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1、大学英语六级考前救命词 主讲:朱伟 非母语词汇记忆的实质 识记 + 应用 朱朱伟恋练有词伟恋练有词 Term 【n】 学期学期;期间期间; 条件条件;术语;条款术语;条款 【V】 把把当做当做 同义词同义词 period, expression term 出现次数出现次数20 n19 v1 形近词形近词DetermineTerminally determinedly Terminate Terminal 词组词组in terms ofbe termed 【真题例句真题例句 】 2001年年 Text 5 【v】把】把称为称为, 把把叫做叫做 Downshifting - also known

2、in America as “voluntary simplicity” - has, ironically, even bred a new area of what might be termed anti-consumerism. be termed (as) term A as B 核心词根大串讲 backer a.=出资方出资方,赞助商赞助商= sponsor b.=幕后的人幕后的人 (a person behind the scene) backpack a.=背包背包(n.) b.=背负背负(v.)=burden (消极消极) babble (v.) 啰嗦啰嗦 gabble (v

3、.) 急促不清地说话急促不清地说话 gamble (n./v.) 赌博赌博 gambler (n.) 赌徒赌徒 keep a bet with sb. 与某人打赌与某人打赌 scandal 丑闻丑闻 babble rumor 流言流言 hearsay playboy 花花公子花花公子 a gallant playboy 喜欢献殷勤的男孩喜欢献殷勤的男孩 gallant (a.) 大胆的,英勇的大胆的,英勇的 gall (n.) 胆汁胆汁 a gallant warrior 英勇的战士英勇的战士 gallantry (n.) 大胆大胆 gullible (a.) 易上当的易上当的 gull (v

4、.) 使上当,受骗使上当,受骗 guarantee (n./v.) 保证书保证书;担保担保,保证保证 guard 门卫门卫 gate-keeper gatedog bodyguard 保镖保镖 safeguard Rejoice(joy, joyful) glitter warrant (v): 打仗打仗-军令状军令状保证保证 assure self-assurance self-assured Insure insurance company baffle baffle (v./n.): 困惑困惑;困扰困扰battle 为什么要为什么要battle, 真是让人真是让人baffle baffl

5、ing 缓冲(板)缓冲(板) be baffled by ban (v./n.): (bang= 爆炸声爆炸声) 禁令;禁令; enact a strict ban to curb smuggling 发布一个禁令来控制走私发布一个禁令来控制走私 比较词比较词 1.forbid (v.): forbidden (a) (bid:a.= 示意示意b.=投标,竞标投标,竞标) 在来之前示意停下在来之前示意停下禁止禁止 bid farewell to bygones 永别永别 霸王别姬霸王别姬= Bid Farewell to My Mistress 四大名著翻译四大名著翻译 西游记西游记Pilgr

6、image to the West 三国演义三国演义The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 红楼梦红楼梦A Dream of Red Mansions 水浒传水浒传 Heroes of the Marshes bid bidding (n.):吩咐:吩咐 send a to sb. 比较词比较词 2.prohibit (v.): 禁止禁止 prohibition (n.):禁止,禁令:禁止,禁令 habitant ban 禁止禁止 bankrupt:rupt=break=破裂破裂 fra-fragrance瓶子打破了瓶子打破了,香味流出来香味流出来 Perfume

7、scent bankruptcy 破产破产 pizza paparazzi erupt (v.): e=out 爆发爆发 volcano eruption 火山喷发火山喷发 甬温线停运甬温线停运-disruption瓦解瓦解,破坏破坏,破裂破裂 rupture-破裂:破裂:the of blood vessel -rupt (bankrupt) corrupt: 腐败,堕落腐败,堕落 corruption *graft:a.=嫁接嫁接 b.=贪污贪污; 收收/受贿受贿 bribe (v./n.): 行贿行贿- bribery frame-诽谤诽谤 blackmail-敲诈敲诈 kidnap-绑

8、架绑架nap-小睡,午休小睡,午休 robbery -抢劫抢劫 -rupt (bankrupt) bar:a.=木条木条 b.=律师席律师席 bare 光秃秃的光秃秃的 naked 裸体的裸体的 barren 无生命的,贫瘠的无生命的,贫瘠的 a bare and barren land 不毛之地不毛之地 *barely=few=little=rarely =scarcely=seldom=hardly=not! scarcity bar It is hardly necessary for me to cite all the evidence to display the depressi

