人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language.docx

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1、Using Language办虞语言基础I .单词拼写sprain vt.扭伤(关节)n.扭伤ankle n.踝;踝关节1. drown vi.& vt.(使)淹死;溺死;浸泡;淹没panic vi.& .(过去式panicked,过去分词panicked)(使)惊慌 n.惊恐;恐慌2. scream vi.& vt.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫n.尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音3. fellow adj.同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的n.男人;家伙;同事;同辈;同类4. diner n.(尤指餐馆的)就餐者choke vi.& vt.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽5. steak n.牛排;肉排1().

2、throat n.咽喉;喉咙11. slap vt.(用手掌)打、拍n.(用手掌)打、拍;拍击声12. fist n.拳;拳头grab vt.抓住;攫取n.抓取;抢夺motion n. 运动;移动13. justify vt.证明有道理;为辩护;是的正当理由welfare n.幸福;福祉;安康;福利14. collapse vi.(突然)倒塌;(因病等)昏倒manual n.使用手册;说明书adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手控的如果你是A型血,没有必要恐慌。这不意味着你会百分之百感染。Shes in a panic about her final exams, because her grad

3、e has been slipping down these days.由于这些天她的成绩一直在下滑,她为期末考试恐慌。Its natural that people will get panic when faced with unknown things.面对未知事物人们会恐慌,这是自然的。l.delay n.延误;耽误(的时间);推迟v.耽误;耽误;推迟;延期After arriving, the ambulance team quickly found Mrs Taylor and without delay gave her oxygen(教材 P53)救援队到达之后,很快就发现了泰

4、勒夫人,然后立刻给她输氧delay doing sth耽误做某事;延缓做某事without delay 毫不拖延;立即There was a tenday delay, in delivering my shoes, which should have been received on April 10.我的鞋递送耽误了十天,本应该是在4月10号收到的。Mr Green slipped on the way and got injured, therefore the meeting was delayed (delay).格林先生在路上滑倒受伤了,因此,会议推迟了。A growing num

5、ber of Olympic teams and athletes called on organizers to delay or cancel the 2020 Summer Olympics.越来越多的奥运代表团和运发动呼吁组织者推迟或取消2020年夏季奥运会。K链接写作U补全句子Without delaycalled to thank her.毫不迟疑,我给她打 表示感谢。3.interrupt vi.& ;打搅此使暂停;使中断Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he h

6、eard someone screaming from another table.(教材 P56)陈伟是北京的一名高中生,当他听到另一张桌子有人在尖叫时,他的晚餐被打断 了。interruption n.才扰;中断without interruption 不间断地K易混辨析Uinterrupt与disturb的用法区别interrupt指“中断;打断;打搅”,主要指打断某人的谈话或活动,使对方停止。disturb指“打搅;搅乱”,侧重于对行为的干扰或干预,或搅乱正常的状态。Sorry to interrupt, but can I make a suggestion?对不起,打断一下,我能提

7、个建议吗?Please do not disturb us when we are working.工作的时候请不要打搅我们。I managed to work for two hours without intermption.我设法连续工作了 两个小 时。Interruptions (interrupt) are one of the worst things to deal with while youre trying to get work done.当你试图完成工作时,被打搅是需要应付的最糟糕的事情之一。4.desperatea力.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的He was now

8、 holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back.(教材 P56)他这会儿正捂住自己的喉咙,脸涨得通红,他绝望的朋友们正在拍打他的后背。be desperate for sth 极想得到;渴望be desperate to do sth 渴望做某事desperately adv.拼命地;绝望地;极严重地;孤注一掷地Stuck in my house, I feel really desperate, but seeing deliver

9、y riders outside my window gives me some hope.被困在家里,我感觉真的很绝望,但从窗外看到了外卖骑手,让我燃起了一丝希 望。If their kids are desperate for the support from them, they ought to be the devoted parents.如果孩子们急需父母的支持,那么父母就应该全身心投入支持孩子。The athletes desperately (desperate) want to go to the games, but they also take care of their

