人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid单元检测卷(五).docx

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1、单元检测卷(五)第一局部 听力(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a zoo.B. In a park.C. In a pet store.2. When did the football match start yesterday afternoon?A

2、. At 2: 30.B. At 2: 45.C. At 3: 10.3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Policewoman and thief.B. Mother and son.C. Teacher and student.4. What will the woman do next?A. Apologize to the man for selling out these shoes.B , Order a pair of shoes of the same size for the man

3、.C. Try to find the shoes for the man.5. . What is the man s opinion about the woman?A. She is eating slowly.B She is not patient.C Her attitude is right.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

4、 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where is the woman going?But upholding a lie is harder than speaking the truth.In contrast, the power of gratitude allows us to shift(转移)our attention to the truth, even if it means our feeling will be hurt.Gratitude turns the switch from fear and judgment to sympathy and understa

5、nding.lt is the bridge where friendships and tolerance are born.语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了臆断的害处、产生原因以及怎么防止臆断。28 . What does the author think of judgment?A. It makes us physically safe.B It contributes to satisfying results.C. It damages our relationships with others.D. It allows us to decide with full unde

6、rstanding.K答案CK解 析U细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的.at a cost of parting ourselves instead ofbuilding stronger connections.,可知,臆断会损害我们与他人的关系。29. What s the author? s purpose of asking his customers the question?A. To warn them of others ill thoughts.B. To help them to recognize their judgment.C. To remind them to

7、connect with others.D. To explain to them the bad effects of judgment.K答案eBK解 析1细节理解题。根据第三段第一句uThe key to.being mindful of our thoughts/,可知,作者问客户那个问题的目的是帮助他们看清真相,以便排除臆断。30. The example of Lance Armstrong is used to show.A. the progress in medicineB the source of judgmentC. the achievement of the cyc

8、listD. the reason for telling white liesK答案I BK解 析 推理判断题。第三、四段的主要内容是认清臆断,而第四段举阿姆斯特朗的例子 就是为了说明我们的臆断是怎么形成的。31. What is the best title for the text?A. Benefits of Being GratefulSearch for the Whole TruthB. Ways to Form a Friendship D Get Away From JudgmentK答案I DK解 析I标题归纳题。本文的主要内容是论述臆断的害处、产生原因及怎么防止臆断,因此

9、“远离臆断”适合作为文章标题。DHistory tells us that footwear was one of the first things ancient people learned to make.Footwear helped them across rocky paths or hot sands without injuring themselves.The earliest footwear we know of was simply a piece of plaited(编织的)grass or leather tied to the feet.The ancient

10、Egyptians seem to have invented the first footwear with a firm sole(鞋 底)一sandals.Egyptian royalty usually wore sandals that had a different style from those with lesser status(身份),while slaves were not allowed to wear anything on their feet.The sandal is still the basic form of footwear in many coun

11、tries, particularly those with a hot climate, whereas in cold climates, an entirely different type of shoe appeared-the moccasin-a slipper-shaped shoe made of soft but strong leather.The Greeks were the first to develop shoes with heels(鞋总艮).Then, in the Middle Ages, shoes with long points at the to

12、e became very chic for the nobility.These shoes were often very difficult to wear.Other trends followed, with square-toed shoes, wide shoes, and even shoes that could make a woman stand two feet taller.Not surprisingly, these sometimes led to accidents.Even today, fashion rather than comfort often l

13、eads to the kind of shoes women wear.Mechanical shoemaking appeared in the 1800s in North America.Until then, shoes had been made with the same kinds of hand tools used by the ancient Egyptians. And in 1858, a machine was invented that could stitch(缝合)the sole of a shoe to the upper part.Now it was

14、possible to make shoes that were shaped to fit either the left or right foot.Toward the end of the 1800s came a new type of shoe that was specifically designed for sports一the sneaker-and it soon become an all-time favorite.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了鞋的演变过程。32. What did shoes often show in ancient times?A. The

