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《【自考英语】2022年5月北京市沙河地区(镇)英语(一)模拟题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【自考英语】2022年5月北京市沙河地区(镇)英语(一)模拟题(解析版).docx(52页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、备注:本套试卷附有答案解析,答案解析字体为白色,预览无法观看,如需观看试题的答案解析,请下载试卷CTRL+A选中全部文字,然后将答案字体调整为黑色即可。【自考英语】2022年5月北京市沙河地区(镇)英语(一)模拟题(解析版)第1题【单项选择题】【填句补文】The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils. But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. Theres nothing less like

2、ly to relax a person than the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. Take a while just to chat, judging what sort of person youre dealing with, getting him or her to trust you.A、 This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.B、Come back another day; it will go better.C、 The rest is instinct, which

3、 can all be learned with experience.D、Both of you need time to get to know each other.【正确答案】D第2题【单项选择题】【填句补文】Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year.More than half are give to farm animals to prevent disease and promote growth.AThe warning comes from a res

4、earcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farmslurry.【填句补文】The black robin (旅鸦)is one of the worlds rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there; in 1977 th

5、ere were fewer than ten.A、These are the only black robins left in the world.8、 Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.C、Both represent orders in the classification of life.D Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.【正确答案】A第19题【单项选择题】【填句补文】He has

6、 also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which are common in soil or water.A、There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drew it up in 1871.B、 And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C、 Railsback

7、 has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.D、Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【正确答案】B第20题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 More and more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of divorce or the death of a partner. According to a recent U.S. census (人口普查),25

8、 percent of all households in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B、He says, Z1 like being by myself.”C However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D、 Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【

9、正确答案】C第21题【单项选择题】【填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please. The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chance more and more Americans are taking.A、 Its now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone.B、The numbe

10、r one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doing what they want when they want to do it.C、 Living alone is a luxury.D、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.【正确答案】D第22题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】The structure of a family takes different forms aroun

11、d the world and even in the same society. The familys form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences. Until recently, the most common form in North America was the nuclear family, consisting of a married couple with their minor children. The nuclear family is an independent uni

12、t. It must be prepared to fend for itself. Individual family members strongly depend on one another. There is little help from outside the family in emergencies. Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so. In North America, the elderly often do

13、 not live with the family; they live in retirement communities and nursing homes. The information in the first paragraph is presented mainly throughA、listing statisticsB、telling a storyC、pointing out similaritiesD、 pointing out differences【正确答案】C第23题【单项选择题】【填句补文】The weather of the Caribbean Sea is a

14、lmost always warm and sunny. Sandy beaches line the coasts of many islands. Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.A、They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.B、The Caribbean Islands are known by several names.C、Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers (小片)of exposed coral.D、This

15、is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.【正确答案】D第24题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】My teacher once said to me, “If you dont quit, you will win”. I have nodesire to quit writing as Im having too much fun. My thanks go to AssociatedContent and the Yahoo! Contributor Network for all my progress in writing

16、! And tomy fellow writers thank you so much for your support and friendship. May we continue to support each other for many years to comeIWe can learn from the passage that.A、the author thinks writing on the Net is very easyB、the author has his first book published on the NetC、two years has passed s

17、ince the author began writingD、the author is grateful for the content sites sincerely【正确答案】D第25题【单项选择题】2005.4 Other people stop at each new word and look it in the dictionary.A、upB、downC、 backD、 over【正确答案】A第26题【单项选择题】【阅读判断】When Nick Holonyak set out to create a new kind of visible lighting using sem

18、iconductor alloys, his colleagues thought he was unrealistic. Today, his discovery of light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are used in everything from DVDs to alarm clocks to airports.Q: Holonyaks colleagues thought he would fail in his research on LEDs at the time when he started it.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not G

19、iven【正确答案】A第27题【单项选择题】2005.4 It was long supposed that the main difference between animals and plants was that the former could move about while the could not.A otherB、latterC、 anotherD、later【正确答案】B第28题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost 50 and I felt very

20、upset. I left the money in my room/ I said, and its not there now. The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing money these days. he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his de

21、sk. It contained 50. I found this outside this gentlemans room. she said. Well/1 I said to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!What did the writer believe had happened to his money?A、He had left his money in the managers office.B、 Someone had stolen his money.C、The manager had the

22、 money.D、The girl had stolen the money.【正确答案】B第29题【单项选择题】【填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which are common in soil or water.A、There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drew it up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symb

23、ol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C、 Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.D、 Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【正确答案】B第30题【单项选择题】【填句补文】Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers deci

24、ded to hide a huge lump (堆) of gold to protect it from robbers.A、A poor old farmer decided to plow the field.B、When you are always ready to share your own things with others, you are doomed to benefit from it.C、 And I will receive the honor with the fourth by giving it to the needy.D、So he buried it

