()3.A.a lotB.someC.lotD.much()4.A.wellB.goodC.badD.nice()5.A.learnB.giveC.helpD.need()6.A.doB.playC.lookD.feel()7.A.eitherB.veryC.muchD.too()8.A.am afraidB.thinkC.am sorryD.want()

12、9.A.doesntB.dontC.doesD.do()10.A.givesB.callsC.asksD.tells得 分评卷人I V.阅读理解。(5个小题,每 题2分,计1 0分。)阅读文章。然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最正确选项Sam lives in New York.His father has a shop there and his mother is a driver.Heis 7 years old now and begins to go to school this autumn.The school is a little farfrom their shop.So

13、his mother drives a car to take him to school every day.And Samis never late for class.All his teachers like him very much.Its Monday today.Miss Green is teaching them to count from one to ten.SoonSam can do it well.Miss Green is very happy.How many people are there in yourfam ily?M iss Green asks.S

14、am stands up and says,Two,Miss Green.”“Who are they?”“My father and mother.“Oh?”Miss Green is surprised.She says,“but I think there are three people in yourfamily,your father,your mother,and you.Please dont forget yourself,Sam.“But Miss Green,Im not at home now,Im at school!”Sam says.1.Sams father w

15、o r k s.A.in a school B.in a factory C.in a shop D.in England2.Now Sam is in Gr a d e.A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four3.Every day Sam goes to s c h o o l.A.by bus B.with his father C.by bike D.in a car4.What day is it today?A.Its Sunday.B.Its Monday.C.Its Childrens Day.D.Its Friday.5.Which of the followin

16、g is NOT true?A.Miss Green is happy because Sam can count from one to ten.B.Sam is at school now.C.Miss Green doesnt know how many people there are in Sams family.D.There are two people in Sams family.得 分评卷人v.词 形 转 换(1 0 个小题,每 题 1分,计 1 0 分。)用所给词的适当形式填空1.Lucy often g o e s(s k a t e).2.There i s(ha r

17、 d)any rain these days,so the weather is very dry.3.He is good at all subjects because he has a good s tu d y in g(h a b it).4.What do children do o n(w e e k e n d)?5.This movie is ver y(interest).6.You should look after y o u r(h e a l th y).7.1(hard)ever see him now.8.Whats t h e(d i f f e r e n

18、t)between the words?9.If you eat too much junk food,you will b e(h e a l t h y)10.Bob watches TV(t wo times)a week.得 分评卷人V I.动词的适当形式填空(1 0 个小题,每 题 1分,计 1 0 分。)1.My cous i n(come)to my house last week.2.How often your b r o th e r(e x e r c is e)?3.He u s u a l ly(s u r f)the Internet.4.My family u s

19、 u a lly(w a tc h)TV after dinner.5.Her friend e n j o y s(d o)morning exercises every day.6.Its e a s y(k e e p )healthy.7.My mom wants me(dr i nk)milk every day.8.She likes junk food,but s h e(t r y)to eat it only once two weeks.9.1 we n t(s h o p)with my mother for my grandparents last weekend.10

20、.Let me help you(open)the window.得 分评卷人VIL 句 子 改 错(5 个小题,每 题 2分,计 1 0 分。)()1._Here is the results of the students activity at No.5 Middle School.A B-c-D()2._The results for“playing tennis are interested.B LF()3.Most primary school students watch TV everyday.A B C D()4.Some boys play basketball once

21、and twice a week.A B C D)5.Sam is very active and does exercises every day.AB C D得 分评卷人V I I I.句型转换(1 0 个小题,每题2分,计 1 0 分。)按要求改写以下各句,每空一词。1.He often goes skateboarding.否认句2.My favorite food is hamburger.划线局部提问3.Most students go to school by bike.同义句4.Sandra goes shopping three times a week.划线局部提问5.Hi

22、s grandparents are very healthy.同义句得分评卷人I X.完成句子(2 0 个空,每空0.5分,计 1 0 分。)根据汉语意思,用英语完成各句空格,一空一词,并将答案写在相应横线上.1 .你爸爸每隔多久打一次网球?_ your father play tennis?2.琳达每月看一次电敲Linda goes to the movies.3.晚上我爷爷几乎不吃碗My grandfather eats noodles in the evening.4.这是育才学校学生活动的调查结果。Here the student activity survey at YuCai m

23、iddle school.多运动有助于我们保持健康。5.Lots of exercise our health.6,至于作业,大局部同学每周做三到四次。homework,students do homework three foura week.参考答案音标:BCADC单项选择:BDBDABADBB CCBCA CBBAABDDAD完型:ACBBCADBAB阅读:CADBC词性转换:skating,hardly,habit,weekends,interestinghealth,hardly,difference,unhealthy,twice动词:came,does exercise,surf

24、s,watch,doingto keep,to drink,tries,shopping,open改错:B are,D interesting,D every dayC or,C does exercise句型:1.He doesnt often go skateboarding.2.Whats your favorite food?3.Most students ride a bike to school.4.How often does Sandra go sopping?5.His grandparents are in good health.翻译:1.How often does2.

