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《《中考英语总复习》江苏省宿迁市2020年中考英语一模冲刺卷(电子档含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》江苏省宿迁市2020年中考英语一模冲刺卷(电子档含答案).docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、江苏省宿迁市2020年中考英语一模冲刺卷(考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分)一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1.- Have you seen _ documentary Amazing China, Tom? -Yes, it is quite _ amazing film and inspires the patriotism(燃起爱国热情) of every Chinese. A. a, theB. the, anC. a, aD. /, an2. His bike is broken. He asked_ if I would like to share _ wi

2、th him. A. me; his B. him; his C. me; mine D. I; mine 3.-I guess that _ you _ Joanna enjoys drama series. -Exactly. Joanna's favorite is drama series while mine is science fiction. A. neither, nor B. either, or C. both, and D. not only, but also4. Lessons can be learned to face the future _ hist

3、ory cannot be changed. A. though B. as C. since D. unless 5. Did Lucy dress herself beautifully at her birthday party? Yeah, of course. Her white dress caught everyones _. A. celebration B. organization C. introduction D. attention 6. I truly believe _beauty comes from within. A. where B. why C. wha

4、t D. that 7. For nearly 100 years, the heartbroken Little Mermaid _on a rock looking out over Copenhagen's port. A. will sit B. sits C. sat D. has sat8. 一What are you reading these days, Eric? 一The Little Prince, the best read _ teaches me a lot. A. which B. what C. who D.9. 一Waiter,20 for dinne

5、r, right? 一I'm afraid it's25, sir, for drinks are _. A. equal B. free C. spare D. extra10. Passengers are required to _ seated until the plane comes to a full stop. A. keep B. get C. remain D. leave11. 一My father's office is in the east of the city. He spends two hours driving to and fro

6、m work every day. 一It will be easier for him when the road _ next month. A. repairs B. is repaired C. will repair D. will be repaired12. 一Are you going to take part in the speech contest? 一Why not? I have _ to lose, right? A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything13. 一Can you tell me _ from

7、here to the Summer Palace? 一Let me see. It's about 15 minutes' ride. A. how long it is B. how soon it is C. how much it is D. how far it is14. In character-training of children, what really _ is what their parents say and do. A. considers B. values C. matters D. minds15. 一John was seriously

8、injured in the school bus accident. 一 _. A. Take it easy B. I'm sorry to hear that C. Not at all D. It's too dangerous二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) In 1975 my father had just begun building his second hospital in the Himalayas. My mother and youngest sister were flying there to join him when the

9、ir small airplane 16 . It was years 17 Dad fully came out of this period of darkness. As I grew up, many people thought that being Edmund Hillary's son, I must have a strong feeling for 18 mountains. Well, I am, at the age of 48, a mountain man. I have been on more than 30 mountaineering expedit

10、ions. I have climbed Everest twice. I am 19 because I have all that my father taught me, too. On one awful day in 1995, it was his 20 that saved my life. I was in a group of eight climbers just below the top of K2 in the Himalayas. We had just another 400 metres left to climb. But the weather was go

11、ing from bad to worse, and something didn't feel 21 . At-that time I heard my father's voice inside my head: "Down. Go down. Don't let the others 22 you to continue." Then, from 23 , I heard the voice of a fellow climber. "Come up, " she called. "Use the red rope

12、." Again my father's 24 : "Don't do it. It's not 25 . " Finally I told my climbing partner that I was 26 . He too was feeling unsure, but decided to go on ahead anyway. As I headed down, I looked back at my fellow climbers who were all climbing toward the_27 . Soon black c

13、louds appeared between us, and I couldn't see them. Fear makes you careful. As my father always told me, 28 is not something that you should say no to. It is something you can 29 . I was the only one who had managed to _30_ what had to be done. The seven above were killed.16. A. escaped B. crash

14、ed C. landed D. struck17. A. as B. before C. while D. when18. A. moving B. loving C. hating D. researching19. A. lucky B. active C. quick D. happy20. A, advice B. letter C. support D. courage21. A. different B. relaxed C. right D. ready22. A. expect B. order C. push D. promise23. A. above B. beyond

