《中考英语总复习》江苏省南通市2020年中考英语一模模拟卷 (电子档含答案).docx

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1、江苏省南通市2020年中考英语一模模拟卷满分120分,考试时间为120分钟一、单项填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Can you remember when Mrs. Li left the town? Sorry, I cant. I only remember it was _ Sunday. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Tian Yu, known _ a great designer in China, designed the mascots( 吉祥物) of 2019 Beijing World Expo. A. as B. of C. w

2、ith D. for3. What do you think of your English teacher? I like him very much. He is _ kind _ hard-working. A. either, or B. neither ,nor C. not, or D. not only, but also4. The weather in London is different from _ in Beijing. A. that B. one C. it D. those5. You know West Lake is not far from Leifeng

3、 Tower in Hangzhou, so you can easily visit _ in a day.Fantastic! I cant wait for it. A. none B. both C. all D. either6. Would you like some cakes? No, thanks. I _ eat cakes because I often get a toothache. A. seldom B. almost C. only D. still7. Will you go to Shanghai Disneyland with me? Im sorry I

4、 havent made a _ yet. Im still thinking about whether to go or not. A. contribution B. change C. decision D. wish8. More and more people love _ their riches on Tik Tok (抖音). That should not be allowed on the Internet. A. giving off B. putting off C. showing off D. turning off9. Excuse me, could you

5、please tell me _ ? I forgot about it. Only in five minutes. Youd better hurry up if you dont want to miss the beginning. A. how soon will the film begin B. how soon the film will begin C. how long has the film been on D. how long the film has been on 10. How about your work? Terribly difficult! Supp

6、ose someone give you a box and ask you to describe _ whats inside without opening it. A. closely B. widely C. exactly D. mostly11. Weve discussed the idea for over four hours. Everyone supports it. Now that you are all _, it will be easier to get things done here. A. in a mess B. in fear C. in agree

7、ment D. in history12. My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer. Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my daughter and me _ my car in the garden. A. washed B. washing C. was washing D. were washing13.Hello, I want to drive a car around the city for three days. -No p

8、roblem. But I _ check your ID card and driving licence. A. can B. cantC. must D. mustnt4. We consider it _ you to tell others her secret because it will harm your friendship. A. silly forB. silly ofC. clever forD. clever of15. Youd better think it over before you make the decision. -_ If I leave it

9、much longer, I might miss your chance. A. Thats all right. B. I cant agree more. C. Do you think so? D. Isnt it a good idea?二、完型填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) I will always appreciate my father and his faith. As I held my fathers hands one night, I couldnt help but notice their calluses(老茧)and roughness. H

10、is hands tell the story of his life as a 16 , including all his struggles. One summer, I remember, a drought hit Ontario, turning it into a burning desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last 17 from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, whi

11、ch 18 took twenty minutes. That morning, however, the process didnt go quickly. After forty minutes of 19 walking in the field, we still needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated and angry. 20 the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselv

12、es!” Dad laughed. “Just think, my little girl, only 21 dozen left for each of us and then were done.” Such is Dad-whatever problem he 22 , he never gives up. 23 , the bad effects of the drought were felt all over our county. It was a challenging time for everyone, but Dad remained optimistic. He 24

13、to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plate. Only then did I truly begin to 25 Dad and his confidence that guided us through the hard times. Dad is also a living example of real 26 . From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to 27 our family. He always puts our happiness

14、 28 his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games in spite of his exhaustion(疲劳) after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and 29 others first. Dad,the life 30 I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher,

15、 friend and, most importantly, my hero.16. A. teacherB. grocer C. gardenerD. farmer17. A. gapB. form C. order D. position18. A. usuallyB. repeatedly C. finally D. really19. A. happily B. aimlessly C. easily D. hardly20. A. CuttingB. Taking C. Picking D. Dropping21. A. fiveB. ten C. twenty D. fifty22