10、 own personal health.运发动们都非常想参加运动会,但他们也很重视自己的身体健康。K链接写作补全句子As the only breadwinner of the family, the father is desperate to get a job.作为家里唯一养家糊口的人,这位父亲迫切想要得到一份工作。5.out of shape健康状况不好;身材走样Sitting for long hours every day in an office for several years, Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of sh

11、ape and decided that she needed to get some exercise.(教材 P58)几年来,南希琼斯每天都要在办公室里坐很长时间,她觉得自己的身体状况越 来越差,于是她决定她需要进行锻炼。(l)in sh叩e在外形上;处于良好状态in good shape 精神或身体状态好;体力好;处于很好的状态in poor shape 身体状况不佳;不像样(2)shape v.形成;塑造shape ones body 塑形What do you do when youre out of shape and you want to get back in shape?

12、当你身体状况不好而想恢复良好状态时,你做什么?The pool was in the shape of a heart.游泳池呈心形。Many of my older customers do yoga to keep/stay in shape in their fifties. 我的许多老顾客在五十多岁时通过做瑜伽来保持身材。K链接写作X翻译句子It is not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives but what we do consistently.不是我们偶尔做的事情塑造了我们的生活,而是我们一直做的事情。Life on

13、 earth takes many shapes.地球上的生物千姿百态。 通关,1. Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.(教材 P56)陈伟是北京的一名高中生, 当他听到另一张桌子有人在尖叫时,他的晚餐被打断了。本句是一个复合句。句中when引导时间状语从句,句中含有一个have sth done 结构。have sb/sth done 使被;某人遭遇can飞have sb doing

14、sth 不容忍/不允许某人做某事have sb do sth让某人做某事have sth to do 有某事要做Actually, I really hope to have my English improved and make some English friends in the summer camp.事实上,我真希望在夏令营提升我的英语并结交一些英国朋友。He cant have the businessman getting (get) away with cheating people.他无法容忍那个商人欺骗人们却逃脱处分。(3)1 have an important meet

15、ing to attend (attend), so I cant go to watch the match with you tonight.我有一个重要的会议要参加,因此,今晚我无法和你去看比赛了。Remember to have some flowers sent to your mom on her birthday.你要记得在你妈妈生日时给她送花。Unfortunately, he had his wallet stolen on the street.不幸的是,他的钱包在街上被偷了。刍学教材要点 BS熟记重要词语I .写出句中加黑词的词性和含义The policeman forc

16、ed the knife from the criminals hand.”夺取1. It helped being able to talk about it.”.改善状况;促进His promise still holds.a适用;有效2. Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity.DV催促,逼 迫IL写出以下词块的含义1. choke on some steak1. choke on some steak被牛排噎住with his face turning red 脸涨得通红2. sla

17、p him on the back 拍打他的后背ten minutes later 十分钟 以后3. . take smaller bites 吃小 口around the world 全世界4. force out the obstruction 将阻塞物强行排出:;练透常用句型I .根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句To solve this problem, in 1974, an American doctor,目的状语 时间状语 主语Heniy Heimlich, cieated the Heimlich manoeuvre,同位语saving thousands of lives

18、around the world.结果状语K尝试翻译为了解决这个问题,美国医生亨利海姆利克于利74年创造了 “海 姆利克急救法”,挽救了世界上成千上万个生命。1. Choking victims usually have only about four minutes主句before they collapse and sometimes die,时间状语从句leaving no time for an ambulance to arrive.结果状语K尝试翻译U窒息患者通常只有四分钟时间就会晕倒,有时会死亡,没有时间等待救护车的到来。II.仿写以下句式It is so easy, in fa

19、ct, that almost anyone can learn how.K尝试仿写 那时我很忙,忙得三天没睡觉。I was so busy at that time that I didnt go to sleep for three days.19. suburb n.郊区;城外membership n.会员身份;全体会员;会员人数II .词汇转换bleeding n.流血;失血f bleed沅.(过去式bled,过去分词bled)流血;失血f blood n.血;血液1. interrupt vi.& .打断;打搅”.使暂停;使中断f interruption n.打断desperate

