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1、人教版新目标八年级英语上册各单元练习题Unit 11.How often does Kate go hiking?_I guess shes OK.About an hour.Once the week.Twice a week.2.There are 50 students in our class. 75% students like going hiking. What does “75%” mean?A. None of the students. B. All the students.C. Most of the students. D.Some of the students.3

2、.They usually do some office work weekdays.A. in B. on C. at D. both B and C4.I have time to have lunch. A. sometimes B. hard C. hardly D. already5._do you go shopping?Every Sunday.A. How soon B. How many timesC. How much D. How often6._do you have a class meeting?Once a week.A. How muchB. How often

3、C. What timeD. How long7.I see her in the supermarket.A. sometimeB. some timeC. sometimesD. some times8._did you watch TV?About two hours.A. How farB. How oftenC. How soonD. How long9.The results “watching TV” are interesting.A. at B. in C. for D. on10.He is a good student. He late for school.A. isn

4、t never B. is often C. is always D. is hardly everMost students exercise three times a week.(就划线部分提问)_ _do most students exercise?12.I sleep nine hours every night.(就划线部分提问)_ _hours do you sleep every night?My favorite program is Animal World.(就划线部分提问)_ _your favorite program?My sister often goes to

5、 a movie on weekends.(就划线部分提问)_ _your sister often on weekends?She sometimes does her homework at school.(就划线部分提问)_ _does she her homework at school?16._ is “Lucky 52” shown on CCTV-2?Every week. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How many times17.How was the weather yesterday?It was terrible.

6、It rained _. People could go out. A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hard C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard18.-_ _do you exercise?Four times a week. A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How many19.My father plays basketball _ (two) a week.20.Jodie often _ (exercise) in the park.21.Maria is _ (act) at schoo

7、l.22.He _ (watch) TV every night.23.How often does your mother exercise?_ (one) a week.24.你周末通常做什么?_25.我通常踢足球。_26.他多久看一次电影?_ 27.他一周看一次。_ 28.你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?_29.我妹妹一周看二至三次电视。_30.至于家庭作业,大部分学生天天做。_31.Children like drinking _ (牛奶).32.What would you like, _ (咖啡)or cola?33.ating a lot of fruits is good for o

8、ur h_.34.There are some _ (不同) between you and me.35.吃得太多有害于我们的健康。(be good for)_36.我将尽力把这份工作干好。(try to do sth.)_37.他也许是一位老师。(maybe)_38.我有许多作业要做。(a lot of/ lots of)_39.虽然他已80岁了,但他还相当健康。(although/ though)_40.My mother told me _ you anything.A. tell notB. not tell C. to not tellD. not to tell41.“Ill tr

9、y mistakes again. ”She said.A. dont makeB. not to makeC. not makeD. to not make42.Would you like to eat?A. something healthyB. anything healthyC. something health D. healthy something43.Doing morning exercises your health.A. is bad to B. is good for C. is bad for D. is good to44._he works very hard,

10、 he fails.A. Because B. Since C. if D. Although45.A lot of vegetables help you _ (keep) in good health.46.My mother wants me _ (drink) some milk every day.47.His _ (eat) habits are pretty good, so hes very healthy.48.You must try _ (eat) less meat.49.Good sleep can help you to study _ (well).50.妈妈想让

11、我天天喝牛奶。My mother wants me _ _ _ every day.51.天天跑步对我们的健康有好处。Running every day is _ _ our health.52.我努力吃大量的蔬菜。I _ _ _ a lot of vegetables.53.我健康的生活方式帮着我取得好成绩。My healthy lifestyle helps me _ _ _.54.我相当健康。Im _ _.55.你多久吃一次垃圾食品?_ _ do you eat _ food?56.You are so busy. What do you want me _ for you? A. do

12、 B. done C. to do D. doing57.Alice was ill, so her mother _ her at home. A. took after B. looked for C. looked after D. took careUnit 258.得(病),患(病) _ (单数第三人称) _59.脚,足_ (复数形式) _60.胃,肚子_ (复数形式) _61.牙齿_ (复数形式) _62.疾病_ (形容词) _63.发烧_ 64.牙痛_ 65.喉咙痛_66.躺下来休息_ 67.have a cold_68.have a headache_ 69.have a so

13、re back_70.hot tea with honey_71._I have a headache. A. Whats the matter, Judy?B. Where are you, Judy? C. Who are you?D. What are you doing, Judy? 72.He _ stay at home and look after his mother yesterday. A. needed toB. musted C. have to D. has to 73.I think walking is _ our health. A. good at B. ba

14、d at C. well in D. good for 74.We should not eat _ junk food. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too75.How is the young man? _ A. He is twelve.B. Hes much better. C. He is a doctor. D. Hes Allan. 76.I _ (have) a fever today.77._ he _(have)a sore back?78.His mother should _ (lie) down and _

15、(rest).79.He shouldnt eat _ (something).80.I hope you feel _ (well) soon.怎么了?_81.我今天感冒了。_82.或许你应该看牙医。_83.我现在感到不舒服。_84.我希望你不久更舒服些。_85.你应该躺下来休息。_86.He has a fever. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ with him?87.Tom should eat something. (变成否定句)Tom _ eat _.88.My headache started two days ago. (就划线部分提问)_ _ your headache _?

