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1、Period 4 Section B(2a2e)人教版人教版 八年级下八年级下 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?习题链接习题链接1234678910先练后背提示:点击 进入习题5答案呈现thousand;Indians;safeJapanese;simply;springfearfoxWheneverthousands of;to takethree quarters of;arehave any problem gettingWhether;orall year round习题链接习题链接题组专训答案呈现12345BDBDwonder if/whe

2、ther6789Bif/whether he canAB习题链接习题链接67B答案呈现12345fifths;arenaturalIndianJapanesefoxesB8C9B1112Indianround10C131415springsafepresents课后巩固习题链接习题链接1617shopping答案呈现Japanese18fun课后巩固19zoo20sleep2122CA23B24C25A2627AB28C29C30B先练后背先练后背一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语并背记相应英语词汇词汇1.In the end,two _(一千)_(印度人)arr

3、ived in a _(安全的)place.2.The _(日本的)pupil was _(仅仅)a kid.He came to China last _(春天).thousandJapaneseIndianssafesimplyspring先练后背先练后背3.Her eyes showed no _(害怕).4.It seemed to be a _(狐狸).5._(无论何时)I get in trouble,I ask Grandma to come over for dinner.【2020扬州】fearfoxWhenever先练后背先练后背二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成

4、句子,并背记英语并背记英语句子句子6.对于成千上万的中国游客来说,这个东南亚的小岛是一个极好而又安全的度假的地方。For _ _ tourists from China,this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place _ _ a holiday.thousands ofto take先练后背先练后背7.四分之三以上的人口是中国人。More than _ _ _ the population _ Chinese.three quarters ofare先练后背先练后背8.你会不费吹灰之力找到米饭、面条或者水饺。Y

5、ou wont _ _ _ _ rice,noodles or dumplings.have any problem getting先练后背先练后背9.无论你喜欢印度食物、西方食物还是日本食物,在新加坡,你将全部能找到!_ you like Indian food,Western food _ Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!Whetheror先练后背先练后背10.关于新加坡的一件令人愉快的事是气温几乎终年一样。One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almo

6、st the same _ _ _.all year round题组专训题组专训1.Every year,_ books are given away to the poor children in the countryside.【2019郴州】A.thousandB.thousands ofC.thousand ofB【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“每年每年,成千上万的书被捐赠给农村的贫成千上万的书被捐赠给农村的贫困儿童困儿童”。当。当thousand前有具体的数字时前有具体的数字时,表示确数表示确数,thousand后不加后不加s,其后也不用其后也不用of;当当thousand前没有具前没有具

7、体数字时体数字时,表示概数表示概数,thousand后加后加s,也要加也要加of。故选。故选B。题组专训题组专训2.The environment here becomes better and better._ birds are coming back.A.Hundred B.HundredsC.Thousand D.Thousands ofD【点拨点拨】当当hundred,thousand,million前有具体数字时前有具体数字时,这些词均不变复数这些词均不变复数,其后也不用其后也不用of;但当但当hundred,thousand,million前没有具体数字时前没有具体数字时,表示约

8、数表示约数,这些词这些词既要加既要加s,也要加也要加of。故选。故选D。题组专训题组专训3.There are fifty students in this class,_ of them are boys,so the number of the boys is 30.【2020广元】A.three fifth B.three fifthsC.three fiveB【点拨点拨】考查分数表达法。英语中分数的表达法为:分考查分数表达法。英语中分数的表达法为:分子用基数词表达子用基数词表达,分母用序数词表达。分子大于分母用序数词表达。分子大于1时时,分分母用序数词的复数形式。故选母用序数词的复数形

9、式。故选B。题组专训题组专训4._ of the students in our class _ going to summer camp in Beijing next week.【2019天水】A.Two fifths;is B.Second fifths;areC.Second fifths;is D.Two fifths;areD【点拨点拨】英语中表达分数时英语中表达分数时,分子用基数词分子用基数词,分母用序数分母用序数词词,当分子大于当分子大于1时时,分母用序数词的复数形式。五分之分母用序数词的复数形式。五分之二二,即即two fifths;这里中心词是复数名词这里中心词是复数名词s