25、 in a nearby rice field.【正确答案】D第31题【单项选择题】【填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please. The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chance more and more Americans are taking.A Its now socially acceptable, even fashionable, t

26、o live alone.B、The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doing what they want when they want to do it.C、 Living alone is a luxury.D、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.【正确答案】D第32题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Parents and kids today dress

27、alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter; Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was

28、 a teenager.l would never have said to my mom, Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it?, says Ballmer. There was just a complete gap in taste.Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and childrenoft

29、en appeared to move in separate orbits.The word gulf most probably meansA、interestB、distanceC、 hopeD、separation【正确答案】D第33题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Redemption (拯救)is a practical necessity. How can value be restored to young lives distorted (扭曲) by acts of violence? The boys in Jonesboro and in Chicago will be co

30、nfined in institutions for a relatively short time. Despite horror at what was done, children cannot bedealt with as adults, notif a people wants to consider itself civilized. Thats why politicians1 cries for adult treatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.According to politicians, w

31、hen children commit crimes, they should be treated in the same way asA、murderers. B criminals. C、victims. D、 adults.【正确答案】D第34题【单项选择题】【填句补文】The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils. But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. Theres nothi

32、ng less likely to relax a person than the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. Take a while just to chat, judging what sort of person youre dealing with, getting him or her to trust you.A、 This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.B、Come back another day; it will go better.C、 The rest is ins

33、tinct, which can all be learned with experience.D、 Both of you need time to get to know each other.【正确答案】D第35题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Young musicians in African countries are creating a new kind of pop music. The tunes and the rhythms of their music combine African traditions with various forms of music popula

34、r today, such as hip-hop, rap, rock, jazz, or reggae. The result is music that may sound familiar to listeners anywhere in the world, but at the same time is distinctly African. It is different also in another way Many of the songs are very serious and they deal with important social or political is

35、sues in Africa today. This passage is about how African pop music is.A、usually about love and romanceB、more serious than most pop musicC、popular with young people in AfricaD mostly written just for entertainment【正确答案】B第36题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】After notifying the nurse of the situation we exchanged cell phon

36、e numbers in case Ed showed up. Once arriving in the parking lot of the restaurant Helen received a call from the nurse, who had found Ed sitting on a bench in front of the hospital a few buildings down waiting for her. What a relief! Ed was found at last.A、in front of the hospitalB、in the local res

37、taurantC、in the parking lot of the restaurantD、on a bench near the restaurant【正确答案】A第37题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost 50and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room/ I said, and its not there now.The manager was sympathetic, but he could do noth

38、ing. Everyone/s losing moneyB、The drugs could be getting into our food and water.C、 Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged.D But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyard drugs and the appearance of antibiotic -resistant bugs that infect peop

39、le.【正确答案】D第3题【单项选择题】概括大意I love sunny days because they are ideal for outings. I remember the sunny weekend when two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace. Under the blue sky, the trees are bathed in golden light. On rainy days, I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on the wi

40、ndowpanes. I watch the rain washing the trees and grass clean, knowing they will glitter when it clears up and hoping a rainbow will follow. In winter, a heavy snowfall offers a different type of pleasure. Cold as it often is, I always go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow while thro

41、wing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow students.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、A person should learn to be happy in all weathers.B、Ones mood should not be affected by bad weather.C、 People usually prefer fine weather to severe weather.D、I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy w

42、eather.【正确答案】D第4题【单项选择题】【填句补文】The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils.But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. Theres nothing less likely to relax a these days. he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupt

43、ed by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained 50. I found this outside this gentlemans room. she said. Well/1 I said to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!What did the writer believe had happened to his money?A He had left his money in th

44、e managers office.B、 Someone had stolen his money.C、The manager had the money.D、The girl had stolen the money.【正确答案】B第38题【单项选择题】【填句补文】As part of their study, the researchers used a special machine to take action photos of the students brains. This is the same part of the brain that becomes active wh

45、en good readers read. This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognize familiar written words quickly.A、 Do you have difficulty reading in class?B、 The pictures showed an increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.C As part of the study, 37 str

46、uggling readers received special tutoring.D、 By the end of the school year, these children could read faster than before.【正确答案】B第39题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 We all have our own comfort foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moods and gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat thing

47、s like pizza, while sad people prefer ice cream and cookies.Researchers also found that guys seem to prefer hot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learne

48、d.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D、 But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【正确答案】A第40题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】He is a resolute man. Once he makes up his mind to do something, hewont give it up halfway.The word “resolute meansA、strongB、firmC、kindD、clever【正确答案】B第41题【单项选择题】【概括大意】A good rule of thumb (好的做法)is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces (盎司)of water per day that yo


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