译林版八年级上册英语 Unit 8 测试.doc

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1、Unit 8 测试测试限时:40 分钟满分:100 分一、单项选择(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)1.That house _ fire because lightning hit it.A.startedB.causedC.caughtD.began2.Its reported that the sea water _a lot of things,such as houses,cars and soon when the tsunami came.A.put awayB.threw awayC.washed awayD.took away3.There are _visitors to

2、 the wetland park every year.A.thousand ofB.thousands ofC.three thousandsD.three thousands of4._you know English is important,you should learn it well.A.SinceB.SoC.Because ofD.Though5.I sit _ a boy taller than me,so I cant see the blackboard clearly.A.beforeB.behindC.betweenD.after6.The boys were pl

3、aying chess _ the girls were playing volleyball on theplayground.A.sinceB.whileC.becauseD.if7.Do you know if Daniel _ fishing tomorrow afternoon?Im not sure.But if he _ go,I wont go,either.A.will go;doesntB.goes;wontC.goes;doesntD.will go;wont8.Mr Lis car _ the bad weather.A.broke down because ofB.b

4、roke out because ofC.broke down becauseD.broke out because9.When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety _ is tokeep calm.A.ruleB.problemC.planD.trouble10.What do you think of the color of the new dress?Sorry,I _ about something else.I didnt see it.A.was thinkingB.am thinkingC.though

5、tD.think二、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)My friends and I joined in a twoday survival(生 存)training course in themountains.The first day was really _11there was so much to do!Arriving at the campsite,we were divided into groups and given a tent,some food,a_12and a compass(指 南 针).Standing next to a small river,F

6、anny_13 camping in the grassy area nearby.However,our instructor,Mr.Lee,pointed out that it might flood(淹 没)if it rained.In the end,we found a _14area.Putting up the tent was very hard._15 Mr.Lee helped us a lot.By the time we had put up the tent,_16 was really hungry.“We wouldnthave got this hunger

7、 if we had brought some snacks,”Peter said.We all told him to_17 complaining(抱怨)and help us start a fire to cook our food _18.Realizing we were having trouble making the fire,he finally _19.The next day started early.Woken by a strange noise,Peter went to see what was_20.“Some cows have eaten our br

8、eakfast!”he shouted.“Thats all becauseyou didnt _21 the food properly last night,”said Mr.Lee.Worried that Mr.Lee was angry with us,we tried very hard on our next_22 using the map and compass to find a secret location.We made it to thelocation _23 the other groups did.We all felt very proud of _24.T

9、hesurvival training course was a great _25.Now I feel I could surviveanywhere!11.A.disappointingB.difficultC.differentD.boring12.A.mapB.bookC.lightD.knife13.A.suggestedB.finishedC.imaginedD.enjoyed14.A.nearerB.lowerC.biggerD.higher15.A.SurprisinglyB.SuddenlyC.LuckilyD.Usually16.A.everyoneB.anyoneC.s

10、omeoneD.no one17.A.startB.mindC.stopD.continue18.A.yetB.tooC.againD.instead19.A.helped outB.gave outC.worked outD.started out20.A.developingB.happeningC.beginningD.following21.A.throw offB.put awayC.eat upD.sell out22.A.planB.lessonC.taskD.problem23.A.tillB.afterC.whenD.before24.A.himB.themC.youD.ou

11、rselves25.A.exampleB.experienceC.mistakeD.competition三、阅读理解(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)Maybe you know floods,earthquakes,sandstorms and so on.But have you heardof typhoons(台风)?Typhoons are some of the worst storms,usually around the Pacific Ocean and theSouth China Sea.Most happen in July,August and September.H

12、ow does a typhoon happen?When lots of sea water gets hot in the summer sun,it evaporates(蒸发)into the air.This makes the air hotter.When the air gets warmenough,it starts to move higher up into the sky.Then cooler air around it rushes in.Itfills the space that is left.After the air gets warmer,it sta

13、rts to move quickly,makingwind.The wind goes in circles(圆圈)and it keeps moving higher in the sky.Thewarmer the air gets,the quicker the wind moves.And when the wind moves fasterthan 30 metres a second,a typhoon begins.A typhoon has two parts.One is called the“eye”.In the eye,the wind does notmove so

14、 fast.The other part is the wall of clouds around the eye.Here are thestrongest winds and the hardest rains.Typhoons are very dangerous.There was a time when Typhoon Haiyan killed5,500 people in the Philippines.More people were missing.What to do when a typhoon hits?Stay inside.Close all the windows

15、 and stay away from them.Try to bring all of your things inside.Strong winds could even blow away yourbikes!Listen to the radio or watch TV for important information.If youre told to go to a safer place,do it right now.26.This passage is most probably from_.A.an advertisement of a floodB.a travel re

