人教版八年级下册英语课件 Unit 3 Period 4 Section B(2a-2e).ppt

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1、Period 4 Section B(2a2e)人教版人教版 八年级下八年级下Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?习题链接习题链接1234678910先练后背提示:点击 进入习题5答案呈现stresswasteprovides neighbor;developdroppedspend;on;in order toThere is no need forit is important for;to learn how to doDoing chores teachesThe earlier;the better习题链接习题链接题组专训答案呈现12345

2、AAIn orderto provideB678BAthe wiser/clever he will be/become习题链接习题链接67Doing答案呈现12345illfairnessneighborstressanywaydropped8taking9to learn1112AD10talking131415CDB课后巩固习题链接习题链接1617A答案呈现C18A课后巩固先练后背先练后背一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语并背记相应英语词汇词汇1.Things can easily go wrong when people are under _(压力).2

3、.Dont _(浪费)your time or money on him because he is not interested in it at all.stresswaste先练后背先练后背3.Our school _(提供)free hot water for us.4.My _(邻居)thinks doing some housework helps children to _(发展)their independence.5.The old man _(掉下)his glass on the ground and it broke into pieces.provides neigh

4、bordroppeddevelop先练后背先练后背二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语并背记英语句子句子6.他们应该花费时间在学业上,以便取得好成绩并且进入好大学。They should _ their time _ schoolwork _ _ _ get good grades and get into a good university.spend onin order to先练后背先练后背7.他们没有必要现在就做它。_ _ _ _ _ them to do it now.There is no need for先练后背先练后背8.我认为对孩子们来说学会怎样做杂务

5、和帮父母做家务很重要。I think _ _ _ _ children _ _ _ _ _ chores and help their parents with housework.it is important forto learn how todo先练后背先练后背9.做家务杂活教会他们怎样照顾自己。_ _ _ them how to look after themselves.Doing chores teaches先练后背先练后背10.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的将来会越有好处。_ _ kids learn to be independent,_ _ it is for their f

6、uture.The earlierthe better题组专训题组专训1.In order _ for the competition,my sister forced herself to get up early this morning.【中考天水】A.not to be late B.not being lateC.to be late D.being lateA【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“为了比赛不迟到,我的姐姐强迫为了比赛不迟到,我的姐姐强迫她自己今天早上很早就起床她自己今天早上很早就起床”。in order to do sth.意为意为“为了做某事为了做某事”,其否定形式为,其否定

7、形式为“in order not to do sth.为了不做某事为了不做某事”。题组专训题组专训2.We should protect the environment _ we can make a better world to live in.【2020郴州】A.so that B.even though C.as soon asA题组专训题组专训3.为了实现中国梦,我们必须努力学习和工作。【中考宜宾】_ _ to achieve our Chinese Dream,we must study hard and work hard.In order题组专训题组专训4.Chinese pa

8、rents try their best _(提供)a good environment for their children.【2019鄂州】to provide题组专训题组专训5.In the world,more than 30%of the schools do not provide safe drinking water _ about 570 million children.【2019临沂】A.with B.for C.towardsB【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“在世界上,超过在世界上,超过30%的学校没有为的学校没有为大约大约5.7亿儿童提供安全的饮用水亿儿童提供安全的饮用水”

9、。固定搭配。固定搭配provide sth.for sb.意为意为“为某人提供某物为某人提供某物”。故选。故选B。题组专训题组专训6.“Stall Economy”(地摊经济)has won high praise from Premier Li Keqiang because it can _ the people with more chances to work.【2020牡丹江】A.offerB.provideC.giveB【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“地摊经济地摊经济得到了李克强总理的得到了李克强总理的高度评价,因为它能为人民群众提供更多的就业机高度评价,因为它能为人民群众提供更多的就业

10、机会会”。provide表示表示“提供提供”,常用,常用provide sb.with sth.或或provide sth.for sb.结构结构;offer表示表示“提供提供”,常,常用用offer sb.sth.结构。故选结构。故选B。题组专训题组专训7._ our country gets,_ the people will be,which is well known.【2019曲靖】A.The stronger;the happierB.The more strong;the more happyC.The stronger;the happyD.The strong;the hap

11、pierA【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“我们国家变得越强大,人民就越幸我们国家变得越强大,人民就越幸福,这是众所周知的道理福,这是众所周知的道理”。the比较级,比较级,the 比比较级,较级,“越越,越,越”,根据语境可知选,根据语境可知选A。题组专训题组专训8.一个人书读得越多,就会变得越聪明。【2020丹东】The more books a person reads,_.the wiser/clever he will be/become课后巩固课后巩固一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词 1.My grandmother is i .And she is in

12、hospital now.ll课后巩固课后巩固2.At last,we all understood the f of our school rules.airness课后巩固课后巩固3.The young man is our n .His house is next to ours.eighbor课后巩固课后巩固4.Too much s can make us feel nervous.tress课后巩固课后巩固5.The T-shirt is a little expensive and a I dont like its color.nyway课后巩固课后巩固二、用括号中所给单词的适当

