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《大学英语-翻译课件-课堂练习句子.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语-翻译课件-课堂练习句子.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1. The buyer and the seller stipulate their respective rights and obligations by trade terms.2. The price mainly consists of manufacturing costs of the goods, freight, packing charges, commodity inspection fare, tariff, commission and other charges.3. Under FOB term, the buyer bears all risks and co

2、sts of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ships rail at the named port of shipment.4. Under CIF term, the seller contracts for shipment with the shipping company, and for insurance with the insurance company.5. We place an order of 100 M/T of Chinese rosin, US$8000 per

3、 ton CIF New York, including 2% commission.1、买卖双方通过贸易术语规定各自相应的权力和义务。2、价格主要包涵商品生产成本,运费、包装费、商检费、关税、佣金及其它费。3、在FOB条件下,买方负担自货物在指定装运港越过船舷后所引起货物灭失或损坏的风险及费用。4、在CIF条件下,卖方与船公司订立运输公司,与保险公司订立保险合同。5、我方订购100吨中国松香,每吨8000美元CIF纽约,包括2%佣金。1. The clauses dealing with the payment of the purchase price in every sales con

4、tract consist of time of payment, modes of payment, place of payment and the currency of payment.2. At the sight of this draft pay to or to the order of Guangzhou Machinery and Electric Appliance Import and Export Co. the sum of USD one million five hundred thousand only.3. Sight draft terms involve

5、 less risk, since only if the importer makes payment can he obtain the documents to take delivery of the goods.4. Under the collection, banks only provide the service of collecting and are not liable for non-payment of the importer.5. L/C is a promise of payment signed by the bank, who assures payme

6、nt to the seller as long as the bills and documents are in full line with the L/C.6. After the exporter examines the L/C that there is no discrepancies, the exporter will make delivery of the goods to the importer and get the relevant documents, then present the documents to his local bank for USD o

7、ne million only.7. The opening bank notifies the buyer to make payment for the documents. After making payment the buyer receives the document and takes delivery of the goods.8. In accordance with instructions received from Wal-Mart Co., U.S.A., we hereby issue in your favor a documentary credit for

8、 USD one million only.9. The negotiating bank guarantees to honor the bills and documents upon their presentation.10. If the beneficiary of the L/C finds that the stipulations in the L/C do not conform to the terms and conditions set in the sales contract, he can request an amendment of the L/C.1、 合


10、可兑现。10、信用证受益人若发现信用证与合同条款不符,可申请修改信用证。1.The banks need commercial invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy, commodity inspection certificate to make negotiation and settle the accounts.2. Electronic business mainly takes the mode that documents and bills of international trade are transferred into el

11、ectronic information, thus to facilitate the international trade.3. In free trade area, some documents such as the import license, the export license, import quota systems, the allocation of foreign exchanges, Pro forma invoice, etc. have become meaningless in practice.4. Bill of lading is usually m

12、ade in quarter plicate or in quintuplicate, one copy for exporter, one kept for the shipping company, the other copies are sent to the bank. After the importer pays his account or makes acceptance, he can obtain one copy of B/L to take delivery of the goods.5. When there is no direct service between

13、 the port of loading and port of destination, the goods are to be transshipped at an intermediate port. The B/L should bear the clause “transshipment allowed”.6. The exporter should present to the negotiating bank a full set of on board clean B/L, commercial invoice, commodity inspection certificate

14、, packing list and insurance policy.7. Unclean B/L is not acceptable to the banks, since it may cause discrepancies, claims or non-payment.1、银行需要商业发票、提单、保险单、商检证明等单据进行议付和结帐。2、 电子商务的主要方式就是把国际贸易单据转为电子信息,使国际贸易变得快捷、方便。3、 在自由贸易地区,某些单证如进口许可证、出口许可证、进口配额制、外汇分配制、形式发票等已没有实际意义。4、 提单一般制成一套四份或五份,出口方一份,船公司一份,其它的交给

15、银行。进口商付款或承兑后,从银行得到一份提单,以便提货。5、 当装运港与目的港之间没有直运时,需经中间港转运。提单中要注明“允许转运”。6、 出口方应向议付银行提供已装船清洁提单,商业发票、商检证明、包装单、保险单。银行一般不受理不清洁提单,因为它会导致纠纷、索赔或拒付。1.In insurance business, generally, the insurance broker is on behalf of the insured to arrange insurance in the insurance company.2. When the conveyance is in dang

16、er, the captain may decide on conditions to throw away or quit one shippers cargo. The loss of the cargo owner can be indemnified from the F.P.A. coverage.3. The sue and labor expenses arising from saving the cargo in danger is within scope of marine insurance. But the expenses should not be in exce

17、ss of the value of the whole consignment.4. According to the nature of the insured goods, the cargo owner may choose the right coverage. The more risks the cargo owner may expect, the more coverage he should effect.5. Loss or damage caused by the intentional act or fault of the insured are out of th

18、e insurance coverage.6. The insured pays to the insurance company the premium and undertakes to insure the under mentioned goods subject to the conditions and clauses of this policy.7. Claims, if any, payable on surrender of this policy together with other relevant documents.8. The insurance is to b

19、e effected by the seller for 110% of invoice value against F.P.A and W.P.A.9. The insurance is to be effected by the buyer for the value of CIF New York against All Risks and War Risks, Claim, if any, is payable in New York in U.S. currency.1、在保险业务中,一般是保险经纪人代表投保人为其在保险公司办理保险。2、当轮船遇到危险时,船长视情况可抛弃某个发货人的货物。该货主可从平安险中得到赔偿。3、对遇险货物施救的费用也在海洋保险范围内。但该费用不能超过这批货物的总价值。4、根据所保货物的特性,货主可选择合适的险种。风险越大,所投的险种就应该越多。5、由投保人故意行为或过失所导致的损失或损坏不在保险赔偿范围内。6、被保险人交付保险费,按照本保单承保险别及条款投保下列货物。7、所保货物如遇危险,本公司凭保单及相关证件给予赔偿。7、 保险由卖方办理,按发票金额的110%投平安险和水渍险。9、保险由买方办理,按纽约到岸价投全险和战争险,在纽约以美元赔付。


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