16、cordC.a weather reportD.a science magazine27.Typhoons often happen_.A.in the hot seasonB.in the cold seasonC.only in ChinaD.under the sea28.In which order(顺序)does a typhoon happen?a.When the wind moves fast enough,a typhoon starts.b.The air moves quickly,making wind.c.The sun makes sea water hot.d.T

17、he air gets warmer.A.dcbaB.cdbaC.cdabD.dbac29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The warmer the air gets,the slower the wind moves.B.5,500 people died because of Typhoon Haiyan around the world.C.The strongest winds and hardest rains are in the wall of clouds.D.Atyphoon will h

18、appen before the wind goes faster than 30 metres a second.30.When a typhoon comes,we CANNOT_.A.close all the windowsB.listen to typhoon newsC.stay inside the strong houseD.go outside to find a safer place四、词汇运用(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)用括号内单词的适当形式填空。31.My car _(break)down on the way,so I had to call 122 for h

19、elp.32.It was too cold,so they made a fire _(keep)warm.33.Is _(shake)hands with each other when meeting for the first time polite?34.I saw your parents _(stand)on the side of the road when I was walking tothe bus stop.35.Mum was cooking in the kitchen while I _(listen)to music in my room.五、任务型阅读(每小题

20、 1 分,共 10 分)Water is one of the most useful things on Earth.It gives us life.We drink it,cleanwith it and use it to cook food.We think water is something soft and gentle,butsometimes water is so powerful that it can even be destructive(破坏性的).Here weare talking about floods.There are two main kinds o

21、f foods:flash floods and slow floods.Flash floods aresudden floods of great amounts of water.They overflow the banks of the rivers andwash away everything they touch into pieces.Flash floods are destructive.The othertype is slow floods.They rise over a long period of time.Usually as more and morerai

22、n falls,the water in rivers rises and land floods.These slow floods happen in everycountry in the world.Floods are the worlds biggest natural killers.They damage(损坏)crops,wash away houses,destroy roads,and kill many people.Every year inAmerica water kills 138 people on average(平均),most in flash floo

23、ds.Floods alsocause huge economic damage(经济损失).They cause billions of dollars in damageeach year.Floods are a serious problem.They may become more powerful because globalwarming(全球变暖)is becoming more and more serious.Around the world,sea levelwill rise,and the flood will take more lives.WaterSoft an

24、d gentleOne of the most _36 things on Earth.We drink it,clean with it and cook food _37 it.FloodsTypesFlash floods are _38 floods of great amounts of water.They can wash away_39 they touch into pieces._40 floods rise over a long period of time and_41 in every country in the world.DamageThe worlds bi

25、ggest_42 killers.Every year in America 138 people on average _43their lives because of water.ProblemsFloods _44 more powerful.Global warming is becoming more and more _45.六、写作(共 35 分)上周六苏州遭遇了可怕的暴雨。你正在户外,亲历了此次暴雨。请根据下表,用英语描述你所看到的情景,并谈谈你的感想。词数 80 左右。发生时间上周六当时情况狂风暴雨,寸步难行,天变得很黑,路上发生了多起车祸;其中有一个驾驶员的左腿严重受伤,

26、幸运的是,你的感想_参考答案一、1.C点拨:短语辨析法。start fire 生火;cause fire 引起火灾;catch fire 着火。很少出现 begin fire。句意为“由于闪电击中了它,那个房子着火了”,故选 C。2.C点拨:短语辨析法。put away 整理好;throw away 扔掉;wash away 冲走;take away 拿走。句意为“据报道,在海啸来临时,海水冲走了很多东西,比如房子、汽车等等”。故选 C。3.B点拨:hundred、thousand 这类数量单位词,前面有具体数字时,是不能加s 的;后面有 of 时,是需要加上s,表示数百的,或数千的。故选 B

27、。4.A点拨:句意为“既然你知道了英语是重要的,你就应该把它学好”。Since既然,符合题意。故选 A。5.B点拨:根据题意,我看不清黑板,说明我是坐在比我高的男孩之后的,是空间上的,应用 behind。故选 B。6.B点拨:考查连词。句意为“男生在下棋,女孩在操场上打排球”。两者都用的进行时,所以是同时发生的,应用 while 连接,表示当时。故选 B。7.A点拨:第一个 if 意为“是否”;第二个 if 意为“如果”。表示“是否”时,从句使用其意义上所表示的时态,故用一般将来时;表示“如果”时,需要遵循主将从现的原则,故用一般现在时,故选 A。8.A点拨:短语辨析法。先考查 break d

28、own,指汽车的抛锚,break out 指爆发;后考查 because 引导从句,because of 后加名词性短语。the bad weather 是名词性短语,故选 A。9.A点拨:考查名词。句意为“当地震发生时,我认为最重要的安全法则是保持冷静”。rule 规则,故选 A。10.A点拨:考查时态。句意为“你认为新裙子的颜色怎么样啊?对不起,我刚正在思考其他东西,我没有看”。根据句意可知,是指刚刚我正思考其他的东西,所以是过去进行时。故选 A。二、11.B点拨:考查形容词。通过后文对第一天的描述,例如需要搭建帐篷、生火等可知第一天是充满困难的。12.A点拨:考查名词。根据文章在山上参加

