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1、分类号: H319.3 单位代码 : 10183 研究生学号 : 2007132074 吉林大学 硕士学位论文 交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用研究 A Study of Applying CA into Teaching Spoken English in Junior High School 作者姓名:朱一丹 专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学 研究方向:翻译理论与实践 指导教师:卜玉坤教授 培养单位:外国语学院 2009 年 5 月 交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用研究 A Study of Applying CA into Teaching Spoken English in Junior

2、 High School 作者姓名:朱一丹 专业名称:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:卜玉坤教授 学位类别:文学硕士 答辩日期: 2009 年 6 月 2 日 未经本论文作者的书面授权,依法收存和保管本论文书 面版本、电子版本的任何单位和个人,均不得对本论文的全 部或部分内容进行任何形式的复制、修改、发行、出租、改 编等有碍作者著作权的商业性使用(但纯学术性使用不在此 限)。否则,应承担侵权的法律责任。 吉林大学博士 (或硕士 )学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导 下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内 容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或

3、集体己经发表或撰写过的作 品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均己在文中 以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 曰 期 : 年 y In J. W. Oller(ed)f Issues in Language Resting Research. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. 1983. 14 Candlin, C. N. Principles and Practice in Communicative Language Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and S

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8、d University Press. 1984. 26 Hymes, D. On Communicative Competence. In J. B. Pride and J. Holmes (eds.), Sociolinguistics, Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1972. 27 Hymes, D. uModels of Interaction of Language and Social Li f e. In Gumperz and D. Hymes (eds.), Directions in sociolinguistics: The Ethnography

9、of Communication. Oxford: Blackwell. 1986. 28 Howatt, A. P. R. A History of English Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1984. 29 Johnson, K. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 1981. 30 Jones. Simulation in

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14、reshold Level English. Oxford: Pergamon. 1975. 42 Widdowson, H. G. Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1978. 43 Widdowson, H. G Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1983. 44 Widdowson, H.G. Authenticity and Autonomy in ELT. EL Journal

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16、Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1976. 48 Wright, A. Visual Material for the Language Teacher. London: Longman. 1976. 49 Yalden, J. The Communicative Syllabus: Evolution, Design and Implementation. Oxford: Pergamon. 1983. 50 顾曰国,英语教学法。北京 :外语教学与研究出版社。 1998。 51 胡文仲,文化与交际 。北京 :外语教学与研究出版社。 1994。 52 胡文仲,

17、基础英语教学论文集。北京 :外语教学与研究出版社。 1985。 53 胡壮磷,刘润清,李延福,语言学教程。北京 :北京大学出版社。 1988。 54 徐金灿,徐洁怡,文化对广告的影响心理科学进展 (11)。 2003。 55 许伟杰,胡颖琳,中西方思维差异在电视广告中的体现新闻界 (2)。 2007。 56 李筱菊,语言测试科学与艺术。长沙 :湖南教育出版。 1997。 57 廖晓青,任务型教学的理论基础和课堂实践。中小学外语教学( 11)。 2001。 58 束定芳,现在外语教学 一 理论、实践与方法。上海 :上海外语教育出版社。 1996。 59 王立非,现代外语教学论。上海 :上海教育出

18、版社。 2000。 60 文秋芳,英语口语测试与教学。上海 :上海外语教育出版社。 1999。 61 章兼中,外语教育学。杭州 :浙江教育出版。 1999。 Appendix Questionnaire about the Feasibility and Effects of CA in Class 这是一个关于交际法在初中生英语口语教学中应用的调查问卷。请同学们根 据这一个月来学习口语的感受,认真回答。谢谢你的参与。 1. 你觉得通过四周的学习,自己的口语有了显著的提高么 (1) 是 ( 2)不清 楚 ( 3)不是 2. 你喜欢这一个月以来老师在口语课上所使用的教学方法么? (1)喜欢 (

19、2) 般 ( 3)不喜 欢 3. 这次的口语教学方式,是否跟以往有很大的不同? (1)是 ( 2)不清 楚 ( 3)不是 4. 课堂上的活动,你最喜欢那个? (1)角 色 扮演 ( 2)同学讨论,交换想法 ( 3)讲故 事 ( 4)交际 游 戏(如猜谜游戏等) 5. 课堂上的活动,你最不喜欢哪个? (1)角 色 扮演 ( 2)同学讨论,交换想法 ( 3)讲故 事 ( 4)交际 游 戏(如猜谜游戏等) 6. 你人为什么方法最能提高自己的口语水平?为什么? (1)角 色 扮演 ( 2)大声 朗读 ( 3)讲故事 ( 4)交际游戏 ( 如猜谜 游戏等 )( 5)听 英文 歌 曲 ( 6)有主题的辩论

20、 Acknowledgements In preparing this thesis, I am indebted to all my teachers in English Department of the Foreign Language College who have taught me postgraduate courses, to whom I owe much of my knowledge in linguistics, and especially in applied linguistics. I am deeply grateful to my supervisor,

21、 Professor Bu Yukun, for his valuable guidance, continuous encouragement and insightful readings of this thesis. Words are not enough to express my sincere thanks for his assistance in guiding the research. I also would like to present my sincere gratitude to Professor Qu, Professor Yi, Professor Zh