25、once a month3.hardly ever4.are the results of5.is good for6.as for,most,or,times新目标英语八上unit 2 单元测试检测卷得 分评卷人I.语 音 知 识(5个小题,每 题 1分,计 5分。)以下各组单词中,有三个划线局部发音相同,另一个发音不同,请选出并将其字母代号填入相应括号内.号学)1.A.name)2.A.speakB.faceB.eachB windowB-starB,changeC.hateC.reallyC.howC.warmC cheapD.manyD.weakD.growD-partyD.teach

26、erA.snowA.cardA.school得 分评卷人I I.单 项 选 择(2 5 个小题,每 题 1分,计 25分。)从 A.B.C.D.四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的答案,并将其字母代号填入相应括号内.()1.Can you give us on how to learn math well?A.some advices B.some advice C.an advice D.one advice名姓级班()2-Wh a t s?一I have a headache.A.trouble B.matter C.wrong D.the wrong()3.where are you goi

27、ng,Tom?一I have a.I want to see a dentist.A.throat B.toothache C.cold D.fever()4.I have a fever.一You drink lots of water.A.are B.should C.dont D.shouldnt()5.Mrs Wang has a toothache.She wants to.A.lay down and rest B.see a dentistC.drink a lot of water D.drink hot tea with honey()6.how is your sister

28、?一She is ver y,thank you.A.young B.good C.nice D.well()7.I hope you will feel better soon.A.thank you B.the same to you C.OK D.welcome()8.1 hope better soon.A.you to feel B.you feel C.that you to feel D.you feeling()9.Whats the matter Sonia?A.at B.with C.to D.by()1 0.Don t.Youll be well soon.A.be st

29、ress out B.stressed out C.be stressed out D.stress()11.The music sounds so.A.beautifully B.well C.good D.finer()12.He eats food,so he is fat.A.much too;too much B.much too;too manyC.too much;much too D.too much;too many()13.Ifs easy me out the problem.A.to;work B.for;work C.to;to work D.for;to work(

30、)14.Mr.Smith has a large house a swimming pool.A.in B.with C.of D.at()15.Running is our health.A.good at B.bad at C.good for D.well in()1 6.You shouldnt eat 24 hours.A.something for B.nothing fbr C.anything fbr D.everything at()17.1 am ver y.1 want to drink some water.A.tired B.hungry C.thirsty D.st

31、ressed out()18.The man often works late at night,sometimes 2 am.A.at B.in C.until D.on()19.If you are too stressed out and angry,maybe you have yang.A.much too B.many too C.too much D.too many()20.I have a lot of headaches.A.I think so B.Thats OK C.really?Thank you D.I am sorry to hear that()21.Dang

32、shen is very good for y o u r.A.eating;healthy B.eat;health C.eat;healthy D.eating;health()22.If you want to be healthier,you must eat junk food,I think.A.more B.less C.fewer D.much()23.She has a bad cold.She a doctor.A.needs to see B.need to see C.needs see D.need seeing()24.important fbr us to spe

33、ak good English.A.Its B.Its C.thats D.we9re()25.The little girl knows only English,but she can sing Englishsongs.A.Little;a few B.few;little C.a little;a few D.a little;few得分评卷人I I I.完形填空。(10个小题,每个小题1 分,计 10分。)阅读以下短文掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最正确选项。Do you know how to keep healthy?First,good(1)habits are

34、very important.Many s t u d e n t s(2)to eatjunk food.Maybe it tastes 尝起来 good,but it s(3)for our health.And manystudents only eat their favorite food.It s bad for our h e a l t h,(4).Its good toeat(5)fruits and vegetables because they can(6)us keep in good health.And we should eat a balanced diet.I

35、t can give us lots of energy 能量 and keep ourb o d y(7).,(8)we should exercise often.A strong and healthy body comes fromenough exercise.We can(9)some time doing our favorite sports every day.Finally,we should have good living h a b i t s,(10),getting up and going tobed on time.()1.A.studyingB.eating

36、C.drinkingD.living()2.A.hopeB.tryC.likeD.dislike()3.A.goodB.badC.wellD.nice()4.A.alsoB.eitherC.tooD.neither()5.A.moreB.lessC.littleD.few()6.A.giveB.tellC.helpD.ask()7.A.goodB.unhealthyC.activeD.beautiful()8.A.FirstB.SecondC.ThirdD.Finally()9.A.likeB.takeC.spendD.cost()10.A.suchB.likesC.as forD.for e

37、xample得 分评卷人IV.阅读理解。(5个小题,每 题2分,计10分。)阅读文章。然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最正确选项Once an old man went to see a doctor.The doctor looked him over carefully andsaid,“Medicine wont help you.You must have a good rest.Go to bed early,drinkmilk,walk a lot and smoke one cigar(雪茄烟)a day.Go to the country place for amonth.Af

