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《PEP小学英语四年级-上册第四单元教学教案6.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP小学英语四年级-上册第四单元教学教案6.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、|姓名:梁志仿 单位:山亭区凫城乡付庄小学 联系方式:13686323253邮箱:课题:Unit4 My Home课型:词汇书写 新授课教授课时间 2012 年 11 月 29 日,星期四 第三节课PEP 小学英语四年级上册教案Unit4 My HomeLesson 6(读写课)一、教学目标:根据教学内容以及教材的基本特点,将教学目标确定为:1.知识与技能目标:能够听、说、读、写本课时主要单词:window, desk, chair, door, bed 根据提示,能看图连线、填词。能运用句型“What can you see in my room? Its a nice room. I li

2、ke it”简单描述自己的房间。2.过程方法目标:通过让学生看图说话,对所学知识复习巩固,进一步加深学生的印象。通过展示图片的方式来教授词汇,更直观、形象。通过根据提示观察图片在横线上写出所缺单词,这是对课堂所学知识加深巩固,复习了这一节课所学的五个单词,同时这一环节着重培养了学生观察和书写能力。最后通过介绍自己的家或自己房间是对学生综合利用语言能力检验。3.情感态度与学习策略: 关注学生情感,保持学生学习英语的兴趣,进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯。二、教学内容本课主要包括 B 部分的 Read and write 和 Write and say,这节课主要是让学生听、说、读、写本课时四个单词,

3、着重培养学生写的能力。三、学情分析:小学四年级学生,通过前一段时间和本册第一单元的英语学习,他们已经学习了 window, desk, chair, door, bed 这五个词汇,学生能够听说认读这些单词,但对部分学生来说,能做到正确工整书写,还存在一定困难,本节课是对这些词汇书写的进一步学习,因而我注重以学生为主体,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与,注重培养学生写的能力。四、教学重、难点分析1本课时的教学重点是要求学生对 window, desk, chair, door, bed 这五个词汇在四线三格中做到正确拼写。2本课时的教学难点是要求学生注意单词 window ,chair 的

4、正确发音以及字母 w i r d k 的书写。五、教学准备: 教材内容相关的教学课件、录音机、磁带、图片等媒体素材。1 与 home, room, school, classroom 相关的图片2 写有以上四个单词的单词卡3 教材相配套的教学录音机、录音带|六、教学方法:任务性教学法、情景教学法、合作学习、活动教学法七、教学过程:(一)Warm-up / RevisionShow above pictures ,Let students look at pictures carefully and play roles to practice dialogue with partners ,F

5、urther to consolidation and revisions purpose.For example:A:Are they?B:Yes, they are./No, they arentA:Where are?B:They are in/on/under(设计意图:它给学生复习巩固了上节课所学主要句型,又为本节课新知识的学习奠定了良好基础。) (二)Presentation1. The teacher plays a picture by the multimedia, and then points to this picture.T: Look at this picture

6、!This is my room ,what can you see in this room?Ss: I can see.(设计意图:让学生简单了解一下即将要谈论的物体用英语如何表达.)看图说话看图说话My room|2.教学:bed1) The teacher shows the following picture. T: Whats this? Ss: This is 床 or bed.T:Do you know how to express it in English?找个别学生试着说引导学生说:This is the bed2)The teacher teaches students

7、 read this word“bed”. 学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Can you spell this word? Ss: b-e-d3) The teacher draws four lines three cells and teaches students write“ bed” on the blackboard.4) The students write it ten times on the exercises book. (教师在教室巡回看,对书写格式不正确的及时纠正)3.教学:desk1) The teacher shows the followi

8、ng picture.T: Whats this? Ss: This is 桌子 or desk.T:Do you know how to express it in English? 找个别学生试着说引导学生说:This is the desk2)The teacher points to one students desk and teaches students read this word“desk”. 学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Can you spell this word? Ss: d-e-s-k3) The teacher draws four line

9、s three cells and teaches students write desk on the blackboard.|4) The students write it ten times on the exercises book. (教师在教室巡回看,对书写格式不正确的及时纠正)4.教学:chair1) The teacher shows the following picture.T: Whats this? Ss: This is 椅子 or chairT:Do you know how to express it in English? 找个别学生试着说引导学生说:This

10、 is the chair2)The teacher points to one students chair and teaches students read this word“chair”. 学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Can you spell this word? Ss: c-h-a-i-r3) The teacher draws four lines three cells and teaches students write desk on the blackboard.4) The students write it ten times on the

11、exercises book. (教师在教室巡回看,对书写格式不正确的及时纠正)5.教学:door1) The teacher shows the following picture.T: Whats this? Ss: This is 门 or doorT:Do you know how to express it in English? | 找个别学生试着说引导学生说:This is the door 2)The teacher points to door of classroom and teaches students read this word“door”. 学生跟读找个别同学读