22、ou, Professor Zhao, Professor Tang, Professor Zhu and Professor Cui, from whom I have learnt a lot. Their lectures and instructions have provided me with great help for the creation of this thesis. In addition, I would like to express special thanks to my beloved parents and my friends, who have giv

23、en my ceaseless support during the writing of this thesis. 交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用研究 改革开放为中国人民创造了更多的机会与来自世界各地的人进行交流与沟 通。英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言。英语口语作为主要的交流手段,越来越受 到广泛的关注。因此,英语教学应该把重点放在培养学生用英语进行交流的实用 语言技能上。 长期以来,我国初中生英语教学在应试教育的压力下,忽视了学生语言实际 运用能力的培养,导致 学生在使用英语时,语言技能、语言知识、文化意识等方 面无法与时代的发展相匹配,尤其在口语方面差强人意。交际法强调发挥学生先 天具有

24、的学习和使用语言的能力,以学生为中心,培养学生运用语言的交际能力。 因此,如何在课堂教学中开展交际教学已成为初中英语教学中值得深入研究的课 题。 交际法,又称为交际语言教学,是以社会语言学为理论基础,以培养交际能 力为目的的一种教学方法体系。其教学原则是让学生在交际中使用语言,学习语 言,检验自己的语言,并在交际中修正语言错误,最后达到真正准确的程度。其 主要核心思想是把语言作为 一种交际工具来教授、学习、使用,以便使学生能用 所学的语言与人交流,获取信息。 本研究试图在交际法理论指导下探索能够提高中学生英语口语能力的有效 方法。本研究以交际教学法理论为理论框架,进行了实验,解决了我们提出的三

25、 个研究问题。本研究旨在分析影响初中英语教学的因素,讨论有效进行初中英语 口语教学的策略与方法。通过实验分析和对老师的采访,探讨这些具体交际教学 法口语教学策略培养学生英语口语能力的有效性程度。通过调查问卷分析学生是 否喜欢这些交际教学法英语口语教学方法,喜欢哪些交际教学法活动。 本文主要有三个 研究问题: (1) 交际法对初中英语口语教学能否起到积极作用? (2) 在初中英语口语课堂上,哪一类交际活动更受学生欢迎? (3) 提高学生的口语能力最有效的策略有哪些? 该论文分为五个部分。 第一章是论文的引言部分。在这一章中,作者阐述了学习英语的社会需求和 初中英语口语教学的重要性,并概述了现存的

26、英语口语教学问题以及在初中英语 口语教学中应用交际教学法的目的和意义。 第二章是文献综述部分,介绍了有关交际教学法的一些理论以及国内关于交 际教学法研究的现状。作者首先介绍了交际教学法的基本定义、历史发展和主要 特点。交际法产生于 20 世纪 70 年代的英国,当时英语语言教学领域正在发生重 大变革。在此之前盛行的教学方法是包括语法翻译法和听说法在内的一些传统教 学方法。在这些方法的指导下,语言学习被认为是语言习惯的形成。运用这些方 法的教学成果远远不能令人满意。因为在这种情况下,学生往往不能获得相应的 实用技能,同时,学生的信心和潜力也有可能受到不同程度的损害。因此,传统 的教学方法遭到了诸

27、多语言学家和教育学者的质疑。 许多语言学家认为,语言教学的重 点应该在交际能力上面,而不应该仅仅强 调对语言结构的掌握。交际法以培养交际能力为目标,强调在语言教学中开发学 生的四种语言技能,重视培养学生的交际能力,即包括在各种场合下心理和口头 上的反映能力。交际教学法在英语口语教学中有着非常重要的作用,在交际法指 导下的语言教学中,教师通过对现实生活情景的模拟来设计课堂活动,把语言教 学尽可能地与学生自身的环境和现实结合起来。这就不仅仅需要进行大纲里单一 的活动,还需要设计一系列和学生日常生活紧密联系的活动。这些活动不是独立 的,它们有着内在的联系,并能使学生对此产生 浓厚兴趣,加入到积极学习

28、口语 的队伍中来。除此之外,教师应该提供给学生一些可想象的、能遇见的场景、角 色和任务,比如在大街上帮助一名外国游客。在本研究中,作者将展示一些交际 教学法指导下的活动形式,诸如交换信息、角色扮演等。 第三章介绍了本论文的研究方法,包括理论基础、研究问题、实验对象、实 验工具、实验步骤以及数据的收集和整理。本研究所使用的方法包括问卷调查、 课上观察以及实验后对老师和部分学生的访问。 在第四章中,作者对问卷所得的数据和访问结果进行了细致的分析。通过分 析,我们得出了一些调查结果和结论。 通过对调查问卷结果的分析,我们发现, 超过 74 %的学生认为他们的口语能力在实验过程中取得了较大的进步,其中