13、形式填空二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 6.Last year he usually felt bored with his study and his grades _(drop).dropped课后巩固课后巩固7._(do)some chores is helpful to both us teenagers and our parents.Doing课后巩固课后巩固8.Do you mind _(take)care of my cats for a few days?taking课后巩固课后巩固9.He gets to school early every morning in or

14、der _(learn)more English words.to learn课后巩固课后巩固10.Parents should spend much time _(talk)with their kids.talking课后巩固课后巩固三、单项选择三、单项选择11._ there are no problems,I should go.A.Since B.AlthoughC.Until D.UnlessA【点拨点拨】since既然既然;although虽然,尽管虽然,尽管;until直到直到;unless除非。结合句意除非。结合句意“_没有问题了,我该没有问题了,我该走了。走了。”可知,空处

15、填可知,空处填Since合适。故选合适。故选A。课后巩固课后巩固12.Which bicycle should I choose,Sir?It _ what you want to use it for.【2020南京】A.takes on B.carries onC.puts on D.depends onD【点拨点拨】take on“承担承担”;carry on“继续继续”;put on“穿穿上上”;depend on“依赖于依赖于;取决于取决于”。句意为。句意为“我应我应当选择哪种脚踏车,先生?当选择哪种脚踏车,先生?那要看你想用它来做那要看你想用它来做什么什么”。故选。故选D。课后巩固

16、课后巩固13.Listening to tapes _ me a lot in my English study.A.help B.to helpC.helps D.helpingC【点拨点拨】语法判定法。动名词语法判定法。动名词(短语短语)作主语,作主语,谓语动词用单三形式。故选谓语动词用单三形式。故选C。课后巩固课后巩固14.Many tourists prefer five-star hotels because they think expensive hotels always _ guests with better service.【中考泰州】A.prevent B.protec

17、tC.present D.provide D【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“许多游客更喜欢五星级旅馆,因许多游客更喜欢五星级旅馆,因为他们认为昂贵的旅馆总是为客人提供更好的服为他们认为昂贵的旅馆总是为客人提供更好的服务务”。表示。表示“为某人提供某物为某人提供某物”,应用,应用“provide sb.with sth.”或或“provide sth.for sb.”。故选。故选D。课后巩固课后巩固15.Could you tell me why you learn English so well?Its very simple._ you study,_ grades you will get.【2

18、020滨州】A.The harder;better B.The harder;the betterC.Harder;better D.Harder;the betterB课后巩固课后巩固四、阅读四、阅读理解理解 【2019随州随州】16.Susie Walton agrees that _.A.kids should do more chores than parentsB.parents should make their kids do more choresC.kids shouldnt get rewards by doing choresD.kids should do chores

19、 as young as possible 请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第25页短文。页短文。C【点拨点拨】细节理解题。题干意为细节理解题。题干意为“Susie Walton 同意同意_的观点的观点”。A项项“孩子们应该比父母做更多的家务孩子们应该比父母做更多的家务”;B项项“家长应该让他们的孩子做更多的家务家长应该让他们的孩子做更多的家务”;C项项“孩子们孩子们不应该通过做家务获得报酬不应该通过做家务获得报酬”;D项项“孩子们应该孩子们应该(从从)尽可尽可能年轻的时候做家务能年轻的时候做家务”。根据第二段第二句。根据第二段第二句“Susie Walton,an expert,belie

20、ves that by rewarding kids,parents are sending a message that work isnt important unless you can get something,”可知可知“这位专家认为家长让孩子做这位专家认为家长让孩子做家务获得报酬,会让孩子产生没有报酬就不做家务的错误家务获得报酬,会让孩子产生没有报酬就不做家务的错误认识认识”。故选。故选C。课后巩固课后巩固17.How does the Chore-Monster app help parents?_A.By making kids like doing chores.B.By

21、telling parents good ways.C.By teaching kids to do chores.D.By telling parents how to change.A【点拨点拨】细节理解题。题干意为细节理解题。题干意为“ChoreMonster应应用软件怎么样帮助家长?用软件怎么样帮助家长?”。A项项“通过让孩子们通过让孩子们喜欢做家务喜欢做家务”;B项项“通过告诉家长好的办法通过告诉家长好的办法”;C项项“通过教孩子们做家务通过教孩子们做家务”;D项项“通过告诉家长怎么通过告诉家长怎么样改变样改变”。根据第三段中的。根据第三段中的“We hope kids can do

22、 more chores so they can get more rewards”可知,孩可知,孩子们运用这个软件,通过做更多的家务能够获得更子们运用这个软件,通过做更多的家务能够获得更多的报酬,故推断他们会更喜欢做家务。故选多的报酬,故推断他们会更喜欢做家务。故选A。课后巩固课后巩固18.You can send your reply on _.A.March 23rd B.April 18thC.May 28th D.June 24thA【点拨点拨】推理判断题。题干意为推理判断题。题干意为“你可以在你可以在_发送你的回复发送你的回复(给我们给我们)”。A项项“3月月23日日”;B项项“4月月18日日”;C项项“5月月28日日”;D项项“6月月24日日”。根据。根据最后一段第二句最后一段第二句“The last day for reply is April 10th.”可知,回复这个话题讨论的截稿日期是可知,回复这个话题讨论的截稿日期是4月月10日。故日。故选项选项A符合要求。故选符合要求。故选A。


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