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《【精选】新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精选】新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案 篇一:第二版新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后习题答案(下) Unit Five Health Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. Ans

2、wers: 1) familiarize 2) prejudice 3) appealing 4) accelerated 5) threats 6) monitor 7) isolate 8) guarantee 9) infected 10) ignorance 11) was equipped 12) processed 13) sponsor 14) resume 15) issued 16) contracted 2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do yo

3、u know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) take advantage of 2) by contrast 3) make room for 4) bring to an end 5) at best 6) have attributed to 7) at risk 8) set aside Increasing Your Word Po

4、wer 1. Cross out the verb that CANNOT go together with the target word or expression in the circle. Answers: The word to be crossed out2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) b. fulfil a. operate d. subtract c. accelerate d. contract c. coordinate b. exercise 2. Study the prefix “self-”, and put down the Chinese meani

5、ng after each given word. Answers: self-centred a. 自我中心的,自私的 self-conscious a. (过于在乎别人的看法等而) 忸怩的;自觉的 self-confidenta . 自信的 self-evident a. 显而易见的 self-disciplinen . 自律,自我约束 self-esteem n. 自尊 (心),自信 self-image n. 自我形象 self-pity n. 自怜 Now translate the Chinese given in brackets into English with words

6、from the above list. Answers: 1) feel very self-conscious about their appearance 2) need plenty of self-discipline to fight against laziness 3) couldnt help admiring the self-confident way 4) becoming ever more self-centred 5) may seem self-evident 6) burying/indulging themselves in self-pity 7) a b

7、low to his self-esteem 8) have a poor self-image Grammarin Context Observe the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention tothe anticipatory (先行词) “it”. Then do the following two tasks. Task 1: Examine each of the following sentences and underline the real object or su

8、bjectthat is replaced by it. Answers for reference: 1) to reach an agreement in such a delicate situation 2) the way he keeps changing his mind 3) that perhaps he was lying 4) to be asked to speak here 5) buying so much food when the children are all away Task 2:Complete the following sentences, usi

9、ng it as an anticipatory. Answers for reference: 1) It is disappointing3) 4) 5) It is not possible/ It is impossible They kept it a secret/ kept it quiet It is still not clear Cloze Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. Theinitial letter of each is given. Answers: 1) threa

10、t 2) at risk 3) infected 4) prejudice 5) isolated 6) contracted 7) shelter 8) grieve 9) along 10) pathway 11) issue 12) bring 13) evil 14) concern ourselves with 15) support Translation 1.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets. Answers for reference: 1) Owi

11、ng to ignorance of AIDS, people used to label HIV infected/carriers/victims as evils. 2) The campaign of Knowing More About AIDS needs to be carried on, and for/atthis stage the emphasis needs to be put on the way (how) the disease is contracted. 3) We appeal to the young earnestly: Take care of you

12、r health, with which youll be best equipped to handle any tough problems in your life. 4) The leading scientists will be meeting in Genevaon Friday to discuss problemslargely caused by the fierce competition in modern society. 5) His fear of heightswas attributedto an extremely painful experience in

13、 his childhood. He was once forced to stand alone on the 10-meter diving board for up to 10 minutes. 6) We believe that with the newly issueddocument on improving the medical system in rural areas, the era is to be brought to an end when such areas are always short of doctors and medicines. 2. Trans

14、late the following paragraph into English, using the words and expressions in the box below. Answers for reference: We all want to be healthy, to be at our best when handling tough challenges. There has never been a lack of good advice on health. For example, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, a

15、nd set aside some time every week for exercise. Chronobiology, a new science, has provided us with a new approach toachieving peak efficiency. It is to coordinate our daily activities with our biological capacities. We plot on graphpapersix readings of our temperature taken at four-hour intervals th

16、roughout a day, and familiarize ourselves with such information as when our body temperature begins to rise, when it reaches its peak/the highest point, and when the bottom/the lowest point appears. Then, we plan our daily activities by following the instructions given bychronobiology authorities. F

17、or instance, we tackle the most demanding physical work when our temperature is the highest. By contrast, we pursue mental activities like reading and reflection when our temperature is falling. In this way, what we actually do coincides with our bodys natural rhythms and we achieve our best as pred

18、icted. Theme-Related Writing Do either of the following two tasks after class. 1. Write an essay entitled “AIDS acrossthe Earth”. You can refer to the following outline for your writing. Sample essay for Task 1: AIDS Acrossthe Earth AIDS has killed and is threatening to kill millions all across the

19、earth. Several million infections are reported by WHO each year. The virus does not care whether you are black or white, male or female, young or old. It will attack you as long as you are a human. Today, AIDS has become the leading killer of young adults and is turning the children whose parents su

