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《Reading1高中英语模块三第二单元的教学设计(人民中学陈媛).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Reading1高中英语模块三第二单元的教学设计(人民中学陈媛).doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、附件1江苏省教研系统教学评比诚信承诺书评比类别教学设计题目内容Reading 1(高中英语模块三第二单元)的教学设计教师姓名陈媛性别女出生年月1968年1月职称中学一级单位全称南京市人民中学单位地址南京市中山路178号邮编210005联系电话办公电话:025-84708601手机:13851632566电子信箱kidew个人诚信承诺1我郑重承诺(在括号内打“”):所写教学论文系本人原创,没有抄袭他人( )所写教学案例真实,源于本人亲历的课堂( )所写教学设计系本人原创,没有照搬他人( )2主办单位若将我的作品公示、上网、发表、出版,我表示(在括号内打“”):同 意( )不同意( )承诺人签字:

2、陈媛 2010年7月20日单位意见单位负责人签字:(盖公章) 年月日附件2:2010年江苏省初、高中英语优秀教学设计评比 学段、年级: 高中英语 单位(全称): 南京市人民中学 姓 名: 陈 媛 教学设计题目:Reading 1(高中英语模块三 第二单元)的教学设计 联 系 电 话: 13852632566 报 送 时 间: 2010年7月20 填写说明:1. 课题要具体、明确,包含年级、单元及课型。2. 写明单位、姓名、联系电话。如果多人合作,应说明谁是执笔人或第一作者。附件32010年江苏省初、高中英语优秀教学设计模板设计题目Reading 1(高中英语模块三第二单元)的教学设计教学内容R

3、eading 1(高中英语模块三第二单元)教学对象高一学生教学目标知识目标:通过通读课文了解英语的发展历史,抓住文章的时间线索,完成图表、填空、复述等巩固练习,达到提高学生阅读历史文章的能力。能力目标:通过小组合作学习来提升学生自主学习的能力,帮助他们养成一种良好的学习历史文章的习惯,并将所学的方法和知识运用到将来的学习和实际的交流中。情感、态度、价值观目标:通过学习,让学生们感到合作学习的快乐,形成积极向上的学习态度,灵活多样的学习策略,增加学习的自信心,更加乐于学习,对英语学习更有兴趣。教学策略主要采取小组讨论、老师教授并引导等方法进行教学教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学

4、 生 活 动设计说明Step1:Lead-in:Step2:Presentation:Step3: Reading comprehension:Step4: Retelling:Step5:Post-reading: Do Part EStep6: Homework:6分钟5分钟1分钟10分钟1分钟6分钟4分钟10分钟2分钟Teacher: We greeted each other just now. We used languages. Wherever there are people, there are languages. Without languages, people wou

5、ldnt communicate with each other. The world would not be as it is today. Questions: Teacher: 1.How many languages are there all over the world?Students: There are nearly 6000 languages.Teacher: 2.Do you know other forms of language? Students: Emoticons、Sign language、Body language、Braille、Animal lang

6、uage.Show the picture to the students. 图1 图2Emoticons Sign language图3 图4Braille Animal language Teacher: Why are we learning English?It is the most widely spoken language in the world (45 countries). 50% of all business meetings are in English.70% of all scientific articles and science textbooks are

7、 in English.More than 70% of the worlds mail and email is in English.Since we have learned English for several years, what do you think is the most difficult part, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary or something else? Why?It is difficult to learn because English is made up of several languages from

8、different countries.Listen to the tape, then answer the question:How many parts can we divide the text into? I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n (Introduction)Old EnglishMiddle EnglishModern English Introduction:(此处问题较简单,有利于基础较差的学生回答,以便提高他们的学习兴趣。)Why is English a language with a lot of confusing rules? Old Engli

9、sh:Fill in a chart according to the second part. 图表:Old Englishbefore mid-5th Celtic (base of old English) Anglo-Saxon languagesthen 3 Germanic tribes Old English (A. S. J)end 9th Vikings languages ScandinavianDenmark Norwayby the 10th C official languageFill in the blanks: The development of old En

10、glishBefore the middle of the 5th century, people spoke Celtic. Then 3 Germanic t_ (the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes) i_ Britain. Their language mixed with Celtic and became the b_ of Old EnglishAnglo-Saxon. At the end of the 9th century, the Vikings, people from the Scandinavian countries, i_ D