9、on of Chinese peoples literacy. 我们可以看到我们可以看到中国人民阅读水平下降中国人民阅读水平下降 but my own worry today lies barely in the slide of those illiterates elementary knowledge than those Middle-class readers who spend merely 30 minutes reading every week on the average. bar barely illiterate (a./n.) 文盲文盲 literal (a.) 文字

10、的,逐字的文字的,逐字的 translation 笔译笔译 interpretation 交译;口译交译;口译 literacy 文化程度文化程度 contemporary literature 当代文学当代文学 temporary staff 临时工临时工 ill- literate (a.) 文学的,文化的文学的,文化的 (n.) 文人文人 intellect (n.) 才智非凡的人才智非凡的人 intellectual (a./n.) 文人文人(知识分子知识分子) public intellectual ill- liberal (a.) 开明的,思想开化的开明的,思想开化的 illib

11、eral (a.) 保守的保守的 conservative 保守的保守的conserve grain reserve 小麦储备小麦储备 preserve liberate (v.) 解放解放 liberty (n.) 自由自由 ill- deliberate a. (a.)=故意的故意的,处心积虑的处心积虑的 b. (v.)=深思熟虑,三思深思熟虑,三思 deliberation (n.) = thought Thanks for your deliberation. contemplate (v.) 深思熟虑深思熟虑 temple 庙宇,太阳穴庙宇,太阳穴 ill-: liberate le

12、gitimate (a.) 合法的合法的 a heir illegitimate (a.) 不合法的不合法的 legible (a.) 字迹清晰的字迹清晰的 illegible (a.) 看不清的,模糊的看不清的,模糊的 handwriting 字迹不清字迹不清 fingerprint 无效的指纹无效的指纹 blur (v./n.) blurring 模糊不清模糊不清 disidentifiable identify ill-: legal-legitimate opaque不透明的不透明的; 不透光的不透光的 OPEC-pricing mechanism-阿拉伯人阿拉伯人 opaquenes

13、s=含糊含糊, 不透明不透明 (vague, dim) transparent: 连父母的代沟都跨越了连父母的代沟都跨越了 模糊模糊 eligible: lig=leg; e=out 合格的合格的 be for + this position. be qualified for; quality qualification=资格;资历资格;资历=seniority edible=食用的;食用的;+oil=食用油;食用油; crude oil=原油原油 petrol oil=汽油汽油=gasoline sewage oil ill-: lig-leg/ -ible barbarian (n./a

14、) =barbaric (a): bar=木条木条;bare=光秃秃光秃秃 野蛮的野蛮的, 粗暴的粗暴的, 不文明的;野蛮人不文明的;野蛮人 barbarian manners barbaric lifestyle 野蛮生长野蛮生长-做企业做企业 bar barrier-障碍物障碍物 贸易壁垒贸易壁垒 trade 绿色壁垒绿色壁垒 green 110栏栏 hurdle: 障碍物障碍物(n.) 阻拦阻拦(v.) 110-metre hurdles obstacle: ob- 对面,对立对面,对立 stacle=stack bar *身体有障碍身体有障碍, 不方便:不方便: disabled Cr

15、ippled = lame lameness handicapped physically-challenged mentally-challenged mentally-abnormal 心理变态心理变态(ab=off) bar 阻碍阻碍:handicap 障碍障碍 handicapped hinder 阻碍阻碍 (hint, clue) cumber 麻烦;妨碍麻烦;妨碍 encumber 妨碍,阻碍妨碍,阻碍 succumb to 屈服于屈服于=yield to cumb 躺躺 阻碍阻碍 yield: (n.)=产量产量=turnover=production (v.)=+to= 屈服于

16、屈服于= succumb to yearn:盼着赚钱:盼着赚钱盼望盼望 anticipate zeal=热情热情 zealous succmb- yield beam : a. (n.) =光束光束 gleam a. (n.)=光线;一丝亮光光线;一丝亮光 b. (v.)= 发光发光 c. (v.)=隐约出现隐约出现 (=loom) a looming memory 隐约记忆隐约记忆 loom (n.) 织布机织布机 (v.) 隐约出现隐约出现 a gleam of hope 一丝希望一丝希望 stream (n.) 溪流溪流steam steamed bread beam 光光radiate

17、 - rad glimmer (n.) 微光微光 (v.) 发出微光发出微光 glimmer at the end of the hall glimmering atmosphere 微妙的氛围微妙的氛围 glitter (v.) 发光发光(反射反射) glow 发光发光 e.g. Mars, a glowing planet, beam 光光radiate - rad beam b. (v.) =微笑微笑(gracious) beam at sb. 朝某人微笑朝某人微笑 smile to/at sb. blush:放光;脸红(:放光;脸红(shame) flush(zealous)而放光)而