20、ffer the disease into orphans. It is no exaggeration to say that we live under the shadow of AIDS. There are several possible causes for such a situation: unsafe sexual intercourse; sharing or reusing contaminated needles; transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products; an infected persons preg

21、nancy, giving birth and breastfeeding, etc. Unfortunately, our ignorance, prejudice and silence have carried the situation to a desperate extreme. Patients are isolated or treated as outcasts by their families and their communities. AIDS victims feel ashamed to be identified as such and try hard to

22、hide their disease. For this reason, they cannot get immediate medical treatment. Our harmful attitudes towards the disease and its victims have actually placed more people at risk. In our fight against this deadly disease, we should educate people on how to avoid being infected with the disease and

23、 how to lead a healthy and secure life and, more importantly, how to treat AIDS patients properly. Only in this way can we really bring AIDS under control. (236 words) 2. The following is an excerpt from an article in The Guardian. Make comments on the news. Sample essay for Task 2: Why Do Young Adu

24、lts Kill Themselves? Young adults are in the prime of their lives and are supposed to pursue their dreams and enjoy themselves. Yet it was reported in TheGuardian that suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China. Why have so many young people ended their lives? Three factors are t

25、hought to account for the high suicide rate: increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression. The most pressing one, I think, is stress. Take my college life for example. From the first day I entered the university, I have been living under pressure. I used to worry that I

26、 could not quite fit into campus life; I also feared that I might not catch up with my classmates in mystudies or could not live up to my parents expectations. Now I am deeply concerned about whetherI can find a desirable job after graduation. Endless pressures give rise to stress. Loneliness is ano

27、ther problem. Many young people find they just feel helpless when they are suffering intolerable sadness or frustration. Suicide is a great tragedy, especially for the young. If we can find ways to relieve them of their stress and offer timely help, we may save many young lives.(206 words)Unit Six H

28、appiness Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 3. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) inform 2) envious 3) attractive 4) snatched 5)

29、 is soaring 6) interpret 7) was substituted 8) spiritual 9) trivial 10) temporary 11) scales 12) cultivate 13) extravagant 14) purchase 4. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context?

30、Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) work out 2) have a clear conscience 3) other than 4) fact of life 5) On the contrary 6) cried over 7) drop by 8) show off 9) looked down on 10) crossed, off 11) wore out 12) has a great deal to d

31、o with Increasing Your Word Power篇二:新世纪大学英语3综合教程课后习题 第三单元 1)他们绑住他的腿防止他逃掉。 2)He unfolded the map and try to find which way to go.他打开地图寻找道路。 3)Hes been charged with possessing gums and attempting to attack the police.他被指控拥有枪支,同时企图袭警。 4)The products success surpass all our expectations-weve never thoug

32、ht that it could sell so well.这产品的成功超过了我们所有人的预期,我们都没有想到它能卖得那么好。 5)在商定时间前,他在她的办公室门前不安地站着。 6)We like to make friends with shelly because she has virtues truthfulness. 7)Janet and job had corresponded with each other for they in paris.8) 9)。 10)The old man grasp hand warmly shook it,saying,”congratulat

33、ions.youve won. 11) 12)rains so frequently here.在昆明带着伞是特别明智的,由于这里下雨特别频繁。 13)The president failed in his attempts to win the second term because he hadnt fulfilled his commitments made in the previous election.这位总统在下次选举的时候落选了,由于他没有实现选举时的承诺。 14)Even though there are strict rules regulating the use of

34、chemicals in food,some foodproducers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.尽管添加食品中的化学成分是有严格规定的,但是有些消费厂家为了牟利不恪守要求。 2. 1)people who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind.不能区分颜色的人被称为色盲。 2)Thoroughly,the vet(兽医)checked upon our horses and pronounced them fit

35、 to race.兽医详细的检查了我们的马,并宣布它们适宜参加竞赛。 我的栅栏被暴风雨毁了,因而我需要重建 4)You can make a fortune out of these useless vases if you can antiques(古董).”假设这些花瓶是股东的话,你就能发大财。 5)There was silence for a few seconds;then all of a loud scream.通过短时间的寂静,忽然这小孩嚎啕大哭。 complicated.7)Casting an eye over the audience,he of the seats we

36、re still vacant.迅速扫视了i8)Their relationship broke up the that the boy not trusted. sufferings. untrue. 12)She is a swiss in so far as she was born in she became an amerian 1978年成为了美国籍公民网吧),is under 16岁男孩被逮捕了,同时等待审讯。 14)“since about the first item,let us pass on to the next ”said the chairman.既然我们完成了协