29、生存训练课,除了需要帐篷、食物、指南针之外,还需要地图。并且第四段也有提到 map。13.A点拨:考查动词。根据上文我们需要搭建帐篷可知 Fanny 建议露营在附近的草地上。suggest 建议;finish 完成;imagine 想象;enjoy 享受。所以选A。14.D点拨:考查形容词。根据前文 Mr.Lee 指出,如果下雨,我们建在草地边的帐篷会被淹掉。水往低处走,所以我们应建在更高的地方。15.C点拨:考查副词。根据空格前,搭帐篷很困难,空格后又称 Mr.Lee 帮助了我们,所以我们很幸运。surprisingly 令人惊讶地;suddenly 突然地;luckily,幸运的是;usu

30、ally 通常。16.A点拨:根据后文 Peter 说“如果我们带了零食,就不会挨饿了。”以及后面生火做饭,说明每个人都很饿。17.C点拨:考查动词。根据后面让他来帮助我们一起生火,所以是停止抱怨。start“开始”;mind“介意”;stop“停止”;continue“继续”。所以选 C。18.D点拨:考查副词。我们告诉 Peter 不要抱怨,而是来帮我们一起生火做饭。yet“还”;too“也”;again“再一次”;instead“代替”。19.A点拨:考查动词短语。意识到我们生火有困难时,他最终来帮忙了。helpout“帮助摆脱困境”;give out“公布;用完”;work out“解

31、决”;start out“开始;着手”。20.B点拨:考查动词。我们被奇怪的声音吵醒,所以 Peter 跑出去看发生了什么。develop“发展”;happen“发生”;begin“开始”;follow“跟随”。21.B点拨:考查动词短语。根据上文早餐被奶牛吃了,Mr.Lee 对 Peter 说是因为昨晚没有把食物正确储存起来。throw off“摆脱”;put away“存储”;eatup“吃完”;sell out“卖完”。22.C点拨:考查名词。空格后表示解释说明,意为“用地图和指南针找到一个秘密地”。所以这是一项任务。plan“计划”;lesson“课程”;task“任务”;proble

32、m“问题”。23.D点拨:考查连词。句意为“我们在其他组找到之前成功找到了秘密地”。till“直到为止”;after“在之后”;when“当时”;before“在之前”。24.D点拨:考查代词。空格所在的句子主语是 We,feel proud of oneself 为某人自己感到自豪。所以选 D。25.B点拨:考查名词。句意为“生存训练课是一次很棒的经历”。example“例子”;experience“经历”;mistake“错误”;competition“竞赛”。三、26.D点拨:文章出处题。这样的一篇报道一定出自对自然灾害详细描写的科学类的读物中,所以选 D。27.A点拨:细节理解题。文章

33、第二段的描写告诉我们大多数台风发生在 7、8和 9 月份,也就是比较热的季节。故选 A。28.B点拨:细节理解题。整个文章的第三段就是对台风形成的描写,先是海水蒸发,空气变热,导致流动变快,形成了风,风加速后就形成了台风。故选B。29.C点拨:细节判断题。A 项,随着空气的温度升高,风速应加快,所以是错误的;B 选项根据“Typhoon Haiyan killed 5,500 people in the Philippines”可知是指在菲律宾的死亡人数,并不是全世界,也是错误的;D 选项根据“whenthe wind moves faster than 30 metres a second,

34、a typhoon begins”可知当风速超过每秒 30 米时,台风就形成了,所以是在之后,而不是之前,是错误的。故选 C。30.D点拨:细节判断题。文章在最后的提示中指出,台风来时要紧闭窗户,要及时收听广播,要待在屋内。故 D 是错误的。四、31.broke32.to keep33.shaking34.standing35.was listening五、36.useful37.with38.sudden39.everything40.Slow41.happen42.natural43.lose44.become45.serious六、范文:Last Saturday,a terrible

35、storm hit Suzhou.It was blowing hard and raining heavily outside.People couldnt walk at all.Itwas getting dark.And there were several accidents because of this.A drivers leg wasbadly hurt in a traffic accident.Luckily,someone called 110 for help.The police tookthe driver to hospital.I think when we

36、are in trouble,we must calm down first.Then we should thinkabout who to ask for help and what to do to make things better.【作文点评】本篇作文采用“总分总法”描写了一次暴雨。首先交代了暴雨发生的时间和地点,其次描写了在暴雨中自己的所见所闻,包括天气状况和人们的行为,出现的事故等,最后总结自己的感悟。本文的最大亮点是最后的感悟,并未停留在灾害本身的严重性上,而是面对突发的灾害应该怎么面对,如 calmdown first,think about who to ask for help,what to do to make things better 等等,提升了整篇文章的质量。


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