11、enmark and Norway invaded Britain. And their language mixed with Anglo-Saxon and became what we now call Old English. By the 10th century, Old English was the o_ language of England. Middle English:What are the factors (因素)that contributed to the development of middle English? similar words French w

12、ords for animals & food PluralGerman plural endingsHenry IV official occasionsWhat are the words for animals/meat? 图1pig (pork / bacon) 图2sheep (mutton) 图3cow / ox (beef) Modern EnglishQuestion: When did Modern English appear?During the Renaissance(文艺复兴)in the 16th century.William ShakespeareWilliam

13、 Shakespeare was the greatest writer of plays who ever lived. He was born in 1564 and died in 1616. Shakespeare wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets(十四行诗)(a sonnet is a kind of poem). His greatest tragedies are Hamlet哈姆雷特,Macbeth 麦克白,King Lear 李尔王 and Othello 奥瑟罗. His friend & fellow playwright Ben Jonson

14、 said that Shakespeare was not of an age but for all time.Question: What new factors(因素) are included in modern English?Latin and Greek words and dialects and new words being invented.Retell the history of English according to the time chart.before the middle of the 5th century Celtic3 tribes invade

15、d Anglo-Saxonat the end of the 9th century old Englishthe Vikings invaded by the 10th century official languagein 1066 the Norman Conquestby the latter half of the 14th century EnglishIn 1399 official occasionsduring the Renaissance in the 16th century modern English Fill in the blanks with the word

16、s from the box.consisted of vocabulary servants mother tongue official dialects meat mixed There are many different _ of English depending on where people live. When Old English was developing, it _ an Anglo-Saxon base _ with many words from other languages. Before people could write, they used poem

17、s to record the history of England. Old English became the _ language of England in the 10th century. English _ has lots of similar words for the same thing and that is because so many different people from other countries came to England. Another thing that happened in English is that there are dif

18、ferent words for animals and the _ which comes from them. This is because the English _ cooked for the French. King Henry IVs _ was English and he was the first king to use English after the Normans came to England in 1066.Write a short summary of English history according to what we have learned to

19、day.小组活动:通过小组讨论找出答案,这是一个学生自主学习的过程。看图认知小组讨论回答问题听录音,初步认知课文。小组讨论,回答问题。小组讨论题,充分发挥小组的合作学习的作用,降低在文章中寻找信息的难度。小组讨论后让学生上黑板填此表,给学生一个展示自我的机会。根据上面图表填空。回答问题。阅读此段。回答问题。先进行小组活动,以四人为一个小组。学生先在组内进行复述,其他的组员对其复述进行补充。 填空通过设置几个学生感兴趣的问题,检查课前准备工作,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生迅速融入语境当中,为下面的学习做铺垫。通过片给学生一个视觉上的认知通过听课文录音,让学生初步认知课文,简要陈述课文的四个部分

20、。答案给出首字母,降低难度,让基础较薄弱的学生回答此问题,争强学生的自信。这一部分将课文分部分(Introduction、Old English、Middle English、Modern English)进行分析,每部分先进行详细的阅读,然后再完成回答、图表、填空等相关练习,达到巩固所学知识的目的。此题是对上面图表的巩固练习,意在让学生加深对这部分的理解。此部分较复杂,牵涉到法语和德语对英语的影响,学生在认知的过程中易于混淆,因此提供了图表和相关的插图,降低难度便于理解。此处采用分组讨论的形式,体现以学生为教学主体,学生自主学习的课改理念。通过对莎士比亚的介绍,提高学生的人文素养。根据所给图


22、的主动性和积极性,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中完成教师设定的任务。最后写一篇文章的概要,巩固本课所学的知识,提升学生综合运用语言的能力,为下一节课的学习做好准备。在教学的过程中和课后作业反馈里遇到的问题是:1. 文章第一部分是简介,但学生不易概括出这段的大意。2. 在根据图表进行复述时,有些学生会出现一些时态方面的错误,不能正确地区分过去时或过去完成时。3. 在学习英语中可数名词的复数形式时,学生极易将后缀混淆。4. 在写课文摘要时,有些学生不能正确地运用课文中的短语。针对以上情况在下面的教学中一定要强化时态和短语的正确运用以及对课文大意的理解,每天适当地进行一些翻译和阅读练习,通过这样循序渐进的练习,最终达到提高学生运用英语的能力。9


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