15、 rich resources.B . People s different beliefs.C People s status in society.D. The changeable climates.K答案I cK解 析H 细节理解题。由第二段第二句 uEgyptian royalty usually wore sandals that had a different style from those with lesser status(身份),while slaves were not allowed to wear anything on their feet.v可知,在古埃及,鞋

16、是身份地位的象征。33. What does the underlined word “chic” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Valuable.B - Convenient.C. Fashionable.D. Comfortable.K答案F cK解 析1词义猜想题。由画线词后的 uThese shoes were often very difficult to wear .fashionrather than comfort often leads to”可知,此处指中世纪尖头鞋在贵族中成为一种时尚。34. Before mechanical shoem

17、aking appeared, .A. shoes were often very difficult for people to wearB all the shoe patterns made by the Greeks were the sameC the only function of footwear was to protect people s feetD people wore the same-shaped shoes on their two feetK答案DI解 析U 细节理解题。由最后一段中的 Mechanical shoemaking appeared in the

18、 1800s.it was possible to make shoes that were shaped to fit either the left or right foot. ” 可次口, 十九世名己机 械制鞋之前由手工制作的鞋左右脚形状相同。35. . How does the text mainly develop?A. By providing examples.B. By making comparisons.C. By following the order of time.D. By following the order of importance.K答案力cK解析X 写

19、作手法题。本文按照时间顺序介绍了鞋的演变过程从早期人类穿编织的草 鞋,到古埃及人最早创造鞋底,再到制鞋工业的出现。第二节(共5小题;每题2.5分,总分值12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。Camping without a campfire is not camping at all.Late-night conversations and games around the campfire are essential for a pleasant camping experience.However, you ought to

20、be aware of the fact that camping with a campfire is not all about fun. 36 If you are planning to set up a campfire, or if you are planning to cook during camping, you should remember some fire safety tips.Choose a campsite which has a campfire pit(深坑). 37 If there is no fire pit, set up your own.Ho

21、wever, you should be careful not to place the fire pit near your camping tent.When you set up a campfire, make sure that you put the campfire materials in the right order.This can help you make sure that there will be no flying debris(碎片)once you light your fire.Put the light materials first such as

22、 paper or dry leaves. 38 Finally, make sure that you place stones around the campfire pit.Never burn plastics or other poisonous materials, which will disturb your neighboring campground guests.lt will also significantly pollute the air and promote the risk of fire spreads. 39 Use it only when all t

23、he other fire-making options fail.40 Before you leave your campfire or before you go to bed, make sure that it is completely out.Leaving fire unattended runs high risks of forest fires and the like.A Then, put the wood.B. Camping can give you a lot of freedom.C. It needs a certain degree of responsi

24、bility.D. One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.E. This will ensure that you will be able to control your campfire.F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.G. Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.语篇解读 本文就露营时如何选取篝火的位置、添加使用篝火材料以及防护措施提

25、出了建议。36. K答案U CK解 析I 根据上句“然而,你应该意识到用篝火露营不全是为了好玩儿”,再根据空格下 句“如果你打算支起篝火,或者如果你想在露营时做饭,你应该记住一些消防平安提示”可 知,支篝火需要一定的责任感。应选c。37. K答案H EK解 析X 根据上句“选择一个有篝火坑的营地”可知,E项“这将确保你能够控制你的篝 火”符合语境。应选E。38. K答案AK解 析X根据上句“先放轻材料,如纸或干树叶”,再根据空格后的Finally可知,A项“Then, put the wood.?是本空的最正确选择。39. K答案R GK解 析I 根据空格下句“只有当所有其他的生火选择失败时才

26、使用它“可知,G项Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.v 符合题意。it 才旨的就是 petrolo 40. K答案R FK解 析X根据下句“在你离开你的篝火或者去睡觉以前,确保你的篝火完全熄灭”以及最后一句可推知,前一句应为“一旦你的篝火支起来了,不要让火焰无人看管”。应选F。第三局部 语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。5 pm, ma am.“What? My baby can