16、89.I have a cold. (变成一般疑问句)_ you _ a cold?90.She has a toothache. (变成否定句)She _ _ a toothache.91.Its very cold. There is _ snow on the road.A. much too B. too much C. very much92.Did you _ some medicine? A. take B. eat C. drink93.Are you feeling _ today? A. better B. good C. well94.Whats _ you? A. ma

17、tter with B. matter of C. the matter with95._ you have a sore throat? A. Do B. Are C. Can96.You be quiet when you are in the reading room. (2006年,沈阳)A. shouldB. shouldntC. can D. cant97.Mom, I play computer games?Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. (2006年,北京)A. must B. may C. w

18、ill D. need98.Whats the matter with you? (2005年,天津)I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the99.I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible.(2006年,江苏南通)A. All right. B. Is that so?C. Sorry to hear that. D. Im afraid so.100.I want to drink some water Im very t_.101.Its

19、best to go to bed _ (早早地).102.I _ (相信) I can pass the tests.103.Take some m_, youll be better.104.Its i_ to eat breakfast every day.105.My brother isnt at home at the m_.106.Dont get a_ with your little sister.107.He didnt go to bed u_ he finished his homework.108.早睡觉_109.stressed out_110.的平衡_111.Tr

20、aditional Chinese doctors_112.大多_113.Chinese medicine_114.此刻,此时_115.host family_116.你不应该迟到。You _ _ late.117.他不应该看太多的电视。He shouldnt watch TV _ _.118.晚饭后散步对人有益。_ after dinner_ _ for us.119.拥有健康的生活方式很容易。_ _ to have a healthy lifestyle.120.今年我的压力很大。Im_ _ this year.121.there is (few ,a few,little,a littl

21、e )meat in the fridge. I have to buy some.122.They spent (few ,a few,little,a little )hours doing the work.B C. 123.There are (too much, too many,much too) books on the desk.124.Thats (too much, too many,much too)interesting,125.Its important to eat a _ diet. A. balancedB. balanceC. balancingD. bala

22、nces 126.My mother is busy. She has housework to do. Atoo muchB. too many C. much tooD. many too127.You should not eat _ 24 hours. A. something inB. nothing forC. anything forD. everything at 128.My mother is ill. _ A. Dont worry.B. No hurry.C. Im sorry to hear that. D. OK. 129.I feel stressed out.

23、I have so much work to do every day. Youd better not work too hard. Its good for you to take some _, I think. A. healthB. exercise C. lesson D. work 130.Do you have water? Im _ (thirst).131.He cant sleep (入睡). He gets too _ out. (stress)132._ (tradition)Chinese doctors think its important to keep th

24、e balance of yin and yang. 133.England is a _ country. (west)134He _ tired after a long walk yesterday. (get)135.Its _ learn English well. (importance)136.我们需要一个阴阳平衡。We need _ _ _ yin and yang.137.或许你体内的“阴”太多。_ You have _ _ yin.138.吃党参和黄苓对这种情况有好处。_ Dangshen and Huangqi is _ _ this.139.饮食平衡很重要。_ _ to

25、 eat a balanced diet.140.我认为我的普通话没有提高。I _ think my Putonghua _ _.141.听到你不舒服我很难过。Im _ _ _ that youre not feeling well.142.This kind of cake looks and smells .A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well143.I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because something is wrong with his .A. eyes B.

26、 legs C. mouth D. ears144.Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more foods tofu.A. for B. like C. as D. and145.You shouldnt drink water before sleep.A. too much B. much too C. too many D. too lessimportant to exercise every day.A. Its B. Thats C. Theyre D. This is146.There is nothing for dinn

27、er, so I have to buy things at the 147.supermarket.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little148Who is the girl standing over there?Well, if you know, her name is Joe. A. must B. may C. can D. shall149.He the radio every morning. A. listens to B. listens C. hears D. hears of150.The now is that we have lo

28、ts of to ask. A. question; problem B. question; problemsC. problem; questions D. problem; question151.He speaks very good English but he knows English people. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little152.Mrs Jenny gave us on how to learn English well. A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an

29、 advice153.Why dont you go to the shop on foot?It takes me time. A. much too B. too much C. very much D. too many154.They are (plan) to go to Hong Kong for vacation.155.Shes (leave) for Hong Kong on Tuesday.156.I want (ask) you about places to visit in China.157.A doctor can (give) you medicine.158.

30、Thanks for (look) after my dogs these days.159.Grandpa is pretty healthy because he (exercise) every day.160.Good food and exercise help me (study) better.161.She often (go) to the movies.162.I (ask) him a question and he answered me.163.I watch TV once or (two) a week.164.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处.165.Doing ey

31、e exercises your eyes.166.要拥有一个健康的生活方式很容易。 is easy have a healthy lifestyle.167.我喜欢喝加了蜂蜜的热茶。I like hot tea honey.168.你们什么时候去那里?When you there?169.去年暑假他在美国度假的。He took a vacation America last summer.Unit3170.babysit(现在分词) 172.go (过去式) 173.do(第三人称单数) 174.illness(形容词) 175.unhealthy(反义词) 176.tooth(复数) 17

32、7.take(现在分词) 178.boy(复数) 179.should not(缩写形式) 180.happy(反义词) 181.发送;寄 _ (过去式) _182.去野外露营_ 183回来_ 184.在家里_ 185.远足_ 186.玩得开心_ 187.How long_188.babysit her sister_189.on the 12th_190.go away_191.send me a postcard_192.你将去哪里度假?( for vacation)_193.那里的天气怎么样?(how )_194.谁将和你一起去(go with)_195.你将呆多久?(how long)

33、_196.他将周六钓鱼。(go fishing)_197.Susans _ after supper. A. takes walksB. take a walkC. takeing walks D. taking walks 198.How about _?A. to go bike riding B. going bike to ride 199. Im sorry I forgot _ the letter for you! 200.It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.A. to post B. postingC. post D. posted201.She looks _ because she has a _ vacation.A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing, relaxed202.Hes _ (plan) his vacation to Qing dao this summe


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