18、放光 beam 光光radiate - rad radiate: a.=辐射辐射 radioactivity 辐射能辐射能 nuclear reactor 核反应堆核反应堆 b.=面露喜色,神采奕奕的面露喜色,神采奕奕的 =radiant=joyful=gay (rad: a=根;根;b=发散,辐射发散,辐射) beam 光光radiate - rad radical: a.=根本的,原则性的根本的,原则性的 =cardinal ( b.深红色深红色) (card=cord; core核心核心 discard抛弃,遗弃抛弃,遗弃 ) you got a mind. b.=极端的极端的 terr

19、orism; radicalism 极端主义极端主义 fundamentalism beam 光光radiate - rad eradicate (v.) 铲除,消灭,连根拔起铲除,消灭,连根拔起 evacuate: vac=va=空闲的,空置的,未空闲的,空置的,未 被占用的被占用的 清空;撤离清空;撤离 rad-evacuate - vac=va vain a. 徒劳的徒劳的 vanity 虚荣虚荣inanity 空虚空虚 vacant 空置的空置的 Do you have a empty room? on vacation 度假度假 “Forrest Gump” vacuum 真空的,吸

20、尘器真空的,吸尘器 rad-evacuate - vac=va eradicate 比较词比较词 比较词比较词 1.eliminate 淘汰淘汰 比较词比较词 2.assassinate:杀死你杀死你刺杀刺杀 Assassins and Bodyguards =十月围城十月围城 *exploit 剥削剥削, 利用利用 exploitation explore squeeze 压榨(王压榨)压榨(王压榨) 鲁花压榨油鲁花压榨油 extracting oil be-: 动词化(非使动)动词化(非使动) beseech: seech=search; see=看看 祈求祈求 besiege: sieg

21、e (v)= 围攻,包围围攻,包围 围攻,团团围住围攻,团团围住 be besieged by+ fans mob: 围住围住 (turbulent) mobile mobbery (n.): 暴民暴民 be-: 动词化动词化 bestow发音发音: =endow tow=dow, 赠与,赋予,赐予赠与,赋予,赐予 (bestow更高尚更高尚) bestow high praise to sb. be endowed with= 天生具备天生具备. you are endowed with beauty. be-: 动词化动词化 entitle: 赋予赋予 be entitled to sth

22、. This ticket can entitle you to having a free dinner at the buffet. be-:动词化动词化 bestow赋予赋予entitle grant: 给予,赐予给予,赐予 Thank you for not granting (grudging) me help when I was in deplorable situation, otherwise I would never be successful like today. grudge (v.) 吝惜吝惜 grumble beware: aware=意识到意识到 be of

23、raise awareness about/of security beware of thieves 谨防小偷谨防小偷 bewilder (v.): wild=野外的,狂野的野外的,狂野的 mild=柔和柔和 (沐浴液沐浴液- mildness) 迷惑,糊涂,搞不清方向迷惑,糊涂,搞不清方向 be bewildered by = baffle (battle) be-:动词化动词化 bewitch: witch wizard (Jason Mraz) 蛊惑,施法于,蛊惑,施法于, 陶醉,着迷陶醉,着迷(addicted) be bewitched with/by = be fascinate

24、d by (fancy fantasy fabulous fantastic) = be intoxicated with toxic 有毒的有毒的, 有害的(说不清的)有害的(说不清的) intoxicate (v.)=陶醉(坏的东西)陶醉(坏的东西) blaze (n.) = 燃烧,火光燃烧,火光 =flame inflame - inflammables and explosives (v.) a.=发出强烈的光和热发出强烈的光和热=shine The sunshine blazes down on the valley. 阳光洒在峡谷上。阳光洒在峡谷上。 blaze b.=开拓,倡导开

25、拓,倡导NBA开拓者队开拓者队= Blazer blaze a trail to do sth 开始做某事开始做某事,创新做某事创新做某事 1.= hack through 开始开始, 探索探索 hack 劈劈, 砍砍 hacker (n.) 黑客黑客 hack into 窜改窜改; 侵入侵入 2.= poke 刺穿刺穿 +out/about 探索探索 probe=刺探刺探, 打探打探 blaze 3.=be in quest of quest: 探求探求, 探索探索, 寻找寻找 query: inquire; (n./v.)询问询问inquiry(n) 质问质问 hold an inquir