20、。力.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的f desperation绝望;拼命;铤而走险f desperately ado.绝望地;拼命地;不顾一切地practical 力.切实可行的;实际的;实践的f practice几.实践;练习2. obstruction n.阻碍;堵塞;阻塞物fobs true t阻挠;阻塞;阻碍tight a力.牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的ado.紧紧地;牢固地f tightly adu. 紧紧地;牢固地;紧密地3. foggy 4力.有雾的f fog.雾III.默写短语1. help sb to ones feet帮助某人站起身来face up/down 面朝上(朝下

21、)2. out of shape健康状况不好have a responsibility to do sth 有责任做3. stand by袖手旁观;无动于衷突破话题听说I .听说词汇认知翻译以下词语1. drowning n.溺水2.sprain vt. 扭伤(关节)n. 扭伤3. ankle n. 踝;踝关节poisoning n. 中毒1.1 mperative n. 祈使语气. lean vt, 使斜靠vi.屈身;倾斜. mouthto-mouth rescue breathing口对口人工呼吸.heart attack 心脏病发作n.话题交际表达先背诵后翻译.背诵以下关于“救助溺水者”

22、的语句lay the victim on his backcheck to see if he is breathinglean his head backremove any grass or sand from his mouth(Dperform mouthto-mouth rescue breathingblow air incheck for responseshout for help; call 120lift his chinperform CPRcover his mouthpush down on the centre of his chest1 .补全对话Li Hua:

23、This is Li Hua.I am calling for help(我打 求助).Operator: Whats wrong?Li Hua: An old man got a heart attack, and he has difficulty breathing (他呼吸困 难)now.Operator: Keep calm and give him first aid.I will give you some instructions.Li Hua: OK, I will have a try.Operator: First, you should check to see if

24、there is food in his mouth(检查他嘴里 是否有食物).Li Hua: Nothing.Next?Operator:Lay the victim on his back (让患者平躺着),and then perform CPR.Now push down on the center of his chest(按压他的胸部正中位置).Press down, twice a second.卢孩听力技巧听力微技能关键词句,整体理解注意听短文的首句和首段。文章的开首和开首段,往往是对短文内容的概括,如 讲话目的、主要内容、作者、论点、故事发生的时间、地点及事由等。要注意整 体

25、理解,不要把思维停留在个别没听清楚的词句上,以免影响对后面内容的理解。 还有,表示意义转折、否认和递进的逻辑词和表示时间、数字、年代等概念的数 词往往是非常重要的语言信息。总之,捕捉信息重点是听力测试中的重要一环, 考生要学会抓关键词句,重视对全文的理解。常考的逻辑关系:1. 顺序:first, next, then, after that 和 finally因果:because, so2. 转折:but, however递进:the more, the more3. 让步:despite, although, thoughK典题印证HWhy did Emily move to Toronto

26、?A. To work for a dance school.B - To perform at a dance theater.C. To learn contemporary dance.k 解题思路 I C 由 I decided that 1 really preferred contemporary dance及 So I applied successfully.to attend the program.可知,埃米莉 18 岁的时候确定自己更 喜欢现代舞蹈,而且想成为专业的现代舞蹈演员,就这样她成功地申请到了多伦 多舞蹈剧院的培训工程,因此她搬到了多伦多。uWhy did Emi

27、ly quit dancing?A. She was too old to dance.B. She failed to get a scholarship.C. She lost interest in it.K解题思路HC 由I found that danceso I quit.可知,埃米莉渐渐发现舞蹈 对她来说更像是一种负担而不是乐趣,自己越来越不愿意勉强自己去参加舞蹈表 演了,所以她放弃了。D3 . How does Emily feel about stopping training?A. Shes pleased.B Shes regretful.C. Shes upset.K