38、ter a month the man came to see the doctor again.How are you?said thedoctor.6trm glad to see you again.You look much younger.Oh,doctor,I feelquite well now,said the man.I had a good rest.I went to bed early,drank a lot ofmilk and walked a lot.Your advice certainly helped me,but that you told me to s

39、mokeone cigar a day almost killed(杀死)me first.Ifs no joke to start smoking at my age.1.The doctor told the man.A.to go to bed early B.to drink milkC.to smoke cigars D.Both A and B2.Which of the following sentences is TRU E?A.The old man was younger than before after a monthB.After a month,the man fe

40、lt betterC.The doctor didnt tell him what to doD.The old man felt worse after a month3.The doctors words were for the mans health.A.bad B.good C.terrible D.well4.The doctor wanted the old man.A.to go worse B.to start smokingC.to smoke less than beforeD.to do nothing5.From what the old man said at la

41、st,we knowA.he didnt understand the doctors adviceB.one cigar a day was helpful to himC.smoking made him better than beforeD.he was clever得 分评卷人v.词 形 转 换(1 0 个小题,每 题 1分,计 1 0 分。)用所给词的适当形式填空1.The ma n s(f o o t)are very big.Ifs hard for him to buy shoes.2.Its easy to s t a y(h e a l t h).3.1 had a lo

42、t o f(h e a d a c h e)these days,so I should stay at home.4.Its important to have a(b a l a n c e)diet.5.You shouldnt e a t(s o m e th in g)before you see the doctor.6.Something is wrong with one of m y(t o o t h).7.The boy is doing m a th(e x e r c is e)now.8.Children,don,t talk in class!,the teach

43、er s a i d(a n g r y).9.Jane speaks English well,so she i s(a c t i v i t y)in English class.10.New Years Day is very important in s o m e(w e s t)countries.得 分评卷人V I.动词的适当形式填空(1 0 个小题,每 题 1分,计 1 0 分。)1.1 am n o t(f e e l)well.2.He n e e d s(d o)some conversation practice.3.Nancy e n jo y e d(lis te

44、 n)to music.4.My daughter is ill.Maybe she s h o u ld(ta k e)some medicine.5.Those old people exercise every d a y(s t a y)healthy.6.1 dont think it is e a s y(h a v e )a healthy lifestyle.7.Sometimes my g r a n d f a th e r(g e t)tired.8.E v e ry b o d y(n e e d)to keep healthy.9.1 t r y(n o t eat)

45、too much junk food,although I like it.10.1 dont think my French i s(i m p r o v e.)得 分评卷人VIL 句 子 改 错(5 个小题,每 题 2分,计 1 0 分。)()1.She should goes to bed early.A B C D()2.If you are thirsty,drinking some water.A-B C D()3.U m so tried after running with him.A B C D()4.I like listenning to music very much

46、.A B C D)5.If you dont feel good,you shouldnt go to Lilys party.A B C D得分评卷人V I I I.句型转换(1 0个小题,每题2分,计1 0分。)按要求改写以下各句,每空一词。1.1 have a headache.否认句2.1 have a sore throat.对划线局部提问3.You should stay in bed.否认句4.Jim has a sore back,一般疑问句5.My father stayed in hospital for two months.划线局部提问得分评卷人I X.完成句子(2 0

47、个空,每空0.5分,计1 0分。)根据汉语意思,用英语完成各句空格,一空一词,并将答案写在相应横线上.1.这个孩子的牙齿不好,他经常牙疼。The childs arent good.He often.2.你感冒了,应该躺下来休息。You.You should and.3.我想他应该去看医生.I think he a dentist.4.学生每天必须睡够八小时。necessary for students sleep eight hours every night.5.妈妈说我晚饭应该尝试少吃肉。My mom said I should eat less meat fbr dinner.6.如果

48、你喉咙痛,你应该多喝蜜茶。If you have a sore throat,you should hot tea honey.7.如果你想保持健康,必须进行足够的锻炼。If you want healthy,you should take enough exercise.参考答案音标:DCCCA单项选择:BCBBBDABBCCCDBCCCCCD DBABC完型:BCBBACCBCD阅读:DBBCA词性转换:feet,healthy,headaches,balanced,anythingteeth,exercise,angrily,active,western动词:feeling,to do,

49、listening,take,to stayto have,gets,needs,not to see,improving改错:B go,C drink,A tried,B listening,B well句型转换:1.1 dont have a headache.1.Whats wrong with you?2.You shouldnt stay in bed.3.Does Jim have a sore throat.4.How long did your father stay in hospital?翻译:1.teeth,has a toothache2.have a cold,lie

50、 down,rest3.should see4.Ifs,to5.try to6.drink,with7.to keep、选出划线字母的正确发音。(碘1分,共5分)1.babysitA.iB.i:C.ei2.planA.eiB.C.ai3.fishingA.JB.tjC.34.countrysideA.9B.AC.au5.leaveA.iB.i:C.eij二、选择(每题1分,共25分)()1.-What you?-I am my sister.A.do,do,babysitB.are,doing,babysitC.did,do,babysittingD.are,doing,babysitting


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