【英文读物】Wait and Hope A Plucky Boy's Luck.docx

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1、【英文读物】Wait and Hope A Plucky Boys LuckChapter I Ben and His Aunt Five oclock sounded from the church clock, and straightway the streets of Milltown were filled with men, women, and children issuing from the great brick factories huddled together at one end of the town. Among these, two boys waked in

2、 company, James Watson and Ben Bradford. They were very nearly of an age, James having just passed his fifteenth birthday, and Ben having nearly attained it. Both boys looked sober. Why, will appear from their conversation. Its rather hard to get out of a job just now, said James. Why couldnt the su

3、perintendent discharge somebody else? I suppose its all right, said Ben. We were taken on last, and we havent as much claim to remain as those that have been in the mill longer. I dont believe there was any need of discharging anybody, complained James. You know business is very dull, said Ben, who

4、was more considerate, and I hear they have been losing money. Oh, well, they can stand it, said James. So can you, said Ben. Your father is pretty well off, and you wont suffer. Oh, I shall have enough to eat, and so on; but I shant have any spending money, and I cant get a new suit, as I expected t

5、o this fall. I wish that was all I had to fear, said Ben; but you know how it is with me. I dont see how Aunt Jane is going to get along without my earnings. Oh, youll get along somehow, said James carelessly, for he did not care enough about other peoples prospects to discuss them. Yes, I guess so,

6、 said Ben, more cheerfully. Theres no use in worrying. Wait and Hopethats my motto. You have to wait a thundering long time sometimes, said James. Well, good night. Come round and see me to-morrow. Youll have plenty of time. I dont know about that. I must look up something to do. I shant. I am going

7、 to wait till the superintendent takes me on again. Theres one comfort. I can lie abed as long as I want to. I wont be tied to the factory bell. The house which James entered was a good-sized two-story house, with an ample yard, and a garden behind it. His father kept a dry-goods store in Milltown,

8、and was generally considered well-to-do. James entered the mill, not because he was obliged to, but because he wanted to have a supply of money in his pocket. His father allowed him to retain all of his wages, requiring him only to purchase his own clothes. As he was paid five dollars a week, James

9、was able to clothe himself with half his income, and reserve the rest for spending-money. He was very fond of amusements, and there was no circus, concert, or other entertainment in Milltown which he did not patronize. Ben kept on his way, till he reached the small house where his aunt lived, and wh

10、ich had been his own home ever since his parents died, when he was but five years of age. Two years before, Mr. Reuben Bradford, his uncle, died, and since then the family had been supported chiefly by Bens wages in the mill. His aunt got some sewing to do, but her earnings were comparatively small.

11、 There was one thing Ben dreaded, and that was, to tell his aunt about his loss of employment. He knew how she would take it. She was apt to be despondent, and this news would undoubtedly depress her. As for Ben, he was of a sanguine, cheerful temperament, and always ready to look at the bright side

12、, if there was any bright side at all. His little cousin Tony, seven years old, ran out to meet him. What makes you late, Ben? he asked. I am not so very late, Tony, answered Ben, taking the little fellows hand. Yes you are; its half-past five oclock, and suppers been ready quarter of an hour. I see

13、 how it is, Tony. You are hungry, and that has made you tired of waiting. No, I am not, but I wanted you to come home. Its always pleasanter when you are at home. I am glad you like my company. Good evening, Aunt Jane. Good evening, Ben. Sit right down at the table. Wait till Ive washed my hands, au

14、nt. I came home by Mr. Watsons, and that made me a little longer. Have you heard any news? Ben asked this, thinking it possible that his aunt had already heard of the discharge of some of the factory hands; but her answer satisfied him that she had not. Butters a cent higher a pound, said Mrs. Bradf

15、ord. I declare, things seem to be going up all the time. Thirsty-five cents a pound! It really seems sinful to ask such a price. I wish that wasnt the worst of it, thought Ben. Im afraid even at twenty-five cents it will be hard for us to pay for butter, if I dont get something to do soon. I guess I

16、 wont tell Aunt Jane till after supper, Ben decided. After a good cup of tea, perhaps it wont make her feel so low-spirited. So he ate his supper, chatting merrily with his little cousin all the time, just as if he had nothing on his mind. Even his aunt smiled from time to time at his nonsense, catc