29、一 半以上的学生承认他们口语情况改善的主要原因在于四个星期的实验。对于第二 个问题,约80 %的学生认为这些课堂活动非常有趣,它们使口语学习不再是一 种负担,这与他们在以前英语课堂上的感受大不相同。这样看来,交际法指导下 的教学方法受到了大多数学生的青睐。对于第三个问题,几乎每一个学生都承认 , 使用交际教学法期间,不同的教学活动产生的学习效果是不同的。通过上述分析 , 我们可以得出这样的结论:以交际法为指导的教学方法对初中学生的口语能力培 养有着积极的作用,并受到学生的热烈欢迎。 第五章是本文的结论,列举了本研究的主要发现和局限性,并对未来相关研 究提出了一些建议。教师在使用交际教学法的过程

30、中,应当着重考虑初中英语学 习者的特点和中国特有的教育环境因素,才能达到更好的教学效果。 交际法的核心是交换和获取信息。交际教学法优越于传统教学方式之处在于 交际法强调语言全面素质的提高和应用。要在应用中学习,在使用中掌握。交际 法需要进一步与中国的教学环境和中国学习者的学习风格相结合,才能更好地为 中国的外语教学服务。 关键词: 交际法,英语口语教学,初中 Abstract A Study of Applying CA into Teaching Spoken English in Junior High School Since the reform and opening-up poli

31、cies in 1970s, Chinese people are offered more and more opportunities to communicate with people from all over the world. Especially after Chinas entry into WTO, the need of peoples involvement in the international communication has been increased quite substantially. English is the most widely used

32、 language and plays a big role in global communication. Chinese people are using more English than they used to. The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching of English is to cultivate the English learners communicative competence in the real-life situation. It is necessary for the English languag

33、e teaching in China to focus on the promotion of English communicative ability, especially in English speaking proficiency. Communicative Approach (CA), which can also be called Communicative Language Teaching (CAT), is an approach to foreign or second language teaching, which stresses communicative

34、 competence as the goal of language learning. CA regards human language as a mode of social communicative behavior that is always situationally conditioned and subject to variations. The main purpose of studying CA as an approach is to build up teachers and students communicative awareness and enhan

35、ce their communicative competence including linguistic competence. In the present thesis, the author plans to explore effective methods to improve students oral ability in junior high school. Based on the studies, the author intends to apply CA to spoken English teaching classes. After analyzing rel

36、ative theories and characteristics of junior high school students, the author carries out a simple experiment to testify some of her ideas. This research is aimed at finding implications for the English teachers in Junior High School on how to foster the oral ability in students and whether to imple

37、ment CA in further spoken English teaching. Through the experiment and the interview with the teacher after it, it will be inferred that whether CA is effective to train students speaking proficiency and to what degree. Through analyzing the questionnaires accomplished by the chosen students, it wil

38、l be drawn that whether the students like the application of communication activities, what kind of communicative activities they prefer and whether they like to experience CA in their further English study. There are mainly three research questions that the author intends to explore in the research

39、: (1) Is CA effective in spoken English teaching in junior high school? (2) Which of the methods used in class do the students prefer? (3) What are effective strategies to improve the students5 oral ability through CA in junior high school? The thesis is divided into five parts. Chapter 1 is the ove

40、rall introduction of the whole thesis, including social requirement of learning English, the necessity of teaching spoken English in junior high schools, problems existing in spoken English teaching in junior high school and the purpose and significance of the research. Chapter 2 is the literature r

41、eview of related theories. In this chapter, the author introduces theoretical background of spoken English teaching, the definition, historical development and characteristics of Communicative Approach. Communicative Approach originated from the major changes in British language teaching tradition f

42、rom the beginning 1970s. Until then, traditional teaching methods such as Grammar-translation Method and Audio-lingual Method had represented the major approach to the field of FLT. In these methods, language was taught through practicing grammar mles and basic structures with the theory of structur

43、alism and behaviorism as the guidance principles. Language learning was considered as a formation of linguistic habit, which was subject to the model of stimulus and response, and the theory of reinforcement and association. It is no doubt that the results of applying these methods were far from sat

44、isfactory. Because in such cases language learners often failed to transfer skills acquired through traditional methods to real communicative tasks outside classroom. Whats more, it might do harm to students confidence and potentials. Consequently, the theoretical foundations of traditional methods

45、were called into question by western linguists in both language theory and learning theory. Many linguists saw the need to focus language teaching on communicative proficiency rather than on mere mastery of structures. The scholars who advocated this view of language, such as Christopher Candlin and

46、 Henry Widdowson, drew on the work of British functional linguists (e.g., John Firth, M. A. K. Halliday), American work in sociolinguistics (e.g., Dell Hymes, John Gumperz, and William Labov), as well as the work in philosophy (e.g., John Austin and John Searle). Whats more, the increasing interdepe

47、ndence of European countries resulted in the need for greater efforts to teach adults the major languages of the European Common Market and the Council of Europe. The latter was especially active in promoting the foundation of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, and in developing b

48、etter methods of language teaching. In this chapter, the theories related to CA are explicitly introduced. The communicative approach intends to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and develop procedures for the teaching of four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Communicative Approach needs balancing with other teaching methods to make sure that the coverage of language components is adequate and those students needs and expectations are included even to achieve its own goal of communicativ


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