27、 no longer wait for that! ”My 3-month-old baby was very 41 .His stomach became larger and larger.Three days ago, we brought him for 42 in hospital where I worked.! knew the 43 of dehydration(脱水)very well because there were already countless 44 of this case that we had met.But it was not a simple deh

28、ydration as I 45 .Everything about him suddenly became so 46 including his laboratory results.Life saving devices were already 47 inside our room.I knew that his chance of 48 became very thin.Suddenly, I was 49 that the schedule was moved to 3 pm.It would be now only in an hour.I was relived 50 anot

29、her much bigger problem arose.I didn t have the money needed.We 51 borrowed it from a friend who was one of the two persons in my contact list that responded to me.I only had few minutes left then.Just then, my cellphone suddenly 52 continuously.“Ms Lucero, please fetch your money remittanceC匚款)thro

30、ugh.”And one after another, I received different 53 telling me to get the money they sent for my baby.I had the money then in 54 an hour! Not only for the CT Scan but for our immediate 55 during our whole hospital stay! I was so blessed that I got so much and that my baby shall live!语篇解读 本文为记叙文。一位在医

31、院工作的母亲,在自己的孩子患病住院期间,得到了很 多好心人的无私帮助,帮助她渡过了难关,使孩子转危为安。她感恩他人的帮助。41. A.smartB. weakC. naughtyD. humorousK答案UbK解 析I由下文内容可推测,她的孩子非常虚弱(weak)。42. A.admissionB. saleC. freeD. goodsK答案eAK解 析I因为孩子的状况很糟糕,所以三天前我们把他带到我工作的医院住院。admission允许进入。43. A.dangerB. processC. importanceD. gestureK答案工AK解 析U根据第四段中的But it was n

32、ot a simple dehydration判断,我知道脱水的危险(danger) o44. A.stepsB. patientsC. customersD. dealingsK答案F BK解 析I前面提到我在医院上班,同时根据后面的“that we had met”判断,已经有无数这样的病人(patient) 了。45. A.doubtedB. heldC. expectedD. appreciatedK答案X cK解析I 由后文 uEverything about him suddenly became so including his laboratory results.”判断,孩子

33、的情况并不像我预料的(expect)那样只是简单的脱水。46. A.stableB. popularC. impossibleD. uncertainK答案U D二角星析U根据下文 uLife saving devices were already inside our room.可知,孩子的情况不太好,他的一切突然变得如此不确定(uncertain)。47. A.canceledB. suspectedC recoveredD preparedK答案DK解 析U 根据语境可知,是准备(prepared)好了。48. A.successB. survivalC. winningD. tourK

34、答案5BK解析I前面提到了孩子的情况很严重,由此判断,他生存(survival)的可能性很渺茫。49. A.informedB. stressedC. admittedD. criticizedR答案AK解析由语境可知,是通知(inform)我时间提前到了下午3点。50. A.andB. soC. butD. becauseK答案U cK解析前后句子在逻辑上为转折关系,所以用but。B. justD. also51. A.alwaysC. stillK答案UBK解 析I我们刚刚(just)从一个朋友那里借来的,他是我通讯录上回复我的两个人之一。52. A.brokeB. crashedC. s

35、lowedD. rangK答案I DK解 析1由continuously及下文可知,我的手机突然连续不断地响起(ring)。53. A.messagesB. thanksC. previewsD. commentsK答案F AK角翠 析H 由上文 “Ms Lucero, please fetch your money remittance(汇款)through.”可知, 我一个接一个地收到从手机中传递的信息(message)。54. A.as withB. instead ofC. less thanD. more thanR答案U c工解 析U根据上文It would be now only

36、 in an hour.v可知,不到一小时就筹够了钱。55. A.responsesB. needsC. reactionD. environmentK答案eBK解 析I 由语境可知,我不到一小时就筹够了钱,这些钱足以支付CT扫描和我们在医院 期间的需求(need)。第二节(共10小题;每题L5分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dave comes from a rich family.He is a friend of 56.(I). His parents always give him lots of pocket money.But Da