17、hing the contagion of his cheerfulness. I wish youd split a little wood for me, Ben, said Mrs. Bradford, as our hero rose from the supper table. Ive had some ironing to do this afternoon, and that always takes off the fuel faster. All right, Aunt Jane, said Ben. I guess Ill wait till Ive finished th

18、e wood before telling her, thought Ben. It wont be any worse than now. Tony went into the woodshed, to keep him company, and his aunt prepared to clear away the supper dishes. She had scarcely commenced upon this when a knock was heard at the door. The visitor proved to be old Mrs. Perkins, a great-

19、aunt of James Watson, who was an inveterate gossip. Her great delight was to carry news from one house to another. How do you do, Mrs. Bradford? she began. I was just passin by, and thought Id come in a minute. I am very glad to see you, Mrs. Perkins. Wont you have a cup of tea? No thank you. The fa

20、ct is, Ive just took tea at my nephew Watsons. There I heard the news, and I couldnt help comin right round and sympathizin with you. Sympathizing with me! What for? asked Mrs. Bradford, amazed. On general principles, she felt that she stood in need of sympathy, but her visitors tone seemed to hint

21、at something in particular. It aint possible you havent heard the news? ejaculated Mrs. Perkins, feeling that she was indeed in luck, to have it in her power to communicate such important intelligence to one who had not heard of it. I hope it isnt anything about Ben, said Mrs. Bradford alarmed. Yes,

22、 I may say it is something about Benjamin, answered Mrs. Perkins, nodding in a tantalizing manner. He hasnt got into any scrape, has he? He hasnt done anything wrong, has he? asked Aunt Jane startled. No, poor child! sighed the old lady. Thats the wust ont. It aint what he has done; its because he w

23、ont have anything to do. For mercys sakes, tell me what you mean, Mrs. Perkins. Hasnt Benjamin told you that hes lost his place at the factory? Is this true, Mrs. Perkins? asked Mrs. Bradford, turning pale. Yes, business is dull and fifty men and boys have been turned off. James Watson and your Benj

24、amin are among them. Ben never told me anything about it, faltered Mrs. Bradford. Heaven only knows what we shall do. Oh, I guess youll get along someway, said Mrs. Perkins, complacently. She was not herself affected, having sufficient property to live upon. Well, I must be going, said the old lady,

25、 anxious to reach the next neighbor, and report how poor Mrs. Bradford took it. Dont you be too much worried. The Lord will provide. I am afraid we shall all starve, thought Mrs. Bradford mournfully. She opened the shed door, and said: Ben, is it true that youve lost your place at the mill? Yes, aun

26、t, answered Ben. Who told you? Old Mrs. Perkins. Why didnt you tell me before? Theres no hurry about bad news, aunt. I am afraid well all have to go to the poorhouse, said Aunt Jane, sighing. Perhaps we may, but well see what else we can do first. Wait and Hope, auntthats my motto. Mrs. Bradford sho

27、ok her heard mournfully. I dont mind it so much for myself, she said; but I cant help thinking of you and Tony. Tony and I are coming out all right. Theres lots of ways of making money, aunt. Just do as I doWait and Hope. Chapter II Three Situations Before going further it may be as well to explain

28、exactly how the Bradfords were situated. To begin with, they had no rent to pay. The small house in which they lived belonged to an old bachelor uncle of Mrs. Bradford, living in Montreal, and all they were required to do was to pay the taxes, which amounted to very little, not more than twelve doll

29、ars a year. Ben had earned at the factory five dollars a week, and his aunt averaged two. To some readers it may seem remarkable that three persons could live and clothe themselves on seven dollars a week; but Mrs. Bradford was a good manager, and had not found the problem a difficult one. Now, howe

30、ver, the question promised to become more difficult. If Ben found nothing to do, the family would be reduced to two dollars a week, and to live comfortably on that small sum might well appal the most skilful financier. Ben woke up early, and immediately began to consider the situation. His motto was

31、 Wait and Hope; but he knew very well that he must work while he was waiting and hoping, otherwise he would differ very little from the hopeful Micawber, who was always waiting for something to turn up. Aunt Jane, he said, after a frugal breakfast, over which Mrs. Bradford presided with an uncommonl