16、. A. brings upB. meets withC. works outD. thinks about23. A. ThankfullyB. StrangelyC. HopefullyD. Unfortunately24. A. happenedB. stopped C. aimedD. continued25. A. faceB. examineC. appreciateD. question26. A. loveB. pride C. friendshipD. honesty27. A. settleB. support C. start D. impress28. A. befor

17、eB. after C. besideD. under29. A. puttingB. cheeringC. thinkingD. turning30. A. lessonsB. styles C. waysD. history三、阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 3+3+4+5AWOMAN: How can I help you?MAN: Hello. I'm interested in renting a house somewhere in the town.WOMAN: Right. Could I have your name please?MAN: Yes

18、, it's Steven Godfrey. Its hard to spell. Do you have a pen and a paper?WOMAN: Please write here, in the form. And how many bedrooms you're looking for? MAN: Well, wed need four bedrooms, because I'm going to share the house with three friends. And we need two bathrooms. I drive a car, s

19、o a parking place is also needed. But we have no time to take care of a garden.WOMAN: Okay, there are several of that size on our website. They mostly belong to families who are working abroad at the moment. What about the location?MAN: It'd be nice to be central.WOMAN: That might be difficult,

20、as most houses of that size are in the suburbs. Still, there are a few. What's your upper limit for the rent?MAN: Wed like something around £250 a month, but we could go up to £300 if we have to. But we can't go beyond that.WOMAN: Do you know how long you want to rent the house for

21、? The minimum let (最短租 期)is six months, as you probably realize.MAN: Were at college here for two years, and we don't want to keep moving during that time if we can avoid it.WOMAN: Okay, let me check what we've got on our website and call you later.MAN: Sure. Thank you. Bye.Here is the infor

22、mation the woman finds on the website.There are millions of homes out there. Lets find the one thats perfect for you.AddressRoomsMonthly RentMinimum LetDevon Close(town centre)4-bedrooms, one bathroom, a garden£2502 yearsMead Street(town centre)4-bedrooms, two bathrooms, parking place£3503

23、 yearsHalmiton Road(western end)4-bedrooms, two bathrooms, parking place£3002 yearsOakington Avenue(town centre)4-bedrooms, two bathrooms, parking place£2802 years31. The woman and the man are communicating _. A. on the phone B. face-to-face C. on WeChatD. by e-mail32. The perfect house fo

24、r the man would be the one in_. A. Devon Close B. Mead Street C. Halmiton Road D. Oakington Avenue33. How much at most can the man pay for the house he would rent every year? A. £3000. B. £3400. C. £3600. D. £4000.B Lin Hanxing is a 30-year-old who lives in Beijing. She owns just

25、 five shirts, two pairs of trousers, four pairs of shoes, three books and a few other things. Its hard to believe that only five years ago, Lin was one of those people who couldnt stop buying things. Back then, she had more than 400 pieces of clothes and handbags. But that was before she saw an onli

26、ne challenge in 2014, introduced by Joshua Becker, a writer in the US who was promoting (推动) a minimalist lifestyle. He encouraged people to reduce the number of their belongings (财物) to fewer than 100. Lin decided to give it a try. She threw away 90 percent of her belongings. She also cleared 120 p

27、eople she never spoke to from her QQ and Wechat. After doing all that, Lin said she felt lighter. We used to think owning more was the way to lead a rich life. But now many people believe that owning less is rich, perhaps richer. According to US writer Joel Stillerman, people who are educated and we

28、althy are more likely to have a minimalist lifestyle. These people are saying, I can afford to have less. But leading a minimalist lifestyle doesnt only mean owning or spending less. Adam Lucacias from a UK research company Euromonitor found young people spend less on belongings, but more on short h

29、olidays and visits to the movies. They are looking for a life that is all about culture. Alison Angus, the manager of Euromonitor, said. So perhaps it all comes down to how we define (定义) wealth. Is wealth in life about buying more and owning more, or is it about learning more and experiencing more?

