人教版八年级下册英语课件 Unit 2 Period 4 Section B(2a-2e).ppt

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1、Period 4 Section B(2a2e)人教版人教版 八年级下八年级下 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.习题链接习题链接1234678910先练后背提示:点击 进入习题5答案呈现blind;deaf;clever;disabledopen;door;carryingletter;exciteddifficulty changemake it possible;to havemakes a big differenceto havehow he helpsThank you;for changing习题链接习题链接题组专训答案呈现12

2、345to makemakes;possibleBdifferenceliving678910DdifficultyAexcited C习题链接习题链接67excited答案呈现12345understandblindimaginecleveropendifficulty8kindness9sending1112BB10training 131415CBD课后巩固习题链接习题链接1617B答案呈现A18C19C20A课后巩固先练后背先练后背一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语并背记相应英语词汇词汇1.Though the boy is _(失明的)and _(聋的)

3、,he is _(聪明的).Though he is _(有残疾的),he is happy every day.2.Jenny,can you _(打开)the _(门)for me?Im _(扛)a box.blindopendeafcleverdisableddoorcarrying先练后背先练后背3.I got a _(信)from my penfriend.I was very _(兴奋的).4.I had no _(困难)in making myself understood.5.The leaves on trees _(改变)color in autumn.letterdiff

4、iculty changeexcited先练后背先练后背二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子,并背记英语并背记英语句子句子6.你帮着我才使得让我拥有Lucky变为可能。You helped to _ _ _ for me _ _ Lucky.make it possibleto have先练后背先练后背7.Lucky对我的生活有很大影响。Lucky _ _ _ _ to my life.makes a big difference先练后背先练后背8.拥有他,我感到很幸运。I feel very lucky _ _ him.to have先练后背先练后背9.我可以向你展示他是怎样帮我

5、的。I could show you _ _ _ me.how he helps先练后背先练后背10.再次感谢你改变了我的生活。_ _ again _ _ my life.Thank you for changing题组专训题组专训1.WeChat makes it possible for us _(make)many new friends by searching for the people nearby.to make题组专训题组专训2.电脑技术使许多人在家办公成为可能。Computer technology _it _for many people to work at home.

6、【2019通辽】makes possible题组专训题组专训3.I think we should work for peace.Each of us can make _ difference.A.the B.aC./D.anB题组专训题组专训4.If we work hard together,our actions can make a d to the world and lead to a better future.【2019凉山】ifference题组专训题组专训5.I cant imagine _(live)a life without mobile phones.They p

7、lay a very important part now.living题组专训题组专训6.Can you _ what the future will be like?I think there will be more robots,and they will help us do lots of work.A.train B.coverC.control D.imagineD【点拨点拨】词义辨析法。词义辨析法。train训练训练;cover覆盖覆盖;control控制控制;imagine想象,设想。句意为想象,设想。句意为“你能想象未来是什么样子的吗?你能想象未来是什么样子的吗?我认为将

8、有我认为将有更多的机器人,它们将帮助我们做很多工作更多的机器人,它们将帮助我们做很多工作”。根据句意可知选根据句意可知选D。题组专训题组专训7.Do you have _(difficult)with your new school life?difficulty题组专训题组专训8.Im Daisy,not Jessie.Sorry,I have difficulty _ peoples names.【中考苏州】A.remembering B.rememberC.to remember D.rememberedA【点拨点拨】固定搭配法。句意为固定搭配法。句意为“我是戴西,不我是戴西,不是杰西。

9、是杰西。对不起,我很难记住人的名字对不起,我很难记住人的名字”。固定搭配:固定搭配:have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困做某事有困难,故选难,故选A。题组专训题组专训9.Chinese people were _(兴奋的)to hear President Xi Jinpings speech on New Years Eve.excited 题组专训题组专训10.We are very _ about the graduation ceremony next Saturday.We cant wait to be there.【2019云南】A.boring

10、B.boredC.excited D.excitingC【点拨点拨】语境法和词义辨析法。语境法和词义辨析法。boring令人厌烦的,无令人厌烦的,无聊的聊的;bored厌倦的厌倦的;excited激动的激动的;exciting令人激动的。令人激动的。联系下文联系下文“我们迫不及待地想在那儿。我们迫不及待地想在那儿。”可知,此处可知,此处指指“我们对下周六的毕业典礼兴奋不已。我们对下周六的毕业典礼兴奋不已。”需用需用be excited about表示表示“对对感到激动感到激动”。故选。故选C。课后巩固课后巩固一、根据句意及首字母提示填写一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词单词1.Parents s