10、tudents,作主作主语时语时be动词用复数形式动词用复数形式,故选故选D。题组专训题组专训5.我的外国朋友们想知道十二月是否是去海南旅游的最佳时期。【2020孝感】My foreign friends _ _ December is the best time to visit Hainan.wonder if/whether题组专训题组专训6.Lets go climbing if it _ this Saturday.Good idea.But nobody knows if it _.【2019咸宁】A.is fine;rains B.is fine;will rainC.will

11、be fine;rains D.will be fine;will rainB【点拨点拨】第一句中的第一句中的if意为意为“如果如果”,引导条件状语从引导条件状语从句句,主句用了祈使句主句用了祈使句,从句用一般现在时从句用一般现在时;第二句中的第二句中的if意为意为“是否是否”,引导宾语从句引导宾语从句,用一般将来时。故选用一般将来时。故选B。题组专训题组专训7.他正在考虑他是否能参加足球俱乐部。【2019广州】He is thinking about _ _ _ join the football club.if/whether he can题组专训题组专训8.Its time _ clas

12、s.Lets go into the classroom.【2019海南】OK.A.for B.of C.inA【点拨点拨】Its time for sth.为固定句型为固定句型,意为意为“到了到了的时间的时间”。故选。故选A。题组专训题组专训9.Kate,turn off the TV,please.Its time _ bed.OK,Mom.A.go to B.to go toC.for go to D.going toB【点拨点拨】Its time to do sth.或或Its time for(doing)sth.是是固定句型固定句型,意为意为“到做某事的时间了到做某事的时间了”。故

13、选。故选B。课后巩固课后巩固一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Two _(five)of the desks _(be)old in this school.2.You can watch these animals in a more _(nature)environment than in a normal zoo.fifths arenatural课后巩固课后巩固3.Tina likes _(India)food very much.4.Several _(Japan)visited our school last week.5.Lets go t

14、o the zoo to watch monkeys,tigers and _(fox).IndianJapanesefoxes课后巩固课后巩固二、单项选择二、单项选择6.Do you know Jack well?No,I have never met him.I _ heard about him.A.suddenly B.simply C.really D.clearlyB【点拨点拨】suddenly突然突然;simply仅仅仅仅;really真正地真正地;clearly清楚地。根据清楚地。根据“我从来没见过他我从来没见过他”可知可知“我仅我仅仅是听说过他仅是听说过他”。故选。故选B。课

15、后巩固课后巩固7.Come to my home and lets have some tea _ you are free.A.whatever B.whenever C.wherever D.howeverB【点拨点拨】whatever任何事物任何事物;whenever无论何时无论何时;wherever在任何地方在任何地方;however不管怎样。根据句意可不管怎样。根据句意可知此处表示知此处表示“无论你何时有空无论你何时有空”。故选。故选B。课后巩固课后巩固8.On _ one hand,she wants to live in a new house.On _ other hand,s

16、he has no enough money to buy one.A.the;/B.a;the C.the;the D./;/C【点拨点拨】固定搭配法。固定搭配法。on the one handon the other hand为固定搭配为固定搭配,意为意为“一方面一方面另一方面另一方面”。故选故选C。课后巩固课后巩固9.Among all these books,_ of them are for children to read.【2020恩施】A three fifthB.three fifthsC.threes fifthB课后巩固课后巩固10.Though its time _ l

17、unch.Doctor Li is still busy reading books in the bookstore,_ medical books.A.for;most B.to;mostC.for;mostly D.to;mostlyC课后巩固课后巩固三、用方框中所给词的适当形式三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空填空My name is Sissy.I am an _11.I work for an airline all year _12.Indianroundspring,Japanese,shop,fun,round,zoo,India,sleep,present,safe课后巩固课

18、后巩固I say hello to people when they board.I give them food.I answer their questions.Today its a fine day in _13.Im going to fly to Singapore.In Singapore I will stay in a hotel.springspring,Japanese,shop,fun,round,zoo,India,sleep,present,safe课后巩固课后巩固Its nice and _14.Im going to do some sightseeing,an

19、d then Im going to the shops to buy some _15 for my family.After that,Ill see my friend Alice in the evening.safepresentsspring,Japanese,shop,fun,round,zoo,India,sleep,present,safe课后巩固课后巩固spring,Japanese,shop,fun,round,zoo,India,sleep,present,safeMy name is Alice.I am a _16,but I live in Singapore n