30、34. Which of the following leads a minimalist lifestyle? A. Alison Angus.B. Adam Lucacias.C. Joe Stillerman.D. Joshua Becker.35. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. I can live a good life with no more education and money. B. I can live a good life by experiencing less and learning more. C. I

31、can live a good life with necessary belongings and friends. D. I can live a good life with less money and fewer belongings.36. Lin Hanxings definition of wealth may probably cover _. A. Owning fewer friendsB. Doing more learning C. Having more holidaysD. Chatting less often with peopleC Solar storms

32、 shake Earths magnetic field(磁场). They not only influence human technology, but also animals, reported Forbes. Studies show that many animals use changes in Earths magnetic field to find directions. These changes provide the animals a general compass(指南针) for south and north. Animals can also use th

33、em as landmarks. For example, scientists have found special cells in part of a birds eye nervous system(神经系统). They seem to react to changes in the magnetic field. Some fish species, like the common trout,have cells with magnetic sensors in their nasal cavity(鼻腔). In 1994 “magnetic sense” was also d

34、iscovered in sea turtles. Some whale species may use magnetic sense to navigate (导航) the oceans. A dysfunction of this sense may explain the still mysterious beachings (动物搁浅). Sometimes several hundred animals, such as whales and dolphins, are driven out of water along beaches. They usually cant bre

35、athe under their own weight and die slowly.37. What do many animals use to find directions? A. Solar storms. B. Magnetic field. C. Changes in magnetic field D. General compass38. Which of the following animals is mentioned in the passage? A. Dog B. Trout. C. Wolf D. Panda39. What does the underlined

36、 word “dysfunction” in paragraph 5 mean in Chinese? A. 机能正常 B. 机能失调 C. 机能更新 D. 机能优化40.Why whales and dolphins die after being driven out of water? A. Because they are too heavy. B. Because there is no water. C. Because they have no magnetic sense D. Because they are hungry.D After having two more gl

37、asses of cordial, Diana turned pale suddenly. “Im sick,” she said, “I must go home.” And she left Green Gables and ran all the way home. On Monday, Anne went to see if Diana was better. She soon ran back home with tears rolling down cheeks. “What has happened, Anne?” asked Matila. “Mrs. Barry says t

38、hat I sent Diana home drunk on Saturday. She says shes never going to let Diana play with me again!” Marilla went to the cupboard and then came back to the kitchen with a bottle of wine, trying not to smile. “Anne, you gave Diana wine instead of raspberry cordial. Didnt you know the difference?” “I

39、never tasted it,” said Anne. “But Mrs. Barry will never believe me. And now Ill never be able to play with Diana again!” The following Monday, Anne surprised Marilla by coming down from her room with her books. “Im going back to school,” she said. “That is all there is left in life for me, now that

40、my friend isgone.” Marilla tried not to show how happy she was to hear this. “You d better work hard,” she said. Anne did work hard, and soon she was top of the class with Gilbert Blythe, whom she still found very annoying. One evening, Anne was at home doing her homework. Matthew was home, but Mari

41、lla had gone to town with the Barrys and Mrs Lynde. Suddenly, Anne looked up and saw Diana standing at the door. She looked very worried. “What is the matter, Diana?” cried Anne. “Oh, Anne, do come quick,” said Diana nervously. “Minnie May is very sick. Father and Mother are away in town and theres

42、nobody to go for the doctor.” Matthew quietly got his cap and coat and went for the doctor.41. How many glasses of drinks did Diana have on that day? A. Two glasses. B. Only one glass. C. More than two glasses. D. Less than two glasses.42. Why didnt Anne know the difference between the cordial and w

43、ine? A. She had never tasted them. B. They were both red. C. She thought they tasted the same. D. They smelled the same.43. What did Marilla tell Anne about going back to school? A. That shed better not get into trouble. B. That shed better work hard. C. That she should be friends with Gilbert.D. That she should not speak to Diana.44. Which is the right order according to the passage? a. Diana went to ask Anne for help. b. Diana felt sick after drinking. c. Anne ran back home with tears rolling down cheeks. d. Anne went back to schoo


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