15、C. below D. outside24. A. noise B. cry C. sound D. voice25. A, brave B. crazy C. dangerous D. wise26. A. going down B. going through C. going up D. going out27. A. bottom B. clouds C. top D. rope28. A. anger B. fear C. pain D. pleasure29. A. care B. manage C. succeed D. share30. A. remind B. regret

16、C. wonder D. realize三、阅读理解(共15题;每小题两分,满分30分)A31. What's the main idea of "How It All Began"? A. Pancakes have a long and interesting history. B. Pancakes are made from butter and eggs. C. People needn't make pancakes today. D. Pancakes were eaten only in the past.32. Which chapter

17、probably tells about an event in which runners toss(抛)a pancake in a pan? A. Chapter 1:History of Pancakes B. Chapter 2:Pancake Recipes(食谱) C. Chapter 4:Pancake Contests D. Chapter 5:Flapjack Fables(烙饼寓言)33. What do you think happened with pancakes after Shakespeare's time? A. People stopped usi

18、ng eggs in pancake recipes. B. People stopped eating pancakes before Lent. C. Pancakes became known as alita dolcia. D. Pancakes became more popular.B Three Little Kittens The three little kittens They lost their mittens and they began to.cry "Oh mother dear we sadly fear Our mittens we have lo

19、st." "What? Lost your mittens? You naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie!" "Meow meow" "Now you shall have no pie!" The three little kittens They found their mittens and they began to cry "Oh mother dear see here see here Our mittens we have found."

20、 "Put on your mittens you silly kittens. And you shall have some pie!" "Meow meow oh, let us have some pie!" The three little, kittens put on their mittens And soon ate up the pie "Oh mother dear we greatly fear . Our mittens we have soiled." "Soiled your mittens?

21、You naughty kittens ! " Then they began to sigh. Meow Meow Then they began to sigh The three little kittens They washed their mittens and_them out to dry "Oh mother dear do you not hear Our mittens we have washed. " "Washed your mittens? Then you are good kittens. Let's all h

22、ave some pie!" Meow Meow Let's all have some pie!" 34. What happened to the kittens" mittens at first? A. They were broken B. They were lost. C. They were taken away D. They were hidden35.The best word for the blank is_ A.hung B. hanged C.found D. lost36. What is the song mainly a

23、bout? A. Dangerous war. B. Interesting games. C. Delicious pie. D. Good manners.C The holiday season will be here soon, and with it come tons of parties. Here's how to mind your manners at the dinner table:First things first: Mind the little details. Respond to invitations in time; it's alwa

24、ys better to be overdressed; be fashionably on time; bring a gift for your host or hostess; and remember to silence your phone and keep it out of sight.After you sit down: The first thing you should do is place your napkin(餐巾)in your lap. Leave it there until the end of the meal. If you excuse yours

25、elf from the table, the most common practice is to place it on your seat until you return. If you're worried that your napkin has food on it that could make the seat or your clothes dirty when you sit back down, place it to the left of your plate instead.To locate your bread plate and drink: Whe

26、n in doubt, look to your hands. With your palms(手掌)facing each other, connect the tip of each pointer finger(食指)with your thumbs(拇指). You'll see that your left hand will form a "b", and your right hand, a "d". These stand for "bread" and "drink", which you

27、 will find to your left and to your right, separately.What to do with utensils(餐具): Your safest bet is to start from the outside-the utensils farthest from your plate-and move inward as the meal progresses. However, dessert(甜点)utensils may also be found above your plate.Resting utensils: If you are

28、taking a break from eating, imagine your plate is a clock and place your knife and fork down at the 3 o'clock position. You can show that you are finished eating by placing your utensils in the 10 and 4 o'clock positions.After the party: Don't forget a thank-you note. It should be sent w

29、ithin two weeks after the event.37. When attending a dinner at someone's home, you are advised to _. A. prepare a gift for the person who is hosting it B. avoid being overly dressed up C. thank the host or hostess for the invitation D. turn your mobile phone off at the dinner table38. Where shou

30、ld you place your napkin when you get up from the table? A. Under your plate. B. On your plate. C. To the left of the plate. D. Over the back of your chair.39. What is normally put to your right side on the table? A. Dessert utensils. B. Bread plate. C. Napkin. D. Drink.40. To show you have finished