37、议的第一条,那我们接着进展下一项吧。 to which road to take,she will telephone her husband.她开车的时候容易迷路,因而当她不确定走哪条路的时候,她会给她的丈夫打。 第四单元 Professor 教授,老师,公开表示信仰的人 Paused 已暂停的 中止的 Consult请教,征询,商量Proceed 开场,接着进展 Feature 特色,特征。以。为主演,起重要作用,以。为特色 Natural自然的事,天生的,不做作的,物质的,白痴 Tendency 倾向,趋势,癖好 Footstep 脚步,脚步声,足迹 Spin 旋转,飞奔,纺纱,眩晕,结

38、网,编造 Flash闪光,出现,反射。火速的 Qualify 限制,使有资历,获得资历,证明。合格qualities质量,特质 consultant征询,参谋 Compete 竞争,竞赛,对抗 Discipline 训练,管教 Confess 坦白,承认,忏悔,供人 Trip绊倒,旅行,过失,远足,犯错误,轻快地走 Hole 孔洞,凿洞,打破口 Graze 擦伤,放牧,吃草 bring up Make a fool of oneself让某人出丑 Under wraps hot under the collar 恼怒的,气冲冲的 In an emergency 在紧急情况 Have ones

39、eyes onTake shape 构成,成型 Bring out 发挥,显示出 Put in Win sb. Hands down 1)一辆卡车速度特别快,勉强错开没有撞上我们的汽车。 2) 4)他听到身后的脚步声,回头看是谁。 5)先学会爬,再学会走是自然的趋势。 6)Mother flashed a smile at her child when he saw him trying to put on his shoes by himself.母亲看见儿子本人尝试穿鞋的时候,露出一丝微笑。 7)Their team failed to qualify for the world cup

40、even though they had trained like crazy.尽管他们拼命训练,他们仍然没有资历参加世界杯。 8)Despite the manufacturers repeated claims that the product is safe ,many people have stopped buying it.尽管消费厂家一再回应生成这种产品是平安的,然而许多人仍然停顿了购置 9)It is great to won yesterdays volleyball match.What about eating out to congratulate ourselves

41、on the success?我们赢了昨天的排球竞赛,去外面吃一顿来庆贺我们的成功如何?10)If your computer goes wrong frequently,i suggest you go and see a computer consultant.假设你的电脑经常出现缺点,我建议你去电脑店征询。 11)In the race he will compete against world-class runners,which is a real challenge to him.这次竞赛他将和世界级的选手赛跑,对他来说真是一个挑战。 12)In order to win in

42、the school track and field meet,he disciplined himself to practice running every day.为了在学校田径会上赢得成功,他计划每天跑步来锻炼本人 13)After being questioned for several hours,the suspect finally confessed that he had stolen the diamond.通过几个小时的询征询,嫌疑犯承认偷了钻石。 14)Unfortunately he tripped and fell over ,tearing a hole in

43、his trousers and grazing his knee.他不幸地摔倒,把裤子蹭了一个洞,擦伤了膝盖。 2. 1)i am kind of hungry.may i go and see something to eat. 2)遇上暴风雨,把旅行推延到别天如何样。 3)4)后,所有人都站起来,为我们热切地喝彩。 5)The boys good manners showed he had been brought in the respectable family. 6)7)昨天晚上的派对8)Idont understand to get hot under the collar ab

44、out things of no importance. 9) hours last night,and if he wasnt . 10)在紧 11)bye it. 12)soon. 13)In a sense,a crisis something bad since difficulties can bring out the best qualities in people.在某种程度上,危机不是坏事,由于困难能够发挥人的特质 14)If i can put in some extra hours this week,i can finish my task ahead of sched

45、ule and will have one or two days off next week.假设我能额外抽出时间,我就能够提早完成我的任务,同时在这周的一到两天后完成。 15)Though tennis is my favorite sport,i am not good at it.you will surely win me hands down 。尽管网球是我最喜爱的,但是我并不擅长它,你能够轻而易举的赢我。 第二单元 1)i dont like my straight hair so i am going to have it curled .我不喜爱我的长直发,以我将要把它弄卷。

46、 2)This price is her minimum ;she refuses to lower it any further.这价格是他的最低限度,她回绝再降价。 3)I often clip recipes out of newspapers and magazines but never use them when i cook.我经常剪下新闻或者杂志上的烹饪方法,但是做饭的时候并没有派上用场。 4)她屈从于食物的引诱,又拿了一盒巧克力,尽管它正在节食。 5)小孩,因而教学对他来说是特别正确的。 6)他们试图保存这有趣的陈旧风俗反对现代世界的阻碍。 7)Philip was fasc

47、inated to see how the old women wove( 8) 9)Teaching is not class. 10)After his wife died, 闲话)among his acquaintances. 11) 颓丧)with grief 12)how to keep a house.理屋子了。 13)怀孕的)边 14) grammar and acquire a large vocabulary 的 15)汽车内的排挡)in his automobile until 她看着他操作汽车内所有的把手和排档,直到她觉得他能本人驾驶。 16)Lack of money and lack o


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