37、ve thinks his parents work very hard and that 57. is not easy for them to make money, so he always tries his best 58.(save) more money.He has some good ways to do it.Dave likes reading and he has lots of books.He tells me he often buys 59.(book) online, because they re less expensive.And when he has

38、 free time, he often goes to bookstores or libraries to do some reading.Dave has a bike.He usually goes to school by bike instead of 60.(take) a bus.Sometimes when it rains or snows, he walks.These two ways help Dave keep 61. (health) and save some money.Dave brings a bottle of water to school every

39、 day.When other students drink juice, he 62. (enjoy) his water.He thinks water is the 63.(cheap) yet the best drink.Some students think Dave is mean.64. Dave doesn t care at all. Our parents almost pay for everything for us.We shouldn t waste money buying things 65. are not needed, “ says Dave.语篇解读

40、本文是记叙文。Dave家虽然很有钱,但是他认为父母工作挣钱不容易,所以总是 想尽方法省钱。56. 答案 1 mineK解 析考查物主代词。a friend of后接名词性物主代词。57. K答案D itK解 析X考查形式主语。it在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。58. K答案H to saveK解 析考查非谓语动词。try one s best to do sth.“尽最大努力做某事。故填to save。59. K答案U booksK解析工 考查名词复数。根据该空后的they可知,此处应用book的复数形式表示泛指。60. K 答案 I takingK解析U考查非谓语动词。inst

41、ead of后接动名词作宾语。61. K 答 案 U healthyK解析I考查词性转换。空格中所填单词在句中作keep的表语,需用health的形容词形式。62. K 答案 U enjoysK解 析I 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。Dave经常这样做,故用一般现在时,主语he为第 三人称单数形式,故填enjoys。63. K 答 案 I cheapestK解析I考查形容词最高级。Dave认为水是最廉价却是最好的饮料。64. K答案 H ButK解析考查连词。有些同学们觉得Dave小气,但Dave毫不在乎。此处为转折关系,故填Buto65. K 答 案 1 that/whichK解 析 考查定语从

42、句。分析句子结构可知,空处指代先行词things,且在从句中作主语, 故填 that/which。第四局部 写作(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(总分值15分)假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic)期间线上教学的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:1 .课程与时间;2 .你的学习状态;3 .你的期待。注意:1 .词数80左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Peter,r m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doin

43、g these days.Best wishes,Yours,Li Hua 【参考范文】Dear Peter,I m so glad to hear from you and know what you ar。doing these days.I m writing to reply to your concern in the previous letter about online learning during COVID-19 epidemic.As is scheduled, we follow the same routine as we usually do at school.

44、However, the way teachers teach differs individually.Science teachers lecture a lot while language teachers encourage involvement.At first, my brain didn t function well enough because of the distractions, such as video games, online chatting and absence of mind.Fortunately, I adapted myself to the

45、changes and gradually caught up.As fbr my expectations, I sincerely hope everyone will stay safe and healthy.I can t wait to see my classmates and teachers when the new semester starts.Best wishes,Yours,Li Hua第二节(总分值25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写的词数应为150左右。Laurie sat quietly in the emp

46、ty dressing room at the ice-skating rink(溜冰场).She had not been skating in any competition since her left knee was badly injured in an accident six months ago.As she waited for her turn to skate, Laurie was very nervous.She knew that today was a very important day in her comeback.“If I can win today,

47、 v she thought, “I can skate in the World Cup next year and then maybeI can make it to the Olympics. ”Laurie was just told that she had a tough competition this year, a girl from Connecticut named Jinny Jordan who was really strong in everything. She is the one you have to beat this year. the coach

48、said.Minutes later, the door opened and Laurie saw a young woman who was about her own age.The young woman dumped some of her belongings onto a chair.The bag fell to the floor with a thud(砰的一声).Laurie felt uncomfortable as she looked at Jinny. So this is my competition, “ thought Laurie. Because of her, I may lose tonight.n“This costume(月艮装)was my mom s idea, “ Jinny started the


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