31、 eating, you can place your utensils in the _ position. A. 1 o'clock B. 3 o'clock C. 4 o'clock D. 9 o'clockD More than 50 music students at New Milford High School in New Jersey, US, got a letter from their headmaster. The letter said that the schools music department was in big trou

32、ble. The students had to pass a test, or the department would be shut down. On a Saturday, two officials greeted the nervous students. They asked the students to play a piece by Richard Strauss. But they had to sing the words to the music German words! Other tasks were also difficult. One student ha

33、d to sing Mary had a Little Lamb, a childrens song, in an operatic (歌剧的) voice. After three hours of testing, students waited for the results. They met some students from the New Jersey Youth Orchestra (管弦乐团). The judges gave them a merely average grade. The worried New Milford students started to r

34、ealize they had no chance. “I thought it was over,” said Bryan Olsen-Santana, a junior. “The person next to me was crying. I felt bad for her. I felt bad for myself, too, because music is everything to me.” But then the headmaster came and told them something very dramatic (戏剧性的): “Someones played a

35、 joke on you!” What was going on? The test was part of a reality TV show (电视真人秀) called “Schooled”. The students parents, the school and a TV network had arranged it together. Everything was fake. The two “officials” were actually comedians (喜剧演员). The “students from New Jersey Youth Orchestra” were

36、 from another school. There were hidden cameras. The students parents were hiding as they watched. As a reward for putting up with the joke, the students got gifts: MP3 players, digital cameras and school supplies. They were all from the shows sponsor (赞助商).41. What is the letter about? A. The headm

37、aster would retire next semester. B. The school didnt have money to run. C. The music department was in big trouble. D. The students had to give up music.42. The students were nervous before the test, because_. A. they were not good at music B. the judges were very strict C. they thought they couldn

38、t pass D. it would decide the future of the music department43. According to Olsen-Santana, we learn that_. A. their school failed the test B. he likes music very much C. the test was just a joke D. the girl next to him was sorry for herself44. What does the underlined word “fake” mean in the passag

39、e? A. 顺利的 B. 假装的 C. 受欢迎的 D. 便捷的45. The students didnt get _as gifts. A. money B. MP3 players C. digital cameras D. school supplies四、词汇应用(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)A)根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句子所缺单词,每空限填一词。46. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, you can show that you have a _ reasons to smile.(千)47.

40、 Adrian wanted his daughter to _ paper cutting when she visited China.(学习)48. Their marriage is _ for the 7th June.(固定的)49. The report written by the school caught several _ attention.(科学家)50. Today's admission letters have become more creative with pretty _. (设计)51. They went inside, sat down,

41、ate something and went _ to bed. (径直)52. These shirts will be slightly more expensive but they last a lot _(长久)53. We need to guard against any possible _around us. (危险)54. My father was _to work when suddenly his car broke down. (开车)55. Everybody should learn from their mistakes and try not to _ th

42、em in the future(重复)B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。56. Anna's work can sometimes be _, but she really enjoys it. (tire)57. Children's Day is coming. The card is _made for my younger sister. (special)58. Don't try so hard. The best things come when you _expect them to. (little)59. _are lo

43、sers who got up and gave it one more try. (win)60. We often have different ideas. So, we find _ in heated discussions. (we)61. It's _cold today. You should put on more clothes. (terrible)62. Living in a culture that is different from your own can be both an _ and challenging experience. (excite)

44、63. It was the traffic accident last spring that caused his _. (blind)64. Try to hold the right hand with your left hand, and give _ the simplest warmth. (you)65. The sun _now and then, and light snow blew into our faces. (shine)五、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)66. 像往常一样,迈克是步行上学的。_, Mike went

45、to school on foot.67. 历史上的第一个风筝是用木头做的。 The first kite_ wood in history.68. 在公共场合,插队是不礼貌的。 Its impolite to _ before others in public.69. 你最好不要熬夜,熬夜有害健康。 You _ stay up late. Its harmful to your health.70. 每年,成千上万的人聚焦在纽约时代广场庆祝新年的到来。 Every year in New York, _ People gather on Times Square to celebrate the arrival of the new year.六、任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分


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