26、y on/about qualitative: 定性的定性的(研究研究) quantitative: 定量的定量的 tentative=experimental; trial; pilot *dazzle (v.) 令人晕眩强烈的光令人晕眩强烈的光 glitter (v.) 反射的光反射的光 (水面,金属等水面,金属等-海海 狸先生牙膏狸先生牙膏) glare (v.) 令人不快的光令人不快的光 glare at怒目而视怒目而视 blaze dazzle 1.glare (v.) 令人不快的光令人不快的光 glare at怒目而视怒目而视 2.gaze (n./v.) 看看 gaze at s

27、b. (因惊叹不可思议因惊叹不可思议)而盯着看而盯着看 fix ones gaze on 盯着看盯着看 3.glance (n./v.) 惊鸿一瞥,瞄一眼惊鸿一瞥,瞄一眼 glance at 看看 give sb. a dirty glance 瞪瞪一眼一眼 看;瞥看;瞥 4.peep (v.) 偷窥偷窥 peep at 偷窥偷窥 5.stare (v.) (惊恐)看(惊恐)看 stare at 看看 (curiosity) 6.glimpse (v.) 瞄一眼瞄一眼 (catch a glimpse of) 7.goggle (v.) 睁眼看睁眼看 看;瞥看;瞥 peep: 偷窥偷窥 ove

28、rlook=忽视忽视=omit peel: 皮儿皮儿拨皮拨皮 peer: ee=eye (v.) + at=凝视凝视, 盯着看盯着看 (n.)=同辈人同辈人 =contemporary(当代的当代的; 同辈朋友同辈朋友) 看看 peep cherish:a.=珍惜珍惜 b.=怀有什么幻想:怀有什么幻想: an unrealistic expectation for the future. = aura 光环光环 perish 逝逝【生命生命perish, 应当应当cherish】 peril 死死 (in poetry) -rish circle:circulate circulation c

29、ircular: a.=循环的循环的 a bus route b.=圆的圆的 (two dimensional) round (three dimensional) a circular table 圆形餐桌圆形餐桌 c. (n.) =通告,公告通告,公告 circumstance= 条件,状况条件,状况 (周围的周围的circum) under these s circ circumscribe: scribe, scription = writing describe narrate narration=story, thing: 事情事情 description a.=在周围划线在周围划

30、线 b.= 限制限制 *restrict= 严格限制严格限制 subscribe:sub=下面下面 签署,签字签署,签字 签约用户:签约用户:subscriber user subscription (n.) 签署签署 circ transcription= 抄写抄写, 誊写誊写 trans=across -graph=writing : 记录文字图片等信息的载体记录文字图片等信息的载体 telegraph telecommunication (tele=远程远程) telescope 望远镜望远镜 艳照门艳照门: “pornography incident” trans coherent 连

31、贯的连贯的 he=her: a.=粘;粘;b.=遗传遗传 inherit cohesion 凝聚力凝聚力 con=com combustible: a. bust=破碎破碎 易怒的;容易发火的易怒的;容易发火的 b.=易燃的易燃的 inflammable “Whiplash” he=her commitment commit: a.=犯错犯错 commit suicide b.= 全身心做某事全身心做某事 commit oneself to doing sth. = be committed to doing sth. commitment=承诺承诺 business commerce he=

32、her comply: ply=pli=ple=补充补充, 符合符合 comply with 遵守,符合遵守,符合 =abide by =conform (form 格式,要求格式,要求) with/to =subject A to B =defer to ply=pli=ple accessory= complicity 共犯,从犯共犯,从犯 implement: a.=工具工具(补充作用补充作用) b.=实施实施 complement: 补充物补充物 complementary 互补的互补的 coastline 海岸线海岸线 character -pli- compliment (v.):

33、 恭维恭维(有点违背事实有点违背事实) 赠券赠券= complimentary tickets supplement:supply (v.) 补充补充 supplementary 追加的追加的(a);增刊;增刊(n.) -pli- consist: 包含,包括;有什么组成包含,包括;有什么组成 【Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold.】 consistent (a):持续的,连贯的:持续的,连贯的 =coherent =consecutive sist=stand=忍受忍受 -sist insist: a.=I insist that(认为(认为=think) b.= insist on doing 坚持做某事坚持做某事 (短暂短暂, temporary) persist in doing (持久持久, continual) -sist I cant stand you. I cant stand with you = agree with you over-insistence:偏执:偏执 “Only The Paranoid Survive” -sist


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