11、houldnt push their kids so hard.They should u their children.【2020凉山】nderstand课后巩固课后巩固2.Jims grandfather is b and he cant see anything.lind课后巩固课后巩固3.You cant i how happy I was when I heard of the good news.magine课后巩固课后巩固4.Kate is c and she can work out the math problem.lever课后巩固课后巩固5.Scott,can you o

12、 the door?The dog wants to go out.pen课后巩固课后巩固二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空填空6.Do you have any _(difficult)in learning English well?difficulty课后巩固课后巩固7.Why are you so _(excite)?Because our team won the game.excited课后巩固课后巩固8.People who are warmhearted set good examples to society because they pass

13、on their _(kind)to people around them.【2020呼和浩特】kindness课后巩固课后巩固9.Thank you for _(send)me the postcard.I think its beautiful.sending课后巩固课后巩固10.These workers need to get twoweek _(train).training 课后巩固课后巩固三、单项选择三、单项选择11.What a surprise!I get an A in the test!Great!Hard work always _.A.makes a deal B.m

14、akes a differenceC.makes a problem D.make differencesB课后巩固课后巩固12.What should we do for the disabled children?You should _ a study group to help them.【中考贵港】A.take up B.set upC.look up D.put up B课后巩固课后巩固13.The children felt _ about the _ program Keep Running.A.excited;excited B.exciting;excitingC.exci

15、ted;exciting D.exciting;excitedC课后巩固课后巩固14.The Internet makes it possible for people _ things online.A.buy B.to buyC.buying D.will buyB课后巩固课后巩固15.Excuse me,can I help you?Yes.The bag is too heavy.Could you _ it into the house for me?A.control B.catchC.change D.carryD课后巩固课后巩固四、阅读四、阅读理解理解 【2019娄底改编娄底改

16、编】16.According to the passage,you cant volunteer to _ if you are eleven.A.plant treesB.repaint wallsC.collect rubbishA【点拨点拨】细节理解题。根据第一份广告中细节理解题。根据第一份广告中“If youre over 12 years old,come and help us to plant more trees in Zhushan Park.”可知,参加植树活动必须可知,参加植树活动必须在在12岁以上,故选岁以上,故选A。课后巩固课后巩固17.Volunteers need

17、 to _ if they plan to repaint walls according to the passage.A.bring painting tools B.wear old clothesC.know how to paintB【点拨点拨】细节理解题。根据第二份广告的最后一句细节理解题。根据第二份广告的最后一句话话“Just remember to wear old clothes!”可知,可知,志愿者需要穿旧衣服,故选志愿者需要穿旧衣服,故选B。课后巩固课后巩固18.Where will volunteers collect rubbish next Saturday?_A.

18、In Zhushan Park.B.On Lianbin Street.C.At Louxing Square.C【点拨点拨】细节理解题。根据第三份广告中细节理解题。根据第三份广告中“We are going to collect rubbish at Louxing Square from 9:30 am.to 11:30 am.next Saturday.”可知,可知,志愿者将在娄星广场捡垃圾,故选志愿者将在娄星广场捡垃圾,故选C。课后巩固课后巩固19.Volunteers who want to collect rubbish should meet at Louxing Square

19、_.A.at 8:30 a.m.this SaturdayB.at 9:30 a.m.this SaturdayC.at 9:30 a.m.next SaturdayC【点拨点拨】细节理解题。根据第三份广告中细节理解题。根据第三份广告中“We are going to collect rubbish at Louxing Square from 9:30 am.to 11:30 am.next Saturday.”可知,可知,志愿者在下周六上午志愿者在下周六上午9:30集合,故选集合,故选C。课后巩固课后巩固20.According to the passage,we can know tha

20、t _.A.we can plant trees to improve the environmentB.we can make buildings cool and interesting with graffitiC.anyone can get a gift if he or she helps to collect rubbishA【点拨点拨】推理判断题。根据第一份广告的第一推理判断题。根据第一份广告的第一句话句话“Planting trees is a great way to make the air fresher and make our city greener.”可知,可知,我们可以种树来改善环境,故选我们可以种树来改善环境,故选A。


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