28、角星题思路I A K 由 I do miss dance often.go to another training session again. 可知埃米莉确实很怀念以前的跳舞时光,但是想到自己再也不用去参加训练了, 还是很高兴。1K听力原文1W: My name is Emily.I had been a dancer for quite a long time.I started studying ballet when I was six years old.By the time I was nine, I was dancing five days a week.When I was

29、 eighteen, I decided that I really preferred contemporary dance and that I wanted to do it professionally.So I applied successfully for the training program at the School of Toronto Dance Theater, and moved to Toronto to attend the program.That was the period of time I enjoyed most in Toronto.! grad

30、uated on scholarship and danced professionally for ten years.But after all those years, I found that dance was gradually becoming something that felt like more of a burden than a joy.I found myself increasingly unwilling to drag myself to dance performances, so I quit.I do miss dance often.But it ma

31、kes me happy to think that Ill never have to go to another training session again.Ml 教材文本课文注解interrupt/Jnt3TApt/加.& ”.打断;打搅 ”.使暂停;使中断scream/skri:m/况.&.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫n. KCD尖叫;尖锐刺耳 的声音fellow/felau/Q力.同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的.KC X男人;家伙;Kusually pl.l同事;同辈;同类fellow members/workers同一组织的成员/同事diner/dalns(r)/儿KCU (

32、尤指餐馆的)就餐者dine况.进餐,用饭K形似词U dinnern. KC, U3正餐,主餐choke/tjbuk/况.& .(使)窒息;(使)哽咽choke on sth被某物噎住choke with sth因某物/某事而哽咽steaVsteIk/n. KC, Ui 牛排;肉排throat/0raut/?. KC3 咽喉;喉咙a sore throat 咽喉痛desperate/desperst/dW.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的slap/slaep/(用手掌)打、拍n. KCX (用手掌)打、拍;拍击声help sb to ones feet帮助某人站起身来K拓展1与foot相关的其他搭

33、配:struggle to one飞feet挣扎着站起来rise/get to ones feet 站起身来forcev. K熟词生义用力,强行(把移动)force sth out强行将某物排出practical/praektIkl/4/.切实可行的;实际的;实践的practical advice/help/support 实际的建议/帮助/支持in practical terms 具体地说obstruction/abstrAkJh/n. KC, U2 阻碍;堵塞;KCl 障碍物obstruct”.阻挡,阻塞;阻碍fist/flst/n. KCH 拳,拳头make a fist 握拳in+th

34、e+表示身体部位的名词(柔软的部位,如face, stomach等)K联想)1 on+the+表示身体部位的名词(坚硬的部位,如head, shoulder, back 等)by + the+表示身体部位的名词(可牵拉的部位,如hand, arm, ear等)grab/graeb/”.抓住;攫取n. KCU夺取,抢夺tightly/taltli/加.紧紧地;牢固地;紧密地tight/talt/a力.牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的。血.紧紧地;牢固地motion/moqfn/儿 KU, sing.3 运动;移动in motion运动中的face down/up 面朝下/上stand by袖手旁观

35、;无动于衷 justify/SAstlfal/rf证明有道理;为辩护;是的正当理由 welfare/welfea(r)M. KU幸福;福祉;安康;福利 social welfare 社会福利 welfare institutions 福利 机构, 原文呈现Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had hi&dinner interrupted1 K13 when he heard someone screaming 2 from another table. A fellow 3 diner at the restaurant, Zhang T

36、ao, was choking5 on some steak ;.He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping 9 him on the back.KIF画线局部为have sth done结构,表示“使某事被做”,此处过去分词作宾 补,表示被动含义。C Chen wasted no time.He got up and ran to Zhangs table at once.With the help of Zhangs friends, h

37、e was able to help Zhang to his jfeet.Then, standing behind Zhang, Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre.The food was instantly forced out, and Zhang began to breathe again.Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived.The doctors checked Zhang and made sure that he was曳gaLmoife应5yMand/akeK22.K22本句为复合句。before t

38、hey left为before引导的时间状语从句;he eat.bites 为省略了 that的宾语从句,作suggested的宾语,suggested表示“建议”,该宾 语从句中使用了虚拟语气,并省略了 should。A Choking victims usually have only about foui minutes before they collapse and sometimes die, leavingjiojime for an ambulance to arrive K33. To solve this problem, in 1974, an American doct