20、ow.I work in a travel company and I am a friend of Sissys.In my free time I swim,read books,listen to music and go to the _17 centers.shoppingJapanese课后巩固课后巩固Today Sissy is coming from India.She is _18.We are going to Singapores night _19.There are many animals that get up at night and _20 during th

21、e day.Tomorrow Sissy is going to Shanghai,but she comes here once a month.funzoosleepspring,Japanese,shop,fun,round,zoo,India,sleep,present,safe课后巩固课后巩固四、完形四、完形填空填空 【2019岳阳岳阳】Have you ever been to Thailand?For thousands of tourists from China,this small country in Southeast Asia is an excellent plac

22、e to _21.21.A.take a holidayB.take the bus C.take risksA【点拨点拨】考查短语辨析。考查短语辨析。take a holiday度假度假;take the bus乘公共汽车乘公共汽车;take risks冒险。由语境可判断为度假冒险。由语境可判断为度假的好地方的好地方,故选故选A。课后巩固课后巩固Bangkok(曼谷)is the _22 of Thailand.There are many temples(寺庙)in Bangkok.You can _23 some monks(僧侣)walking along the streets.22

23、.A.world B countryside C.capital23.A.hear B.see C.listenCB【点拨点拨】22.考查名词辨析。考查名词辨析。world世界世界;countryside农农村村;capital首都首都,省会。曼谷是泰国的首都省会。曼谷是泰国的首都,故选故选C。【点拨点拨】23.考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。hear听到听到(强调听的结果强调听的结果);see看到看到;listen听听(强调听的动作强调听的动作)。句意为。句意为“你能看到你能看到一些僧侣走在大街上一些僧侣走在大街上”。故选。故选B。课后巩固课后巩固The _24 time to visit Th

24、ailand is from April 13th to 15th,because it is the time of _25.24.A.most B.worst C.best25.A.the Water Festival B.ChristmasC.ThanksgivingCA【点拨点拨】24.考查形容词最高级辨析。考查形容词最高级辨析。most最多的最多的;worst最坏的最坏的;best最好的。根据下文可知最好的。根据下文可知4月月13日至日至15日是日是参观泰国最好的时候参观泰国最好的时候,故选故选C。【点拨点拨】25.考查节日名称。考查节日名称。the Water Festival泼水

25、节泼水节;Christmas圣诞节圣诞节;Thanksgiving感恩节。根据下文感恩节。根据下文“The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck.”可知是泼水节可知是泼水节,故选故选A。课后巩固课后巩固People sing,dance and go on the streets to _26 water at each other.The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good lu

26、ck.26.A.look B.throw C.arriveB【点拨点拨】考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。look看看;throw扔扔;arrive到达。到达。throw water at each other互相泼水互相泼水,故选故选B。课后巩固课后巩固On the one hand,beaches and sunshine are a lot of travelers choices.In this country,there are many hotels facing the sea,so you can have fun on the beach or _27 in the sea.27.

27、A.swim B.walk C.loseA【点拨点拨】考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。swim游泳游泳;walk步行步行;lose失去。失去。根据空后的根据空后的“in the sea”可以排除可以排除B和和C选项选项,“swim in the sea在海里游泳在海里游泳”,故选故选A。课后巩固课后巩固On the other hand,Thailand is a good place to try _28 food.You can eat seafood at any restaurant or buy some tropical(热带的)fruit such as mangoes and du

28、rians(榴莲)at _29 prices.28.A.terrible B.sour C.delicious29.A.cheap B.expensive C.lowCC【点拨点拨】28.考查形容词辨析。考查形容词辨析。terrible可怕的可怕的;sour酸的酸的;delicious美味的。根据前面的美味的。根据前面的“good place to”以及下以及下一句中的一句中的“eat seafood”,可知品尝美味的食物可知品尝美味的食物,故选故选C。【点拨点拨】29.考查形容词辨析。考查形容词辨析。cheap便宜的便宜的;expensive昂贵的昂贵的;low低的。表达低的。表达“价格低价

29、格低”应用应用low。故选。故选C。课后巩固课后巩固If you go to Thailand,you wont forget to _30 an elephant.The elephant is a symbol of Thailand.Its believed that Thailand is one of the most fascinating travel places.30.A.hit B.ride C.drive B【点拨点拨】考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。hit击打击打;ride骑骑;drive驾驶。驾驶。根据根据an elephant及语境可知用及语境可知用ride骑骑,故选故选B。


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