12、(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Can you spell this word? Ss: d-o-o-r3) The teacher draws four lines three cells and teaches students write desk on the blackboard.4) The students write it ten times on the exercises book. (教师在教室巡回看,对书写格式不正确的及时纠正)6.教学:window1) The teacher shows the following picture.T: Whats this? Ss:

13、 This is 窗户 or windowT:Do you know how to express it in English?找个别学生试着说引导学生说:This is the window2)The teacher points to window of classroom and teaches students read this word“window”. 学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Can you spell this word? Ss: w-i-n-d-o-w3) The teacher draws four lines three cells and t

14、eaches students write window on the blackboard.4) The students write it ten times on the exercises book. (教师在教室巡回看,对书写格式不正确的及时纠正) (设计意图:通过展示图片的方式来教授单词,更直观、形象,进一步加深学生的印象)7The teacher shows five word cards, and let the students read words aloud, Further to consolidation and revisions purpose.8 Let stu

15、dents listen to the tape of Read and write and imitate its pronunciation and intonation.9. Show the following pictures and let the students answer by using the words that have learned just now. Further to consolidation and revisions purpose. |T: Whats this? Ss: This is the window.找个别同学回答并拼写和同桌一问一答(教

16、师在教室巡回指导,对发音不正确及时纠正)(设计意图:通过看图说单词,起到了复习巩固目的。)(三)Add-activitiesWindow chairdesk, chair door,1.Let students look at following pictures and match right words.先是自己自主完成和同桌对答案如有疑问小组讨论(设计意图:通过看图连单词,为顺利完成下一部分 Write and say 做了铺垫。)1. The teacher shows above picture.根据提示,看图写单词根据提示,看图写单词看大写,写小写看大写,写小写看看 图图 说说 单

17、单 词词连连一一连连| let the students look at the picture and write missing words on the line, Then check answers with partners, this activity is linked to “Write and say” closely2.Ask students describe your own home or room to your partner by using follow sentence patterns:Welcome toThis is myI like myLook!

18、 Myis big. Its a nice room. I like it.给学生五分钟准备小组互相介绍选小组代表到前面展示(表现出色的给予表扬)(设计意图:这是对课堂所学知识的延伸,将所学的语言运用到真实的情景中)(四)Summary and homework1. Summary 让学生主动说出这一堂课学到了什么有哪些收获。归纳总结简单明了,让学生自主发挥,自我求知,促进学生思维的活泼和才能的发挥,使得记忆更加深刻,知识更加牢固。2. Homework做本单元 B 部分的 Read and write 活动手册配套练习。在四线三格中,正确书写 window, desk, chair, doo

19、r, bed 并把这些单词读给小组长听。(设计意图:加深巩固课堂所学知识)(五)Blackboard-DesignUnit4 My HomeLesson 6Words: Summary and Homework:window, desk, chair, door, bed 八、教学反思:本节课主要注重基础,重点培养孩子书写能力,养成良好的书写习惯,要求学生听、说、读、写 window, desk, chair, door, bed 这五个词汇,并在四线三格中做到正确拼写。我认为,本节课主要有以下特点:一、教学设计结构紧凑,过渡自然,层层递进,环环相扣。说一说你的家或你的房间说一说你的家或你的房

20、间 |在本节课的教学中,首先让学生看图说话,对上节课所学知识“Where are?Are they?Yes, they are./No, they arent”进行复习巩固,进一步加深学生的印象;在新课呈现中,首先通过展示老师的房间,让学生初步进行整体感知本节课要学主要内容,然后通过图片方式,既形象又直观然后引导他们大胆去说,接着在老师示范后进行书写,从而引领学生自然而然的投入到本节课的学习中;最后通过看图说单词、连单词、写单词对本节课所学知识window, desk, chair, door, bed 这五个词汇进行复习巩固。二、大胆放手,把时间还给孩子,让他们看图自己主动去说、去写。本节课

21、是一堂读写课,重点培养孩子读、写能力,所以在课堂上,首先通过展示图片,几乎让班上的每一位孩子都有机会去说,最后在老师书写示范后,自己在练习本上进行模仿、拼写。三、本节课多采用直观性的教具,来丰富孩子的感性认识。在本节课,主要通过展示图片、利用实物方式来引导孩子们学习,例如:在教授 window, desk, chair, door, bed 这五个词汇时,首先展示图片让孩子自己去说然后纠正,紧接着老师再充分利用教室的窗户、门和学生的桌子、椅子去复习巩固,既直观又形象加深学生的理解。不足之处:在进行到最后一个教学环节时,介绍自己的家或自己房间时,少数学生不太积极,参与较少,没有达到预想效果.总之,只要我们一切以孩子为中心,课前用心去设计、精心准备,课下不断反思、总结,一定会把我们的课堂变成孩子喜欢的英语课堂。


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