39、or, Henry Heimlich, created the Heimlich manoeuvre, saving thousands of lives around the world (4IL Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick, practical, and easy.lt is so easy, in fact, that almost anyone can learn how.K33 K4U均为动词一ing形式作结果状语。B If you see someone choking, fiist call the emergency servic

40、es. Then, make sure that the victim is really choking: A choking person cannot speak.Slapping the victims back will often force out the obstruction.If this does not work, you can perform the Heimlich manoeuvre by standing behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist.Make a fist with one hand a

41、nd place it in the upper part of his stomach.Grabbing your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion.Continue doing this until the obstruction is forced out.E Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended, as you may hurt him.Instead, lay the ch

42、ild face down on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body, and then give firm slaps to his upper back until he can breathe again. D With choking victims, eveiy minute counts.You cannot just stand by and do nothing.Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school.Seeing Zhang ch

43、oking, he remained calm and reacted immediately.Chen later said about the incident, “How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing? We are all humans and weall have a responsibility to look after one another5s welfare课文译文北京的高中生陈伟在吃晚餐时突然听到另一张桌子有人尖叫,就停了下来。 餐厅里一位用餐者张涛被牛排噎住了。他这会儿正捂住自己的喉咙,脸涨得通红, 他绝

44、望的朋友们正在拍打他的后背。陈没有浪费时间。他立刻站起来,跑向张涛所在的桌子。在张涛朋友们的帮助下, 他帮助张涛站了起来。然后,陈伟站到张涛身后,实施海姆利克急救法。食物立 刻被强行排了出来,张涛又开始呼吸了。十分钟后,救护车来了。医生们检查了 张涛的身体,确定他没有问题。在离开前,他们建议他吃得更慢一点,更小一 些。窒息受害者通常只有四分钟的时间就会晕倒,有时会死亡,没有时间等待救护车 到来。为了解决这个问题,美国医生亨利海姆利克于1974年创造了 “海姆利 克急救法”,挽救了世界上成千上万个生命。海姆利克急救法实施起来快速、实 用、简单。事实上,这个急救法操作很简单,几乎所有人都能学会。如

45、果你看到有人窒息,首先要拨打应急服务 。然后,确认受害者是真的被噎 住了:被噎住的人说不了话。拍拍患者的后背通常会将阻塞物强行排出。如果这 个方法不管用,你可以站在他的身后,用双臂环抱住他的腰,实施海姆利克急救 法。用一只手握拳,放在他的腹部上方。用另一只手紧握住这个拳头,双手向内 上推压腹部。反复实施,直至阻塞物被强行排出为止。对儿童进行海姆利克式操作法是不提倡的,因为你可能会伤害到他。相反,应让 孩子脸朝下趴在你的膝盖上,头部低于身体其他部位,然后用力拍打其上背,直 到他能再次呼吸。对于窒息受害者来说,每一分钟都很重要。你不能只是袖手旁观,什么也不做。 幸运的是,陈伟在学校里学了如何进行急

46、救。看到张涛被噎住,他保持冷静,并 立即做出反响。陈伟后来谈及这个事件时说:“我有什么理由坐在那儿什么都不 做呢?我们都属于人类大家庭,我们都有责任关心彼此的幸福。”4折核心要点 探究重点难点 , 峋的精讲, ,Lpanic(使)惊慌.惊慌;恐慌的.恐慌的.listen carefully and dont panic.(教材 P55)仔细听,不要惊慌。in a panic 在惊慌中get into a panic 陷入惊,慌panic about/over sth 对某事物感到恐慌(名师提醒I panic是一个不规那么动词,它的过去式和过去分词都写成panicked, 现在分词写成panicking oThe gunfire panicked (panic) the little child.枪炮声让小孩感到恐慌。If you are type A, there is no need to panic.lt does not mean you will be infected 100 percent.


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