32、y long face, how much money have you got on hand? I want to know just how we stand. Mrs. Bradford opened her pocketbook with a sigh, and produced two one-dollar bills and thirty-seven cents in change. Theres only that between us and starvation, she said mournfully. Well, thats something, said Ben ch

33、eerfully. Isnt it, Tony? Its a lot of money, said the inexperienced Tony. I never had so much in all my life. There, somebody thinks you are rich, Aunt Jane, laughed Ben. What should the poor child know of household expenses? said Mrs. Bradford. To be sure. Only we may get some money before that is

34、used up. They owe me at the factory for half a weektwo dollars and a half. I shall get it Saturday night. We wont starve for a week, you see. Where are you going, Ben? asked Tony; wont you stay and play with me? I cant, Tony. I must go out, and see if I can find something to do. Milltown was somethi

35、ng more than a village. In fact, it had been incorporated two years before as a city, having the requisite number of inhabitants. The main street was quite city-like, being lined with stores. I wonder if I cant get a change in a store, thought Ben. So he made his way to the principal street, and ent

36、ered the first store he came toa large dry-goods store. Entering, he addressed himself to a small, thin man, with an aquiline nose, who seemed to have a keen scent for money. What can I do for you, young man? he asked, taking Ben for a customer. Can you give me a place in your store? asked Ben. The

37、small mans expression changed instantly. What do you know of the dry-goods trade? he inquired. Nothing at present, but I could learn, answered our hero. Then, Ill make you an offer. Ben brightened up. If you come into the store for nothing the first year, Ill give you two dollars a week the second.

38、Do you take me for a man of property? asked Ben, disgusted. The small man replied with a shrill, creaking laugh, sounding like the grating of a rusty hinge. Isnt that fair? he asked. You didnt expect to come in as partner first thing, did you? No, but I cant work for nothing. Thenlemme seeIll give y

39、ou fifty cents a week for the first year, and you can take it out in goods. No, thank you, answered Ben. I couldnt afford it. As he went out of the store, he heard another grating laugh, and the remark: Thats the way to bluff em off. I offered him a place, and he wouldnt take it. Ben was at first in

40、dignant, but then his sense of humor got the better of his anger, and he said to himself: Well, Ive been offered a position, anyway, and thats something. Perhaps I shall have better luck at the next place. The next place happened to be a druggists. The druggist, a tall man, with scanty black locks,

41、was compounding some pills behind the counter. Ben was not bashful, and he advanced at once, and announced his business. Dont you want a boy? he asked. The druggist smiled. Ive got three at home, he answered. I really dont think I should like to adopt another. Im not in the market for adoption, said

42、 Ben, smiling. I want to get into some store to learn the business. Have you any particular fancy for the druggists business? asked the apothecary. No, sir, I cant say that I have. I never took much, but enough to know that I dont like it. Then I am afraid you wouldnt do for experiment clerk. Whats

43、that? Oh, it his duty to try all the medicines, to make sure there are no wrong ingredients in thempoison, for instance. I am afraid I shouldnt like that, said Ben. You dont know till youve tried. Heres a pill now. Suppose you take that, and tell me how you like it. The druggist extended to Ben a na

44、useous-looking pill, nearly as large as a bullet. He had made it extra large, for Bens special case. No, I thank you, said Ben, with a contortion of the face; I know I wouldnt do for experiment clerk. Dont you need any other clerk? Couldnt I learn to mix medicines? Well, you see, there would be dang

45、er at firstto the customers, I mean. You might poison somebody, and then I would be liable for damages. If you will get somebody to sign a bond, forfeiting ten thousand dollars in any such case, I might consider your application. I dont think I could find any such person, said Ben. Then I am afraid

46、I cant employ you. You are quite sure you dont want to be experiment clerk? And swallow your medicines? I guess not. Good morning. Good morning. If you want any pills, you will know where to come. I would rather go where they make em smaller, said Ben. Ben and the druggist both laughed, and the form

47、er left the shop. Thats the second situation I have been offered today, soliloquized our hero. They were not very desirable, either one of them, to be sure, but it shows theres an opening for me somewhere. The next was a cigar store. I might as well go in, thought Ben. A little hump-backed man was behind the counter.


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